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Dattatreya Principle-A wonderful analysis on Dattaguru Tatwa

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Dear Members, Pranams! Jaigurudevadatta! Dattatreya Principle Really, we all are blessed by Lord Dattatreya. Please see, how Dattamaharaj is giving the full information on his tatwa and on his

philosophy. No website is there or No group is there in the world except our group which is sharing the full information on Lord Dattatreya with his leelas. It't not our (Group owner and moderators) greatness, it's only yours. Becos, Dattamaharaj blessed u all sir. Otherwise, no person can't enter into his path without his permission. It's true. With all such power of ur's, we are trying to give more and more information on Lord Dattatreya. So, please use this opporutnity of urs more and more sir. Try to improve your sadhana by reciting his nama japa and try to join and join more number of persons in the group, so that, every new entry of the group will recite the two letters DATTA atleast in their heart. That's more enough sir/madam to accumulate your punya to get the blessings of LOrd Dattatreya. The analysis is....the source person for recitation of datta nama by other persons will also get place in the heart of Lord

Dattatreya. Try to use this greatest opportunity at the earliest. Please read the following information on Lord Dattatreya, the basic information of this Dattatreya Principle was given by Shri Ganapathi Sachidananda Swamiji of Mysore. Pls read this information and digest slowly....u can experience some vibrations in your body like some jerks...some unknown happiness in your heart etc.,,, Pls proceed.... The process of creation has

three aspects, Creation,Sustenance and Destruction. CREATION SUSTANANCE DESTRUCTION Lord Dattatreya demonstrated through His teachings and His way of life, the harmonious relation that exists between creation and sustenance and destruction. He expounded both Dvaita and Advaita philosphies. In the mundane world, He introduced and propagated both Vaidika (ritualistic) and

Avidika(non-ritualistic) paths. He explicated both polity and righteousness in the society.To do so, He took different forms at the same time.He is still alive as a Chiranjeevi (one who lives forever). Lord Dattatreya"s mention can be found in various Upanishads like Shandilya Upanishad and Dattatreya Upanishad. In these Upanishads, there is clear exposition of the oneness of Tattva. Although Lord Dattatreya manifested in human form as the son of sage Atri, in the spiritual level, He is of the form of Tattva Himself. Because He is a Chiranjeevi (one who lives forever), Lord Dattatreya expounds and propagates the teachings as required at different eras in different places and after that particular era ends, He will Himself make modifications in His teachings to suit the next era. Datta Darshana is nothing but the comprehending of the True Principle. That itself is Datta Sakshatkara (intuitive perception, realisation). Spiritual seekers must understandAlmighty appearing in some physical form or in the form of

light is one thing. It is another thing for the Almighty to manifest in the form of the True Principle when the seeker attains realisation. At first, the Trimurtis appeared to Sage Atri in the form of light. Later they appeared in a physical form and still later, gave darshan in the form of an infant. Still Sage Atri did not have the real Sakshatkara (realization of the True Principle). Even when Trhinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara appeared in the form of infants before Anasuya, there was no true realisation. The penance of Sage Atri and Anasuya continued. When Lord Dattatreya manifested for the third time, the Tapas of sage Atri had reached the state of fruition and he was able to see the True Principle now. Therefore, when Datta manifested for the third time, there was no exalted emotion in Sage Atri. Why? Because in this manifestation Sage Atri could realise the True Principle. Therefore, Sage Atri did not show much inclination towards performing

different Samskaras prescribed for a boy. But it was not the case with Anasuya. She had not yet completely understood this incarnation. It was only Atri who knew the reality.Mother Anasuya did not have the intuitive perception of the True Principle. Therefore, Lord Dattatreya decided to demolish the delusion of His mother which was preventing her from comprehending the True Principle. He peeled off His own skin and gave Darshan in the Universal form. This act kindled spiritual awareness in her and soon she too was able to experience the True Principle. She got Datta Sakshatkara. She was no more attached to the physical form of Datta.DATTA DARSHAN: How to differentiate between the darshan in the physical form and true realisation? There is a clear

answer to this question in Dattopanishad – "Sadaa dattohamasmi dattohamasmeeti pratyetat samvadanti ye na te samsaarino bhavanti". It means, "when True Principle of Dattatreya is realised, that person should be able to experience that he himself is Datta! He should become the experience himself". BHAKTA PRAHLADA-DATTATREYA In Srimad Bhagavata, we come across the episode of Prahlada, a great devotee of Lord Vishnu. In his old age, Prahlada experienced dissatisfaction. He

did not have peace of mind. He decided to go on pilgrimage. In the forest, Lord Dattatreya appeared to him in the form of an ascetic and preached him the True Principle. Prahlada was able to experience the True Principle and was freed from misery. This "darshan" was no less significant than the "Narasimha" incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Thus, Prahlada attained peace because of the realisation of True Principle.Appearance of Lord Dattatreya:Lord Dattatreya appears in different forms to Sadhakas in different stages of their spiritual pursuit. He is not opposed to any tradition. He is infact acknowledged as the originator of all traditions. In Lord Dattatreya, there might seem to be some contradictions, but in reality, there are no contradictions. Therefore, we do not find the aspects of curse and war in the incarnation of Dattatreya. He did not show any offence even Jambhasura, who tried to attack Him. He did not

curse Pingala Naga, who out of ignorance insulted Him. Instead, He blessed Pingala Naga.LORD DATTATREYA'S ATTITUDE:Lord Dattatreya"s attitude is this : · Are you an atheist? I will still accept you. · Are you a fugitive? I will still accept you. · Are you a religious fanatic? I will still accept you. Are you a worldly person? I will still accept you.How is this possible?Everyone has some

good quality. Lord Dattatreya concentrates only on such positive qualities. He will never bother about the rest of the qualities. Therefore Lord Dattatreya is able to shower His love and compassion equally on all. When Lord Dattatreya concentrates on the good qualities of a person, His divine energy flows towards that quality and because of this flow, the positive aspect automatically enhances. Gradually the heart of that person will become full with His divine energy. Satvic qualities blossom in the heart of that person and his life will become fragrant and beautiful. This is the speciality in Lord Dattatreya"s method.Transmission of Dattatreya's Divine energy:Lord Dattatreya employs two mediums to transmit His divine energy on the deserving devotees. One is Nada and the other is Yoga. Neither of these paths have barriers of caste, creed and religion or any other man made barriers. They have no language.

Therefore Lord Dattatreya has no limitations.Lord Dattatreya has been present throughout the 24 Yugas. No single treatise can successfully describe His greatness. What is available as Datta Purana today is only a small sample of His methods of dealing with His devotees.Kartaveeryarjuna was one who, despite being in the path of Dharma was unable to give up ego.Parashurama was one who, despite giving up ego, was unable to overcome anger. Pingala Naga was one who, despite realizing that his doubts were trivial, could not remove them completely from

his mind.King Dharmakeerti was one who tried to deceive Lord Dattatreya with fake respect for righteousness.Veda Sharma was one, who despite being knowledgeable, was unable to overcome his attachment for his son.Vishnudatta was one who did not know what desires were!The above examples are sufficient to show the variety in the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya.It is the undercurrent of lack of Samanvaya (understanding) that is manifesting today as wars, acts of terrorism and other dangerous trends. Therefore, Lord Dattatreya" teachings are the suitable answers to the ailing world. Lord Dattatreya does not believe in belittling you. He will accept you in whatever level you are. It is no accident that the incarnation of Lord Dattatreya took place on full moon day. It signifies the wholeness of the incarnation. It was the full moon day of the month of Margashira when Lord Dattatreya incarnated. Lord Krishna has declared in the Bhagavad Gita as "maasaanaam marga sheershoham" (among the months, I am the Margasheersha). The only speciality of the month of Margashira is Dattatreya Jayanti. It is because of the greatness of that day that Lord Krishna has declared that among the months, He is Margasheersha.The day on which the moon and the Mrigashira star come together is the full moon day of the Margashira month. Mrigashira means head of an animal. The full moon day of the Margashira month is a day when the animal tendencies in the head of man are removed. It is Lord Dattatreya who does

this.LORD DATTATREYA'S FORM Symbolic meaning of Lord Dattatreya"s form · The

three heads – symbolic of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara principles · Chakra (disc) – symbolic of time · Conch – symbolic of Nada · These two are the aspects of Vishnu · Trident – symbolic of the Trigunas · Damaru – symbolic of the science of sound. · These two are the aspects of Shiva. · Rosary – symbolic of Yogic energy and prosperity. · Kamandalu (pot) – symbolic of peace. · These tow are the aspects of Brahma. · Cow –

symbolic of Dharma (righteousness) · Dogs – symbolic of the Vedas. · Fig tree – symbolic of

healing powers. In today"s world, no nation can be totally independent of the other. Culture and attitudes of different countries will affect every other country. There is no country or group of people which is not affected by this. In this era of mixed culture and thinking, it is Lord Dattatreya who can extend helping hand to us.Today"s man, with the help of the so called scientific advancement, has polluted the earth, the sea and the space. Not only that, he has also polluted the inner environment of man by befouling behaviour, speech and mind. This six-fold pollution has pushed mankind to the brim of annihilation. In such a dangerous situation, it is only Dattatreya, the Lord with six arms who can save us from the catastrophic end. Vibhur-nityananda sruti-gana-sirovedya-mahimaYato janmadyasya prabhabhavti sa maya-gunavatahSada-dharah satyo jayati purusarthaika-phala-dahSada Dattatreyo viharati muda jnana-laharih"He is the Eternal joy that pervades, the supreme glory amongst all sacred textsHe manifests his attributes through the power of creative actionHe supports all, the One, the True, the one granting the supreme fruit of human lifeDattatreya, the Roamer with Joy intoxicated, the

flood of spiritual knowledge" ll AVADHOOTHA CHINTHAN SHREE GURUDEVDATTA|| Subrahmanyam.Bharathuladatta_gururayasmarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam

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Revered Gurujis & Datta Bandhus, I went to KURWAPUR today as CHITTA star ruled the whole day & it is SRI PADA SRI VALLABHA's birth star.It is said that anyything you do on a day of chitta star,HE is very pleased.It was a wonderful trip.We drove down at 4.30 am & reached there by 8 am.We performed abhishekam to his padukas & RUDRABHISHEKHAM as well.Then we recited the GURU CHARITRA sitting under the 100 years old VATA VRIKSHAM there.The serenity of that place is overwhelming.Since this was my third trip,there is a brown & white coloured dog there that accompanied me everywhere including in the butti !.While performing the abhishekha I could visualise HIS TRIMURTY form on the lingam.It was TRULY AN EXHILRATING EXPERIENCE.Every DATTA BHAKTA MUST pay a visit to this beautiful & serene abode of LORD SRIPADA SRIVALLABHA.-----Fight back spam! Download the Blue


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