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Blast in Hyderabad

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[Members Sorry for deviating from Sree Guru, But I could not hold back sending this Mail to group]


Dear Brothers/ Sisters,


Saturday Hyderabad witnessed a really SAD episode of terrorism & blast @ Lumbini Park & Koti. I felt that really some thing should be done to tackle this...


First let us all pray to Sree Guru for the ascendence of departed souls to higher/ better realms of existance...


We are all just a part of one Organism called Vishvam (as per Purusha Suktam), so we should all try to relieve our body (Vishvam) of disease called terrorism its just not desired but a necessary action otherwise it could even afflict us individually.


We all being responsible (well educated/ good natured/ resposible citizens of world) we should try to devise & contribute the ways to tackle this issue, not just feel bad about what had happened, then naturally we can come-up with good ideas to help our Police & Government to put an End to this Malady.


Some of the things which came up in my mind are....we need a two pronged stratergy -

1) Try to stop religious fanaticism creep into minds of next generation.

2) Annhilate the People responsible for this in our generation...


So how can we do this.....


1) Implement the concept of "Citizen ID" (Not just Voter-ID to identify all the indians. So that we can avoid & stop pilferage of anti-social elements into India. Stop giving accomodation on rent to unkown persons

2) Keep track of all overseas visits/ activities by Citizens.

3) Stop "Malady called Bribe". In india one can get all things for bribe even explosives (so sad...)

4) Co-operate with Police in frisking/ checking operations (Poor Policemen they lead such a stressful life).

5) Increase the Population of Good People (No Family Planning for Good natured People - this can be debated further, but I feel so), that will definetly turn tables on bad people numbers wise.

6) Build a Physically strong Community. (Only Strength gets respect)

7) End to "I-dont-care" attitude, this has really creeped into our lives, we alone are responsible for our fate, even these blasts .


May be these are all childish....our governments should really recruit some hard brains - Psycologists/ Police-Intelligence strategists to End Terorism...and save innocent lives....


Protect Us Sree Guru & Jagadamba

- Sri Sainath J.O.

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Smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam , "Sri Sainath J.O." <srisainath78 wrote:>> [Members Sorry for deviating from Sree Guru, But I could not hold back sending this Mail to group]> > Dear Brothers/ Sisters,> > Saturday Hyderabad witnessed a really SAD episode of terrorism & blast @ Lumbini Park & Koti. I felt that really some thing should be done to tackle this...> > First let us all pray to Sree Guru for the ascendence of departed souls to higher/ better realms of existance...> > We are all just a part of one Organism called Vishvam (as per Purusha Suktam), so we should all try to relieve our body (Vishvam) of disease called terrorism its just not desired but a necessary action otherwise it could even afflict us individually.> > We all being responsible (well educated/ good natured/ resposible citizens of world) we should try to devise & contribute the ways to tackle this issue, not just feel bad about what had happened, then naturally we can come-up with good ideas to help our Police & Government to put an End to this Malady.> > Some of the things which came up in my mind are....we need a two pronged stratergy - > 1) Try to stop religious fanaticism creep into minds of next generation.> 2) Annhilate the People responsible for this in our generation...> > So how can we do this.....> > 1) Implement the concept of "Citizen ID" (Not just Voter-ID to identify all the indians. So that we can avoid & stop pilferage of anti-social elements into India. Stop giving accomodation on rent to unkown persons


There might be scope for mis-use of this citizen ID by our corrupt politicians ranging from bribes to get the ID to rejection of their enemies to enter the nation.Ultimately the nation's security will be in the hands of a few vermin-politicians. Even in America the RealID Act has not become a reality because of terrible intrusion into privacy and the Homeland security taking this as a weapon for military regime.

> 2) Keep track of all overseas visits/ activities by Citizens.

This is no easy task.One may use RFID technology to keep track of the quantity but the quality is a hot potato to handle. Why they are going, for what purpose they go etc, is difficult.

What can be done is to control the flow and implement this on the border of Pakistan and flights to pakistan(either direct or through Dubai--if the ticket has been bought to say Islamabad. But many just stop in Dubai and book a ticket to Islamabad after a few days, so no one can know).

> 3) Stop "Malady called Bribe". In india one can get all things for bribe even explosives (so sad...)

Stopping bribe is a good idea but human psychology is cunning in nature and if not in cash then by some favours or in kind or return favours. But to suggest "stopping bribes" for the sake that "bribes for explosive" might not be exactly the solution for this.

Yes, broadly for the welfare of the nation it is good but not specifically to stop terrorist attack.


> 4) Co-operate with Police in frisking/ checking operations (Poor Policemen they lead such a stressful life).

Co-operation is good but also the Police should be within limits. Some of them(why some many are corrupt) tend to over-do and create unnecssary hassles for passengers or persons being frisked.Iam not dubbing all Police bad though,As you say they are stressed out serving corrupt politicans and facing public anger and also to soothe rowdy elements for the sake of politicians, and every act done against one's conscience creates lot of stress.(not to mention truckload of bad karmas)

> 5) Increase the Population of Good People (No Family Planning for Good natured People - this can be debated further, but I feel so), that will definetly turn tables on bad people numbers wise.


There is no rule that the offsprings of good people will be good people.(Yadavas of the Krishna clan who were cursed by a rishi for their arrogant behavior)

This is a simplistic solution not a simple one(simple solution is an effective and implementable solution whereas a simplistic solution is one where a sweeping generalization is made).

Contrarily there might be a possibility for a good person to be born in a family of evil people(Prahalada)

> 6) Build a Physically strong Community. (Only Strength gets respect)

This is clearly a wrong notion. Physical strength means nothing. A slim and emapciated cunning brahmin by name Chanukya toppled kingdoms whereas a hefty GatotHgaja who was also good was felled.

What is required is spiritual strength., first, then mental and emotional strength next and then finally physical strength.


Do you think the terrorists who planted those bombs in Gokul chat where Rambos or Arnol Schwazneggers? If you think so, then you are influenced by Telugu violent movies!(heavily).They might in all probability be quite slim person with a frail mind to go by.They definitely are cowards.


Dont forget there might have been physically strong people who might been blasted to pieces in the bomb blast.


One must get real always, use logicality also as viveka and vichara is Datta-given too.

> 7) End to "I-dont-care" attitude, this has really creeped into our lives, we alone are responsible for our fate, even these blasts .

You might be wrong here too. there might be true Yogis who dont really care whwat happens to the bomb blasts and live in their own world and let God take care of everything. We think that "what is god doing when these bomb blasts happen?" what about the karmas? What karmas did they do in their past births to have suffered like this, what karmas will these terrorists suffer to have wrought this? why is all this happening? what lessons of karma can i glean from this? How should I pray....these will be right questions to ask.

For right questions you get right answers.


A kneejerk emotional recation seems ok but after a few days everyhting is forgotten and we walk the very same roads doing our jobs which were blasted. One or two days they will divert traffic from the Gokul chat area, will they permanently seal it for this kaliyuga? No, nothing of this sort will happen.

Good times, Bad times and all times pass away.


> > May be these are all childish....our governments should really recruit some hard brains - Psycologists/ Police-Intelligence strategists to End Terorism...and save innocent lives....


This is a vaild point. We must collaborate with police and intelligensia to frame a proper solution.


I appreciate your angst at this tragedy. When I heard about this incident, I prayed to Amba to give peace to the souls who have died in this incident. Let them not "take revenge" against the terrorists in their next birth.I also prayed for the terrorists as they desreve smpathy too. No one really knows what torturs they have to face both during this life and after they die for these henious acts. Do you think Datta will let them go scotfree?

If you think so, you have not understood Dattatreya atall!

Leave everything to the lotus feet of Dattatreya,Srinivas, Iam telling this as your elder brother.Help the bomb victims and bomb blast familes, give them solace. See to it if it is within your capacity to not let this happen again.

And finally pray, pray with your might and mind and soul and heart, you will definitely see the light. Take it from me, you WILL!

May this will keep the flame alive!


Shreeram Balijepalli> > Protect Us Sree Guru & Jagadamba> > - Sri Sainath J.O.> > > > Ready for the edge of your seat? > Check out tonight's top picks on TV. > http://tv./>

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Hi Annaya,


Yes I agree some of points may be debatable, but what I wanted to convey is


1) Our Community needs to grow number-wise : what I feel here is mostly (may be 75%) people with good samskaras will definetly get good children, that way we can outnumber evil, yes there might be exceptions. But say if blood ( or samskaras...) of good people is given to next generation that would be really great !!!. As far as Karma of begetting lot of children is concerned ( my mind is immature here, even I am not married, but Lord wills I want to marry 4 fives and beget 12 Children , not for any material gain ), One who does it "As Sankalpam of Lord" may not have to reap the consequence.


2) Our community needs to be strong : Here we all should not only be mentally/ spiritually but also physically strong (some coward terrorist will think twice before meddling with Strong community) . Even Lord HIMSELF has made yadavas stronger as a first measure of building a strong base for Empire. Now a days lot of evils ( tobacco/ alocohol/ pornography....) has creeped into life of youngsters making them "Nir-Veeryam". We see lot of younsters fall to these evils & end up in Hospitals, of what use they will be to our community? But the other community (from which terrorist come) are very strong/voilent by nature (due to their voilent eating habits).


Frankly there is a lack of proper gurus ( Our Peetadipatis/ Shankaracharyas ) should come forward to guide our community & mould its future. It is their duty to do that...How many hindus know the proper eating habits.....how many parents say go to a gym, they say find a Engg seat first.


Acharyas are here for guiding us as we are their children......when Hindus are killed/ outsmarted/ tortured.... first fault is with Acharyas/ Government (Palakas) and then people....we as naive children may do bad karmas...but as a mother/guru of community it is duty of acharyas to bring us back to track.....


Yes annaya there will be lot of web of karma in these blasts. But we should stop these attacks (even though it involves karma on our part.... we will do it as sankalpam of Lord) .....


Good news is that AP Govt has started anti-terrorist squad. but I feel we all need to contribute to it. I feel may be I should prepare for IAS/ IPS straight away ( Sree Guru do you hear me...will u help me our daddy :-)


Annaya/ Brothers/ Sisters all these are not my words, they are inspired by Sree Guru seated in Lotus of my Heart...


Yes annaya those terrorists are not even cowards they are worse than mad dogs, I agree that they need to bear their karma. But it would be our fault (like Dritharashtra....) if our community sees and forgets this episode thinking terrorists (duryodhana...) will bear his karma. How many of us can think its is my child `s karma if their child dies in blast ???? Are we prepared for that ?


This is a good oppurtunity for us all to evaluate our strength/ weakness and be community of Peace/Strength & Spirituality. (Acharyas come forward.... your community needs U.... With this karma sesham [Runam] you cannot acheive kaivalyam)



Another thing brothers If anyone knows how to perform Pinda Pradhanam for them our group can try to do that (even for people died in Mecca Masjid...)


I know only Lords Sankalpam wins. But hey Tripurambika/ Sree Guru grant us all " Icha Shakthi/ Gnana Shakthi and Kriya Shakthi" to withstand and bounce back from this assualt on our culture and community....


Hey Datta Prabhu, bless these children of yours to be honest and best in all their work...even towards taking care of "Runam of our community" in which we are born....


Annaya another good news is Subramanyam Annaya is expecting a Promotion, may be posted in Hyderabad....


I feel may be this point needs thourouly debated & action plan needs to be made (should be implemented also). If u see statements of polical parties - TDP / BJP / CPM they say its failure of Govt YSR should step down but did these "foolish Political brothers of Mine " think how it will help common ppeople


Hey Sree Guru Make all of us karma yogis not karma sanyasis......


Jai Sree Guru Deva Dattatreya !!!! Jai Guru HrudKamala Vasini Paraambika !!!!!!


- Sri Sainath J.O.


para_anuloma <para_anulomaSmarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 9:16:07 AM[smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam] Re: Blast in Hyderabad



See comments in green...

Smarthrugaami- Dattavaibhavam, "Sri Sainath J.O." <srisainath78@ ...> wrote:>> [Members Sorry for deviating from Sree Guru, But I could not hold back sending this Mail to group]> > Dear Brothers/ Sisters,> > Saturday Hyderabad witnessed a really SAD episode of terrorism & blast @ Lumbini Park & Koti. I felt that really some thing should be done to tackle this...> > First let us all pray to Sree Guru for the ascendence of departed souls to higher/ better realms of existance...> > We are all just a part of one Organism called Vishvam (as per Purusha Suktam), so we should all try to relieve our body (Vishvam) of disease called terrorism its just not desired but a necessary action otherwise it could even afflict us individually.> > We all being responsible (well educated/ good natured/ resposible citizens of world) we should try

to devise & contribute the ways to tackle this issue, not just feel bad about what had happened, then naturally we can come-up with good ideas to help our Police & Government to put an End to this Malady.> > Some of the things which came up in my mind are....we need a two pronged stratergy - > 1) Try to stop religious fanaticism creep into minds of next generation.> 2) Annhilate the People responsible for this in our generation.. .> > So how can we do this.....> > 1) Implement the concept of "Citizen ID" (Not just Voter-ID to identify all the indians. So that we can avoid & stop pilferage of anti-social elements into India. Stop giving accomodation on rent to unkown persons


There might be scope for mis-use of this citizen ID by our corrupt politicians ranging from bribes to get the ID to rejection of their enemies to enter the nation.Ultimately the nation's security will be in the hands of a few vermin-politicians. Even in America the RealID Act has not become a reality because of terrible intrusion into privacy and the Homeland security taking this as a weapon for military regime.

> 2) Keep track of all overseas visits/ activities by Citizens.

This is no easy task.One may use RFID technology to keep track of the quantity but the quality is a hot potato to handle. Why they are going, for what purpose they go etc, is difficult.

What can be done is to control the flow and implement this on the border of Pakistan and flights to pakistan(either direct or through Dubai--if the ticket has been bought to say Islamabad. But many just stop in Dubai and book a ticket to Islamabad after a few days, so no one can know).

> 3) Stop "Malady called Bribe". In india one can get all things for bribe even explosives (so sad...)

Stopping bribe is a good idea but human psychology is cunning in nature and if not in cash then by some favours or in kind or return favours. But to suggest "stopping bribes" for the sake that "bribes for explosive" might not be exactly the solution for this.

Yes, broadly for the welfare of the nation it is good but not specifically to stop terrorist attack.


> 4) Co-operate with Police in frisking/ checking operations (Poor Policemen they lead such a stressful life).

Co-operation is good but also the Police should be within limits. Some of them(why some many are corrupt) tend to over-do and create unnecssary hassles for passengers or persons being frisked.Iam not dubbing all Police bad though,As you say they are stressed out serving corrupt politicans and facing public anger and also to soothe rowdy elements for the sake of politicians, and every act done against one's conscience creates lot of stress.(not to mention truckload of bad karmas)

> 5) Increase the Population of Good People (No Family Planning for Good natured People - this can be debated further, but I feel so), that will definetly turn tables on bad people numbers wise.


There is no rule that the offsprings of good people will be good people.(Yadavas of the Krishna clan who were cursed by a rishi for their arrogant behavior)

This is a simplistic solution not a simple one(simple solution is an effective and implementable solution whereas a simplistic solution is one where a sweeping generalization is made).

Contrarily there might be a possibility for a good person to be born in a family of evil people(Prahalada)

> 6) Build a Physically strong Community. (Only Strength gets respect)

This is clearly a wrong notion. Physical strength means nothing. A slim and emapciated cunning brahmin by name Chanukya toppled kingdoms whereas a hefty GatotHgaja who was also good was felled.

What is required is spiritual strength., first, then mental and emotional strength next and then finally physical strength.


Do you think the terrorists who planted those bombs in Gokul chat where Rambos or Arnol Schwazneggers? If you think so, then you are influenced by Telugu violent movies!(heavily) .They might in all probability be quite slim person with a frail mind to go by.They definitely are cowards.


Dont forget there might have been physically strong people who might been blasted to pieces in the bomb blast.


One must get real always, use logicality also as viveka and vichara is Datta-given too.

> 7) End to "I-dont-care" attitude, this has really creeped into our lives, we alone are responsible for our fate, even these blasts .

You might be wrong here too. there might be true Yogis who dont really care whwat happens to the bomb blasts and live in their own world and let God take care of everything. We think that "what is god doing when these bomb blasts happen?" what about the karmas? What karmas did they do in their past births to have suffered like this, what karmas will these terrorists suffer to have wrought this? why is all this happening? what lessons of karma can i glean from this? How should I pray....these will be right questions to ask.

For right questions you get right answers.


A kneejerk emotional recation seems ok but after a few days everyhting is forgotten and we walk the very same roads doing our jobs which were blasted. One or two days they will divert traffic from the Gokul chat area, will they permanently seal it for this kaliyuga? No, nothing of this sort will happen.

Good times, Bad times and all times pass away.


> > May be these are all childish.... our governments should really recruit some hard brains - Psycologists/ Police-Intelligence strategists to End Terorism...and save innocent lives....


This is a vaild point. We must collaborate with police and intelligensia to frame a proper solution.


I appreciate your angst at this tragedy. When I heard about this incident, I prayed to Amba to give peace to the souls who have died in this incident. Let them not "take revenge" against the terrorists in their next birth.I also prayed for the terrorists as they desreve smpathy too. No one really knows what torturs they have to face both during this life and after they die for these henious acts. Do you think Datta will let them go scotfree?

If you think so, you have not understood Dattatreya atall!

Leave everything to the lotus feet of Dattatreya,Srinivas , Iam telling this as your elder brother.Help the bomb victims and bomb blast familes, give them solace. See to it if it is within your capacity to not let this happen again.

And finally pray, pray with your might and mind and soul and heart, you will definitely see the light. Take it from me, you WILL!

May this will keep the flame alive!


Shreeram Balijepalli> > Protect Us Sree Guru & Jagadamba> > - Sri Sainath J.O.> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Ready for the edge of your seat? > Check out tonight's top picks on TV. > http://tv.. com/>

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Dear Tammudu,

It is very easy to get emotional but to think beforehand is difficult.


Numbers will not do anything and doe snot mean anything. Samskaaras are all ok but things run by karma.And in the name of "Sankalpam for God" we should not do hasty things. This is taking divine law into our own hands.

Strength, I repeat is more do with spirituality and mental aspect than physical. Just think, why do the youngsters of our day watch porno or dirnk alcohol? and why are they "nir-veeryam"? It is becaus eof lack of spiritiual and moral strength.Physical strenght is a mere by-product of a sane mind and heart.

Why would a "coward terrorist" think twice before attacking a "strong community"(which has just physical strength)? Infact, it will make him more coward and make him do a more dastardly act.

The "other community" from which the terrorists come from has also bred peaceful people like Shirdi Sai baba, Shams, Bahaiullah and other spiritual greats. "Violence and physical strength" should never be confused with "real strength", that is where all problems emnate.It then becomes a race to defeat the other physically and will do no good to one's spirituality. There are other intelligent methods to attack this malady.

We need people in a more intelligent pool be it engineers or doctors than people sitting in the gyms and flexing muscles all day long. Ofcourse, I do the dumbells too but it is just a healthy habit not the end of all, I do. Moreover, you yourself are an engineer in Motorola,Just think for once where you would have been if you had been flexing the muscles in gym? You would have cared less for the bombblast and not give these postings.Health and mind should go together.One should not retailiate a slap with a slap.However, this does not mean one should become a fool and encourage adharma.One should use one's intelligence and fell the enemies(both within and without). An army of thousand Rambos can be felled by a single brain.Please note this.

When tackling a terroist problem do not create a "we"(hindus) vs "they"(muslims) issue. It will complicate matters due to its over-simplification. One should attack the mind of the terrorist(who has no religion whether jihad or not).Terrorist main intention is to create "terror" in the mindsof people and work on a weak collective consciousness and thus subvert the rule and create a weak nation.This can be subverted by strong spiritual practices.Flexing the spiritual muscles would do more good. And these need not be delegated to Acharyas and peethadhipathies(who themseleves are behind bars and mired in controversies) but in our own hands and own own minds.

Everyone preparing for IAS and IPS exams wont solve the issue.You again go into the same rut with all the lofty ideals with which you first enter. Life is not cinema where ther emight be happy endings and positive twists.Also, though one might feel very heavy loss when one's child is lost, one still has to come grasp with karma else one ends up in greater suffering thinking of the same thing over and over again and eneter into even clinical depression and suicidal tendencies and this is exactly what the terrorits want--a subversion of the collecgive consicousness.

Subramanyam ji is not being posted to Hyderabad as far as my information goes, though a promotion is in the offing.

No comments on the political issues as I do not side with any party and am a-political.

Your Annayya,


Shreeram Balijepalli



Smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam , "Sri Sainath J.O." <srisainath78 wrote:>> Hi Annaya,> > Yes I agree some of points may be debatable, but what I wanted to convey is> > 1) Our Community needs to grow number-wise : what I feel here is mostly (may be 75%) people with good samskaras will definetly get good children, that way we can outnumber evil, yes there might be exceptions. But say if blood ( or samskaras...) of good people is given to next generation that would be really great !!!. As far as Karma of begetting lot of children is concerned ( my mind is immature here, even I am not married, but Lord wills I want to marry 4 fives and beget 12 Children , not for any material gain ), One who does it "As Sankalpam of Lord" may not have to reap the consequence.> > 2) Our community needs to be strong : Here we all should not only be mentally/ spiritually but also physically strong (some coward terrorist will think twice before meddling with Strong community) . Even Lord HIMSELF has made yadavas stronger as a first measure of building a strong base for Empire. Now a days lot of evils ( tobacco/ alocohol/ pornography....) has creeped into life of youngsters making them "Nir-Veeryam". We see lot of younsters fall to these evils & end up in Hospitals, of what use they will be to our community? But the other community (from which terrorist come) are very strong/voilent by nature (due to their voilent eating habits). > > Frankly there is a lack of proper gurus ( Our Peetadipatis/ Shankaracharyas ) should come forward to guide our community & mould its future. It is their duty to do that...How many hindus know the proper eating habits.....how many parents say go to a gym, they say find a Engg seat first.> > Acharyas are here for guiding us as we are their children......when Hindus are killed/ outsmarted/ tortured.... first fault is with Acharyas/ Government (Palakas) and then people....we as naive children may do bad karmas...but as a mother/guru of community it is duty of acharyas to bring us back to track.....> > Yes annaya there will be lot of web of karma in these blasts. But we should stop these attacks (even though it involves karma on our part.... we will do it as sankalpam of Lord) .....> > Good news is that AP Govt has started anti-terrorist squad. but I feel we all need to contribute to it. I feel may be I should prepare for IAS/ IPS straight away ( Sree Guru do you hear me...will u help me our daddy :-)> > Annaya/ Brothers/ Sisters all these are not my words, they are inspired by Sree Guru seated in Lotus of my Heart...> > Yes annaya those terrorists are not even cowards they are worse than mad dogs, I agree that they need to bear their karma. But it would be our fault (like Dritharashtra....) if our community sees and forgets this episode thinking terrorists (duryodhana...) will bear his karma. How many of us can think its is my child `s karma if their child dies in blast ???? Are we prepared for that ?> > This is a good oppurtunity for us all to evaluate our strength/ weakness and be community of Peace/Strength & Spirituality. (Acharyas come forward.... your community needs U.... With this karma sesham [Runam] you cannot acheive kaivalyam)> > Another thing brothers If anyone knows how to perform Pinda Pradhanam for them our group can try to do that (even for people died in Mecca Masjid...)> > I know only Lords Sankalpam wins. But hey Tripurambika/ Sree Guru grant us all " Icha Shakthi/ Gnana Shakthi and Kriya Shakthi" to withstand and bounce back from this assualt on our culture and community....> > Hey Datta Prabhu, bless these children of yours to be honest and best in all their work...even towards taking care of "Runam of our community" in which we are born....> > Annaya another good news is Subramanyam Annaya is expecting a Promotion, may be posted in Hyderabad....> > I feel may be this point needs thourouly debated & action plan needs to be made (should be implemented also). If u see statements of polical parties - TDP / BJP / CPM they say its failure of Govt YSR should step down but did these "foolish Political brothers of Mine " think how it will help common ppeople> > Hey Sree Guru Make all of us karma yogis not karma sanyasis......> > Jai Sree Guru Deva Dattatreya !!!! Jai Guru HrudKamala Vasini Paraambika !!!!!!> > - Sri Sainath J.O.> > > > para_anuloma para_anuloma Smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam > Wednesday, August 29, 2007 9:16:07 AM> [smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam] Re: Blast in Hyderabad> > See comments in green...> > Smarthrugaami- Dattavaibhavam, "Sri Sainath J.O." <srisainath78@ ...> wrote:> >> > [Members Sorry for deviating from Sree Guru, But I could not hold back sending this Mail to group]> > > > Dear Brothers/ Sisters,> > > > Saturday Hyderabad witnessed a really SAD episode of terrorism & blast @ Lumbini Park & Koti. I felt that really some thing should be done to tackle this...> > > > First let us all pray to Sree Guru for the ascendence of departed souls to higher/ better realms of existance...> > > > We are all just a part of one Organism called Vishvam (as per Purusha Suktam), so we should all try to relieve our body (Vishvam) of disease called terrorism its just not desired but a necessary action otherwise it could even afflict us individually.> > > > We all being responsible (well educated/ good natured/ resposible citizens of world) we should try to devise & contribute the ways to tackle this issue, not just feel bad about what had happened, then naturally we can come-up with good ideas to help our Police & Government to put an End to this Malady.> > > > Some of the things which came up in my mind are....we need a two pronged stratergy - > > 1) Try to stop religious fanaticism creep into minds of next generation.> > 2) Annhilate the People responsible for this in our generation.. .> > > > So how can we do this.....> > > > 1) Implement the concept of "Citizen ID" (Not just Voter-ID to identify all the indians. So that we can avoid & stop pilferage of anti-social elements into India. Stop giving accomodation on rent to unkown persons> > There might be scope for mis-use of this citizen ID by our corrupt politicians ranging from bribes to get the ID to rejection of their enemies to enter the nation.Ultimately the nation's security will be in the hands of a few vermin-politicians. Even in America the RealID Act has not become a reality because of terrible intrusion into privacy and the Homeland security taking this as a weapon for military regime.> > > 2) Keep track of all overseas visits/ activities by Citizens.> This is no easy task.One may use RFID technology to keep track of the quantity but the quality is a hot potato to handle. Why they are going, for what purpose they go etc, is difficult.> What can be done is to control the flow and implement this on the border of Pakistan and flights to pakistan(either direct or through Dubai--if the ticket has been bought to say Islamabad. But many just stop in Dubai and book a ticket to Islamabad after a few days, so no one can know).> > > 3) Stop "Malady called Bribe". In india one can get all things for bribe even explosives (so sad...)> Stopping bribe is a good idea but human psychology is cunning in nature and if not in cash then by some favours or in kind or return favours. But to suggest "stopping bribes" for the sake that "bribes for explosive" might not be exactly the solution for this.> Yes, broadly for the welfare of the nation it is good but not specifically to stop terrorist attack.> > > > 4) Co-operate with Police in frisking/ checking operations (Poor Policemen they lead such a stressful life).> Co-operation is good but also the Police should be within limits. Some of them(why some many are corrupt) tend to over-do and create unnecssary hassles for passengers or persons being frisked.Iam not dubbing all Police bad though,As you say they are stressed out serving corrupt politicans and facing public anger and also to soothe rowdy elements for the sake of politicians, and every act done against one's conscience creates lot of stress.(not to mention truckload of bad karmas)> > > 5) Increase the Population of Good People (No Family Planning for Good natured People - this can be debated further, but I feel so), that will definetly turn tables on bad people numbers wise.> > There is no rule that the offsprings of good people will be good people.(Yadavas of the Krishna clan who were cursed by a rishi for their arrogant behavior)> This is a simplistic solution not a simple one(simple solution is an effective and implementable solution whereas a simplistic solution is one where a sweeping generalization is made).> Contrarily there might be a possibility for a good person to be born in a family of evil people(Prahalada)> > > 6) Build a Physically strong Community. (Only Strength gets respect)> This is clearly a wrong notion. Physical strength means nothing. A slim and emapciated cunning brahmin by name Chanukya toppled kingdoms whereas a hefty GatotHgaja who was also good was felled.> What is required is spiritual strength., first, then mental and emotional strength next and then finally physical strength.> > Do you think the terrorists who planted those bombs in Gokul chat where Rambos or Arnol Schwazneggers? If you think so, then you are influenced by Telugu violent movies!(heavily) .They might in all probability be quite slim person with a frail mind to go by.They definitely are cowards.> > Dont forget there might have been physically strong people who might been blasted to pieces in the bomb blast.> > One must get real always, use logicality also as viveka and vichara is Datta-given too.> > > 7) End to "I-dont-care" attitude, this has really creeped into our lives, we alone are responsible for our fate, even these blasts .> You might be wrong here too. there might be true Yogis who dont really care whwat happens to the bomb blasts and live in their own world and let God take care of everything. We think that "what is god doing when these bomb blasts happen?" what about the karmas? What karmas did they do in their past births to have suffered like this, what karmas will these terrorists suffer to have wrought this? why is all this happening? what lessons of karma can i glean from this? How should I pray....these will be right questions to ask.> For right questions you get right answers.> > A kneejerk emotional recation seems ok but after a few days everyhting is forgotten and we walk the very same roads doing our jobs which were blasted. One or two days they will divert traffic from the Gokul chat area, will they permanently seal it for this kaliyuga? No, nothing of this sort will happen.> Good times, Bad times and all times pass away.> > > > > > May be these are all childish.... our governments should really recruit some hard brains - Psycologists/ Police-Intelligence strategists to End Terorism...and save innocent lives....> > This is a vaild point. We must collaborate with police and intelligensia to frame a proper solution.> > I appreciate your angst at this tragedy. When I heard about this incident, I prayed to Amba to give peace to the souls who have died in this incident. Let them not "take revenge" against the terrorists in their next birth.I also prayed for the terrorists as they desreve smpathy too. No one really knows what torturs they have to face both during this life and after they die for these henious acts. Do you think Datta will let them go scotfree?> If you think so, you have not understood Dattatreya atall!> Leave everything to the lotus feet of Dattatreya,Srinivas , Iam telling this as your elder brother.Help the bomb victims and bomb blast familes, give them solace. See to it if it is within your capacity to not let this happen again.> And finally pray, pray with your might and mind and soul and heart, you will definitely see the light. Take it from me, you WILL!> May this will keep the flame alive!> > Shreeram Balijepalli> > > > Protect Us Sree Guru & Jagadamba> > > > - Sri Sainath J.O.> > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Ready for the edge of your seat? > > Check out tonight's top picks on TV. > > http://tv.. com/> >> > > > > > > Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. > http://searchmarketing./>

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Hi Annaya,


Yes what you said is true, but our only point is to avoid these kind of acts by misguided terrorists. The guidance of Acharyas and Good hearted Elders should/ will guide our community on the path of Shanti/ Dharma/ SathGathi....and always protect us.


May all the people injured in blasts get out of their trauma and lead a normal life. All the people who left us may reach higher realms of existance.


Jaya BrahmAnanda Pradayaka Sree Guru Deva Datta !!!


- Sai.

para_anuloma <para_anulomaSmarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 9:36:02 PM[smarthrugaami-Dattavaibhavam] Re: Blast in Hyderabad


Dear Tammudu,

It is very easy to get emotional but to think beforehand is difficult.




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