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Datta Stavam Bhaje' !

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Dear Datta-Bandhus,


Datta Stava is very popular and important. Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati was instrumental in the spread of this great Mantra. It says in it that Datta can be realized just by remembering Him by constantly repeating the small yet powerful Datta-stava. No Abhisheka, Alankara etc that are needed for other deities are needed for Datta. Datta is so easy to be realized.Datta yearns to help the unassisted and troubled. He removes all dangers and difficulties. He protects you wherever you are. Be it a forest, mountain or river. He resides in Church, Mandir and Masjid. Whether you do prayer or Namaaz or Puja, it is all the same. He is in Koran, He is in Bible. He is in the Puranas. To Such God we pray. He is Vishva Rupi (Universal). Puja is nothing but being harmless to yourself and others. He knows the secrets of the Dharma Shaastras. He gives protection to the needy. He removes the passions and shackles of family. He is the source of true Ananda (Bliss). One has to remember that we have to go back to that true Ananda. Datta gives peace of mind to those in distress. From time immemorial, Datta has been worshipped.

This Datta-stava should not be confused with Datta-Stava-Raja(54 verse litany from Rudrayamala Tantra on Dattatreya worship).


700 year old idol of Lord Dattatreya

The last stanza in the Datta Stava says about the merit of chanting Datta Stava (Jaya labha yashah kaama …). It means that by chanting Datta Stava, one gets victory, gain, Success, name & fame and fulfillment of desires.Whoever chant 9 times everyday for 40days, their desires will be definitely fulfilled with the blessings of Lord Dattatreya. It is 100% true and seen in many more families. Even today the devotees who are residing in foreign countries are also continuously doing this stotra and getting boons from Dattaguru.

This Stava has saved many lives too. People who were in dire financial straits or health conditions have prayed to Lord Dattatreya with this simple verse.

Make it a habit to chant the Datta Stava in your prayer and before taking food.By doing so, you will be blessed by the Guru both in the material and spiritual progress.

There are two different forms of Deities--Anugraha Rupam(Blessing form) and Ugrarupam(Aggressive form). But Dattatreya is a special kind of deity and goes beyond these two forms as Gurutatwa Rupam.He blesses in the form of Guru,Teaches spirituality, provides material comforts and also protects aggressively his devotees in Ugrarupam.




DattaatreyaM MahatmaanaM VaradaM Bhakta VatsalaM Prapanaarti HaraMVande Smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, a Mahatman, whoconfers boons and protects the Devotees and deciples, who removesafflictions immediately of those whoremember Him with faith.Deenabandhum krippa sindhum sarva kaarana karanam sarva rakshakaramvande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, who is a friendof these poor and ignorant, a sea of compassion, cause of all causesand the protector of all who remember Him sincerely.Saranaagata dinaartha paritraana paraayanam Naaraayanam vibhum vandesmartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, who is a shelter ofthe poor and afflicted, and grants deliverance immediately, to thosehaving devotion in Him and remember Him sincerely.Sarvaanartha haram devam sarva mangala mangalam sarvaklesha haramvande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, who is thedestroyer of all useless and harmfull things and the giver of allauspicious objects, the remover of all afflictions of those whoremember Hin sincerely.Brahmanyam dharma tattvajnam bhakta kirti vivardhanam Bhaktabishtapradam vande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, a wellversed one in the Vedas, a knower of the essence of religion, whocauses to increase the fame of his devotees and deciples, and who isthe giver of whaterver is needed by devotees who remember himsincerely.Soshanam Paapapankashya deepanam jnaanatehjasaha taapa prashamanamvande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya who removes theburden of sins of people, lights up the flame of wisdom, calms downdistress and torment of those who remember Him sincerely.Sarvaroga prashamanam sarvapidaa nivaaranam vipaduddharanam vandesmartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya who cures all sicknessand diseases, heals all pain and removes all calamities of those whoremember Him sincerely.Janmasamsaara bandhajnam svarupaananda daayakam nisshreyasa padamvande smartrgami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya who is mostexcellent and liberates from the cycle of life and death in thisworld and who is giver of bliss to those who remember Him sincerely.Jaya Laabha yashyah kaama daatu rdattasya yastavam Bhogamokshapradasyamam prapathet sa krati bhavet!

Those who devotionally recitethis eulogy of Lord Dattatreya regularly and with faith, become wiseand attain victory, fame, fulfilment of all wordly desires andachievements and finaly get liberation from the bondage of life.

Yours Yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli

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Jaya Guru Datta,Thanks for sending this message...i like it pls send me this type of messages Sri Guru Dattapara_anuloma <para_anulomaDatta-Yoga Sent: Friday, 22 August, 2008 6:46:57 PM[Datta-Yoga] Datta Stavam Bhaje' !


Dear Datta-Bandhus,


Datta Stava is very popular and important. Sri Vasudevananda Saraswati was instrumental in the spread of this great Mantra. It says in it that Datta can be realized just by remembering Him by constantly repeating the small yet powerful Datta-stava. No Abhisheka, Alankara etc that are needed for other deities are needed for Datta. Datta is so easy to be realized.Datta yearns to help the unassisted and troubled. He removes all dangers and difficulties. He protects you wherever you are. Be it a forest, mountain or river. He resides in Church, Mandir and Masjid. Whether you do prayer or Namaaz or Puja, it is all the same. He is in Koran, He is in Bible. He is in the Puranas. To Such God we pray. He is Vishva Rupi (Universal). Puja is nothing but being harmless to yourself and others. He knows the secrets of the Dharma Shaastras. He gives protection to the needy. He removes the passions and shackles of

family. He is the source of true Ananda (Bliss). One has to remember that we have to go back to that true Ananda. Datta gives peace of mind to those in distress. From time immemorial, Datta has been worshipped.

This Datta-stava should not be confused with Datta-Stava- Raja(54 verse litany from Rudrayamala Tantra on Dattatreya worship).


700 year old idol of Lord Dattatreya

The last stanza in the Datta Stava says about the merit of chanting Datta Stava (Jaya labha yashah kaama …). It means that by chanting Datta Stava, one gets victory, gain, Success, name & fame and fulfillment of desires.Whoever chant 9 times everyday for 40days, their desires will be definitely fulfilled with the blessings of Lord Dattatreya. It is 100% true and seen in many more families. Even today the devotees who are residing in foreign countries are also continuously doing this stotra and getting boons from Dattaguru.

This Stava has saved many lives too. People who were in dire financial straits or health conditions have prayed to Lord Dattatreya with this simple verse.

Make it a habit to chant the Datta Stava in your prayer and before taking food.By doing so, you will be blessed by the Guru both in the material and spiritual progress.

There are two different forms of Deities--Anugraha Rupam(Blessing form) and Ugrarupam(Aggressiv e form). But Dattatreya is a special kind of deity and goes beyond these two forms as Gurutatwa Rupam.He blesses in the form of Guru,Teaches spirituality, provides material comforts and also protects aggressively his devotees in Ugrarupam.




DattaatreyaM MahatmaanaM VaradaM Bhakta VatsalaM Prapanaarti HaraMVande Smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, a Mahatman, whoconfers boons and protects the Devotees and deciples, who removesafflictions immediately of those whoremember Him with faith.Deenabandhum krippa sindhum sarva kaarana karanam sarva rakshakaramvande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, who is a friendof these poor and ignorant, a sea of compassion, cause of all causesand the protector of all who remember Him sincerely.Saranaagata dinaartha paritraana paraayanam Naaraayanam vibhum vandesmartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, who is a shelter ofthe poor and afflicted, and grants deliverance immediately, to thosehaving devotion in Him and remember Him sincerely.Sarvaanartha haram devam sarva mangala mangalam sarvaklesha haramvande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, who is thedestroyer of all useless and harmfull things and the giver of allauspicious objects, the remover of all afflictions of those whoremember Hin sincerely.Brahmanyam dharma tattvajnam bhakta kirti vivardhanam Bhaktabishtapradam vande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya, a wellversed one in the Vedas, a knower of the essence of religion, whocauses to increase the fame of his devotees and deciples, and who isthe giver of whaterver is needed by devotees who remember himsincerely.Soshanam Paapapankashya deepanam jnaanatehjasaha taapa prashamanamvande smartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya who removes theburden of sins of people, lights up the flame of wisdom, calms downdistress and torment of those who remember Him sincerely.Sarvaroga prashamanam sarvapidaa nivaaranam vipaduddharanam vandesmartrgaami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya who cures all sicknessand diseases, heals all pain and removes all calamities of those whoremember Him sincerely.Janmasamsaara bandhajnam svarupaananda daayakam nisshreyasa padamvande smartrgami sanovatu!

I adore Lord Dattatreya who is mostexcellent and liberates from the cycle of life and death in thisworld and who is giver of bliss to those who remember Him sincerely.Jaya Laabha yashyah kaama daatu rdattasya yastavam Bhogamokshapradasyamam prapathet sa krati bhavet!

Those who devotionally recitethis eulogy of Lord Dattatreya regularly and with faith, become wiseand attain victory, fame, fulfilment of all wordly desires andachievements and finaly get liberation from the bondage of life.

Yours Yogically,

Shreeram Balijepalli



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