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C S Patel Memorial Issue Released - Saptarishis Astrology

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Saptarishis AstrologyVol3 ReleasedDear Friends,This issue is the C S Patel Memorial Issue containing 48 articles equally 424 pages of quality content including Western and Vedic astrology.Late Mr Patels work has been appreciated by students & scholars and he was awarded the Life Time Achievement Award, ACVA, America.Content list in Appendix:RegardsAdminSaptarishis Astrologywww.saptarishisastrology.com ArticleAuthorPage1A C. S. Patel IssueSaptarishis Astrology6

Western Astrology2Lets DateRon Bippus1738 Cardinal: Turning Points, Confrontations & RisksMichele Adler234Playing The Horses AstrologicallyLorraine DiFelice375La Luna (Spanish)Silvia Ceres436The Dramatic Role of Outer PlanetsSesh Venugopal527How Astro-Meteorology WorksKen Paone678Interview with Ken PaoneTricia759Moon: The Receptor of the SunSilvia Ceres8310Profection : USA 2008 Election (Spanish)DiNorah Kitchener9111Obama In Saptarishis Astrology - 1Hant G. X. Heduar IV99Hall of Fame12US Elections (Russian)Constantine Semenov11713US Elections 2008Constantine Semenov127Hall of Fame14Astro GrabbiesRobert Gover13915Grand Cross & Great DepressionsRobert Gover146

Vedic Astrology16My Guru DevUpendra Bhadoriya16317Unique Features of Charts of TwinsKrishnamurthy Seetharama17218Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi -1Saptarishis Astrology17919Gripping of Planets by the NodesBabuBhai Yodh19020KritikaNakshatra in Ravana SamhitaBabban Kumar Singh19621India-Central Asia: Reflections From Astronomy & AstrologyBrijesh Srivastava20622The Truth About GemsAlok Jagawat21123Laghu Parasari -1Satyadev Sharma21624Padma Chakra - 1Pramod Bhavasar220Hall of Fame25Politicians & Mysterious CSP ArcR.G.Krishnan22526The Nostalgic Lanes of C.S.PatelR.G.Krishnan23927Tithi & Nakshatra in Bhavishya PuranaShubhangi Naik245283rd from Dragons Head – A Master KeyThe Kid25129The UnCrowned KingShishya25730Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi -2Saptarishis Astrology27131Marriage AgePVR Rayadu28632Observation on LivelihoodNandakishore Jakatdar29533Thandavamalai-1R.Ramanathan30034C.S.Patel Interview - CVAGary Gomes31835What is Jyotish (Hindi)I.J.Kapani32536Criminal Behavior & AstrologyS.C. Kursija32737Vedic Vastu - 2M.M.Mistry33838Planetary Yogas in AstrologyO.P.Verma34739Simple Rules for 4 step TheorySunil Gondhalekar35440Dnyaneshwari - Chapter 1V.V.Shirvaikar35941Kumaraswamiyam - 2V.Padmanabhan36342Sukar Nadi - 2Saptarishis Astrology Team37143August BlastVilas Deo37944Sri C.S.PatelNarendra Sagar38945Cosmic CanineTricia39146Naisargik Bala or Natural StrengthV.P.Jain40547Al-NajoomAli Muhammad Khan40948MahaPurusha Yoga Bhanga - An AttemptSubramanium Shastry413 www.saptarishisastrology.com

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