Guest guest Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Dear All, Many people from both my spiritual Groups(ambA and dattA) e-mail me regarding their bad habits and how to overcome them.They write in confidentiality and thus,I cannot reveal their names or problems.All I can say is majority suffer from the following problems: Alcoholism Smoking/Usage of Tobacco(Chewing Panparag,Gutkha,Chaini,etc),narcotic drugs,etc Porno addiction(Visiting adult internet sites and relieving themselves) Masturbation(Many young people and even some elderly people) Prostitute addiction(A step beyond Porno addiction) Gambling (rare case:One or two only came with this problem) Gorging on food when depressed(or happy)--Cumplusive Food-eating disorder.(I have seen many women members(chocolate/sweet addictions approaching me with this problem) Cumpulsive shopping disorder(Rare: only 2 or 3 people with this problem) Not eating food atall(cumpulsive non-eating disorder.) Anger(Excessive anger giving to temper and rage tantrums) Excessive sleep and boredom!(Yeah,boredom too becomes an addiction for some and they want to while away their time doing nothing and sleeping and finally enter into psychiatric mode) Panic attacks of fear and anxiety(for no reason) Internet addiction And maybe many more.I was surprised at the range and complexity of problems narrated and those who worked on the lines said by me,were completely relieved of their problems and lead a happy and productive life.Amba Bless! After such sessions with them.I too purify myself,Ground myself daily,take saltwater baths,violetfire energy invocations,prAnic and reiki healing for myself,etc.Even the healer needs to be healed when he tries to help people else lot of negative energy (despite this being a noble job) would accumulate on his aura.But I consider helping people my greatest boon.I do it whenever I have time from my mundane work. So, this Saturday, my posting will concentrate on how to battle all these kuvAsanAs with the help of ambA or Guru dattA.This article needs to be read over many many times to understand and implement what is being said here.You may also pass around this email to people whom you know are suffering from some 'pet-problem'. First I would like to say is that one should not feel guilty or blame oneself too much for such a state.Most of it happens due to past birth kuvAsanas(bad tendencies) continuing this birth too. Actual photo of a father dragging his son addicted to internet and not coming out... Second, one must resort to ambA or guru datta as the case maybe to put an end to the problem.A sankalpA should be made and renewed daily. Just like alcoholic anonymous which runs by the motto: "Just today, I will avoid alcohol" You too must avoid the kuvAsana just for one day. Take each day at a time. For some addictions medical and psychiatric help is needed.Please do not feel embarrassed to go and approach such practitioners. The other day I was reading that Apollo Hospital was curing people of alcohol addiction using AromaTherapy and massages.What a 'fragrant' idea! I also help people with my knowledge in ayurvedA,accupressure and siddhA treatments but generally I direct them to established Holistic medical practitioners. People in the religious fields,especially Hindus, dont know how to handle these properly.If someone goes to them and says "I have a Porno watching habit" They start preaching them and act as if they are shocked and say, "You have a perverted mind.Just dont watch it!" Comeon!- give me a break! Its not so easy!So, these people are either naiive about these things or pure hypocrites who talk high and yet do the reverse in their free time! This is an issue which requires serious consideration and one should not try to sweep the dust beneath the carpet and forget all about it! The following pointers might dramatically change your life.I can even write a book on this subject and am sure it will sell like a mega-national best-seller in all countries! Do not discuss your kuvAsanAs too much(ofcourse you need to confide your problems professionally or spiritually with someone) and make a big mountain from a molehill.Also do not discuss about other people's kuvAsanas then your own negative samskara and vasana will be more difficult to overcome kArmically! However, admit that you have an addiction.Dont justify or rationalize it as something normal.Read up and become knowledgable as to how to overcome it.And take a sankalpA(than me' manah: sankalpamasthu!).You may also join support groups which help in such deaddictions.Dont go it alone.(Help,love of beloved or one's kith and kin helps here greatly) If you find some fault with someone, you must be able to help them concretely.Not find fault and jolly-well go your way! You are earning more bad karmA for yourself and strengthening the knots of your own kukarmA whatever that might be.Example: You abuse a person verbally for his alcoholic problem.You dont have the problem but you abuse the person who has the problem and constantly haraunge him.And suppose you have a problem of getting into temper tantrums with people,then this problem(temper tantrums) would become aggravated. Learn to bless people and proffer positive suggestions for people who are struggling to overcome the negative vasana and samsakara. Feel compassion for them and pray to ambA and dattA. I see that whenever I help people,miraculously my own problems get solved easily. Remember the Negative or mind altering days like amavasaya,Pournami purnima, astami ,navami,shasthi, Tuesdays, Saturdays, malefic nakashtra-days like rAhu and kujA asterism days will trigger these tendencies easily. So be extra-cautious those days.You may take the help of some benevolent and authentic astrologer to fix days which need such caution using your horoscope.Example:If Moon is weak in your horoscope.You need to be cautious on Monday and spend time on meditation.If Sun is weak in your horoscope, take care not to physically exert too much or enter into risky things.Also, reading Aditya hrudayam that day will help. Helping people who have similar problem also helps your own problem,miraculously!Dont have a thinking, "I myself am a drunkard, how can I help people who are addicted to drink?" Open your heart and see.Try it you will know.While you are helping people your heart will form ideas on its own how to help yourself. If there is a slip,dont bother.A Relapse Doesn’t Mean You’ve Been Wasting Your Time.Forgive yourself that day and then make a stronger sankalpA and proceed.For example:You have avoided Porno-watching for 1 month and then suddenly you start surfing again for some sleaze.And you releive yourself that day.Dont under-rate yourself and think or feel bad about yourself.Such slips are common.It is the subconscious pApapurushA trying to assert itself.You must weaken the pApapurushA by a strong and intelligent will and mind-tactics.I use the word intelligent will because the more you say, "NO I WONT...NO I WONT..." The more likely you are capable of doing it. You are not that addiction.Remember this! You have a personality beyond this addiction.AthmA is addiction-free and taintless.Revel in this new-found wisdom. Time,patience and diligence is required to eliminate any negative habits and replace them with productive and good habits.You cannot eliminate darkness,you need to light a match and the darkness goes away on its own.Thus, susbstituting a good habit instead of a bad habit(everytime you get an urge) will work. Stay away physically from the temptation,first.Im not telling you stay away from the addiction right away(No! no one can do it right away!).This is important.If you are addicted to alcohol.Having a Chivas Regal regally before you in the cupboard or a Remy Martin dangling seductively/tempestuously on the bedside wont help! Dont go to pubs,bars,etc.Stay away physically.Maybe you might be tempted in the initial stages to go buy some whisky from a wine shop and drink it somewhere.But keep all the objects of temptation away from your room. Similarly if you are addicted to porn, staying away from such sites,by installing software filters,removing all seductive litreature and pictures from your room,letting in sunlight,etc will help.If it means putting your computer on the kitchen table so you can't hide your porn, or having your spouse password protect your computer so you can't even log in without her knowledge; if it means not turning on the TV or even throwing it out, so be it. Do whatever you have to to stay away.Some alcoholics hold to the rule that they won't go within five miles of those places where they typically would drink. Why? Because if they get close they can't turn away. Similarly to porn addicts, you have to stay far away from the possibility of viewing. Understand that when you get upset these tendencies become stronger. So be Cool about this whole de-addiction thing.Dont become addicted to deaddiction thing! Going out to places where many people frequent like airport, railway/train stations,Theatres,etc where strong smells and negative people's auras emnate will trigger these latent tendencies hidden deep inside.So, the moment you are back.Take a bath(preferbaly add salt water to the bathwater and then take a bath).Then after refreshing yourself light an incense(preferably sandalwood/nAgchampa or champA)and then meditate for 5 minutes and visualize violet fire cleaning you from head to toe and relieving you of negative vibes from people. Understand it takes time and repeated effort to over come in all levels(I will discuss about levels below). Ask for divine help be it ambA or datta.Stick to one deity and offer prayers and chants to that deity.It helps greatly. Amba is your Mother.She loves you.Datta will guide you and He too loves you.They are not just some supernal figures in the photos or litreature who come for only some erudite scholars or upAsakas but who come at the beck and call of people who really need them and who cry out to them. Take continuous vow every day(sometimes in serious cases,three times per day) that you would not do the act Example: I will not watch porno today or I will remain pure today or I will not be angry today or I will speak gently or I will not be addicted to coffee or I will drink Whisky today, etc. Don't give up. No matter what. You keep in your mind and heart the promise to yourself and to your wife and family. You do whatever it takes to remind yourself continually and constantly to overcome this addiction. You don't let go for a day or an hour or a minute. You take it day by day and if necessary minute by minute. Each moment is a re-commitment to heal and overcome your problem. Hold a vision in your soul, in your deepest self. I believe this is a crucial aspect of healing and one that is often overlooked. Our subconscious minds are powerful, VERY powerful. During addiction, the neurochemistry is out of control and overtaking ones sense of decency, care, or morality. (Which ever term fits your paradigm). So, to get your subconscious helping, you take some time every day (or even many times a day) to visualize how it would feel to be free of the addiction. Example: Porno/sexual addictions: You imagine as clearly as possible how beautiful your relationship will be, how loving and intimate your marriage will feel. You picture your wife happy and elated that you find her enough. As you shut your eyes and visualize this, you notice in every detail how you feel knowing you are free from the pain of addiction. You find yourself proud for being strong enough to put it behind you. HOLD THIS IMAGE IN YOUR HEART AND MIND. Pain,frustrations and boredom,etc are part of any happy life.So accept this and try to tackle anxieties in a healthy manner. There are levels to kuvAsanas and addictions which one must be aware: Every kuvAsana/kusamskAra or addiction flows in 5 levels. Intentions which are the imaginations, visualization, feelings, words and actions. That is why the ancient Indians called it as the seeds(bejAni). These intentions need a fertile ground and prop to grow.This is possible in the untrained and weak mind. A mind which is not spiritual. Seed is the kuvAsana/kukarmA and it comes as an intention to do something bad. The mind is the root and the fertile earth put together. Then comes the feeling out of all this.This is termed vedically as the sapling. The words that emnate are the flowers(bad and poisonous flowers albeit).Example: Someone addicted to food.Keeps talking beautifully of food.Someone addicted to alcohol keeps talking(even inside/mentally) about the whisky. From these flowers, the fruits are formed and these are the actual actions. These fruits produce further seeds and so on. So, this is a beautiful metaphor to remember the levels. 1. Seed--the intention 2. Earth and Root--the mind 3. Flowers-- the words 4. Fruits--the action. Your deaddiction of the badhabit must flow from fruits to flowers to earth and root and then finally the seed! Make effort to cut in the action level of the fruit itself.Stop doing it physically as much as possible by staying away from the temptation physically. Then make effort in the words level by stopping the mind from the chitter-chatter.This can be done gently by meditating on something beautiful like ambA or datta. Once these levels are crossed then the higher level of mind,feelings,imaginations,etc which are difficult to deal with can be handled. Finally, when you have totally overcome even this level,then spiritually do the expatiatory rites(prayah:chittAh:) to redeem of this kuvAsana totally.So, the seed won't hurt you again. I quote below one good astrologer in Chennai popularly called as K.B.Gopalakrishnan's advices on this matter: "Try to practice mantra or spiritual practice for that samaskara. Choose a mantra which will overcome the samaskara. Do it every day. For example anger is ohm shanthi, for celibacy hanuman mantra and for jealousy lakshmi mantra. Write it down. This one of the fastest way to over come. Results will be seen. I write in the excel sheet. Take a coach who has mastered that particular samakara. Some people are good in controlling anger then take them as your coach. Take vow three times a day. Like I will not be greedy or angry or over excited or sexual etc. Learn to deal at the earliest. When some one points out your weakness it can be your wife or children or husband learn to thank them instead of criticizing them. Ask them to pray for your help. If you see some one who has mastered that samskara talk to them on their techniques and what they use to recover. For example I learnt on how to lose weight from lot of people who gave wonderful tips. One guy told me do not eat full, one lady told me eat salad which I was not even aware. Learn to appreciate some good quality like humility, kindness which will help you to recognize your negative quality easily. Many people due to thick karma are not aware of their negative tendencies itself. This is due to their actions which minimizes other people’s good quality and exaggerate other people’s negative quality. Reverse it and it will be easier to over come. When you got to temple ask the god or goddess to help you with this bad quality. Keep small vows like for next one hour I will not be upset. Then appreciate yourself. Then keep it for one day. Keep it small and one day at a time. Then keep longer goals like 20 days to thirty days. Do not become arrogant and complacent with success. Keep extending it for longer times. Recovery must be quick. For example if you get angry and take one hour to recover, then make it within ten minutes. For example if you have eaten one mouthful of sweet then stop there and get out of the place. Challenge yourself to do it better. Accept the weakness and do not blame on others. For example if is addicted to coffee ...the hotels are not be blamed but one’s own self. For example someone is hyper sexual then the movies or actress are not be blamed but one’s own self. Avoid people and situations initially. Once you have mastered one level and then go towards people and places which triggers that samskara in you. For example some one mastered eating one level then walk in to sarvana bhavan and come out. For example drinking means move with friends who are drink but do not drink. Appreciate yourself. Do not do it too often one or two times then completely cut off people and places. Then repeat the procedure. Write down time, people and places that trigger the samaskara and try to do affirmations and visualization. For example some one smokes in crisis then need to take affirmation that- I will not smoke in crisis or something like that.You must have a plan for what you should do when terribly tempted by the addiction. When mind wants to blame- Always make the other person action as positive. Some one has crooked you or uses abusive language or tempts in to addictions then thinks they have such ignorance. For example swami Vivekananda went to Chicago. Suddenly his people lost the way and entered in to Brothel Street. Releasing this every one was sorry and wanted to return. Swamiji saw some women calling him for sex with out realizing. He went up to them sat in posture and started crying. He told them in chaste English “ I am sorry that you identify yourself as the body your are divine itself. May the divine master take u away from this ignorance†some of them started crying on hearing the words. If you have doubts on following noble quality. Remember initially there will be losses because your old karma is getting cleaned. For example one person was stingy when he become generous he lost money. the reason is he has to compensate for the bad karma of the past. Read the life of great beings like tukuram who over come his lust because of his love for rama, then the great milarepa who was black magician, killed people but he went on to become the greatest saint of Tibet, the great purandara dasa who was known was holding money back, the great nityananda who went police station to make them leave the murderer, the life of chirst who forgave his enemies in the cross. These saints life is example of sinner becoming saints. When you go to jivan Samadhi of great saints ask for there help and pray sincerely. Remember when one knows what is good and bad that itself is god’s blessing. When you make sincere attempts, then that itself is greater blessing. Millions of people who justify their evil action how ever powerful and rich will be like the ravana and duroyanda. Ravana got killed by lust , duroyanda by his anger and hatred. " Every word is important in this e-mail for those suffering from any addiction. I have given the essence(of reading many many tomes of books) in just this one email. Read it again and again and mull over what has been said. Once the weeds are removed,then a new bountiful spiritual crop can be cultivated and harvested.It is dangerous to cultivate something when weeds are around. Best of luck, Om Shree mAthre' namah:! Jayagurudeva Datta! Mythreya ****************************************************************************** (Email: Mythreya.Mythreya) (Group-owner of Online Spiritual Groups: Amba_vijayam and ) Jaya Sarvamangala! Jaya Raajaraajeshvari! May ambA rAjarAjeshwarI de'vI bless all of us abundantly! Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Answers. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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