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A mortal clarification

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Dear All,


After I gave the posting-of-the-week yesterday.

Someone requesting anonymity asks me thus:

"Should I then deny myself of all mortal pleasures?Should I torture my body in sAdhana.Should I reject my wife and concentrate more on Devi?

Would it be possible to make a list of major virtues and vices which a sAdhaka should know? Please help me as I consider you as ambA's voice not just another soul"

Hmm, the moment I say avoid this,people are fearful inside about their problems.

No, Im not asking you to torture your humanbody.It is most foolish.Body some say is the enemy for sAdhana but this is not true.Body actually aids you in your sAdhana.


You have to take care of it properly in all angles.

Having a union with one's beloved in the form of wife is most divine.This is a virtue not a vice.Let me be clear here.However, here too it must not become an obsession,then it becomes a vice.


Vices and Virtues are subjective considerations not objective ones.You must ask the Athma and Mother to guide here properly.


I can reel out a list of vices and virtues but then would that help you?

You will become either more complacent or more fearful.


Anyways, for serious sAdhakAs,I can reveal such a list.It might help them in their path.

These are not vices but negative qualities which have a propensity to become big vices if left unchecked.


Everyone of us have it in some proportion but when it exceeds a certain limit then it becomes a vice.


Next saturday after you all have absorbed what constitute vices,I will reel out what constitutes virtues(the opposite of these tendencies)


The following is a list in no particular order of importance:


1.DambhA--affectation(not affection but affectation: This means striving after what is not natural and staying in a pretence.Many spiritual people have this quality of DambhA.They pose as if they are great people.They have a certain veshA too on them.Some grwo beards,some wear saffron clothes,etc without understanding the significance or having a need for it.This is to be avoided)


2. ahamkAra--egotism


3. krodhA--anger


4. vyAkulatha--anxiety (Many people are constantly anxious.It is the rust of life.It destroys its brightness.I see normally the moon in their horoscopes really weak)


5. darpA--arrogance


6. lobhA--avarice


7. pishuna--backbiting (If you see 4 'sAdhus' talking together, you can easily infer that they are backbiting against some person or the other!)


8. Athmasthuthi--Boasting (Athmasthuthi Athmahathya eva!--it is equivalent to commiting suicide)


9. utkOcha--Bribery (What is your salary Mr.Prasad? "My salary is Rs.50k but my income-at-office is Rs.75k!!)


10.ChintA,PeedA and AutsukhyA--Cares,worries and being depressed all the time.Some people have faces like they have gulped down a big quart of Castor Oil.One lady in Rochester,USA where I was living had such a gloomy face that to even see her made me gloomy.I even tried to offer help but then understand that she was suffering from AusukhyA due to some kArmic reasons.Such people have everything,yet are gloomy.They should infact, veil themselves in some burkhA(both men and women) and go out,they have this dreadful disease of spreading sadness than joy.People are already troubled with tonnes of worries these days but these people give lot more pain to everyone.This needs treatment and healing.


11. asAvadhAna --carelessness


12. lAlasA--covetousness


13. BheeruthvA--Cowardice


14. kAutilyA--cunning mind


15. vishAdhA--great depression.


16. avishvAsA--diffidence


17. vrithapraibrahmana--dilly-dallying(aimless wandering--and this includes aimless surfing online!)


18. dhUrthathA--dishonesty


19. IrshyA--jealousy(opposite of IrshyA is Hri(Lakshmi devi).Mantras of Lakshmi devi help here....HreeschHa me' lakshmIschapathnou we say in srI sUkthA.


20. dussangA--evil company.


21. bhUthopasargA--fanatiscm(Religion is onething but fanaticism is totally different.The word used here is bhUthopasargA which means bhUtha+upasargA...a demon which has come over you...In Hindi we say...Tum par Bhooth chadi huyi hain...something similar!)


22. AthinavyathA--being too fashionable.(its ok to be fashionable and splurge now and then but to make it an obsession and to always want to wear what the latest fashion models wear would now become slowly a vice)


23. dOshagrAhanam--Fault-finding.It is onething to point out mistakes but yet another thing to constantly harp on the same.If you find some mistake, you owe a responsibility to suggest proper solutions,else keeping one's mouth shut is the best course.


24. Bhaya--Fear (Fear= False evidence appearing real.As a kid I used to write this on a wall and read it again and again and again and again daily till it really ingrained in my mind.Totally)


25. chalachitthA--ficklemindedness


26. chalanachitra-darshanam--Going to movies often!(Some students staying in hostels go to minimum 2 to 3 films per week! Earlier in a year hardly they would have watched 3 or 4 films but with the new found freedom and proliferation of movies online, people these days are getting addicted to films and this includes Youtube.com and such sites!)


27. Vismruthi--forgetfulness


28. dyUthA--gambling.(I know one guy who was working in an Indian software company.We were staying in Toronto that time.We went to Niagara falls and instead of enjoying the scenery there.He went to the local Casino and blew away his month's salary right before my eyes.He also urged me to play! I excused myself as I could not stand the vulgar display and throwing away of money.The vibrations in that place reeked of sex,money,alcohol and tobacco.And so came out.He came out crying that he had to send money for his poor mother's hospitalization and took loan from one another friend and me for this!)


29. lObhA--Greed.Greed is not good.(Stock-marketers beware!)


30. dvE'shA--Hatred


31. dhArmika-chAla--religious hypocrisy--Many claim as Gurus and they cheat people.So, if anyone comes behind me as a shishyA, for most parts I run! Hahaha! I dont want to be trapped by this dhArmikachAlatwam!


32. AlAsyA--idleness(This is not to be confused with AlasyA which means delay of time.Though etymologically closely related) and indolence.


33. asuddha-Ahara--Impure food.This also involves eating in McDonalds and such fastfood centres unhealthy(bad vibrations emnate) food!


34. asthirathA--Inconstancy.This is a close relative of ficklemindedness


35. anischaya--indecision.


36. tamasA--inertia


37. Heena bhAva--inferiority complex


38. asahanam--intolerance.


39. anirdhAra--irresolution(lack of firmness of purpose)


40. athibhAshanam--excessive talk--Jilly-jallying


41. manOrAgnyA--building castles in air and day dreaming constantly!


42. Kshoudram--evil mindedness(harming others purposively)


43. mAmsabhakshanam--meat eating


44. kripanathA--miserliness


45. hatha--obstinacy--being pigheaded about things foolishly


46. andhavishvAsa--over-credulousness


47. rAga--passion


48. nirAsavAdhA--pessimism.(Avoid pessimistic people like plague)


49. alpachOuryA(pilfering habit.Stealing small things)


50. avichArapUrva pakshapAtha(prejudice)


51. nAitika garvA--moral pride


52. AdhyAthmika garvA--spiritual pride


53. vilambanam--procrastination


54. athivyaya--prodigality


55. prathIkAra--prathirOhA--revenge mentality


56. dhrishtata--rudeness


57. ahampratyaya--self assertion too much(athmaslAghanam,ahamtA)


58. svAbhimAna--self conceit


59. AthmaprathipAdhanam--self-justification.


60. svarthaparathA--selfishness


61. alambuddhi--self-sufficiency with a sense of idiotic complacency and not wanting to aim higher in spirituality


62. vikshepA--shilly-shallying


63. lajja--shyness


64. sankhA--suspicion


65. duss-kathApatanam--tale bearing.Gossiping too much against someone..


66. vishvAsagAtha--treachery


67. athivachanam--discussing too much about something(villyvallying)


68.dhUmrapAna sevanam--smoking


69. madhupAnasevanam--drinking.


69. lObhikaranabhunjanam--gluttony


70. hasthamAithunyam--mastrubation.


71. kumAithunyam--immoral sex.


72. kutArkikam--talking excessive logicality when being adviced.


73. duss-vachanam--talking abusively,slang words,etc.


74. dusskAmam--excessive lust and ogling with bad intentions.


See! so many vices are there,I can many many more but this will do for now here! Let us burn all these away from our lives and bring virtues into our lives!


May jagadambikA bless you all and help you in the battle to fight these internal enemies.

Yours Yogically,





(Email: Mythreya.Mythreya)

(Group-owner of Online Spiritual Groups:

Amba_vijayam and )

Jaya Sarvamangala! Jaya Raajaraajeshvari!

May ambA rAjarAjeshwarI de'vI bless all of us abundantly!





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