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Dear XYZ(Name withheld),


I wanted to tell you something.This e-mail is on a serious note,not my usual tounge-in-cheek or rattling-funny-bone kind.




Avvaiyar has said: 'aridhu aridhu manidhanAi pirappadhu aridhu'

It is very rare that you have gotten this human frame and, withal,this knowledge we read and know on a vAchikA level, we commit sins on a mAnaseeka,kartha and Athmic levels.


After becoming a pUrnadeekshithA you must not indulge in hastha-mAithunya(masturbation),this is not pleasing to ambA.I have to clarify this lest you get a wrong message from my jovial messages/emails that Im cool with such things.


Joviality,fun,pranks,jokes,etc is onething but serious issues like sins,pravruthI,upAsana-dharmA is yet another thing.


janthUnAm narajanmam durlabham.


If you have touched your genitals with a sexual intention being a s'rIvidhya-pUrnadeekshithA,then it would amount to a gross karmA/pApa as far as srIvidhya upAsana vidhi is concerned.


That is why I said,normally an incubatory period is given wherein the disciple is tested heavily.My gurunAtha keeps various tests.He even used to come in the form of beautiful strumpets to lure His younger disciples and test their mettle,such is the power of a really high s'rIvidhyA adept.


Incubation does not mean mere waiting for a few years and doing many rounds of panchadasI and shodasI.It means an inner resolve in the upAsaka and the amount of shraddhA the upAsaka has to determine whether He/She is eligible for the exigencies of the next spiritual level.Else, it will turn up as in the case of Nithyananda Swami of Thiruvannamalai.He was doing good in upAsana very early in age but the moment he got fame,name,etc.He started discoursing a lot(frittering away energy),getting lot of ego(doing make-up before discourses,shouting at people,etc),stopped his yogic practices(learnt from his mother),fell in the deep ditch of samsAra and had sex with one and all who came to him.Finally,now you know his fate and what was going on in his ashram.This despite my Mother rAjarAjesvarI behind Him!(ambA is sweet and motherly but does not side with such people)


pUrnadeekshithA means,one who is with ambA and ambA verily.

The moment such acts are committed,then it shows that the maturity level of the upAsaka is not high and that the initiation has been given perfunctorily,despite all the mantrAs,khumbArchana vidhi,samskArAs,technicalities of waiting.Atleast you have been honest with me.


Please do not misunderstand me.Im your friend first and should not misguide you by smiling always and rattling the funny bone.


So, first control those impulses if you want to lead a srIvidhya-baddha mArga.If you marga is of a worldly kind,you can ignore this email and then concentrate on your material life fully,marry and consummate such feelings,I guess.


Please also note without spiritual transmutational techniques,repressing sexuality is bad.It just creates psychotic conditions.


You transmute sexual feelings to a higher level not repress or supress it.




The best way to control this is by prAnAyama(atleast 20 times apart from the sandhyAvandanA regimen),this sucks the ojas into Urdhvaretas and places it in the subtle sushUmna-nAdi canal on an upaward mode.Don't over-do it,learn properly the pUraka-KhumbhakA-rechaka sequence and do it with pUrnagAyatri.This way even night-fall is avoided,trust me!(The scientists and sexologists,dont know what is the power of prAnAyama;I say that nightfall and all is common for normal humans but not for people who do prAnAyama regularly,their life-prAnic-energy is controlled.Some people argue with me but then I dont argue or suffer such fools.This is precisely the reaosn why I avoid people.)




Who is an AsthikA(believer)? Is it one who believes in the existence of God?


sandhigdhe' thu pare' lOke' na kAryamashubham budhAhi

asthi chennAsthi no hAnih: nAsthi che'nnAsthikO hathah:


AsthikA believes in the existence of a para-lokA and karmA.He or she believes in the existence of births and reincarnations.That is, in the world -paralOkA wherein merits are rewarded and punishments are meted out for bad actions in the living and the pretha-lOkA.


Some say that this very life is the heaven and hell and all such assorted kibosh.Its good to hear but I deem it as mere claptrap and know that hell-planes exist verily for sins committed both in this lokA and para-lOkA.I have seen it personally during my kundalinI dhyAna how souls are suffering in various hell-planes for sins committed in various births.


One who does not believe in this is called a nAsthikA(nAthiggan as the tamizhAs call).


Thus,if someone says to you,"Do not go this way, riots are taking place two blocks ahead."


You have two options

1. Not believe in the person informing you thus.




2. Trying a different route,which might give some discomfiture initially but save lot of trouble lateron.


The path of AsthikA is like that.

When I give prAyaschitthAs for astrological consultations or any simple query,I see that people take it for granted.They dont do it or rationalize that they don't need to do it or complain to me that its a long-list.Ultimately,they would be the sufferers not me.


I sometimes support people and encourage them to not sound strict or condescending on them and also to liven up their spirits,but this levity,my jokes,my fun should not be at the cost of their real spirituality and thus again warn them with emails(in equal periodicity) once a good rapport is created.


What do I get by all this?

Guidance from ambA.


When I guide people properly,the parAmbikA guides me properly!

I do not claim any Guruhood.I direct one and all to my Guru.I for most part dont talk with anyone and rarely do I meet anyone too.You know that very well.


Even if I try my best,there might be some mistakes.I myself might make mistakes in dharmA or upAsana sometimes.Im very honest here.I myself might have mOhA(attachment) to my baby-kids and wife sometimes,I myself might be attracted to money and comforts sometimes seeing my family's economic distress,I myself might be attracted sexually to my wife sometimes,I myself might be jealous of an advanced upAsaka sometimes,I myself might also have the defect sometimes of getting angry fast(and cooling down fast too),etc...So,I too need guidance,a monitoring system...it is onething to read texts but to practice them and not be misled,one must seek the padmapAda of one's gurunAtha and Goddess.


I myself am not perfect but my advices are good,if religiously followed as these have come from higher sources and holy scriptures too.It also has my own experience in it in good measure for a modern day youngster like you or me.





So what do you do now?


prAyah: pApmithi prOktham chittham tasya vinAshanam.


prAyaschitthA means the destruction of pApa or the effects of bad deeds.


Most cases the effects of pUrvajanmavAsanAs predominate.


sarvaprAyachittham is of 4 different kinds depending on the maginitude of sins/bad deeds done.






12 Abdakruchrams

6 Abdakruchrams

2 Abdakruchrams


1 Abdakruchram


Kruchram means being harsh with the body(sort of self-inflicted punishment).

Normally body is the temple of god and one should go easy with it is all talk of the philistines.They dont know the effects of karmA.However,one must not be too harsh with the body too.




The kruchrams can be prajApthyam,chAndrIyAnam,sandeepane',thaptham,etc.


Among this prajApthyam is to be followed by you to destroy the effect of bad deeds of this life-birth{including brUnahathyA(abortion)}.


Those who want to get rid of all previous birth sins,brahmahathyA,etc must perform the prajApthya Kruchrams 360 times.


There are rules to all these and calculations on the types of fasting,what to do during those fastings,etc.




If performing this is hard,then you must do the minimum 20 times prAnAyama with pUrnagayathrI(Sandhyavandana not the panchadasi yuktha turiyA kind) daily after sandhyA and recite the gayatri mantrA 1008 times each day performing morning sandhyAvandanam for 10 days unbroken(avichhinA) time(amounting to 10,000 times).

This must be done with a sankalpA of doing it in lieu of Kruchrams and must be stated so.


You may also do a thilahOmA 1008 times with HupAsanAgni by chanting gayatrI 1008 times using blacktil-oil(this you may do for 6 sundays as I mentioned before)


pavamAna sUktha pArayana,rudram,vishnu sahasranAma pArayana,etc can be done additionally to purify onself and weaken durvAsanAs inside.


Also, bathing ina holy rivers like Ganga,Cauvery,Godavari,Thungabahdra,Thamraparani,etc 12 times in the proper manner(keeping head dry after each bath) is also equivalent of one Kruchram if done with a penitentiary mind and invoking pardon(not otherwise).


Even in the case of death of a beloved one,the aparakarmA being done by the karthA can include this sarvaprAyaschittha on behalf of the departing soul if some sins have been committed by the soul.

"mama pithuh: samastha pApakshayArtham ekam kAverI(or gOdAvari) snAnam twam kuru(or aham karishyAmi if chanted by the karthA)"

By reciting the mantrA above,the son dips in Cauvery/Godavary to relieve the sins of his departed father.




Finally if all this cannot be performed then one may bring home,thapaswis,sAdhakas(not frauds like Nithyananda or Premananda),mahAns,etc and get their blessings,atleast some amount of sins are washed away.


I myself am not pure and am in a constant learning(an 'eternal student' as I describe myself) and ameliorative stage but wanted to share this with you.


My best wishes for your spiritual journey.



Yours Yogically,





(Email: Mythreya.Mythreya)

(Group-owner of Online Spiritual Groups:

Amba_vijayam and )

Jaya Sarvamangala! Jaya Raajaraajeshvari!

May ambA rAjarAjeshwarI de'vI bless all of us abundantly!



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