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prajApathya Kruchram

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Dear XYZ(Name withheld),


Thankyou for the photos and the clippings,Bro.They are great and it is a blessing to see those.




It is for auspicious events like marriage,upanayanA,etc that good dates are seen.

For prayaschittha karmAs good dates need not be seen.It is started the moment you truly start repenting inside yourself.


This is not something technical like:

I have some viruses in my system,so I will run an Anti-virus program as per schedules after I finish my word document and clean my system and also my registry.


No,this "virus" will damage-destory-decimate your spiritual system easily.

Suppose you slap your friend and feel bad, will you say to him,"Dude, I slapped you but I will say sorry on wednesday during amrita-ghadiyam.Because now the time is not auspicious"

Repentance must be spontaneous and must surge from your heart instantly.prAyaschitta karmAs are not somethign technical or ritualistic alone,they must become a spontaneous activity to lead you to higher spiritual states.



The lower-self asserts itself strongly in devious ways.

There is a constant fight between your lower-self and higher-self and for most parts the lower-self easily asserts.


Lower-self starts with language.It seeks to evade.

Look at it psychologically.You are even evading the fact that there is masturbative tendencies inside you still.It is very plain to me by your repetitive usage of the archiac word Onanism rather than a simple masturbation.


Whether you call an act "murder" or "a gentle placement of a knife in the intestines using optimal force to destablize and annihilate the victim" it all means the same to the victim.The victim of the stab endures pain,curses you and dies!


Similarly, flowery and high language,evasiveness inside yourself,rationalizations,technicalities,etc will not work.Being simple will work.

God/ambA sees your simplicity,honesty and sincerity and rewards it.


Till now you have not started the gayatrI hOmA quoting the chathushpAtra and the vAdiyAr reason.These are mere technicalities which can be verified later and augmented.




gayatrI hOmA can be done even in a simple fashion like samidhAdhAnam.

The mantra-AhuthI is important.


By now, a repentent person would have started it with full vigour atleast by learning from some priest(any temple priest knows some basic hOmAchArA) a basic procedure.Also, these priests themselves,these days,follow books!


The book which I referred to is available in Bhavani and Giri trading centre and since you already are aware of some procedures,I thought you can just read that and augment your knowledge a bit and start right-off.


This is not an AbhichAra prayOgA or a beeja mantrA which you are learning nefariously from a text.This is a simple procedure of hOmAchArA.Also,the book was written by some vAdhiyAr.Infact,he would take much care to write down everything,proof-read it,etc to come out with a good book.


You could have easily purchased the book,perused it(you could have revised your knowledg of jayAdi and chathushpAtra prayOgA in the book referred by me or peruse some books in the bookstall and see the best one),simplified it,asked some help from knowledgeable people regarding some doubts(rather than asking them to help you out and out with the full procedure--though some are willing to help) and then continued the same.Im not against spiritual books but just that Im against self-initiations using the mantrAs in the books.


All this requires what is called "tapanAgni"(an Athmic fire needed for penance).

Just sincere feelings,reading a few books/websites about great people,feelings of euphoria alone will not do.tapanAgni should be cultivated and this comes by eradicating lethargy and procrastination,sat-sAnghathyam,svAdhyAya,sAdhana and other noble spiritual virtues.

Rest, I leave it to your good godself to decide.





I had once given some information about prAnAyama in a sandhyAvandana discussion,please peruse it.




one prAnAyAma avruthi is thus:


Star with your left nostril


pUrakA(inhalation):4 counts:imagine a white light going in anti-clockwise direction in your brain energizing every cell.

Khumbhaka:12 counts: while the white light is moving inside your brain, chant the gAyatri mantrA as you do in sandhyAvandana for prAnAyama: "Om Bhuhu...brahma BhURbhuvaswarOm"(chant this 3 times fast without opening your mouth)

Then after chanting thus fully release fully and completely in the re'chakA stage.

Then do similarly starting with right nostril,and then again with the left nostril.


This completes one Avruthi.(3 x 3 =9 times the prAnAyama gAyatri mantrA)


Like this you need to do 20 Avruthis of prAnayama with a sankalpA to cleanse your sins of 'onanism'.This you must do after your sandhyA,with a sankalpA: "Mama upAtha...mama kAmakalmashAni-hasthamAithunya pApa kshayArtham sankalpe' viniyOgahA"


This must be done for 10 days.

or can be continued life-long too to keep you dazzingly pure.


prAnAyama not only cleanses the veeryA(vital essence in semen) but also absorbs the excess energy to prevent even nightfall by making this go up in Urdhvare'tas.


All these subtlities are not known by "scientists" and "sexologists",so dont mind their constant ignorant harpings about repression/suppresion/oppression and other "-sions".They have their business to conduct.If everyone catches their nose in prAnAyama they go out of business!






Daily morning you may partake panchagavyam for shuddhi.

goksheeram(cows milk),godadhi(curd made out of cow's milk),gO-ghritham(Cow's ghee),gomayam(a little quantity of pure cow'sdung taken from a healthy cow before it falls to the ground),gomutram(cow's urine--similarly as gOmayam).





Keep all the five items in seperate cups and do sankalpam as

"panchagavya sammelanam karishyAmi"


Pour gomUthram into a large vessel chanting the gayatri mantrA.

In the same vessel add gOmayam chanting the mantrA gandha-dhwAra

Add milk chanting "AapyAsva-samethu the..."

Add the curd chanting "dadhikrAvunnO/dadhikrAvannah: ..."

Add ghee chanting "shukramasi"

finally add water(shuddha jala-preferably the ganges water sold in packets in religious-wares shops) in which dharbA grass was soaked chanting the mantrA "devasyathvA..."


Please note that all these items are to be added to the same large vessel.

If you are aware of all the above mantrAs,then you may chant pranavA or gayatrI and pour all the ingredients into the same vessel.


The ratio is thus:

Cows urine must be twice the quantity as of cow's dung

Ghee 4 times the quantity as of Cow's urine

Curd 5 times the quantity of ghee

Milk 8 times the quantity of curd

(gOmayAth dwigunam mUtram mUtrAthsarpihichaturgunam,

dhAdhi panchagunam prOktham ksheeram ashta gunam thathA)


You can use this for consecrating Lord shivA or other Gods.This would earn lot of virtue and also cleanse you.


The mantrA for consuming panchagavyA is


yath thwak asthigatham pApam dehe thishtathi mAmke'

prAshanam panchagavyasya dahatvagnirive'dhanam.


preparing panchagavyA yourself by the supra-mentioned procedure and consuming it on empty stomach in the brAhmi muhurthA daily and then doing the sandhyAvandana will clean all the "virus" in your brain affecting your spirituality.(Releases you from your current birth sins in a month)


Procuring panchagavyA from a vAdhiyAr or priest who has done the panchagavyA ritualitic mixing properly and then energizing further by holding it in hands and chanting gAyatri mantrA and visualizing neelalOhithAgni further would energize the panchagavyA mixture.

This is the second best option.(Releases you from your current birth sins in 6 months)


Buying it from a shop and energizing as mentioned above is the third best option.

(Releases you from your current birth sins in a year)


Forget about westerners who make fun of Hindus who consume panchagavyA.They do worst activities,for which they should be ashamed of.And this is not something bad or unhygenic for your health,provided you take the precaution of choosing a healthy cow in clean surroundings(you may try the local ISCKON centre for this,they are doing excellent service in this regard).Also studies in Gujarath Universities have come about with stunning health facts (positive ones) about panchagavyA,which people carefully choose to ignore.


The merit of this is to remove sins done by body.



However, unlike a computer virus,which can be cleaned again and again.(There is danger in anaoligies,metphors and parables that people take it seriously and literally)


The moment you clean this "spiritual-virus", you need to be careful not to repeat it again.This is true repentence.








(For those who dont have gayatri mantrA initiation,you may procure it from your gurunAthar or a yOgi of attainment.One can also learn sandhyAvandana from one's guru and even if one does not have a gothrA or pravara,the pravara and gOthra of the guru becomes the gOthra of the shishyA(this has the sanction of vedas).Thus,sandhyAvandana and gayatrI is not an exclusive domain of brahmin-borns alone.)


sahasra-gAyatri can be done as an avicchina-anusthAnam(unbroken) for 10 days or can be done daily as per your time and convenience.This further erodes the vAsanas lyign beneath the sins which makes you do those again and again despite tremendous self-control.




You asked me about prajApathya kruchchram.


If one wants to get rid of the effects of bad deeds (except panchamahApAthakAs--very bad deeds and ghOrapApas--extremely sinful deeds),done in the current life time,then one performs what is known as Abdakruchram which is equivalent to 30 prajApathya kruchrams.



(Body is the temple of God,no doubt but even this "temple" needs cleaning and fasting is the best way to clean and detoxify one's body.However,one's health and other suitable considerations must be seen before fasting)


What is prajApathya kruchram?


It is nothing but simple(well not so simple for many) food restrictions.

First of all, it goes without saying that the person must be a vegetarian and tee-totaller.


1. For the first 3 days,food should be taken only during the day time and fasting during night time.Night time can be spent by you chanting lalithA sahasranAma.

fully twice.


2. For the next 3 days,taking food only at nights and fasting during the day time.Similarly lalithA-sahasranAma(since you have been initiated into panchadasi else vishnu sahasranAma is generally chanted) can be chanted twice.


3. The next three days, to eat only whatever one can get by oneself without asking for it from anyone else,without eating what the family members give,without buying any food with money.Now, this means,in olden times,they used to go to the forest or the like and eat what was available in the form of fruits.{When I did it in Chennai,when I first came to know about this procedure...You dont know how hungry I was...I just plucked grass from a local park,some Drumstick leaves I could find and then cleaned it well,boiled it and ate it(without salt as salt had to be asked from my mother)}.If you are lucky,you meet friend and he offers you to take to a hotel and eat some dosas or the like,you should not say "No",rather accept it as divien will and consume the same.This is no sin and a breakage of the kruchra vrathA.Just you must sure that the friend is not 'pre-informed' by your household people about your vrathA and he is doing it out of compassion

for you.Sometimes a friend might act innocent,so you must explain to him the significance of this and say to him that if he is doing it out of his own volition then its ok but if he has been pre-informed by someone and then acting upon it and not informing you about the same,then he gets the sin.Im sure, when you mention about sins people would become defensive.The best is to inform the hosuehold about all this and do this vrathA secretively to not be derided or mocked at by people.


4. Final,3 days,observe complete fasting,denying even food offered.


This food restriction for 12 days is one prajApathya Kruchram.





This was a nice break for me.

I helped you and also helped myself to relax before another bout of study sessions,might not be able to answer emails again for a short duration of 10 to 15 days.


Till then stay good,do good!


Yours Yogically,





(Email: Mythreya.Mythreya)

(Group-owner of Online Spiritual Groups:

Amba_vijayam and )

Jaya Sarvamangala! Jaya Raajaraajeshvari!

May ambA rAjarAjeshwarI de'vI bless all of us abundantly!



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