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Christmas message from Sananda, Kuthumi, Melchizedek and Isis.

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Christmas message from Sananda, Kuthumi, Melchizedek and Isis.


We all see it as Love, Peace and Happiness.

This one day of the year you want to represent all these feelings, these


But what is happening on the days before and after.


Many of you are searching for this inner feeling of peace.

And many fail, or think they fail.

You can ask our channel here.

She has had a very hard year.

And yes there have been moments of inner peace, but she has a hard time

remembering when.

Partly this is because of her inner work, partly because of her outer work.

Some if of it are circumstances in her life this year.


Money problems had a great influence on this peaceful feeling. She has been able

to remain positive through much of it. Although we remember the times she felt

like just giving up and die.

As we know many people have felt like many times.


It has been a hard year for many of you, and all that we say cannot change that.

You all know this is the path you chose long before you came here.

This doesn¢t make it easier.

We can tell you it will be better next year.

This doesn¢t change the experiences you have had.


We are so grateful for all the work that you have been able to do on the planet


You have been bringing in so many of the new energies that were needed on your

planet, and you have released so much of the old energies that were on your



There has been a great change and we know this didn¢t bring the one change that

many of you were hoping for the most.

Love, Joy, Peace and Happiness for everyone on the planet Earth.

This one thing has not come to pass yet.

But you all still have been able to keep the feeling of inner knowing that it



Isn¢t that one of the miracles even though this year has been hard for all of

you? You have come to know more of yourself and who you are. Many more people

have awakened, and have taken the first step on the path of bringing more light

to the planet.

We have been able to accomplish this, and by we, we mean all of us.


We know there is still a lot of frustration among you. Why can¢t we go any

faster? Why if we are already this far, can¢t we just create this on earth.

You are creating, and you are making it happen.


We have asked our channel here about her biggest frustration.

And believe us as we say she has many of them, just like most of you. When asked

to pick one she said: I am doing all this work but it feels like people do not

understand the importance of the new teachings. It cannot be a money issue

because I am not asking much. So what is it?

I am not asking to be rich, just have enough to pay the bills. Where do I go

wrong in this?

Why is it that they don¢t understand what they are able to do and how much

faster they are able to go with these new teachings.


You see she has been working on the money template this past year, with all the

consequences that come with it. And she is not the only one.

Many people have been working through this, and the template has been completed

and released. What is happening now are just the last remnants of energy of this

template being lifted from your planet.


She knows this and has been able to find peace in this, with the inner knowing

that everything is taken care of no matter what. But she did go through all of

it, sometimes and this is still happening knowing that the next day they will

shut off the electricity. Or they might take her house since the mortgage has

not been payed for three months.

And money did come in when needed, mostly in the form of loans from friends and

relatives but that¢s ok for now.

She went on her trip knowing that the money was for everything that would keep

the family floating, but she followed the guidance and went, everything worked

out but she had a lot of resistance going at first. Especially when she started

being attacked by friends that were telling her it was wrong. She went through

it trusting that following her guidance was the most important thing to do at

this time.

And not knowing where the money might come from makes it hard, it is not easy,

because many circumstances make it not easy.

But you all went through it and are still here, in survival mode, we know that,

but you are here.


We know that even though you are able to trust that there will be this Love,

Joy, Peace and Happiness on your planet, circumstances make it hard to keep that

knowing and trust in this.

There is still a war on your planet and if you don¢t look that far, people

around you are still fighting about many things.


So what can you do to keep this knowing and trust?


Getting more and more connected with what and who you truly are is the most

important one, being conscious of what is happening.

You all know this, because this is the path you follow.


Ascension is coming very close and you are working on this very hard.


This is the season of Joy, Peace and Happiness and we want you to remind

yourself of all that you have accomplished in this year.

Stand still, take the time to really remind yourself of this and see, feel how

much more light has come to your planet. This is all because of you, the people

that have worked so hard to make this happen.


This is the time to stand still and remember who you are, see how much you have

changed. And know and find this feeling in your heart that tells you everything

is going the way it should be going. Everything that you are all working toward

is going to happen, nothing is going to stop this.


This is your time to rest, to heal, to take time for yourself and to get ready

for the next year of change.


Be proud of yourself, be happy that you have made this world a better place

together. Even though you do not see it all on the outside.

It is there inside you.


We wish you all a Joyful and Peaceful time full of Happiness and until we meet

again in the New Year.


Merry Christmas,


Sananda, Kuthumi, Melchizedek and Isis.



Love and Light



We now offer readings with the Ascended Masters

Sananda, Kuthumi, St Germain and Isis

And we will channel your own guides as well if they have a message for you.

just visit our website


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