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my experience with the august energies

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It has been a crazy month for me and just wanted to share some of the things

that happened so you can see what the Universe can do for you.


At the end

of July I found out that my son needed a place to live, his dad (my ex-husband)

had been working on getting him a place to live in the small town he lives in.

My son had been living in another town, he is almost 18, and he didnʼt want to

leave there because of his friends and the town is a student town, so university

and college really close.

So one day before he had to move I had to jump in

and find him a place to live.

I looked at them and found a small apartment

the same day, he was able to move in on August 2nd.

My ex-husband was going

to pay for it.

So I moved him in, got him some food and he got settled. It

was old and small but worked for him.


Then on the day before 8-8-8, so on

the 7th I just felt I needed to move out of my house, live by myself. A really

big step for me, I have not lived by myself at any time, I went from my parents

to living with my husband and when I got divorced I was already living with me

new husband.


So the morning of August 8 I looked on the net, found a

house, it was on top of the list and just called.

A lady answered and I told

her I did not have all the money for the deposit, but she just said, come on

over and we will talk about it. Four hours later I signed the lease and I move

in the next Monday.

The house is old, which I wanted, it has three bedrooms,

which I wanted, it has a big kitchen and separate dining room, and even has a

fire place. The yard is full of oak trees, fruit trees and all kinds of flowers

which I love. The house has a porch in the front, a deck in the back. All things

I love in a house.


And the nice part is, my son was able to move in, with

the three bedrooms, one for me, one for my 4 year old Isis, so there was one

left. I asked my son and he just said yes, I would love to move in.



for me I had not signed the lease for his apartment, I didnʼt receive the money

from my ex-husband until August 7th. So I was able to use that money as a

deposit for my house.


So everything went in perfect divine order, enough

money for the rest of the deposit.

Enough money to move came in.



rented a Uhaul truck and when I got there they had a special deal, 99.00 for two

days with 150 free miles. When I went to pick up the truck at a different place,

the lady added another day and 100 more miles for free.

That was exactly what

I needed since I had to drive back the next day to get the last pieces of



And the fun part is that the lady that rents me the house told

me that so many good things have happened for her the day I moved



She had signed up her daughter for a school and was

told she would not be able to get in, there was a waiting list, to her surprise

she was called last weekend and told her daughter could come to school.

So you see the energy starts spreading out from me as


She was able to sell many things that had been up for sale for weeks,

and in one week so sold almost everything.


The energies are very powerful

and once we connect, it does not only work for us, but also for the people

around us. And it works in different ways. I even had a friend tell me she went

to the bank to pay her mortgage and they told her it was already paid. This is

how the universe works for us and with us.


It is the energy of

manifesting and abundance.


Now I did find out you have to be very

specific at times as well. When I started the opening to channel class I

manifested and said to the universe I am going to have 24 people for this class.

I forgot to mention that I wanted those people to stay on for the full amount of

classes and pay for them. So I got the 24 people exactly, but some of them

stopped paying after one or two classes.

This happened without telling me

they wanted to cancel. So you see the more specific you are the better.



did not ask for a specific house though, but got one the universe thought was

good for me, and I love it. It has everything in there I always liked except for

one thing, which is a pool.

But I think I will get over that. My daughter

loves it, my son loves it and I love it.


I just trusted the universe

would provide the right house for me without being specific.

And thatʼs what

I wanted. Next time I might be more specific, but for now I am happy with



So you see how powerful this can be once you connect. We had more

then 50 people on the 8-8-8 activation and we had almost 70 people on the 8-16-8


My intent is to have at least 100 people on our last activation

of this month on 4-24-8.

During one of the classes someone mentioned to me the

hundred monkey effect and I thought to myself, I guess thatʼs why the number


came into my mind.

This last activation of the month is to me the most

important one. We have brought this new consciousness into our self and now we

can even bring it into our Mother Earth.


And the masters have told me to

teach how to manifest this abundance.


It sounds simple and it actually

is, just need to know how.


So for everyone that wants to help our planet

and the people upon it, I do urge you to sign up and help us create this world

of abundance for all of us.


You might know the effect of the 100 monkeys.

To say it a simple, if one group of people on one side of the world starts

something new, it will go from there to the other side and everywhere else on

the world.

The energy cannot be stopped and this is why we are here, to not

just manifest abundance for our self but to share it with the rest of the


This will open up so many more people, and will help so many more



Love and Light



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