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Sananda and Kuthumi August 23, 2008

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Sananda on the new consciousness and why we are bringing it in now.



new consciousness around the planet earth was completed this year. It has been

around your third dimensional consciousness.

If you like to make a visual

picture of this, see it as the earth is one circle, the third dimensional

consciousness is a ring around it and the new consciousness is a ring around the

third dimensional consciousness.


The new consciousness is clear of any

thought form. It is there for you to create new ones.

The consciousness has

been prepared for you to create and manifest abundance in all levels and parts

of your life.


So now is the time to start connecting with this new

consciousness of LOVE.


Because nothing else will be



Everything that you create will have to be from your



Once you start creating the new thought forms, the new

consciousness will start expanding and transform or actually transmute the old

third dimensional consciousness that is closer to your planet earth.

So the

more people that start creating from the heart, the more this new consciousness

will transmute the old consciousness and the more people on your earth will be

able to connect with this new consciousness.


The new consciousness is in

a higher vibration then the old consciousness as well, but the more you can

bring this higher vibration through the more people will be able to connect with

it and raise their vibration.


Kuthumi has told you about integrating this

new consciousness into the earth.

During this activation you will be

connected with the energies of the new consciousness and you will also be a

conduit for the energy being brought through you into the earth



This is very important at this time. During the month of August

we have implemented many new energies. And now is the time to integrate them

into your life.


Be a conduit for the new energies.





I love you all.



Through Petra



Some people have asked me why we ask

money for this activation since it is important for the whole planet earth.


have asked Kuthumi to answer that question, since I only follow the guidance of

the Masters when doing this.


I am Lord Kuthumi.


We are very

far in our process for the ascension of Planet Earth.

You are all on your

path toward ascension.


So why do we ask money for something that is

important for the whole planet and everyone living upon it?


Because we

ask for a commitment. This is serious and not just something you do in one


It has to come from the heart.

And yes I know you are all working

from the heart, but this is also about working with the new thought forms and

creating abundance for all. This is about working with the universal energies as



Now I would like you to think if you had to put a price on this,

what would it be?

I know you can not put an amount on there.

If you have

to I would say billions, and were not asking for that.


Just like energy,

money needs to flow, and yes you are still living in the third dimension and

money is a big part of that dimension. This is why we would like you to create

from the heart for the new consciousness. You can create a world without money

and have abundance for all.


But for now we have to deal with the third

dimension and what if you can create an abundance for all already in this third



At this point almost all money is being controlled by a small

group of people, they are holding on to it and the only flow is from one person

of this group to the other.

This group is small and less then 1% of the

people on your planet earth.


Now the other 99%, what if they start

flowing the money, this means not holding on to it. Trusting the universe that

it will provide and support this flow of money to have abundance for


Think about that, 99% or 1%. Which one will have more effect?

Even if

its only 2% or 10% of the people on your planet earth that will start, the

effect will be amazing.


It is like the ripple effect and you all know

this. One person has an effect on all of the people around them, two people have

more effect and so on.

It will spread out and even the people that are

holding on to the money will be effected at one point.


This is how you

create a new world, new thought forms and abundance for all that live on your

planet earth and not just the 1%.

Now by abundance I mean in all aspects of

your life.

Expect the universe to support you, but do not have expectations

on how the universe should support you.


So yes we ask for a commitment to

this new consciousness and the creation of a new world right here, right now.

Not when you ascend into the 5th dimension, no here and now.


And you will

have to look inside yourself, if you are ready for this.

Are you ready to

change this world?

Are you ready to bring in this new consciousness and to

work with it?


All I can say is the more people, the more effect it will

have for yourself and everyone else on your planet earth.


In Love




Through Petra Margolis


Sananda came in after this and gave

me another message.


I am Sananda and I would like to add something

to our messages.


Our channel has been receiving some reactions to her

manifestation and creation of abundance in her life.


Some people consider

it unfair to the people that do not have anything and live in pain and sorrow,

some people even consider his not spiritual.


I would like to remind those

people that they have their won responsibility in creation.


Kuthumi has

talked about the ripple effect.


Once our channel started manifesting this

abundance, people around her have been effected by it.

One friend found that

her mortgage was already being paid for, a friend of that friend had another

bill already paid for. The landlady of our channel told her that so many good

things have started happening to her when our channel moved in. Most of the

items she had for sale for weeks, were sold within one week of our channel being



So as you can see, it starts with one and spreads out from


If one person integrated and works with the new consciousness and the

energies of the new consciousness. This person will be a conduit and all that

accept will be able to connect with these energies that this person brings



It takes one person to start.


And yes this might just be in

the countries that have a more abundant flow of money and are lacing a more

comfortable live then many other countries. But the ripple effect will take

place and reach those countries and people as well.


And even in your own

country, there are many living under dire circumstances, they will be effected

by this.


Just trust and it will already be there.


I love you




Through Petra Margolis



Love and Light




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