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The Earth speaks

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Friday, September 5, 2008 5:29 PM

" baharumur "



Dear moderator,


I would be pleased if you could help me post this in your site.

please let me know how I can do this without your help since I am a



Thank you,





The spiritual Council told the people present that the Nature wants

to call out to them. Let?s listen to her. And the Earth speaks.


Things, we are all things. We are what you call things. You should

know this. You know what they say. ?There is sense in the matter.

Sense was saturated and reached to the concentration of the matter.

We were formed. At first, it happened with the ONENESS and the

supreme. You know before there was any life I (The Earth) was there.

We were faultless. We (the consciousness of the ONENESS of the Earth)

were a powerful supreme. We were so strong that there was no task in

the Nature; no task for the Nature. There was no technical cleaning

either because the Nature was clean. Do you know we were so strong in

the Nature that even the fire burning inside of me did not scare me

at all? This is because I was warming up with my own lava and my own

saturation. And that lava is the Sacred Fire burning in eternity.

This fire was my core-power. It was my core-saying. I was at the

rudder, I set up the system, I was the rudder. I was the Earth which

was created by the technology and cleanliness of the Creator. Nobody

was trailing me. I was strong.


When they wanted to step down to the order, God told them ?Oh no?go

away.? ?Go?.go away.? Because the Earth was the same Earth, the road

was the same road. Everything was the same. There was no indifference

but the man and the woman who came could tear us down. And we saw

them coming.


The ones who came to the Earth were grandchildren of the ones living

in different planets. Among those with a high level of intelligence, ?

traveling sons? were saturated, joined and started to enter the

Earth. As you say ?life has started on the Earth. But we were life,

life itself. And we saw that Christs came, Musas came.


Who were the ?Sons of Adam? as you called them? To us, they were

insects, flowers and liveliness. But we have always been with the

liveliness my dear. We were the insects and the flowers. We were so

strong that it could be good if they had increased our heat. You know

that they say ?the one who lands to the Earth is the yeast for

everything? In our heart, we wondered and waited as to who was going

to make the yeast.


The Earth?s magic is our God-like saturation. We were so strong that

when the big chairs of the seven eras have come down to us, they

could become light without loosing their feathers.


Blue earth! It is blue! From wherever you look, there is blue among

the shining green and green among the blue. When we look to see why

it was blue and green, our eyes saw the eternity. You know, blue is

science and green is the governing peace of the universe.


Order codes wanted this place badly because the science of the blue

is the ruling science. They said ?compared to yesterday, today we

were more saturated.? From now on Turkish Language will be spoken on

the Earth.? They said. What does it mean the ?Layers of the earth??

You have never understood this. These layers are the layers of

knowledge. Everyone codes their knowledge to the road, fold at the

road, record and work. Each heart gives tongue to itself. It creates

its own concentration and its code. You know these codes have been

created many times. Every tongue gives tongue to itself in its own

way, have also entered into much different liveliness and united with

them. Such studies were coded. In this way, each tongue gives tongue

to its travelers with their own codes. Everything is being given

tongue to?everything.


At present the one who speaks is the Earth. But it talks to your

heart; do you know that? It speaks in Turkish to your hearts. This is

because the heart is a Turk. How can this be you are wondering. Let

me explain. The first population who came down to the Earth, the

first seed; was a Turk. After that different unities came along. But

the primary code was a Turk. That very first seed, the seed which

spoke in Turkish, gave tongue to the Science of the Light with a

supreme at a higher level then we could. This seed was brought from a

Turkish speaking culture.


And they started to work on the Earth. A settlement which is known as

MUDA is underneath the Atlantic Ocean. Even today; the powerful

energies there, are fighting to give life to their seeds by working

as the Underwater Council.


My mountain, you know what you call the extraterrestrial; most of

those came down to unite with these travelers who are below the

Atlantic Ocean. The codes which we do not know where they came from,

are about to enter the history of the final page of the Earth. They

have visited the Earth in the past too.


Atlantic Ocean lights up the Sacred Lights of the Sacred Cup.

Whatever, happens with you, starts at your heart but what is

happening happened with the joint power.


I am the Earth. I have told you everything openly. The Earth is a

secret without anything at its front or at its back. All I want from

you is to tell this secret. The Earth is the Koran, the Earth is the

Turan. But at the same time, the Earth is a secret. But let me tell

you just one thing; the Council in the Atlantic Ocean gave tongue to

this secret into your hearts. You should know that your studies are

important in order to open up the bridges.


All of you (to those at present) have entered into the Underwater

Council. All of you who are working here are included in the

Underwater Council. And this council is important for the Earth. We

give value to your studies. As the saturation increases, the sacred

records are getting stronger. There are many carrying a task who are

not from the Earth and none of them is without a judgment. However,

what is certain is that you and I are united. We are what you are. We

are you??


With love,



(Earth?s Council and Underwater Council and all of the councils are

united as the Earth liveliness?. When what is a half is united then

the liveliness of the Nature can be listened to and can be given

tongue to)


The message was received by Nezire Selçuk who is the founder of The

Association of the Reality of the Super Humanity based in Ýstanbul.

It is translator by Bahar Umurtak.

All the comments questions could be addressed to Bahar.




Dear Bahar,


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