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Powerful Ideas for an Extraordinary Life

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Develop the wonderful habit of a daily swim. It will promote excellent health,

keep you relaxed and concentrated, lean and trim. Swimming is not stressful on

the body, provides a great workout for the lungs and requires little time to do

effectively. Remember that in a fit body resides a fit mind.



People who are doing good today are ensuring their happiness for tomorrow.



The key to successful time management is doing what you planned to do when you

planned to do it. Keep your mind fully on the task at hand. Only then will you

achieve all your goals and have time for the things that matter most. Although

it is imperative to be flexible (a bow too tightly strung will soon break),

following your planned schedule requires no more than simple discipline.



An excellent visualization technique: if you are worrying about something,

picture the words of your worry on a piece of paper. Now ignite a match to the

paper and watch the worry dissipate into flames. Bruce Lee, the great martial

arts master employed this mental control device regularly.



Compartmentalize your worry. Set aside a certain amount of time to ponder over a

problem and map out an effective plan of attack and your options. Once this is

done, have the mental fortitude not to come back to the problem and go over it

again and again. The human mind is a strange creature - things we want to forget

keep coming back and those things we want to remember are not there when we want

them. But the mind is similar to a muscle and the more you flex it the stronger

it will become. Make it your servant. Feed it only the best nutrition and

information. It will serve you well and perform magic if you believe in it.



Peak performers are physically relaxed and mentally engaged.



To be at your performance peak mentally, your body must be loose physically and

relaxed. It is now beyond dispute that there is a mind-body connection and when

the body is supple, free from tension, the mind is clear, calm and focused as

well. This is why yoga is such a beneficial activity. It keeps the body relaxed

so that the mind can follow. Basic stretching for 15 minutes a day is also an

excellent way to release tension that builds up as a result of our life in this

highly complex and fast moving, but wonderful world. Try having a massage or

power lounging in a Jacuzzi. Relax the body and you relax the mind.



Prepare a detailed financial plan for the next few years and follow it. Seek out

financial advice if you need it. A powerful strategy for financial mastery is

also a simple one: save 10% of all you make for long-term growth (take this off

the pay cheque before you have a chance to spend it). If you can invest $200 a

month for the next 30 years at an annual return rate of 15%, you will end up

with $1.4 million dollars. Being wise with your money is one of the very best

investments to make. Financial security leads to personal freedom.



Readers are leaders. U.S. President Bill Clinton read more than 300 books during

his short time at Oxford University. Some top performers read a book a day. Seek

out knowledge and information. We have truly entered the age of massive

information and those who are proactive can use this to their advantage. The

more you know, the less you fear.



Get into the excellent habit of reading something positive and inspirational

before you go to bed and as soon as you awake in the morning. You will soon note

the benefits as these thoughts will be supporting you throughout the day.


By Robin Sharma


to be continued...

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