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Powerful Ideas for an Extraordinary Life

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Read " The Art of the Leader " by William A. Cohen. It is both inspirational and




Develop that elusive quality known as charisma. The following are ten qualities

of a charismatic leader:

- Be committed to what you are doing

- Look like a winner and act like one

- Have big dreams, a vision and reach for the sky

- Steadily advance in the direction of your goals

- Prepare and work hard at every task you do

- Build a mystique around yourself

- Be interested in others and show kindness

- Have a strong sense of humour

- Be known for the strength of your character

- Have grace under pressure. (John F. Kennedy said that " the elusive half-step

between middle management and true leadership is grace under pressure. " )



In work, love and life, play hard and play fair.



Do not talk when you are listening. Interrupting is one of the most common

discourtesies. Listen aggressively with the full scope of your attention. You

will be amazed at what you learn and how your counsel will soon be sought by




" Anybody can become angry - that is easy; but to be angry with the right person,

and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and

in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. " -




Knowledge is power. People who have achieved great success are not necessarily

more skillful or intelligent than others. What separates them is their burning

desire and thirst for knowledge. The more one knows, the more one achieves.

Great leaders have techniques to allow them to arrive at the top of the

mountain. Read the biographies of the world's leaders and learn from their

habits, inspirations and philosophies. Cultivate the important practice of

active role modeling.



All the answers to any questions are in print. How to improve as a public

speaker, how to improve your relations with others, how to become fitter or

develop a better memory - all aspects of personal development are dealt with in

books. Therefore, in order to achieve your maximum potential, you must read

daily. But, in this age of information, you must be ruthless in what you

consume. Focus on your goals and read only those materials that will be an asset

to you. Do not attempt to read everything for you are busy and have other tasks

at hand. Choose what is important and filter out what is of no value. Begin with

a solid newspaper every morning for an excellent summary of the key events of

the day. Also ensure that your readings are broadly based. For example, perhaps

you may wish to read history, business, Eastern philosophy, health books etc.

Then go to the library and develop the habit of making regular visits. Read the

classics from Hemingway to Bram Stoker. Read history, with all its lessons on

life and read biology for a new perspective. Look under the heading of " success "

at the library and you will be amazed at the literature you will find:

inspirational stories of people who developed greatness in the face of

adversity, strategies for improving yourself physically, mentally and

spiritually and texts to tap the unlimited power for success that certainly

exists within us. Drink deeply from such books. Surround yourself with them and

read them constantly whether on the bus each day or before you go to bed. Let

them inspire and motivate you.



Get into the habit of breakfast meetings. An early meal to touch base with a

friend or business associate is a most pleasant way to start the day and allows

you to maintain your contacts in the face of a busy schedule.



If you live in an apartment, try to ensure that it is very bright and has a

swimming pool. A pool is especially important because it will allow you to

exercise no matter how busy your schedule. There is nothing like a refreshing

swim after a long, productive day. You will feel excellent and sleep like a




" Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly

because we have virtue or excellence, but rather we have those because we have

acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but

a habit. " - Aristotle


By Robin Sharma


to be continued...

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