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Powerful Ideas for an Extraordinary Life

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121 Today is yesterday's pupil. - Benjamin Franklin



If you have a choice of taking two paths, always take the more daring of the

two. Calculated risk taking often produces extraordinary results.



Every day, get away from the noise, the crowds and the rush and spend a few

hours alone in peaceful introspection, deep reading or simple relaxation.



That which any person who has walked this Earth has achieved you can achieve

with the right mental attitude, perseverance and industry. Limiting thoughts and

weak mental images must be banished. One's focus must be on the attainment of

goals that are truly important.



Get into the habit of memorizing beautiful poetry. Not only will it be a great

source of entertainment but it will quickly lift your intellectual functions to

a higher level by improving your memory, concentration and mental agility.



Keep your words soft and arguments hard.



Break the worry habit by putting things in perspective and laughing over small

setbacks. Repeat to yourself that " this will soon pass " . Then take a sheet of

paper, write out the worry on your mind. Allot a certain period of time to think

on it, isolate the precise problem and formulate a powerful line of attack. By

this practical technique, your negative, energy sapping habit will soon be a

faint memory of the past.



Be known as that person who goes the extra mile. The person who works longer

than others. The one who takes on the extra assignments and follows them through

with great success. Be the person who always has concerns about others and who

makes family members feel truly special. Be a standout, the one with a balance

in both personal and professional excellence. Be a star that shines brightly for

all others to admire.



Become a committed and sincere cimmunity-builder. Cultivate new friendships. You

will truly be surprised where people end up over the years and how small, kind

gestures will help you later on in life. Treat everyone who crosses your path as

if they are the most important person in your world. You will certainly meet

with great success.



When you look for something you will find it. If you constantly expect

exceptional success, you will surely have it. Peak performers attract success.

You must keep the goals you desire to achieve at the forefront of your mind

throughout the day. Repeat your ambitions at least five times a day and

visualize yourself achieving them. If your goal is to be rich, picture the house

you will be living in, the car you will be driving, what it will feel like to be

rich and the pleasure of attaining your goals in life. Repeat your ambition over

and over until you have complete certainty that you will attain your desires and

eventually you will.


By Robin Sharma


to be continued...

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