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Horoscope Predictions – November 2007 [Aries – Pisces]

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Please see the Horoscope Predictions for “November 2007”. As we have huge mailing lists, so it is not possible for us, to send the “Monthly Horoscope Predictions” in time. If you want to be on our regular mailing list, to receive FREE “Horoscope Predictions” every Month, then please send email to astrologersahib with SUBJECT: Please enroll me on your FREE regular mailing list. IMPORTANT: - From December 2007 onwards, the FREE “Monthly Horoscope Predictions” will be sent only to those who are d to regular mailing list. This regular mailing list subscription will also make you eligible for availing FREE offers of “LIVE HOROSCOPE PREDICTIONS ON PHONE” with Internationally renowned, Vedic Astrologer – “SHRI MANMEET” from time to time, but only on invitation. (On Free & Complimentary Basis) Horoscope Predictions for November 2007 (Aries- Pisces) Dear, I am Vedic Astrologer based in

North India. I have been practicing Vedic Astrology for many years, like providing “Astrological Consultations”, Horoscope Reading etc. I have started “Monthly Predictions” free of cost. I would like that as a group member you should also take benefit from it. NOTE: Vedic Horoscope Predictions are based on the JANAM RASHI (Moon Sign). ‘Janam Rashi’ is that house in the horoscope; where ‘Moon’ is placed at the time of Birth. You have to see the monthly predictions according to placement of ‘Moon’ in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo etc in your horoscope. If you don’t Know your ‘Moon Sign’ or Janam Rashi , you can know your Janam Sign or ‘Moon Sign’, for FREE. Please E-mail the following details at: - astrologersahib Name: - Date of Birth: - Time of Birth: - Place of Birth (city/town/country): - Email: - Aries General Predictions (Aries):

Aries natives will feel lot of volatility in this month of November. You will see a rise in activity and dynamism. Mars will start retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end January 2008. This period will see unsteady behaviors as well as heightened activity. There will be rise in the level of growth. One can use this period for career growth as long as you can keep a focus on your objectives. After 23rd November 2007 a lucky phase will start for you. There will be increase career opportunities while the religious aspect of life will increase too. The positive phase runs till middle of December 2008 and you should use if to your advantage. Progress in career, rise in confidence, dynamic growth. Good income & happiness with friends. Ego with spouse is possible. There will be Poor social life, distances & understanding

in relationships,. First half of the month will be better then the second half of the month. Career Prospects (Aries): You will see progress in career, although there would be lower than expected progress. There will be increase in luck after the 22nd November 2007. For business people this month will be below average. There could be pressures from competition as well as conflict in communication. You should remain cautious. For people in job the work pressures will exist mostly. Avoid conflict in joint ventures of work. For Professional people the month will be below average till 20th November 2007and after that luck will pickup

tremendously and will support you for next few months. Love, Romance & Marriage (Aries): The month of November does not show much promise in both love as well as marriage matters. The difference of opinion could come up after the 11th November 2007. There could be ego and misunderstanding in love, which could lead to differences and distances. There will be dip in opportunities after the 18th November 2007.If you are married then married matters could see verbal conflict often. There will be difference of opinion. You need to give each other some time this month. Money & Finance (Aries): There will be fall in monetary inflows and minor pressures could be felt after the 7th November 2007. Liquidity too could be poor this month. Income will be good however and inflows from routine sources will come in without much issue. Investments will be good till the 17th November 2007 and thereafter you can experience a dip. You should avoid new investments in the second half of the month. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Taurus General Predictions (Taurus): The month of November will be a positive month for Taurus natives but pressures will start mounting after the second half. You need to ensure

your budget & monetary plans are rational as well as realistic during this time. The month will be a period of expenses & high monetary commitments. Chances of losses in commitments could come after the 18th November 2007.A relative slowdown could come in business but there could be chances of an investment in real estate possible in the one-year period that will commence after the 21st November 2007. Thinking will be creative although somewhat base during this month. Work environment could undergo changes during this time. Progress in career, gains due to creative work, gain in business, new opportunities in career. There will be Ego with spouse or business partners, high expenses and wasteful investments will be there, slowdown in business after the 23rd November 2007, there will be lack of comforts at home. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end of January 2008.First half of the month will be better then

the second half of the month. Career Prospects (Taurus): The Strong phase in career will continue, although there will be routine hurdles & pressure from time to time. There will be changes in work environment for the betterment. There will be changes, which lead you in a more stylist or better offices. For people in business this month will see gains but with hurdles. There would be volatile trends after the 17th November 2007. You should avoid verbal conflict after 17th November 2007. For people in job, there will be very good progress with the support of seniors and growth due to creative work will remain. For professional persons the outlook would be average

mostly. Love, Romance & Marriage (Taurus): You will experience positive and happy period for this month. Sex appeal will rise after the 6th November 2007 till end of this month. There will be a rise in happiness in love and a general increase in your social popularity. Since instincts could be on the baser side, you need to control your responses. If married, marriage will be gainful & positive but an incidence of verbal & physical conflict possible. Family life could be adversely affected after the 17th November 2007 while an overall slowdown could come after 23rd November 2007.If unmarried, there would be some chances of marriage this month. Money & Finance (Taurus): The Money matters will remain quite heavy in terms of inflows as well as outflows. Chances of losses and wrong investments exist. Expenses will be high. After 17th November 2007 onwards there could be some increase in monetary pressures. Income will be good till the 21st November 2007 and dip somewhat thereafter. Investments will be average till the 7th November 2007 & will improve thereafter. You should avoid new investments. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Gemini General Predictions (Gemini): There will be positive trends for Gemini natives in November. The

work atmosphere could experience positive trends & growth after the 18th November 2007.Despite the progress, worry & anxiousness could come up at various points. The only issue could be that level of aggression could be very and could find the period after 15th November 2007 a difficult one. Career will be on a high and a rise in opportunities could come after the 21st November, which could bring gains in partnerships as well as new business plans. Avoid verbal conflict you should remain focused & patience to attain progress in this month. Growth in career, expansion into new areas, new partnership opportunity, happiness at home & expenses in home improvement. Health issues connected with blood disorders. Old issues could come up & hold up luck. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end of January 2008.Second half of the month will be better than the first half of the month.

Career Prospects (Gemini): There will be Progress in career throughout the month. A favorable phase operates after 23rd November 2007 and will remain for next few months. This month will see expansion in new areas as well as some partnership opportunities, which could propel the career upwards. For people in business the month will be average till the 21st November 2007 and pickup tremendously thereafter. For people in job the Pressure in work environment could rise after the 15th November 2007. Some amount of support available in the past could give way after the 21st

November 2007. You should avoid conflict & controversy. For people in profession there will be exceptional growth with a positive run after the 18th November 2007. Love, Romance & Marriage (Gemini): It is mostly a positive month for love and relationships. As long as verbal controversy is avoided, the outlook will be positive. There could be an undercurrent of tension & stress in relationships. New relationships could be promoted after the 21st November 2007. Chances of finding a stable & long term match present. If married, there will be average trends till the 23rd November 2007. Thereafter very good trends will develop for marriage. If unmarried, there will be very good chances of marriage in the coming

one year period.Happiness and positive events will come all round. Money & Finance (Gemini): It will be not an easy month for money matters. There will be good returns till the 7th November 2007 but worry on account of money matters will return after the 8th November 2007. Liquidity could be poor this month. Income will be good, although there could be fluctuations & blocks after the 17th November 2007. Better returns from real estate and related sectors. Investments will be positive mostly. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Cancer General Predictions (Cancer): The November could be an unsettled month for Cancer natives since level of expenses & monetary commitments could be higher than normal. Increase in expenses on self as well as unforeseen events will come. Speech will continue to be a difficult area and could spoil family life if you are not cautious. This could cause concern after the 15th November 2007.Creative thoughts will operate till 23rd November 2007 and will give way to expansion in career growth in work area. You could increase work efforts for progress after 23rd November 2007. Health could look downwards during this time. Possible real estate or car purchase is on the cards, move or change of residence is also possible, happiness from children & creative work. A positive period socially, new friendships possible. Ego at home and high expenses & losses, family

controversy, verbal conflict, pressure on health. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end of January 2008.First half of the month will be better then the second half of the month. Career Prospects (Cancer): There will be dip in career possible this month. There would be a slowdown in opportunity & a corresponding rise in expenses. This will see a rise in pressure & concern after the 17th November 2007. Work environment will however turn more vibrant after the 23rd November 2007. For people in business the monetary pressures will

exist although some new opportunities could come. Mostly a below average month. For people in job there will be positive event, which will see even further rise after the 23rd November 2007. A dynamic phase operates after the 23rd November 2007 in job area. For people in profession the averages trends will exist. A dip in level of work & progress could come after the 23rd November 2007. Love, Romance & Marriage (Cancer): The Positive period for social life and new relationships this month after the 5th November 2007. Existing relationship could find the month difficult, as distances will build up. There could

be serious difference in opinions after the 15th November 2007. Sex appeal and a high in love and relationships will be felt all round. You need to avoid controversy to ensure relationships do not break. Marital matters, if married, will be average but under pressure due to adverse speech. Money & Finance (Cancer): This will be difficult month for money matters. Excess liquidity will get used up and expenses will be abnormally high. A month to be cautious, epically after the 15th November 2007 Income will be average & positive mostly. Investments could be loss

making, especially after the 23rd November 2007. Avoid any sort of risk, as chances of money being blocked are high. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com

Leo General Predictions (Leo): This month will bring commencement of positive

event for Leo natives, although situations will remain stressed and under pressure at times. After 23rd November 2007 onwards a creative period in work as well as personal life comes in. There will be growth in new avenues of work & rise in opportunity. You should use the period after 23rd November 2007 for making intellectual progress. If you are studying then this period will be very useful, as quite a lot of progress will come in the coming year. Income & interaction with friends will be exceptional this month and in the coming few months. Personal life will experience pressures quite often this month. Growth in career, rise in status till the 15th November 2007, new friendships, happiness from children & investments after the 23rd November 2007. Ego in domestic matters after the 15th November 2007 possibility of wrong speech of written communication which could create controversy, pressures on health and personal life, be careful of wrong decision makings.

Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end January 2008. First half of the month will be better then the second half of the month. Career Prospects (Leo): There will be good level of progress as well as rise in status possible this month. There will be gains and rise in work related inflows after the 5th November 2007. Creative work will give rise to increase in status & career progress. For people in Job there will be work pressures this month. You should avoid controversy & sudden rash decisions. For people in business there would be new opportunities but at the same time

pressures would be high too. You should be careful about what your partners are planning currently. For people in Profession a gainful & positive period. Level of luck and gain / income will rise during this time. Love, Romance & Marriage (Leo): November will be average month for love. There will be some very positive trends for the next few months which promise a high level of success in new relationships. A lot of focus will remain on family & close associates. After 23rd November & beyond would be quite positive in love. If married, pressures will exist and there will be rise in level of anxiety. Not an easy month still. Money & Finance (Leo): It will be mixed month for money matters. Income will be of very high level but most of it would be accrued, rather than in hand. There will be inflows from work but liquidity and actual availability of funds could be below expectation after the 7th November 2007. Improvements in the coming month. Investments will be positive. There will be rise in gains after the 23rd November 2007. A very positive period for investments operates thereafter for next few months. You should however refrain from speculation liquidity will be poor this month. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Virgo General Predictions (Virgo): Virgo natives’ will see very positive growth and events in the month of November. Career will become the prime focus and would remain so for the next few months. There would be support and positive events from various areas. Activity level would remain high throughout, after the 15th November 2007 till the middle of January 2008. A lot of emphasis would shift on home

and home improvement after the 23rd November 2007.This will make you increase expenses on home too. This period is not very positive for investment. It would therefore be useful to keep liquid funds at hand or use for yourself rather than put info investment Expansion in work area after the 15th November 2007, new dynamic & growth in career, gain & inflows of money from work & family, happiness in love, social success. Expenses & losses till 15th November 2007. Unsteady level of status, high expenses. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end January 2008.Second half of the month will be better than the first half of the month. Career Prospects (Virgo): Positive & gainful period in career, minor worry & temporary stress could come between the 3rd November and 8th November 2007. Overall the period beyond the 8th will be quite positive throughout. For people in job there will be a dip in opportunities. For people in business there would be average returns. Progress would be better after the 23rd November 2007 with growth in existing line of work. Opportunities abroad could work better than domestic work. Still existing work will be beneficial till February 2008. For people in profession there will be good growth and opportunity after the 5th November 2007. Positive month mostly. Love, Romance & Marriage (Virgo): The Love life will be quite exciting and interesting this month after the 5th November 2007. Existing relationships could experience stress & some amount of distances. There will be new social events & possible friendships, which could lead to a new relationship. You should ensure communications are good or a breakdown could come. Marital life, if married, will remain average only. There will be better prospect at home after the 23rd November 2007. Overall however event would be much better than before after the 8th November 2007. Money & Finance (Virgo): A

Positive month for money matters. There will be very good inflows after the 8th November 2007. Income will be quite good throughout. Positive overall. Investments should be avoided as losses possible. Old investments could be liquidated now. Overall a favorable and positive phase, although expenses will rise along with overheads. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Libra General Predictions (Libra): The November would be an average month for Libra natives. A dip in confidence & energy could come after the 5th November 2007. You should try to avoid high activity and new challenges this month. There will be good gains and events overall, although a slowdown in money matters could come after the 23rd November 2007. Career progress and monetary gains would be of a high order throughout. Mind will also be unsettled & unfocussed at times. Your focus should be on making your outlook uncomplicated & setting old issues. Gain of money & family happiness till the 23rd November 2007, expenses on self and luxuries overall, positive gain in career, high income. Ego, unstable attitude of spouse, worry and stress, worry about children, minor setbacks in investments. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it

will remain retrograde till end January 2008. First half of the month will be better then the second half of the month. Career Prospects (Libra): The Progress in career will continue. There will be worry & anxiousness till the 8th November 2007. Thereafter better prospects will operate. All efforts of the past would give good returns now. For people in profession unsteady period, a dip in resources & opportunity till the 7th November 2007, better & positive trends, thereafter. For people in business the month will be lucky but there will be

unsteady and volatile trends, after the 17th November 2007. For people in job there will be positive trends till the 23rd November 2007. Some slowdown & fall in status could come in the one-year period after 23rd November 2007. Love, Romance & Marriage (Libra): Your Mind will be occupied with love and relationship issues, although level of opportunity will fall after the 7th November 2007. If married, this month will be average, although temperament of spouse could turn highly erratic after the 17th November 2007. New relationships could develop, although there could be an element of deception or ambiguity in the same. Pressures due to family matters could come up after the 19th November 2007

.. Money & Finance (Libra): Positive month in money matters. A moderate slowdown could come after the 23rd November 2007.Income will remain positive & steady throughout. New investments should be avoided. There will be a rise in level of volatility after the 17th November 2007 but inflows will be good. There will be a rise after the 19th November 2007. Investment will give rich return. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Scorpio General Predictions (Scorpio): The month of November could be of hurdles for Scorpio natives. However excessive anger and stress could effect health and career prospects.

You have to be very cautious about your speech. Pressures from superiors could increase during this time. There could be high level of activity in career and positive trends for money matters. A transition in money matters, leading to a new or a higher source of income could come this month after the 23rd November 2007. This is a one-year position phase and you should make the most of it. The month still has to be handled cautiously as health issues could create problems. Rise in income & gains after the 23rd November 2007, new relationships and gains, very good period socially. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end January 2008.Second half of the month will be better than the first half of the month. Low energy & stamina till the 16th November 2007 poor health, over aggression, sharp speech, worry about expenses, pressure from superior, lack of comfort at home,

undecided trends in career. Career Prospects (Scorpio): A somewhat slow period in terms of opportunity is present. A high activity phase in career is in operation, although it will not be entirely tension or stress free. These will pickup after the 15th November 2007. For people in profession you will find lower than normal activity this month. Not much progress. For people in business slow period till the 15th November 2007 and better prospects throughout thereafter, avoid indecision or change in line of work. For people in job difficult period with hurdles possible, controversy & pressure

could increase after the 15th November 2007. You need to remain low profile & non controversial. Love, Romance & Marriage (Scorpio): There would be new relationships & sudden opportunities. Recent blocks in love life could give way to a high level of social success after the 7th November 2007. Sex appeal & attraction will rise. Social life will be exciting. Existing relationships could look upwards too, mostly after the 23rd November 2007. Social life will be hectic this month. If married, there will be initial blocks till the 4th November 2007 and good progress

& happiness thereafter. Money & Finance (Scorpio): A new & higher income source can be expected. Average period for money matters till the 23rd November 2007. Thereafter a very positive and gainful period commences. It will operate in the coming one year. Income will dip somewhat between 7th November 2007 and end of the month. New investments

however should be avoided, while existing will give rich return after the 23rdnd November 2007. There could be small pressure due to high expenses too. Investment will be very gainful. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Sagittarius General Predictions (Sagittarius):

The Sagittarius natives should find November an average month. There will be better trends in operation but still pressures from other areas might be felt. A very useful phase will come into operation, which will help you learn & redefine your life patterns in the next few years. This month a very positive event will take place with movement of Jupiter from the 12th house into your first house after the 22nd November 2007. It will bring confidence, luck & positive thinking. Marital matters & partnerships will experience a lot of trouble. There will be an increase in aggressive trends after the 15th November 2007. You need to be cautious about increasing pressures as things could snap now. High income & good social life till the 15th November 2007, gains from

creative work, growth & expansion in career. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till ends January 2008.First half of the month will be better then the second half of the month. Low energy & stamina after the 18th November 2007, problems in marital matters, problems in business / associations, low confidence till 23rd November 2007, block in career, block in love / relationships. Career Prospects (Sagittarius): Gainful period for career. There will be gains and creative work related progress. A slight dip and unsteady period will operate till the 5th November 2007 and improve

thereafter. At the same time a block due to a female colleague and competition possible till end of the month. You need be careful on that account. For people in profession there will be positive developments and growth till the 15th November 2007. Thereafter a dip in growth prospects could be felt. For people in business Gainful period mostly some minor hurdles could come till the 7th November 2007. For people in job there will be sudden unexpected blocks after the 6th November 2007, colleagues could create problems. Love, Romance & Marriage (Sagittarius): Relations could swing after the 15th November 2007 leading to pressures & cracks in love. Unsteady trends in both

love life as well as marital matters. Ego and some misunderstandings could create block too. You need to be careful, as the coming month could be more difficult. If married, there could be a drastic rise in ego and aggression. You have to take precaution as the hostility could peak after the 15th November 2007.There will be good social life still after the 7th November 2007 despite the pressures. Money & Finance (Sagittarius): There will be good returns & overall luck. Positive period in money matters. Income will be somewhat blocked & slow between 5th

November 2007 and end of the month. There will however be gains due to creative work. Investment will be fluctuating and unsteady. New investments should be avoided this month. You should try and quit all volatile or risky areas before the 15th November 2007. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: -

www.astrologersahib.com Capricorn General Predictions (Capricorn):

November will be very positive month for Capricorn natives as there will be a steady flow of small and positive events, which will provide support throughout this month. You need to be careful about the level of aggression as that could affect long-term prospects. Career will progress due to creative & hard work. New avenues will grow due to your hard work. Income will be good. After 23rd November 2007 new trends could build up which could take you towards purchase of a new property or a big car. Health could get pulled down due to stress. Be careful on that account. Progress in career, large level of monetary gains, good social life, and happiness in love. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 15th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till ends January 2008.First half of the month will be better then the

second half of the month. A dip in confidence & increase in expenses after the 23rd November 2007 increase in hurdles in career, possibility of family conflicts. Career Prospects (Capricorn): A somewhat slow period will be felt till the 7th November 2007 and pickup will come thereafter. Positive period of growth this month. A tendency to be unscrupulous in career could come up briefly. You should resist the temptation. Luck will favor you mostly. For people in business the month will be quite gainful after the 7th November 2007. For people in profession there will be good level of growth after the 5th November 2007, till end of the

month. For people in job there will stress in the job environment but good progress due to your dynamic & hard work, will come. Love, Romance & Marriage (Capricorn): You need to be cautious in how you deal with other, as the instincts will be higher than normal in this month. Love life and relationships will be very positive this month. There will be a rise in luck as well as opportunities after the 5th November 2007. If married, the month will be quite happy. There will be very good trends after the 7th November 2007. Overall positive trends will operate throughout. Money

& Finance (Capricorn): High efforts will give high gains. Positive period in money matters overall, although a dilution of money position possible due to rise in commitment. Income will be very good. Investments will be quite favorable between the 7th November 2007 and end of the month. Positive month in this regard. A slowdown will be felt after the 23rd November 2007. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Aquarius General Predictions (Aquarius): There will be rise in gains as well as social status. November will be better than October for Aquarius for natives, although trends will remain average still. Blocks in career will give way to rich returns this month after the 23rd November 2007. Progress in career after the 15th November 2007 high income & positive period with friends, better prospects in relationship. A very positive period will operate after the 23rd November 2007. Stomach related problems could erupt after the 15th

November 2007 and you should be careful. Children related issues, stomach problems possible, worry & few about money investments, fixed attitude, resentful behavior towards spouse. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end January 2008.Second half of the month will be better than the first half of the month. Career Prospects (Aquarius): November will be a mix month as regards the career for Aquarius natives. Worry in career could be felt till the 23rd November 2007 but there will be expansion too. Beyond the 23rd November 2007 gains in

career will be there. However unstable trends and level of volatility could rise from the 15th November 2007 itself. Avoid a career move before March 2008. For people in business there will be progress. Rise in opportunities & growth will come after the 15th November 2007. For people in profession a better period will operate, although level of opportunities will be below average. Much better prospect next month.For people in job there will be a worry & anxiousness about the near future. You need to avoid controversy in your speech. Positive prospects will follow thereon. Love, Romance & Marriage (Aquarius): There will still not be adequate opportunities but still

better trends will operate. Aggression and some hurt in love relationships should be guarded against. The outlook could turn quite volatile after the 15th November 2007.Better prospects in love after the 5th November 2007. If married, there will be some amount of resentment and unsettled thoughts about partner will exist. Better relatives as well as success for spouse will come after the 15th November 2007.If unmarried, there would be some chances of marriage this month. Money & Finance (Aquarius): Overall financial outlook will improve now although worry about finances

will remain high throughout. a sudden jump in income and monetary gains could come after the 23rd November 2007. You should strictly avoid speculation this month. New investments are not advised.This is a positive period for a year and you will find the outlook positive due to the same. Investments will be risky. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com Pisces General Predictions

(Pisces): Level of luck will remain good and career will remain the focus this month. November will be an average month for Pisces natives. Hard work & expansion in scope of work will come this month. Domestic environment could be below average mostly. After 15th November 2007 level of pressure as well as conflict in home life could increase. Career enters into a phase of expansion and growth after the 23rd November 2007. You should avoid controversy or fuelling disputes. Energy level could be low till the 15th November 2007 and pickup thereafter. It will give you a large scope of work, although gains will come after some time. Gain of unexpected funds, new unexpected inflow, good luck & spiritual progress hard work based

career growth. Low energy till 15th November 2007 domestic unrest, expenses on home, problems in love marriage matters, wasteful expenses. Mars commences retrograde motion on the 16th November 2007 and it will remain retrograde till end January 2008. Second half of the month will be better than the first half of the month. Career Aspects (Pisces): You will increase in your scope of work in the upcoming one-year period. Progress in career would be good. The emphasis would be on oversees sources till the 24th November 2007. After 24th November 2007 onwards a period of hard work and expansion will commence in career. For people in business

there will be worry & opposition to ideas till the 7th November 2007. Better & gainful prospects thereafter. For people in profession there will be pressure & instability, especially after the 15th November 2007. Domestic unrest could also be a reason for the slowdown in profession. For people in job very good growth prospects due to your hard work & creativity. Work environment could be slow till the 15th November 2007 and pickup thereafter. Love, Romance & Marriage (Pisces): Most love & social life will leave much to be desired this month. Hurdles in love relationships could be felt due to misunderstanding as well s difference of opinions. 7th November

2007 onwards there could be differences due to opposition of ideas. If married, the month will see hurdles and misunderstandings. Avoid conflict. There will be difference of opinion with spouse & aggression targeted at each other. Money & Finance (Pisces): Avoid risks in money position. Unsteady period for finances. There will be some gains from fixed sources, but money position could turn volatile after the 15th November 2007. Income will be good throughout. You should however strictly avoid real estate.It will be directly in proportion to the efforts you put in.

Investments will be favorable mostly. For Detailed & In-depth analysis of your Horoscope, please visit my website: - www.astrologersahib.com My messenger ID: astrologer_sahib Please feel free to come for live chat regarding your queries. I am available for chat from 10am to 1pm, and then in evening from 5pm to 7pm (IST) My Email Address: - astrologersahib Thanks Shri Manmeet www.astrologersahib.com NOTE: Readers are advised to use their own discretion in their personal and financial matters. The interpretation of Vedic astrological horoscope is the analysis and opinion of a person’s knowledge based on his or her, experience and perceptions in the Vedic astrology. Another astrologer’s opinion/analysis on any of the issues whatsoever might be

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