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dear richardji


shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall

refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even liquor.


however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas were

written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of these

nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.


the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated white,

red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins, kshatriyas,

vaishyas and shudras.


it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat, garlic

etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by

shivapurana itself.


hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including those

with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not get any

negative affect.


you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures and the

shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised rudraksha, he

will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes,

taking a holistic approach, an unenergised rudraksha wearer does not

go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who quote the

scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach. you

must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many

rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.


hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken

considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

<rsbj66 wrote:


> One quick question,


> I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect

> from wearing the rudraksha?


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sacred-objects , " panditarjun2004 "

<panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear richardji


> shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall

> refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even liquor.


> however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas were

> written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of these

> nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.


> the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated white,

> red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins, kshatriyas,

> vaishyas and shudras.


> it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat, garlic

> etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by

> shivapurana itself.


> hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including those

> with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not get any

> negative affect.


> you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures and the

> shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised rudraksha, he

> will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes,

> taking a holistic approach, an unenergised rudraksha wearer does not

> go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who quote the

> scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach. you

> must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many

> rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.


> hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken

> considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy.com


> sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

> <rsbj66@> wrote:

> >

> > One quick question,

> >

> > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect

> > from wearing the rudraksha?

> >


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What is the difference between a Rudraksha bead which has been

blessed in Pooja and one which has not been blessed? Panditji has

mentioned the reference in Shiva Purana about going to a hell. The

quote in Chapter 25 of Vidyeshvarasamhita from Shiva Puran says:


The man who wears the rudraksha without mantra falls into a

terrible hell and stays there during the tenure of fourteen Indras.


Without mantra it says. Also the bija mantra is mentioned for each

mukhi. Nothing is mentioned about pooja in Shiva Purana. Is saying

the mantra once enough before wearing? The elaborate poojas is not

mentioned in Shiva Purana. Perhaps the other Rudraksha scriptures

are a natural commentary on the Shiva Purana. But we find many

contradictory statements in all the scriptures. So how to know what

is the real siddhanta?


Ys, Ole


sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

<rsbj66 wrote:




> sacred-objects , " panditarjun2004 "

> <panditarjun2004@> wrote:

> >

> > dear richardji

> >

> > shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall

> > refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even


> >

> > however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas


> > written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of


> > nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.

> >

> > the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated


> > red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins,


> > vaishyas and shudras.

> >

> > it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat,


> > etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by

> > shivapurana itself.

> >

> > hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including


> > with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not

get any

> > negative affect.

> >

> > you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures

and the

> > shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised

rudraksha, he

> > will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes,

> > taking a holistic approach, an unenergised rudraksha wearer does


> > go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who

quote the

> > scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach.


> > must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many

> > rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.

> >

> > hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken

> > considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.

> >

> > with best wishes and blessings

> > pandit arjun

> > www.rudraksharemedy.com

> >

> > sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

> > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> > >

> > > One quick question,

> > >

> > > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect

> > > from wearing the rudraksha?

> > >

> >


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Gentleman, Let us think and assume if one is saying to refrain from all type of eating meat,garlic,onion,liquor. It means eating or consuming of all this come under impurification of mind.This is fact.This fact i came to know from "Brahma Kumari" orgainsation. Thanks binode kripalanipanditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear richardji shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even liquor. however, what i

personally feel is that since all these puranas were written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of these nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these. the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated white, red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins, kshatriyas, vaishyas and shudras. it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat, garlic etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by shivapurana itself. hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including those with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not get any negative affect. you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures and the shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised rudraksha, he will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes, taking a holistic approach, an

unenergised rudraksha wearer does not go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who quote the scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach. you must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish. hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti. with best wishes and blessings pandit arjun www.rudraksharemedy.com sacred-objects , "Richard Shaw Brown" <rsbj66 wrote: > > One quick question, > > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect > from wearing the rudraksha? > binode kripalani numerologist 9831664581(Kolkata) binodeuk binode_kripalani

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thank you pandit arjun you are a wonderful man and it is very sensible for you to state that kshatriyas do eat meat (for increase of their needed warrior qualities) even though i refrain for receiving spiritual enhancement. also pandit arjun i love your understanding of things and we are very lucky to have your wisdom and greatness. thanks once again for your suggestions. however i still think that the mercury rudraksha is important for me don't you think? because of mercury being such an important planet astrologically and numerologically?






Raja Gursahani (: 559.474.8576 ,: rajagursahani


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dear oleji


your doubts are valid since there is no clear mention in ancient



shivapurana has not mentioned any type of pooja for the rudraksha to

be done before wearing. but as a matter of respect to the divine

shiva form of the rudraksha, we do pooja to it.


any mantra is generally recited 108 times since there are 108

nakshatra padams, in one of which the native is born. here too no

number count of energisation mantra recital is mentioned in the

puranas about rudraksha energisation but my observation is that 108

times recital of the mantra of energisation is sufficient.


as regards finding which is right or wrong, remember the old

adage " yukti yuktam vako grahyam baladapi sukadapi, yukti heenam

vakas tyajyam vruddhadapi sukadapi " . if you are convinced and find

reasoning in anything which is told in the purana or by someone, you

can follow it.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



sacred-objects , " alstrup " <alstrup wrote:


> What is the difference between a Rudraksha bead which has been

> blessed in Pooja and one which has not been blessed? Panditji has

> mentioned the reference in Shiva Purana about going to a hell. The

> quote in Chapter 25 of Vidyeshvarasamhita from Shiva Puran says:


> The man who wears the rudraksha without mantra falls into a

> terrible hell and stays there during the tenure of fourteen Indras.


> Without mantra it says. Also the bija mantra is mentioned for each

> mukhi. Nothing is mentioned about pooja in Shiva Purana. Is saying

> the mantra once enough before wearing? The elaborate poojas is not

> mentioned in Shiva Purana. Perhaps the other Rudraksha scriptures

> are a natural commentary on the Shiva Purana. But we find many

> contradictory statements in all the scriptures. So how to know what

> is the real siddhanta?


> Ys, Ole


> sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

> <rsbj66@> wrote:

> >


> >

> > sacred-objects , " panditarjun2004 "

> > <panditarjun2004@> wrote:

> > >

> > > dear richardji

> > >

> > > shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall

> > > refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even

> liquor.

> > >

> > > however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas

> were

> > > written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of

> these

> > > nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.

> > >

> > > the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated

> white,

> > > red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins,

> kshatriyas,

> > > vaishyas and shudras.

> > >

> > > it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat,

> garlic

> > > etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by

> > > shivapurana itself.

> > >

> > > hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including

> those

> > > with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not

> get any

> > > negative affect.

> > >

> > > you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures

> and the

> > > shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised

> rudraksha, he

> > > will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes,

> > > taking a holistic approach, an unenergised rudraksha wearer


> not

> > > go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who

> quote the

> > > scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic


> you

> > > must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many

> > > rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.

> > >

> > > hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken

> > > considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.

> > >

> > > with best wishes and blessings

> > > pandit arjun

> > > www.rudraksharemedy.com

> > >

> > > sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

> > > <rsbj66@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > One quick question,

> > > >

> > > > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect

> > > > from wearing the rudraksha?

> > > >

> > >

> >


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dear friend


since the four coloured rudrakshas allocation to the chatur varnas is

no longer existent, either due to nonavailability of the four

coloured rudrakshas or due to people getting out of the caste system,

we shall lay emphasis on the other verses of the purana where it is

mentioned in clear words that any person, be it a boy or a old man,

man or woman, all can wear the rudraksha.


as regards your speciifc mention to kshatriyas, of course it is the

kshatriya dharma to eat meat and be capable enought to protect the

people of their kindgom from the invaders and enemies for which meat

eating is natural. in fact, according to our scriptures, hunting is

permitted for kshatriyas, as they need to hone up their shooting and

hunting skills with a view to get prepared to protect their kingdom

people from the invaders or enemies.


as regards allocation of planets to rudraksha, only for sun, there is

a clear allocation of 12 mukh rudraksha. for the rest, you can look

at the lordships of the rudraksha and find out which lord owns or

rules the star or planet for whom you need mollification.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



sacred-objects , " Raja Gursahani "

<rajagursahani wrote:


> thank you pandit arjun you are a wonderful man and it is very

sensible for

> you to state that kshatriyas do eat meat (for increase of their


> warrior qualities) even though i refrain for receiving spiritual

> enhancement. also pandit arjun i love your understanding of things

and we

> are very lucky to have your wisdom and greatness. thanks once again

for your

> suggestions. however i still think that the mercury rudraksha is


> for me don't you think? because of mercury being such an important


> astrologically and numerologically?


> namaskar,



> __________


> Raja Gursahani

> (: 559.474.8576

> ,: rajagursahani


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dear friend


your observation is correct to the extent of developing satva guna

and satvik habits in a native by refraining from consumption of meat,

liquor etc.


however, under the chatur varna system prevalent those days in india,

brahmins were satvik and vaishyas too were satvik due to their

professions. but kshatriyas have to eat meat to be strong and

protect the kingdom from the enemies. some kings used to go on

hunting daily to upkeep their hunting skills. similarly shudras who

do laborious manual jobs need extra energy and cannot afford costly

food, so they too used to consume meat.


geographically speaking, in desert areas and in icy cold regions, we

do not find much greenery and people there have no option but to

consume meat.


considering the realities of nature, we shall not find fault with

meat eaters.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun



sacred-objects , vasdev kripalani udharam

<binnumero wrote:


> Gentleman,

> Let us think and assume if one is saying to refrain from all type

of eating meat,garlic,onion,liquor. It means eating or consuming of

all this come under impurification of mind.This is fact.This fact i

came to know from " Brahma Kumari " orgainsation.

> Thanks

> binode kripalani


> panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004

wrote: dear richardji


> shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall

> refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even



> however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas


> written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of


> nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.


> the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated


> red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins,


> vaishyas and shudras.


> it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat,


> etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by

> shivapurana itself.


> hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including


> with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not get


> negative affect.


> you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures and


> shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised rudraksha,


> will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes,

> taking a holistic approach, an unenergised rudraksha wearer does


> go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who quote


> scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach.


> must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many

> rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.


> hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken

> considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy.com


> sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

> <rsbj66@> wrote:

> >

> > One quick question,

> >

> > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect

> > from wearing the rudraksha?

> >

binode kripalani

> numerologist 9831664581(Kolkata)

> binodeuk

> binode_kripalani




> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click



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Dear friends, Last few days there is discussion regarding Rudraksha wearing and dietary restrictions etc. I agree with Shri. Arjunaji. Personally I am of the opinion that dietary restrictions are all artificial rules and regulations made by brahmins to prevent shudras from doing any Sadhana during Chaturvarnya system. 'Manu Smruti' also puts restrictions for ladies. It is all nonsense. I want to make it clear that I am a Maharashtrian Konkanastha (coastal) brahmin by caste and have following personal opinion. Why there should be any restrictions of any type to perform any Sadhana and bhakti of the God ? It is always said that garlic, onion and meat are Tamas Ahar (diet). It is funny. I would like to ask a simple question that whether all criminals, black marketers and corrupt people and corrupt politicians are nonvegetarians ? and on the other hand

whether all good people and saints are strictly vegetarians ? One can study the vegetarian and nonvegetarian class around him and decide. If you remember, few years back, there were serious criminal charges against one of the Shankaracharya and the legal case is pending in the court of law. We all know that Garlic and onion have excellent medicinal properties. Meat is also an essential food and provides vitamin B complex and proteins. Fish is an exellent source of the wonderful compound 'Omega 3 fatty acids' to keep your heart, arteries and brain healthy. I agree that excess of nonvegetarian food may add to the Cholesterol problem in addtion to the risk for cancer due to the high protein intake. However, we have to define certain balance in our diet. We talk about Rudraksha wearing. However, how many people know the fact that many saints were nonvegetarian ?

Sri Saibaba of Shridi was fond of fish and he himself use to cook nonvegetarian food for his devotees. Swamy Vivekanand and his spiritual Guru Swamy Ramkrishna Paramahansa were nonvegetarian and use to take fish regularly. Christanity and Islam do not ban nonvegetarian food in religious rituals. Jesus Christ and Mohamad Paigambar were the great saints. Were both of them Tamasi ? Certainly not. We all know that many of the social centres to take care of poor and disabled are being run by Christian missions in India. The classic example is of Mother Teressa's great work. I have personally visited the centre 'Asha Dan' in the Hindustan Lever campus at Byeculla in Mumbai. She was a great saint, a living God I would say. In our puranas it is mentioned that earlier rishis use to take beef and goat meat during Yadnya Pujan ( Holy fire). The term commonly used is 'Aja

Bali'. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the great reformer has mentioned in his book 'Riddles in Hinduism' that Hindu Gods Sri Ram and Sri Krishna were Kshatriyas (warrior community) and use to take nonvegetarian food. The book was banned by law due to the above statement in the book, however, publishers lifted the ban through the court of law. The statements made by Babasaheb are not baseless and he has discussed it in more detail with references from our scriptures. On Dashami day of Dashahara, (Ashwin Shuddha Navami and Dashmi) goat and male buffalow is sacrificed. It is also given the holy scripture 'Sri Durga Saptashati'. I want to ask one question to all who strongly oppopse non vegetarian food. We all know that there is a regular practice to wear Silk clothes, saris etc. during pooja and other religious rituals. You may be knowing that

to make one Sari or silk Kurta hundreds and thousands of beautiful silk worms caterpillars in cocoon stage are killed by putting them in boiling water to protect the staple of silk yarn. I am of the opinion that we should not use silk while performing pooja and other religious rituals jsince it is a product afer killing of an animal. People supporting silk may say that atmosphere becomes germ free due to silk. It is nonsense. Silk has a property of static electricity and naturally attracts large no. of dust particles carrying thousands of microorganisms. Kashmiri Shaivism allows nonvegetarian food. In fact, Mahashivaratri is celebrated like a Diwali in Kasmir by 'Kashmiri Pandits' ( a community of Kashmiri Hindus). On this day marriage of the Lord Shiva and Parvati is celebrated. A prasadam of five types of nonvegetarian food with dry fruits etc. is offered to the Lord Shiva and Parvati. As

per the custom, only chief of the family or the eldest male member of the family keeps fast on this day and takes only fruits. Personally I am of the opinion that it is all man made. Dietary habits are mainly due the type of food available in a perticular locality and how a person is born and broughtup in any community. Bhakti for the God is more important than any rituals, customs, restrictions etc. There should not be any restrictions of any type to perform any Sadhana and Bhakti. I would suggest if possible, remove Rudrakshas while taking nonvegetarian food. If situation does not permit then one can take nonvegetarian food while wearing rudrakshas. Certainly it is not sin. There are many sins which we all are doing knowingly or unknowingly. We should take care not to perform any of such sins. Thanking you and with best wishes, Chandrashekhar Phadke, Pune, India. I panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear friendyour observation is correct to the extent of developing satva guna and satvik habits in a native by refraining from consumption of meat, liquor etc.however, under the chatur varna system prevalent those days in india, brahmins were satvik and vaishyas too were

satvik due to their professions. but kshatriyas have to eat meat to be strong and protect the kingdom from the enemies. some kings used to go on hunting daily to upkeep their hunting skills. similarly shudras who do laborious manual jobs need extra energy and cannot afford costly food, so they too used to consume meat.geographically speaking, in desert areas and in icy cold regions, we do not find much greenery and people there have no option but to consume meat.considering the realities of nature, we shall not find fault with meat eaters. with best wishes and blessingspandit arjunwww.rudraksharemedy.comsacred-objects , vasdev kripalani udharam <binnumero wrote:>> Gentleman,> Let us think and assume if one is saying to refrain from all type of eating

meat,garlic,onion,liquor. It means eating or consuming of all this come under impurification of mind.This is fact.This fact i came to know from "Brahma Kumari" orgainsation.> Thanks> binode kripalani> > panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004 wrote: dear richardji> > shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall > refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even liquor.> > however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas were > written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without any of these > nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.> > the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated white, > red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins, kshatriyas, > vaishyas and shudras.> > it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat

meat, garlic > etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by > shivapurana itself.> > hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including those > with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not get any > negative affect.> > you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures and the > shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised rudraksha, he > will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes, > taking a holistic approach, an unenergised rudraksha wearer does not > go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who quote the > scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach. you > must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many > rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.> > hence all scriptural

sanctions and restrictions must be taken > considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.> > with best wishes and blessings> pandit arjun> www.rudraksharemedy.com> > sacred-objects , "Richard Shaw Brown" > <rsbj66@> wrote:> >> > One quick question,> > > > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect> > from wearing the rudraksha?> >> > > > > > > binode kripalani> numerologist 9831664581(Kolkata)> binodeuk binode_kripalani > > > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click here>

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Har Har Mahadev, Dear members, I beg to differ from Mr. Arjun and Mr. Phadke about their opinion for being non-veg and still wear Rudrakshas. These two things in my view cannot go together. I have taken few hints from religious books besides my personal views and thinking of being Vegetarian and wearing Rudrakshas. At the outset I want to clarify that these are purely my views and my aim is not to hurt any body nor agravate the religious sentiments.I think the God is Vegetarian and practicing vegetarian habbits can ONLY make one spiritual and there by he or she can attain Moksha or salvation.Being vegetarian is a process and the whole process is meant to purify us, and eating is part of that purification. I think you have a saying, "You are what you eat", and that's a fact. Our bodily constitution and mental atmosphere are determined according to how and what

we eat. Therefore the sashtras (scriptures) recommend that to understand the God you need to Satvik and not Tamsik, whereas non veg things actually makes the "Bhuddhi" thinking tamsik.

As per Padma Purana:

praninam mrityubhirunam mamsaishcarmaprasev ikam/purayitva dhruvam yati narakam papamanavah/ /

The meaning of this is that if the stomach of a person is filled with the flesh of others, after death such sinful person goes to hell for sure!"

In Bhagvat Geeta [Para 9.26] Lord Krishna He says, "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, af fruit, or water, I will accept it". He never says, "Give Me meat and wine". – Science of Self-Realization (p. 185)

Whether in the Name of Religion or for Food, animal slaughter is always condemned.Animal sacrifice in the name of religion is current practically all over the world in every established religion. It is said that Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion and started the religious system of Christianity, adhering to the Old Testament commandment "Thou shalt not kill". At the present day, however, not only are animals killed in the name of sacrifice, but the killing of animals has increased enormously because of the increasing number of slaughterhouses. As per Srimad-Bhagavatam (7.15.10) the slaughtering animals, either for religion or for food, is most abominable and is condemned.

Most people seem to have the idea that vegetarian food lacks adequate nutrients.There is something called "Humanity" or "Mercy". The main reason is "mercy", and because we "cannot bear to eat the flesh of living creatures." And our belief in karma tells us that we must eventually suffer the consequences of our evil actions ( KARMIC THEORY). This will again and again put us in the vicious circle of life and death, and we will never attain Moksha. A Buddhist sutra says: "The bodhisattva fears the original action; the myriad of living creatures fear the consequences." This means that the bodhisattva knows the seriousness of the consequences and does not do evil things; neither does he think about the causes of bad consequences. Finally, I also believe that a vegetarian diet better enables one to keep a pure body and mind and this purity is an important foundation of self-cultivation.

Having a merciful and compassionate heart will show up in all aspects of one's life; but the simplest and most direct way is to follow a vegetarian diet. Think of the intense pain of accidentally stepping on a nail is. So how can one have the heart to eat the flesh of creatures who have suffered the pain of being slaughtered, skinned, dismembered, and cooked? Being unable to bring ourselves to eat the flesh of these poor creatures is an "expression of mercy".

From the first made in their bodies to the time they are swallowed they go through the equivalent of eight different hells: 1. decapitation; 2. skinning; 3. removing the legs; 4. slitting of the belly; 5. frying or boiling; 6. salt, sugar and seasoning; 7. chewing; and 8. digestion and excretion.

"if we eat the flesh of living creatures, we are destroying the seeds of compassion." That is, if we do not eat the flesh of living creatures, we are cultivating and irrigating the seeds of compassion," and to "cultivate a compassionate heart," I appeal to all to become a vegetarian

What Science Says for eating Non Veg Diet

Digesting MeatOnce within the stomach, meat requires digestive juices high in hydrochloric acid. The stomachs of humans and herbivores produce acid less than one-twentieth the strength of that found in carnivores. So healthwise it is good to be on the Veg diet.

Another crucial difference between the meat-eater and the vegetarian is found in the intestinal tract, where the food is further digested and nutrients are passed into the blood. A piece of meat is just part of a corpse, and its putrefaction creates poisonous wastes within the body. This is dangerous and shortens the life span.

CancerFurther evidence of the unsuitability of the human intestinal tract for digestion of flesh is the relationship, established by numerous studies, between colon cancer and meat-eating. One reason for the incidence of cancer is the high-fat, low-fiber content of the meat-centered diet. This results in a slow transit time through the colon, allowing toxic wastes to do their damage. Dangerous Chemicals in MeatNumerous other potentially hazardous chemicals, of which consumers are generally unaware, are present in meat and meat products.

Diseases in MeatIn addition to dangerous chemicals, meat often carries diseases from the animals themselves. Crammed together in unclean conditions, force-fed, and inhumanely treated, animals destined for slaughter contract many more diseases than they ordinarily would. Meat inspectors attempts to filter out unacceptable meats, but because of pressures from the industry and lack of sufficient time for examination, much of what passes is fare less wholesome than the meat purchaser realizes.

Hence the moral of story is to become Veg and propogate Veg. diet. This is definitely the responsibility of the Rudrakshas therapist and the Rudraksha suppliers to correctly guide the devotees , but now our minds have become corrupt and we just want money. So these Rudraksha suppliers are never detering in regularsing the eating of meat and wearing of Rudrakshas simultaneously. We should clearly tell a devotee about becoming a veg, the Rudrakshas when empowered correctly and energised to the perfection they have that strength and power where in they can mould the mindset of the devotee to not to eat the meat. We are wearing Rudrakshas for spirituality, salvation, good health and wealth and when none of the above thing is acheived as stated above that means we are just talking and are just theoretical about spirituality and other things but not practicing it. So will Rudrakshas work for you ??? The amswer in my

opinion is a big "NO"

Aum Namah Shivaye,Rajiv Krishna Dasawww.shaligram.comwww..comwww..rudracentre.com

--- On Tue, 29/4/08, chandrashekhar phadke <chphadke wrote:

chandrashekhar phadke <chphadkeRe: Re: Can any member answer this question...?sacred-objects Date: Tuesday, 29 April, 2008, 5:19 AM




Dear friends,


Last few days there is discussion regarding Rudraksha wearing and dietary restrictions etc. I agree with Shri. Arjunaji. Personally I am of the opinion that dietary restrictions are all artificial rules and regulations made by brahmins to prevent shudras from doing any Sadhana during Chaturvarnya system. 'Manu Smruti' also puts restrictions for ladies. It is all nonsense. I want to make it clear that I am a Maharashtrian Konkanastha (coastal) brahmin by caste and have following personal opinion.


Why there should be any restrictions of any type to perform any Sadhana and bhakti of the God ? It is always said that garlic, onion and meat are Tamas Ahar (diet). It is funny. I would like to ask a simple question that whether all criminals, black marketers and corrupt people and corrupt politicians are nonvegetarians ? and on the other hand whether all good people and saints are strictly vegetarians ? One can study the vegetarian and nonvegetarian class around him and decide. If you remember, few years back, there were serious criminal charges against one of the Shankaracharya and the legal case is pending in the court of law.


We all know that Garlic and onion have excellent medicinal properties. Meat is also an essential food and provides vitamin B complex and proteins. Fish is an exellent source of the wonderful compound 'Omega 3 fatty acids' to keep your heart, arteries and brain healthy. I agree that excess of nonvegetarian food may add to the Cholesterol problem in addtion to the risk for cancer due to the high protein intake. However, we have to define certain balance in our diet.


We talk about Rudraksha wearing. However, how many people know the fact that many saints were nonvegetarian ? Sri Saibaba of Shridi was fond of fish and he himself use to cook nonvegetarian food for his devotees. Swamy Vivekanand and his spiritual Guru Swamy Ramkrishna Paramahansa were nonvegetarian and use to take fish regularly. Christanity and Islam do not ban nonvegetarian food in religious rituals. Jesus Christ and Mohamad Paigambar were the great saints. Were both of them Tamasi ? Certainly not. We all know that many of the social centres to take care of poor and disabled are being run by Christian missions in India. The classic example is of Mother Teressa's great work. I have personally visited the centre 'Asha Dan' in the Hindustan Lever campus at Byeculla in Mumbai. She was a great saint, a living God I would say.


In our puranas it is mentioned that earlier rishis use to take beef and goat meat during Yadnya Pujan ( Holy fire). The term commonly used is 'Aja Bali'.


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, the great reformer has mentioned in his book 'Riddles in Hinduism' that Hindu Gods Sri Ram and Sri Krishna were Kshatriyas (warrior community) and use to take nonvegetarian food. The book was banned by law due to the above statement in the book, however, publishers lifted the ban through the court of law. The statements made by Babasaheb are not baseless and he has discussed it in more detail with references from our scriptures.


On Dashami day of Dashahara, (Ashwin Shuddha Navami and Dashmi) goat and male buffalow is sacrificed. It is also given the holy scripture 'Sri Durga Saptashati'.


I want to ask one question to all who strongly oppopse non vegetarian food. We all know that there is a regular practice to wear Silk clothes, saris etc. during pooja and other religious rituals. You may be knowing that to make one Sari or silk Kurta hundreds and thousands of beautiful silk worms caterpillars in cocoon stage are killed by putting them in boiling water to protect the staple of silk yarn. I am of the opinion that we should not use silk while performing pooja and other religious rituals jsince it is a product afer killing of an animal. People supporting silk may say that atmosphere becomes germ free due to silk. It is nonsense. Silk has a property of static electricity and naturally attracts large no. of dust particles carrying thousands of microorganisms..


Kashmiri Shaivism allows nonvegetarian food. In fact, Mahashivaratri is celebrated like a Diwali in Kasmir by 'Kashmiri Pandits' ( a community of Kashmiri Hindus). On this day marriage of the Lord Shiva and Parvati is celebrated. A prasadam of five types of nonvegetarian food with dry fruits etc. is offered to the Lord Shiva and Parvati. As per the custom, only chief of the family or the eldest male member of the family keeps fast on this day and takes only fruits.


Personally I am of the opinion that it is all man made. Dietary habits are mainly due the type of food available in a perticular locality and how a person is born and broughtup in any community. Bhakti for the God is more important than any rituals, customs, restrictions etc. There should not be any restrictions of any type to perform any Sadhana and Bhakti.


I would suggest if possible, remove Rudrakshas while taking nonvegetarian food. If situation does not permit then one can take nonvegetarian food while wearing rudrakshas. Certainly it is not sin. There are many sins which we all are doing knowingly or unknowingly. We should take care not to perform any of such sins.



Thanking you and with best wishes,



Chandrashekhar Phadke, Pune, India.




panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004@ > wrote:



dear friendyour observation is correct to the extent of developing satva guna and satvik habits in a native by refraining from consumption of meat, liquor etc.however, under the chatur varna system prevalent those days in india, brahmins were satvik and vaishyas too were satvik due to their professions. but kshatriyas have to eat meat to be strong and protect the kingdom from the enemies. some kings used to go on hunting daily to upkeep their hunting skills. similarly shudras who do laborious manual jobs need extra energy and cannot afford costly food, so they too used to consume meat.geographically speaking, in desert areas and in icy cold regions, we do not find much greenery and people there have no option but to consume meat.considering the realities of nature, we shall not find fault with meat eaters. with best wishes and blessingspandit

arjunwww.rudraksharemedy .comsacred-objects, vasdev kripalani udharam <binnumero@. ..> wrote:>> Gentleman,> Let us think and assume if one is saying to refrain from all type of eating meat,garlic, onion,liquor. It means eating or consuming of all this come under impurification of mind.This is fact.This fact i came to know from "Brahma Kumari" orgainsation..> Thanks> binode kripalani> > panditarjun2004 <panditarjun2004@ ...> wrote: dear richardji> > shivapurana mentions in one para that wearer of rudraksha shall > refrain from eating meat, garlic, onion, red garlic and even liquor.> > however, what i personally feel is that since all these puranas were > written by brahmins who were obviously satviks without

any of these > nonveg and liquor habits, they mentioned all these.> > the same shivapurana has some verses where it has allocated white, > red, yellow and black coloured rudrakshas for brahmins, kshatriyas, > vaishyas and shudras.> > it is common knoweldge that kshatriyas and shudras eat meat, garlic > etc. so this rule of prohibition of non-veg is contradicted by > shivapurana itself.> > hence you may safely assume that all castes people, including those > with non-veg habits, can wear the rudraksha and they will not get any > negative affect.> > you may remember that i do energisation as per the scriptures and the > shivapurana says that if a person wears an unenergised rudraksha, he > will go to hell for a kalpam or so to which you objected. yes, > taking a holistic approach, an unenergised

rudraksha wearer does not > go to hell. but instead of criticising the individuals who quote the > scriptures, i contended that we shall take a holistic approach. you > must have read the chapter on women from shivapurana which many > rational thinking people of today condemn as rubbish.> > hence all scriptural sanctions and restrictions must be taken > considering the present desha, kala, vartamana, paristhiti.> > with best wishes and blessings> pandit arjun> www.rudraksharemedy .com> > sacred-objects, "Richard Shaw Brown" > <rsbj66@> wrote:> >> > One quick question,> > > > I am non-vegetarian. Would I experience any ill effect> > from wearing the rudraksha?> >>

> > > > > > binode kripalani> numerologist 9831664581(Kolkata)> binodeuk binode_kripalani@ ...> > > ------------ --------- --------- ---> Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click here>



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Personally I never ask people about their life styles or eating habits

when they approach us to obtain gem or Rudraksha. If they are lucky

enough to get one then good for them.


But the question was raised by one of our clients and that's why I

asked everyone.




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dear dasaji


you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we disagree.


my observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not inferior to

a vegetarian. some sages too ate meat. even lord shiva ate the meat

offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.


many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.


if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is

fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if

they are sinners and they go to hell.


even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and slice

it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about



shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured

rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords and

turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and other

vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has the

power to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.


sometimes we cannot go blindly after what is written in scriptures.

for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since they

are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins wait

only for wearing a white coloured rudraksha only to find it nowhere.


i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam

vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam vruddhadapi

sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and

rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun


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Dear ALL,


I seems we cannot reach a conclusion on the matter of sinful people

(meat eaters) wearing Rudraksha. So how do we reach a conclusion?

Should we have a poll? Who is the authority?





sacred-objects , " panditarjun2004 "

<panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear dasaji


> you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we disagree.


> my observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not inferior to

> a vegetarian. some sages too ate meat. even lord shiva ate the meat

> offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.


> many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.


> if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is

> fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if

> they are sinners and they go to hell.


> even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and slice

> it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about

> meateaters.


> shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured

> rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords and

> turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and other

> vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has the

> power to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.


> sometimes we cannot go blindly after what is written in scriptures.

> for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since they

> are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins wait

> only for wearing a white coloured rudraksha only to find it nowhere.


> i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam

> vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam vruddhadapi

> sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and

> rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy.com


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I think about meat eating it would be absolutely forbidden for a

Shalagram shevak. In fact NO brahmin should dare to touch meat. There

is no excuse on God's Earth for a brahmin to eat flesh of animal

corpse, specially beef.







sacred-objects , " panditarjun2004 "

<panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear dasaji


> you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we disagree.


> my observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not inferior to

> a vegetarian. some sages too ate meat. even lord shiva ate the meat

> offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.


> many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.


> if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is

> fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if

> they are sinners and they go to hell.


> even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and slice

> it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about

> meateaters.


> shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured

> rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords and

> turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and other

> vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has the

> power to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.


> sometimes we cannot go blindly after what is written in scriptures.

> for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since they

> are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins wait

> only for wearing a white coloured rudraksha only to find it nowhere.


> i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam

> vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam vruddhadapi

> sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and

> rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy.com


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I don't find it such a big issue.Its Ok what we wear or eat to survive.This is personal n as well as a social or cultural perspective. I sometimes wonder do we have enough vegetarian food for alll human beings to survive? Because nature has created everything. But for certain people SATTIK food and behaviour assist them lead a so called a pious n good meaningful life.The basic point is not all vegetarian people are pure or non-vegetarians are impure or asuras.One can quote n numbers of examples to prove a point but it doesn't serve any purpose. Eat wahtever you want to but your actions,deeds and thoughts should be pure. Sorry for very simplistic and mundane opinion. Thanks,bear it.Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 wrote: Dear ALL,I seems we cannot reach a conclusion on the matter of sinful people(meat eaters) wearing Rudraksha. So how do we reach a conclusion?Should we have a poll? Who is the authority?Y/s,Richardsacred-objects , "panditarjun2004"<panditarjun2004 wrote:>> dear dasaji> > you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we disagree.> > my observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not inferior to > a vegetarian. some sages too ate

meat. even lord shiva ate the meat > offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.> > many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.> > if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is > fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if > they are sinners and they go to hell.> > even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and slice > it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about > meateaters.> > shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured > rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords and > turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and other > vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has the > power to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.> > sometimes we cannot go blindly

after what is written in scriptures. > for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since they > are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins wait > only for wearing a white coloured rudraksha only to find it nowhere.> > i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam > vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam vruddhadapi > sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and > rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.> > with best wishes and blessings> pandit arjun> www.rudraksharemedy.com>mridul

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Dear Richard. In Tamilnadu India There is still living Saiva Vellla those even touch meat/ They are all pure vegetarian somany generations.Meat eater is not particular casteism.Meat eater can not attain mukthi. Whenver plant cut they grow that is nature mystry.Never compare plant with meat. As far as my concern there is no single word as SIVA in Four veda Siva is prevedic period only southern tamilnadu pundit known very well. If you want to know anything about truth please study aancient classic Tamil. Many of the Sanscrit version is taken from tamil and various classical language many of them not originality. If you research in Timeline period of sanskrit Author you know the truth Meenakshi Sundaram.c Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 wrote: I think about meat eating it would be absolutely forbidden for aShalagram shevak. In fact NO brahmin should dare to touch meat. Thereis no excuse on God's Earth for a brahmin to eat flesh of animalcorpse, specially beef.Comments???Y/s,Richardsacred-objects , "panditarjun2004"<panditarjun2004 wrote:>> dear dasaji> > you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we disagree.> > my

observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not inferior to > a vegetarian. some sages too ate meat. even lord shiva ate the meat > offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.> > many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.> > if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is > fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if > they are sinners and they go to hell.> > even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and slice > it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about > meateaters.> > shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured > rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords and > turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and other > vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has the > power

to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.> > sometimes we cannot go blindly after what is written in scriptures. > for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since they > are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins wait > only for wearing a white coloured rudraksha only to find it nowhere.> > i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam > vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam vruddhadapi > sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and > rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.> > with best wishes and blessings> pandit arjun> www.rudraksharemedy.com>

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i believe that rudraksha beads will make one more holy and intelligent therefore will propagate one's samskaras towards vegetarianism. therefore one who wears the bead should not fight the divinity that it is instilling in you. karmas will be exhausted and the person will change. there is no use in fighting this. this is nature's course for rectification and for your better good.


sincerely (namaskar),




Raja Gursahani (: 559.474.8576 ,: rajagursahani


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Jayo Yes, flesh is in the mode of ignorance. Brahmanas are supposed to be situated in the mode of goodness. The only imaginable exception would be some severe emergency such as flood, famine , war etc where vegetarian food was actually not available. I think any respectable Brahmana would fast for a considerable time , even in this kind of circumstance, before indulging in flesh. Jaya Nitai Gadai--- On Tue, 4/29/08, Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 wrote:

Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 Re: Can any member answer this question...?sacred-objects Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 8:09 PM



I think about meat eating it would be absolutely forbidden for aShalagram shevak. In fact NO brahmin should dare to touch meat. Thereis no excuse on God's Earth for a brahmin to eat flesh of animalcorpse, specially beef.Comments???Y/s,Richardsacred-objects, "panditarjun2004"<panditarjun2004@ ...> wrote:>> dear dasaji> > you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we disagree.> > my observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not inferior to > a vegetarian. some sages too ate meat. even lord shiva ate the meat > offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.> > many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.> > if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is

> fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if > they are sinners and they go to hell.> > even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and slice > it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about > meateaters.> > shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured > rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords and > turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and other > vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has the > power to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.> > sometimes we cannot go blindly after what is written in scriptures. > for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since they > are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins wait > only for wearing a white coloured

rudraksha only to find it nowhere.> > i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam > vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam vruddhadapi > sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and > rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.> > with best wishes and blessings> pandit arjun> www.rudraksharemedy .com>

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namaskar moksh and bhakti

I am may not be respected or listened to or even

taken seriously in this forum

However I will lay down the bottom line

No matter what the Vedas may or may not say

there is a bottom line and this is the bottom line

all animals are sentient being they know pain and

suffering they know love what in gods name or

goddesses name gives anyone the right to cause pain

and suffering to any sentient being without their

express permission? Particlularly int he cae of a

human being on the path of liberation to have the

arrogance the unbelievable arrogance to knowlingly

partake in the cauisng of this pain and indignity by

making their stomachs a graveyard for animals is

unnaceptable sorry

it is seriously spiritually pathetic.If one lives

where there is no recourse and that means

nooooooooooooo recourse but to murder an animal to

survive then it becomes an ethical personal dilemma

that should be wrestled with. to enjoin any other

excuse is the height of delusion and arrogance. does

the brahmin or sahdak believe they will not be making

any karma in this regards? that they are absloved of

karma from causing suffering? unbelievable.just

unbelievable. finally last year buddhists were

ordered by the karmapa lama ( i was told) to stop

eating meat. that we who strive to be liberated no

matter what spiritual path we are on have the audacity

to make excuses and partake of the poor flesh the

skin the meat the bones the fur of an animal is

sickeningly arrogant . worse than people who have no

clue far worse.

I will not be silent on this issue. it goes to the

heart of who we are and the compassion we are

supposed to generate what happened to ahimsa? have you

seen the cows being slaughtered tortured starved

going across india for leather? and the pollution of

chemical runnof going into the ganges from leather

tanneries? india is in spiritual trouble sorry

but the eating digesting murdering torturing

slaughtering of animals is unnaceptable spiritually

devoid of any merit and frought with a minefield of


sophia dalle nyc

opera singer., tragic chanteuese. poetess

if i have made it refusing even medicines from animal

sources over many years of being ill if i have

struggles with shoes made of non leather with my tiny

skinny feet impossible to fit food in bizarre

situations i have respected the souls of animals.

certainly brahmins can i am longtime

vegan and initiate of santmat which abjures the

eating of flesh


that i s who i am

born and raised in nyc

9/11 ground zero world trade center survivor

and will listen excuse out of a sadhaks or brahmins

mouth or buddhist monk or nun in regards to making

their stomachs a graveyard for animals








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namaskar moksha and bhakti

in regards to meat eaters wearing rudraksha

Shiva created His tears for everyone. yes? they

cause no harm nor can the meat eater pollute the

Tears. Perhaps , by wearing the Rudraksha the person

will become more purified . I would not think there

should be an onus on this.

In the regards of cultural . cultural torture does

not make it acceptable by earnest spiritual seekers

or even civilized or striving to be civilized society.

if by a countries culture there was human

cannabalism would we accept that? the koreans boiling

and skinning alive of felines call it cultural;

i call it cross species cannabalism

as you see the plight of animals is very dear to


that being said

it would be a grand world if all brahmins sahdaks

monks devotees respected honoured all life did not

wear leather eat the flesh of a poor animal meditated

three hours a day were celibate in though t word and

deed only generated compassion had no delusions of me

mine i am superior becausei am spiritual in short

were liberated and then wear rudraksha the energy

generated through the TEARS of SHIVA then would be

grand neh?????????





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of course you are right, richard, but the rudraksha does weird things when you wear it first. it may make you do things that aren't right at first (for example it made more crazy sexual at first but now that has subsided) and then make you do things good (makes now think of praying in the morning all the time and now taking proper bath as before i was wishy washy) and then you may think you are doing a wrong thing, but what it seems to correct is your attitude towards life, it is changing your psychology through rectifying past samskaras. as if all those previous actions were part of some karmic past and now you have free will and a new attitude to propel you to a dharmic path. that is what happening to me with the 12 mukhi that i wear. yes it is true my friend you will become vegetarian that is the dharmic path. look at the most intelligent men on earth many were vegetarian despite the heavy eat meating in their society. it is in inevitable. don't fight your dharmic path.






Raja Gursahani (: 559.474.8576 ,: rajagursahani


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Richard and other,

I agree with you. All Rudraksha wearer despite of caste and religion

should not wear Rudraksha if they want to attain Moksha. In fact

those seking Moksha despite of wearing or non wearing Runraskha

should not eat non-veg.

Even the Adi Shankaracharya said this along with many other saga.

As far as eating Veg which has life yes it is also a sin but not to

the extent of eating meat and fish.

Shankaracharya has given five remedies (Pancha yadnya) for getting

rid of sin from killing plantes for eating I don't remember all of

them but few are:

1. Feeding the food to animal as Cow and Dog

(This is why we use to have navaidyam for Cow and dog in our previous


2. Giving food and water to birds


There are other three which gives you remedy for the eating Veg.





sacred-objects , " Richard Shaw Brown "

<rsbj66 wrote:


> I think about meat eating it would be absolutely forbidden for a

> Shalagram shevak. In fact NO brahmin should dare to touch meat.


> is no excuse on God's Earth for a brahmin to eat flesh of animal

> corpse, specially beef.


> Comments???


> Y/s,

> Richard


> sacred-objects , " panditarjun2004 "

> <panditarjun2004@> wrote:

> >

> > dear dasaji

> >

> > you are entitled to your views just like ours, even if we


> >

> > my observation is that meat eater is no sinner and is not

inferior to

> > a vegetarian. some sages too ate meat. even lord shiva ate the


> > offered by the hunter kannappa at srikalahasti.

> >

> > many bengali brahmins eat meat. many kashmiri pandits eat meat.

> >

> > if anyone does not eat meat and remain a strict vegetarian, it is

> > fine for him. but one shall not find fault with meateaters as if

> > they are sinners and they go to hell.

> >

> > even plants have life and when a vegetarian uproots a plant and


> > it with a knife, it is akin to what all you described about

> > meateaters.

> >

> > shivapurana clearly mentioned kshatriyas to wear red coloured

> > rudrakshas. you cannot expect kshatriyas to leave their swords


> > turn vegetarian like satviks and not protect the brahmins and


> > vegetarians in his kingdom. a king is equated to god, for he has


> > power to grant life or death to the people living in his kingdom.

> >

> > sometimes we cannot go blindly after what is written in


> > for example do all brahmins shun other coloured rudrakshas since


> > are inferior according to their allocated protocol. do brahmins


> > only for wearing a white coloured rudraksha only to find it


> >

> > i end this mail with the same oft repeated verse yuktiyuktam

> > vakograhyam baladaki sukadapi, yuktiheenam vakastyajyam


> > sukadapi. natives may exercise their own logic, reasoning and

> > rationale to accept or rejected whatever is told by you and me.

> >

> > with best wishes and blessings

> > pandit arjun

> > www.rudraksharemedy.com

> >


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Well time and again we come across the dilemma if meat eating can be accepted a hindu practice. For the best I know I would say barring most brahmins and vaishnavs non vegiterian food is a source of nutrition to atlease 85% of Indian population if not more.


What I find is that what ever part of the country you had Jain Kings meat eating vanished. Gujarat, Southern India. We dont see it north east and neither in Kashmir.


To the more controversial question of beef. Eating a female animal in a economy driven by cattle when it was quite likely that aryas/hindus/Indians was quite a bad economic decision. Cows were most likely considered holy as they brought wealth to the community. However do note in economic sense the bull does not make much difference. Its not a horse to ride and in seminomadic society there was not much need for bull to till the land. As far as in know its alway the ram thats eaten and not the ewe. The cock and not the hen...so on and so forth. Most likely our forefathers and the esteemeed rishis might have eaten beef as in a bull and not a cow. Interesting link below.





Just of thought an no offence meant.





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hey jay nice to have your opinion. meat has been in vedic times it is just that the best sattvic attainment for an individual is to be a vegetarian. nothing is perfect but to get to the stages of human perfection it would make sense that one would become a vegetarian as it is a path of non violenece etc and protective feeling of all inhabitants on this earth. it would make sense that a human being that is going to become a divine being would protect all on this earth. doesn't mean god doesn't kill either because a righteous cause as in the story of the bhagavad gita may require such action.


however it is very true that meat is very pitta activating and it is not any wonder tha kshatriyas were given meat or were allowed to eat meat because they will become more aggressive in their nature and more hot tempered etc. those things which are necessary to scare those who need to be scared or put into submission. so the vedas were very brilliant in systematically understanding the dynamics and categories of human society. their brilliance should be noted and the manipulation of this brilliance is the only problem we are facing today.




Raja Gursahani (: 559.474.8576 ,: rajagursahani


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