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Rudraksha use in Asia

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I am looking for historical information about how Rudraksha beads

were/are used in Chinese and Japanese cultures. Were/are they widely

used in Tibet? I have not been able to find any detailed information

yet, only this below. Please share if you know more. Thanks.


" In China too the Rudraksha Beads were used for Balancing Yin &

Yang energy field and for enhancing the smooth flow of Chi - the

life energy . As per Chinese tradition most of the illnesses are

caused due to improper balancing of Yin & Yang and disruption

in the flow of Chi energy . It has never failed to amaze those in

West the way Chinese acupuncture could cure myriad ailments by

balancing the Chi energy. Rudraksha were considered to enhance the

flow of Chi life energy in the body and balance Yin & Yang .



In Japan the Rudraksha Beads were widely used in Zen Buddhist sect

for meditation. Wearing the Rudraksha Beads induced natural

tranquility . The Rudraksha Beads were taken into Japan by

Buddhist Monks who went there to preach Buddhist teachings "

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i don't think the rudraksha beads were ever used in china and japan. neither was it used in tibet. in tibet they prefer tantric made ornaments of agate.alstrup <alstrupsacred-objects Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:02:17 PM Rudraksha use in Asia


I am looking for historical information about how Rudraksha beads

were/are used in Chinese and Japanese cultures. Were/are they widely

used in Tibet? I have not been able to find any detailed information

yet, only this below. Please share if you know more. Thanks.


"In China too the Rudraksha Beads were used for Balancing Yin &

Yang energy field and for enhancing the smooth flow of Chi - the

life energy . As per Chinese tradition most of the illnesses are

caused due to improper balancing of Yin & Yang and disruption

in the flow of Chi energy . It has never failed to amaze those in

West the way Chinese acupuncture could cure myriad ailments by

balancing the Chi energy. Rudraksha were considered to enhance the

flow of Chi life energy in the body and balance Yin & Yang .


In Japan the Rudraksha Beads were widely used in Zen Buddhist sect

for meditation. Wearing the Rudraksha Beads induced natural

tranquility . The Rudraksha Beads were taken into Japan by

Buddhist Monks who went there to preach Buddhist teachings"




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