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Red Coral VS Red Carnelian

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Dear Richardji & Memberes,



What are the differences between Red Coral and Red Carnelian?


How to identify both gems?


Which is preferable for strengthen Mars planet?



I await your reply.



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Dear Sriman,


Red Coral is a tree; carnelian is a rock. They both have about same

planetary power of Mangala. But coral is the Maha-ratna. Apart from

many gem ID differences, the simplist test to separate coral from

Carnelian is to tap the gem on one's tooth. Coral will have a dull

" tap " sound, but Carnelian with have a sharp glassy " tap " sound. Fine

red coral is much more rare and costly than flawless carnelian too.





sacred-objects , " raval_gv " <ravalgautamv



> Dear Richardji & Memberes,



> What are the differences between Red Coral and Red Carnelian?


> How to identify both gems?


> Which is preferable for strengthen Mars planet?



> I await your reply.


> GR


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