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Nepali Underdeveloped One Mukhi Rudraksha

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Hare Krishna Members, Please accept my best wishes, all glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga, all glories to all the devotees of the Lord.

I was just scrolling thro and found on one website showing underdevleoped Eka Mukhi which is actually five Mukhi Rudraksha.












This is a classical case of so called underdeveloped 5 Mukhi Rudraksha which has only one Mukh developed.


I have taken X Ray pictures of few of these underdeveloped beads available with me which have clear one developed Mukh from outside and has 5 seeds inside as seen from the X Ray picture. The same have been sent as an attachment for the viewing of the members.


I hope this will help,Aum Namoh Bhagvate Vasudevay Saligram Dev NamahaI beg to remain yours in the humble service of the Lord and His devotees. Shubh Dinam Astu / Have a Nice Day,Shri Krishna-Balaram Arpanam Astu - in the service of Their Lordships, Shri Shri Krishna & Balaram,Shri Shri Radhika Raman Arpanam Astu,Shri Swayamvyakta-Shaligram-Silas Arpanam Astu, Thanks and Regards, Haribol, Rajiv Krishna Dasa,WWW.SHALIGRAM.COM00 91 932264642100 91 93226464200091 22 24459616salagram8shaligram8Address105, Hammersmith Industrial Estate,Narayan Pathare Marg,Off Shitla Devi Temple Road, Mahim, Mumbai 400037 Maharashtra (India )--- On Wed, 4/3/09, Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 wrote:

Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 Re: Why God created us and this Universe?sacred-objects Date: Wednesday, 4 March, 2009, 12:02 AM



What about choice 3) Universe with no God?Then you have three choices:1. Universe with God.2. No Universe at all.3. Universe with no God.Y/s,R-sacred-objects, zia khan <bukhari_12000@ ...> wrote:>> > 1- Universe with God.> 2. No uinverse at all.> choose between the two.> > with big bang explosion, it is now clear that the universe was created with a great plan. Space and time appeared with big bang. it means that the creator can not be explained in term of space and time.> > In islamic point of view there is a saying of Prophet Mohammad that God says "I was a hidden treasure, I decided to be known, therefore I created"> > we must know the creation plan of God, and i have found a website regarding

this theory. i want to share it with you. www.cpsglobal. org and www.alrisala. org> > feadback will be appreciated.> > Zia> > --- On Tue, 3/3/09, kishore kishore <mydearindian@ ...> wrote:> > kishore kishore <mydearindian@ ...>> Re: Re: Why God created us and this Universe?> sacred-objects> Tuesday, 3 March, 2009, 12:40 AM> > > > > > > > > > > > Richard:> > Thanks for sharing your views. My views to my question is as follows:> > A Telescope made by a human being is able to catch an object from space which is hundreds of Light Years away from the Earth. This

instrument made by a human brain. > > And there is one more instrument which an archeologist uses to calculate the age of a stone or given object by its layers etc… > > So what I believe is when an instrument made by human brain is capable of traveling such a long distances and capable of calculating its age then the creator of those instruments I mean our human brain must have got much more capability of traveling long distance and can see what happened at the beginning of the universe or before the beginning of the universe what was there. We are more capable then those instruments. > > Not all but some people tried to know this truth and found what happened and then they got enlightenment. Like Lord Buddha or Ramana Maharshi etc… but these people unfortunately did not share their experience of enlightenment but fortunately they only taught how to live. > > Anyway

I am in search of a person who got enlightenment about the truth and who can guide me. I know it is difficult to locate such a person. If I fail to get answer then I too have to sit and search in myself and ask myself to get enlightenment about the truth. Truth is “it is a wonderful cheating game by Godâ€. But we do not know the real purpose of his game. It can be good or bad. My life motto is to know the motto of this game. > > Though I love that “Supreme power†I have intense desire to know the truth of this universe and would like to talk to it. My sincere request to you is if your Guru is in India then I would like to talk to him. Kindly tell me his address if you wish and also kindly advise me some wonderful books from which I may get some knowledge. > > Have a nice & productive day,> > With Best wishes, > M.kishore.> > If you don't like to read this E-mail

then please mention in subject line "REMOVE" .> > --- On Fri, 27/2/09, Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 > wrote:> > Richard Shaw Brown <rsbj66 >> Re: Why God created us and this Universe?> sacred-objects> Friday, 27 February, 2009, 3:34 PM> > > > > AN AFTER THOUGHT: From the time the eternal jivatma is injected into> Maya or prakriti, starting from the smallest birth as an atom (anu)> and finally, after evolving through all species, as well as hells and> heavens, to reach the stage of mukti - this is the nature of the> "game" which Bhagavan has created at His own whim. > > And the process for the Jiva to start into Maya as an atom, then> evolve through 8 million subhuman species, then evolve 400,000 species of human> births,

and to finally reach mukti, ...the whole process takes many creations and desolutions of the material energy. During the manifest material periods the jiva's can be conscious "chit" and even blissful "ananda"; but during the unmanifest periods (Pralayas) the Jivas are on hold in nidra and only function as "sat" (life) with the CHIT and ANANDA functions on hold. > > During Pralaya each Jiva is fixed at the last position of their karma, and when there is new creation each Jiva starts from where it left off. Thus the huge variety of life forms. > > You may or may not agree with this assessment, but you asked, and this is what I was taught by my Gurus. Thanks. Y/s, R-> > sacred-objects, "Richard Shaw Brown"> <rsbj66@> wrote:> >> > Dear Sriman,> > > > Your question is very important. Late Acharya of the Sri> > Gaudiya Mission,

Pujya Tridandi Swami Bhakti Hridaya Vana Maharaj> > (1901-1982), taught that the reason or purpose of this exercise,> > whereby unlimited Jiva-souls pass progressively through Maya, is> > acintya and known only to Sri Krishna Himself. It is useless to> > ponder. We must understand how the process works, but we can never> > know the reason 'why.'> > > > Why NOT!?> > > > All Jivas are eternal, sometimes inactive (like during Pralaya and> > Maha-pralaya) and sometimes active, but always alive (chit). It is> > reasonable to say that no Jiva soul who had full developed> > intelligence of his "self" would willingly choose the painful and> > doomed path of Maya.> > > > Srila Vana Maharaj clearly taught that Jivas are injected (so to> > speak) into Maya to work their way up and to Vaikuntha. The

choice> > comes when we reach human intelligence, as is the case right now. Even> > now we could all choose to return to Vaikuntha immediately if we> > really desired that 100%.> > > > The badha Jivas are meant to enter Maya and then work their way back> > to Para-vyoma Brahma Puri or the City of the Absolute. It is just one> > particular process designed by HARI for His Own fun 'n' games.> > > > In CC Kaviraj Goswami states, "Krishna bhuli shay Jiva anadi," we have> > forgotten Krishna since "before time" began, so there is no initial> > choice. We cannot choose something, which is out of our memory.> > > > The Jiva begins his seemingly eternal material existence as a> > microscopic life form, like an "anu," which is completely covered and> > in state of ignorance. We do not have a rational understandable

choice> > until we reach human life; and amongst humans very few rarely question> > reality.> > > > They do not choose in the beginning' because there is neither> > beginning nor end for the Jiva. All Jivas are eternal, conscious and> > blissful in essence (sat-chit-ananda) , being marginal chit particles> > of Lord Hari.> > > > Swami Vana Maharaj emphasized THREE particular tattvas' as being> > principle (in relation to us, the Jivas):> > > > (1) The eternal, all blissful, spiritual universe which is the> > playground of the Lord and lies within Paravyoma brahma-puri.> > > > (2) The temporary changeable, material universe, the endless ocean of> > birth and death, prakriti, the jada-samsara.> > > > (3) All living beings seen or unseen who belong to the Jiva (soul)> >

potency which is all spiritual and blissful by nature andemanates from> > in between the external and internal worlds.> > > > Although the Jiva Shakti lies in-between the spiritual and material> > realms still the souls are always engaged in one or the other and do> > not reside in the middle but only emanate' from that position by the> > arrangement of Lord Vasudeva. Sarva karana karanam.> > > > The example of King Puranjana in Srimad Bhagavat pertains to a soul> > already long within the jada-samsar. Therefore it is not relevant to> > the issue of origin or original choice of the jiva.> > > > ---Y/s Richard> > > > > > sacred-objects, "Kishore" <mydearindian@ > wrote:> > >> > > Hi All,> > >> > > I have a question for you. I

hope you will help me by giving right> > > answer.> > >> > >> > > My question is "if God or some power" has got "lot of energy" to> > > create us and this universe then i appreciate it's energy. But "why> > > to create us and asking us to recognize it"?. If there is no creation> > > at all there will not be any need to know that power or God..> > >> > > I trust God and his power. Hence, do not advice me different ways to> > > reach God or Moksha.> > >> > >> > > Did that power/God create us with some selfish desire or with a good> > > intention?. Is that God/power we all are trying to know is a kind one> > > or a sadist?. Is it not like below story.> > >> > > I do agree that ( so called power/God ) has provided everything to> >

> live and all ways to know him. And that power/God has been helping us> > > in everything we do. I am not against to God. I respect it a lot. But> > > my qestion is " why did that God take this resposibility of> > > creation??". Is it not a game playing with us.> > > Don't you feel like that power/God acting like a judge/referee and we> > > all are partcipents in this game?. One team name is "GOOD". Another> > > team name is "Bad". I do agree that heshe might have created only> > > Good. And we created bad.. But why to create a team called "Good". If> > > that God has got energy can't he/she let enjoy alone. Why to play a> > > game with us?.> > >> > > Is it like this example "create a toy with your power and throw it> > > into universe. Then the game rule is that Toy has to recognize that>

> > creator but not the virtual universe created by him ( i mean Maya )> > > otherwise that creator will kill that toy and give another birth till> > > that toy know the creator.Are we struggling to know a saddist/psycho> > > or are we struggling to know a Kind person ( God/Power). Please> > > kindly answer my question in your own way. I appreciate if all the> > > group members tell their views on this and> > > clear this query.> > >> > > Once again, I trust God and his power. Hence, do not advice me> > > different ways( Meditation/pujas/ homas) to reach God or Moksha. I> > > want "why did he/she create us". If anybody realised/enlightene d/or> > > spoke with God/ or has the capacity to speak with God then ask and> > > reply.> > >> > > Thanks,> > >

M.Kishore from Hyderabad,India.> > > Email : mydearindian@> > >> >> > > > > Check out the all-new Messenger 9.0! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Get your preferred Email name!> Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail. com. > http://mail. promotions. / newdomains/ aa/>

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