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Sri Ganesha Gayatri

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If one chants this mantra with a Beeja it becomes extremely powerful.efore doing it kindly consult your Guru first as this may need a diksha perhaps.

Beeja is


Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam Ganapataye Varavarada Sarva Janam Me Vasamaanaya Swaa Haa

--- On Sun, 12/20/09, Rick Brown <rsbj66 wrote:

Rick Brown <rsbj66 Sri Ganesha Gayatri"Group Sacred Objects" <sacred-objects >, "Group Planetary" <planetary-gemology >Sunday, December 20, 2009, 6:58 PM

Rick Brown's iPhone www.richardshawbrow n.com

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Further ----------Ganapataye NamahaK. Vrinda AcharyaGanapati, also known as Ganesha, Gajanana, Gananatha, Vinayaka and Pillaiyar, is oneof the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image isfound throughout India. All Hindu sects, be it Shaivas, Vaishnavas or Shaktas, worshiphim regardless of other affiliations. Devotion to Ganapati is widely diffused and extendsto Jains, Buddhists, and beyond India. Ganapati is widely revered as the Remover ofObstacles (Vighnesha, Vighneshvara, Vighnaraja) and more generally as Lord ofBeginnings and as the patron of arts and sciences. The principal scriptures dedicated toGanesha are the Ganesha Purana, the Mudgala Purana and the Ganapati Atharvashirsa.We find references to Ganapati twice in the Rigveda.“Gananam twa ganapatim

havamahe...â€(2-23-1)<<< More on this see end of this post.“ni shu seeda ganapate...â€(10-112-9)But, these references do not tell us about the Ganapati we know. He is neither the son ofLord Shiva, nor the Ganesha born out of the grime of Godess Parvati’s body, nor theGanesha with an elephant-head. Vedas describe him as the Lord of all the JeevaGanas(the living entities) and of the Indriya Ganas(the sense organs).While Shaivas consider Shiva as the sole almighty and Shaktas worship Godess Parvatias the ultimate deity, a sect of devotees called the Ganapatyas identify Ganapati as thesupreme godhead. In reality, these are three different facets of the same divine principle.Shiva is the supreme lord, who is the abode of absolute knowledge (Gnana), bliss(Ananda) and holiness (Mangala Swaroopa). His consort, Parvati or Shakti is nothing butthe expansion of his own infinite power. The same divine power

creates this universeand, as the master (Niyamaka) of jeevaganas and indriyaganas, manifests as Ganapati.Why is Ganapati considered as the Lord of obstacles? Why is he both vighnakarta (thecreator of obstacles) and vighnaharta (the remover of obstacles)? We all know that thiscreation is made up of the panchabhootas or five elements namely prithvi, ap, tejo, vayuand akasha. Ganapati is regarded as the devata of the fifth element ‘akashatattva’. Akasharepresents space or the absence of any form of barrier or obstruction. Where there is‘akasha’, there is ‘avakasha’. Hence, Vighneshvara, being the Lord of this element, is theone who can remove obstacles and create ‘avakasha’ for noble deeds and actions, as wellas create obstacles for sinful activities. He is the main source of this creation, for whichhe is honored with the name ‘Vishwambhara’ He is also the adhipathi of ‘Mooladhara’,the

first among the 7 spiritual centers in the human body and guides a sadhaka in hisspiritual journey through the other centers ultimately leading to the ‘Sahasrarha’.The form of Ganapati also has immense symbolic significance and conveys messages forthe mental and spiritual well-being and upliftment of an individual. While his longpenetrating nose represents in-depth and exhaustive study and assessment of any matter;his small eyes stand for microscopic vision (sookshma drushti) and his wide ears are asymbol of an open and broad outlook. His big tummy represents accumulation ofknowledge and having ‘mooshika’(mouse) as his vahana symbolises the control of thewhimsical human mind. His ‘pasha’ and ‘ankusha’ are indicative of seisure and control ofhuman desires.Since Ganesha is worshipped as the benefactor of arts, at no time in India were music,dance and literature devoid of Him. All the greatest

music composers inclusive ofPurandaradasa, Oothukkadu Venkata Kavi, Thyagaraja, Dikshitar, MuthaiahBhagavathar, etc. have composed numerous compositions on Lord Ganapati. It has beena tradition to start any music concert or a dance recital with a song attributed to Ganapatipraying him for the success of the programme. Since the ragas like Nattai, Hamsadhwani,etc.. are sung at the beginning of the concert, there are plenty of songs in these ragas onLord Ganapati. The credit of composing numerous kritis in Ghana ragas(Nattai, Gowlai,Arabhi, Varali & Sree Ragam) on Lord Ganesha goes to Sri Dikshitar. Undoubtedly hissongs again depict the Lord as in the Vedas, Puranas & Upanishads. In addition to thesecomposers, the poets of the Sangam time in Tamil, have composed hymns on Ganapati.We also find several pieces composed on Ganesha in Hindustani Music as well.Carnatic music compositions on Lord Ganesha have

normally described him with theseattributes.• Sumuka - one with a pleasant face• Ekadantha - one with a single tusk/teeth• Kapila - one who is smoky white-colored• Gajakarnaka - one with an elephant's ears• Lamodhara - one with a pot belly• Vikata - one who is ferocious or dreadful• Vignaraja - one, who removes all the hurdles• Ganadhipa - one who is the commander of the forces (Bhootha Ganas) of LordShiva• Pashankushadhara –one who bears pasha and ankusha as his weapons• Ganadhyaksha - one who is as cool as a young moon• PhalaChandra - one who bears a child moon on his head• Gajanana - one with an elephant's face• Vakrathunda - one with a cut teeth• Soorpakarna - one with very big ears• Heramba - five-faced one• Skandapoorvaja - one who is elder to Sri Shanmuka or Skanda• Siddhibuddhivara – one who bestows siddhi and buddhiLet’s all

offer our obeisance to Lord Ganesha and pray that he continues to shower hissacred blessings on all artists. Let's meditate on his lotus feet & get the hurdles removedfrom the path of attaining self-knowledge, wisdom & salvation.Please go to this link and listen Shri Ganapati Mantra from Rig Veda.http://www.vedah.com/org/audioVis/selectionsRV/ganapati.asp--- On Sun, 12/20/09, tp mods <tpmods wrote:tp mods <tpmodsRe: Sri Ganesha Gayatrisacred-objects Date: Sunday, December 20, 2009, 11:24 PMIf one chants this mantra with a Beeja it becomes extremely

powerful.efore doing it kindly consult your Guru first as this may need a diksha perhaps.

Beeja is


Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Gloum Gam Ganapataye Varavarada Sarva Janam Me Vasamaanaya Swaa Haa

--- On Sun, 12/20/09, Rick Brown <rsbj66 wrote:

Rick Brown <rsbj66 Sri Ganesha Gayatri"Group Sacred Objects" <sacred-objects >, "Group Planetary" <planetary-gemology >Sunday, December 20, 2009, 6:58 PM


Rick Brown's iPhone www.richardshawbrow n.com

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