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Thought for today

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I have not posted before and have been enjoying your list. I would like to


on Jody's posting:



> I will not dwell on negative

> thoughts, mine or anyone else's.


An alternative approach is to watch one's negative thoughts closely. The clues

to our attitudetowards ourself and where we need to work on us, is in our

negative thoughts. All that we think negatively about others is our message to

us. If we negatively judge another person's behaviour or attitude, we also have

that same behaviour and attitude.


Negative thoughts are a powerful indicator of our own growth and observation of

them is

an easy way to guage our progression. Welcome your negative thoughts for they

aren't really about anyone else, they are the best advice you can give yourself

about yourself.


You will see this more clearly by writing down your negative thoughts about

others. Later go back and look with fresh eyes to see where you are this way.

Forget about who you projected it upon

and just know it is all about you. This is true 100% of the time.


Kind regards,



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In a message dated 6/6/99 5:59:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

smacrae writes:


<< Susanne Macrae <smacrae



I have not posted before and have been enjoying your list. I would like to


on Jody's posting:



> I will not dwell on negative

> thoughts, mine or anyone else's.


An alternative approach is to watch one's negative thoughts closely. The


to our attitudetowards ourself and where we need to work on us, is in our

negative thoughts. All that we think negatively about others is our message


us. If we negatively judge another person's behaviour or attitude, we also


that same behaviour and attitude.


Negative thoughts are a powerful indicator of our own growth and observation


them is

an easy way to guage our progression. Welcome your negative thoughts for


aren't really about anyone else, they are the best advice you can give


about yourself.


You will see this more clearly by writing down your negative thoughts about

others. Later go back and look with fresh eyes to see where you are this


Forget about who you projected it upon

and just know it is all about you. This is true 100% of the time.


Kind regards,

Sue >>


Good Morning Fellow Seekers,


Sue, you bring up an interesting point about thinking. On the one hand I

agree with the whole idea of not resisting our thoughts, but can we learn a

lot about ourselves through observing our negative thinking and journaling on

it? I would say yes, it is an axiom that we are always projecting. Thoughts

we have about others are often a projection. That is a given.


To dwell and to witness are two different things. Negativity is based in

anger, insecurity, tiredness, illness, etc. All of these can be triggers for

negative thinking rooted in samskaras, and can be indicators that we need to

take care of ourselves because on some level we are out of sorts.


" Choiceless awareness " is a practice that Krishnamurti recommends. In other

words, to just take what you get, witness it, and move on. To dwell in the

place of negativity can ruin an entire day, an entire relationship with

ourselves, our bodies, and others. Awareness of the ROOTS of our negative

thinking may never be realized and if it were realized this awareness does

not make the negativity go away. There are many roots to our samskaras some

of which may never be clearly understood. Shifting one's focus is a choice

we all have no matter what the roots may be. We are forever in a process of

healing our relationship with ourselves, and towards this end, the indwelling

divinity, will remove any obstacles to realizing That as we progress.


Perhaps we can learn a lot about ourselves from our thoughts, perhaps not.

Swamiji said that not all of our thoughts are our own. Many of them happen

to be passing through the ether and land in a vulnerable place. Negativity

attracts more negativity.


So, for today, I do not embrace my negative thoughts, but rather I observe

them in the way I observe the process of life...however imperfectly that may

be. This is my goal: To observe the process of life as it unfolds and CHOOSE

my position, my thoughts. I am free; we are all free to choose where we shall

put our focus.


Meditation strengthens one's ability to witness one's thoughts rather than

dwell upon them. When we meditate we watch our thoughts like clouds passing

in the sky and then release them. This also enables us to detach from our

thoughts rather than identify with them. It is said that we have over 55,000

thoughts a day. Imagine journaling on these...when would we have time to

LIVE this wonderful life we have been given?


It takes discipline and conscious awareness to choose our focus and intercept

the process of negativity.


As James Allen says in his book, " As You Think " , " In the ship of your soul

reclines the commanding Master --- he does but sleep; wake him. Self-control

is strength; right thought is mastery; calmness is power. Say to your heart,

'Peace, be still! Nature works with us and through us to help us gratify the

thoughts we encourage the most, and opportunities are presented that will

most speedily bring to the surface both the good and the destructive

thoughts. As soon as we cease from our negative and destructive thoughts,

all the world softens toward us, and is ready to help us; as soon as we put

away our weak and sick thoughts, opportunities spring up on every hand to aid

our strong resolve; as soon as we encourage good thoughts, no hard fate shall

bind us down to misery and shame. The world is our kaleidoscope, and the

varying combinations of colours it presents to us at every succeeding moment

are the exquisitely adjusted pictures of our ever-moving thoughts. "


Om Shanti!



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Dear Susanne,


Another way to think of fault-finding of others is that we don't even

see them if we don't understand them, that is, contain them within

ourselves. Not that we need perseverate on them, but I agree that it

is good to note what comes into our consciousness.


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  • 7 years later...
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Words can cause endless trouble, and they can give boundless joy. You should therefore be most careful that the words you use should not give pain to others. If you physically injure someone. you may inconvenience him for a while and he will soon recover from that. But, if you were to hurt the heart of another person with harsh words, it will create a wound that cannot be cured by any doctor in the world. Hence, take care never hurt another’s feelings. One day, the words you have used against another will come back to you. So always use words that are sweet and good.- Baba Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam today21st May 2007

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  • 1 year later...

I have a small poem ,I made today


In every living thought "SAI" prevailstruth and his essence in a life that hailshe is the captain protecting my ship that sailsdevotion and emotion make a path that never failssadguru makes my choices not the "heads" or "tails"His sayings are patterns,a belief that never de-railsKarma is a destiny that never palesnavavidah bakti is a route that my breathe inhalesmy earthly desires the "Name" SAI BABA bails.



--- On Wed, 11/19/08, Deepa H <debu7366 wrote:

Deepa H <debu7366 Thought for today"" Wednesday, November 19, 2008, 1:42 PM




He who ever remains quiet and peaceful shall find that the ever quiet and peaceful God always solves his problems , for him to remain ever problem-free. ..."Gurur Brahma Gurur VishnuGurur Devoh Maheshwar;Gurur Shakshat ParambramhaTashmai Shri Gurur Veh Namah"May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our families and remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength , goodluck, success and happiness with peace of mind.Sai bhakt,Deepa HBlog : http://debu7366. blogspot. com/Saiseva website: http://www.saiseva. omsrisai. net/store/ index.phpSaitemple directory: http://www.omsrisai .net/saitemples. php

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  • 4 months later...
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Dear Friends



"Krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smrtivibhramah

Smrtibhramsad buddhinaso buddhinasat pranasyati." (2.63)


Anger produces infatuation, infatuation creates confusion,confusion clouds the memory,reason and the intellect,and from loss of intelligence,he perishes.



With Blessings of Divine


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