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Dear Shri Sharma:


Let me wish you all the best in your spiritual life.


I had a rare fortune of coming close to Param Pujyapada Shrimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj in Hyderabad. Based on my limited experience, I can say with due humility that it is really a matter of great great fortune to have permanent religious shelter (or, in other words, have Mantra-diksha) at his holy feet. And, he is extremely kind-hearted too. If anybody approaches him with a real spiritual hunger, Pujyapada Maharaj-ji is always there to accept him as his disciple paying absolutely no attention to his caste, creed, religion, sex, occupation, language and other earthly factors.

I am pretty sure, he will give you shelter at his holy feet. You need not wait till you breath your last. Just one sincere letter to him is enough. He is Karuna-sagara (ocean of compassion) who does not know how to say "No" to anybody. This is my personal experience.


May Thakur, Sri Sri Ma and Swamiji bless you by all means.


TP Bagchi



Arun Sharma

Jagannath Chatterjee ; Ramakrishna

Wednesday, January 15, 2003 5:17 PM

[sri Ramakrishna] Initiation


Dear Jagannathji,


Thanks and regards for giving me guidance .

I am residing at Gurgaon and I think I have read almost all the probable books which might be recommended by Math .


I can wait till my last breadth to take initiation from reverred Swami Ji Maharaj.






Sri Ramakrishnaye NamahVivekananda Centre Londonhttp://www.vivekananda.co.uk

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Dear Shri Bagchi ji,




It is of great pleasure to here from the people who came to be such closeness to great reverred swamiji Maharaj.


I have got a reply from Swami Asimatmananda ji Maharaj on behalf of Param Pujyapada Shrimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj that I have to write to him about myself and he has recommended some books also for study.


I will always be extreamly obliged by the present group and its members throughout my life for helping me to proceed in this path.













Thursday, January 16, 2003 8:55 PM

Re: [sri Ramakrishna] Initiation


Dear Shri Sharma:


Let me wish you all the best in your spiritual life.


I had a rare fortune of coming close to Param Pujyapada Shrimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj in Hyderabad. Based on my limited experience, I can say with due humility that it is really a matter of great great fortune to have permanent religious shelter (or, in other words, have Mantra-diksha) at his holy feet. And, he is extremely kind-hearted too. If anybody approaches him with a real spiritual hunger, Pujyapada Maharaj-ji is always there to accept him as his disciple paying absolutely no attention to his caste, creed, religion, sex, occupation, language and other earthly factors.

I am pretty sure, he will give you shelter at his holy feet. You need not wait till you breath your last. Just one sincere letter to him is enough. He is Karuna-sagara (ocean of compassion) who does not know how to say "No" to anybody. This is my personal experience.


May Thakur, Sri Sri Ma and Swamiji bless you by all means.


TP Bagchi

-----------------------------OSRAM India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon, India

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Dear Sri Anup-ji:


I am sure, Pujyapada Maharaj-ji will definitely give your shelter (Ashraya) at his holy feet. Kindly convey our most respectful Pranams at his lotus feet when you meet him for initiation. I am sure, you have read his books and listened to his lectures (in cassettes). A fascinating experience indeed! It has enough explosives inside to destroy one's old outlook ("kaachaa aami" or unripe "I") and create a new one ("paakaa aami" or ripe "I" as Thakur used to say). And more so, you need not strive for it at all. The tremendous spiritual power of Revered Maharaj-ji will do it within you instantaneously.


Best wishes


TP Bagchi



Arun Sharma


Tuesday, January 21, 2003 10:30 AM

Re: [sri Ramakrishna] Initiation


Dear Shri Bagchi ji,




It is of great pleasure to here from the people who came to be such closeness to great reverred swamiji Maharaj.


I have got a reply from Swami Asimatmananda ji Maharaj on behalf of Param Pujyapada Shrimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj that I have to write to him about myself and he has recommended some books also for study.


I will always be extreamly obliged by the present group and its members throughout my life for helping me to proceed in this path.








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Dear TP,


You are so right! Revered Maharaj has taken our

responsibility. We need not really worry. But if we

strive in our path we will be helping him too!


The responsibility of a Guru is tremendous. It pains

me to see Revered Maharaj suffering for our sake. I am

not qualified at all to judge his spirituality but I

know that no ordinary mortal can blissfully tolerate

so much physical pain and suffering as he does.


When he was admitted for kidney dialysis a couple of

years back I had asked Rev Asimatmanandaji regarding

his mental attitude at that moment. The reply was " Oh

he is fine. He is reading books and magazines as

usual! " I was astounded as I am aware that kidney

dialysis is an extremely painful process. Moreover a

person suffering from so serious a state cannot

logically concentrate on reading.


He not only survived but went on to lead the

Ramakrishna Mission. Even today at so advanced an age

he bears everything stoically.


There is so much more that I could write about him but

I would prefer to keep it personal.











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  • 4 weeks later...

Ramakrishna , Jagannath Chatterjee

<jagchat01> wrote:

> Dear TP,


> You are so right! Revered Maharaj has taken our

> responsibility. We need not really worry. But if we

> strive in our path we will be helping him too!





These articles by Swami Bhuteshananda will be helpful for

those seeking initiation:






Preparation for Mantra-Diksha

(Spiritual Initiation)






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Dear Friends,


The original Bengali lectures of Revered Swami

Bhuteshanandaji on spiritual initiation have been

translated into English and have been brought out in a

booklet form by the Madras Math. I feel all that can

be said about the preparations for a spiritual life

have been wonderfully delineated in this very small



Another wonderful book is " Some guidelines to Inner

Life " by Swami Gokulanandaji.


I have these two books with me and am trying to follow

them. Spiritual life is not easy and it is very

essential that we spend a considerable amount of time

and effort on the foundation. This is not only true

for the uninitiated but also for the initiated. As the

managerial schools say " Get back to the basics! " .


Reading such books make us humble and also inspire us

to rise again when we fall. I feel they should be a

part of the daily reading for those who are serious.


Sri Sri Thakur spoke of the water seeping through the

tiny holes in a pot. If we do not have a strong

foundation a day may come when we have only holes and

no pot.


I have seen the words " Sadhu Sabdhan! " (Monk

Beware!)written in bold letters in the rooms of many

monks. So we can well imagine the condition of those

who live in the world.


Srimat Swami Ranganathanandaji had emphasized on the

following words during our initiation, " It is good to

have a boat on the water but it is bad to have water

on the boat " . It means, live in the world but do not

let the world live within you.


I have always been enamoured by a practice of the

Buddhist monks followed in many a Buddhist monastery.

Every morning the inmates go for a walk. The walk

culminates in a cave or a room where a human skeleton

hangs. The monks observe this skeleton to reflect on

the futility of all worldly affairs.









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  • 3 years later...

My comment may not go well with a lot of people, but I cannot help sharing my view with the group. The story below stresses the importance of initiation in repeating sacred syllables or mantras. I am quite ignoramus in this matter, I suppose. To pray to God we do not need any method or specific language, we pray to God any way we like. As long as we have devotion to God that is all that we need to pray. There is no right or wrong way to think about God. Thank you. "V. Raman" <vraman_protech wrote: INITIATIONSource: Spiritual Stories told by Sri Ramana Maharshihttp://www.ramana-maharshi.orgA devotee asked, "Can anyone get any benefit byrepeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?"Sri Bhagavan replied, "No. He must be competent andinitiated in such mantras." To illustrate this he told thefollowing story.A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he wastold that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred syllables(japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, askedwhat the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest of all,Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but theminister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore theking learned it from someone else, and meeting the ministerlater he

repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was right.The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was notproper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation theminister called to a page close by and ordered him to take holdof the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was oftenrepeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage andordered the same man to hold the minister, and it wasimmediately done. The minister laughed and said that theincident was the explanation required by the king. "How?" askedthe king. The minister replied, "The order was the same andthe executor also, but the authority was different. When Iordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, therewas immediate effect. Similarly with mantras."The Princess of Faith

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Dear Princess Ratna,


I think you area absolutely right about no right or wrong way to God.

The role of a Guru is that of a teacher. Just, for example, a good

physics teacher can make learning physics a lot easier, similarly a good

Guru can make the work of the aspirant easier. An exceptionally gifted

physics student or religious aspirant can definitely progress themselves

without the teacher or Guru but that is a more difficult, but not a

wrong way.




Ramakrishna , Princess ratna <rajraniran



> My comment may not go well with a

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Thank you so much for your lines. I still think that Physics is a science and therefore, is in some way tangible. God is not tangible in any way whatsoever, and no one really can teach a devotee how to get to Him as there is no "standard procedure" to follow, like there is in science. I do agree with you that some devotees may need somebody to hold on to for their faith to be realized. Again, these are my views, I do not in any way mean to downplay any other ideas. Thanks again.parthasinha1 <parthasinha1 wrote:

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Good Day Friends:


There is only a right way to for the Sadhana, and that is by adhering to Dharma(right way), via ADharma it is not possible. In the context of the exceptionally gifted student example used, the question would be how did he/she aqquie this gift? It is attributed to purva(previous) samskaras. That is how the gift is aqquired, next question who gave the gift? Iswara of coursewithout doubt but it is throught the grace of the guru. It is mentioned in the scripture that all ultimate blessing from the Lord culminative of all of our prayers and sadhana is the presence of a Guru who will point us to the right way.


Lord Rama had rishi Vasishta as his guru, Lord Krisha being an avatara had Rishi Sandeepani as his guru, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa had Tota puri and Bhairavi Brahmani(please forgive me if this is not the right name). These personalities were avataras yet needed a guru to manifest their true svabahva.

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There should be no confusion here in case of initiation from Belur

Math. The initiator is a highly competent person. The mantra has the

sanction of the Lord himself ( " Take care that you think of me " ).


What matters is the efforts of the initiated. " Ami dilam montor ekhon

mon tor " . I have given you the mantra and now it depends upon your

mind to accept it and practice it with devotion.


If you can do this regularly for some years then the mantra will take

on and repeat itself. It will always be within you. Not because of

your efforts but because of the potent power behind it.


It is no ordinary mantra that is given by the Math. It is the bite of

the King Cobra. There is no escaping it.


Love & Regards,



Ramakrishna , " parthasinha1 " <parthasinha1



> Dear Princess Ratna,


> I think you area absolutely right about no right or wrong way to


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There are many incidents of how Swami Shivananda gave initiation in "Mahapurush Maharaj as we Knew Him". This is one of them: "Once two devotees came with me (Swami Gopeswarananda) to the Math from Habiganj for initiation. We used to visit from Calcutta. After reaching the Math, we made pranams to Mahapurush Maharaj and informed him of their request for initiation. He, however, expressed an unwillingness to give them initiation. They had come a distance of four hundred miles with this special desire, so one can easily imagine how they felt after learning that they would not be initiated. I consoled them and urged them to pray to Thakur with a longing heart. We continued to go daily to the Math from Calcutta by steamer. One day after making pranams to him, we saw him pacing

between his room and Swamiji's in an abstracted mood. We began to sense this mood in him as we stood bellow watching. It seemed to me that he was walking back and forth, filled with divine emotion. He was not aware of anything in the external world. I said to Binode Babu, one of the two hoping for initiation, "Go to him without any fear. Bow down before him and beseech him to fulfill your prayer." As Mahapurush Maharaj was walking towards Swamiji's room, Binode Babu approached him and bowed down before him. Mahapurush Maharaj asked him with great affection, "What do you want, my son?" The devotee said, "Please, grant me your grace. Please, allow me to have initiation." Mahapurush Maharaj said, "Grace flows ceaselessly. And initiation? Thakur's name is itself initiation." Then the devotee said, "Then please give me that." Mahapurush Maharaj said, "Here is his name". Saying

this, he uttered the name of Sri Ramakrishna in a sacred and solemn tone. Then the devotee said, "Is my initiation complete? Are you then my guru?" "Yes, your initiation is complete. I am your guru." The devotee bowed down and said, "Then please place your feet on my head." "Yes, I shall give my hands; I shall give my feet; I shall give everything." Saying this, he placed his hand on his head and then blessed the devotee by touching him with his right foot, thus purifying him. The devotee asked, "How shall I meditate on Thakur?" "Meditate on him in your heart." The devotee said, "And you?" "Yes, you may meditate on this (meaning himself) also. He resides within as well." The devotee said, "But I was not able to give any offering to the

guru." Mahapurush Maharaj replied, "Don't worry about it now. It will suffice if you give something later." We became speechless seeing and hearing all this. Binode Babu came downstairs and the second devotee approached Mahapurush Maharaj and informed him about his desire in the same manner. Mahapurush Maharaj showered his grace on him as well, remaining the whole time in the same spiritual mood. We, too, felt blessed to see Mahapurush Maharaj as he was then, the embodiment of grace." "

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Om Shivaya Namaha


A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

initiated in such mantras.h

To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following story.

A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred syllables

(japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest of all,

Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but the

minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore the

king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was right.

The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take hold

of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h asked

the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h


Om Shivaya Namaha


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So even for repeating OM Namaha Sivaya, one needs initiation?


, ramya_sms

<no_reply wrote:


> Om Shivaya Namaha


> A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

> Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

> initiated in such mantras.h

> To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following story.

> A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

> told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred


> (japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

> what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest of


> Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but the

> minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore the

> king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

> later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was right.

> The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

> proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

> minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take hold

> of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

> repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

> ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

> immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

> incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h asked

> the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

> the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

> ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

> was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h


> Om Shivaya Namaha

> Ramya


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dear shivbhakts

om namo bhagawate rudraya


shivapurana, vayaviya samhita, chapter 12, verse 37 clearly states

that any person of any caste, fool or even a learnt person chating

panchakshari will be released from the cage of sins. hence no

initiation is required for chanting panchakshari or shadakshari.


similarly gayatri mantra written by king viswamitra was also meant

for chating by all humans without any caste bias. if someone

recommends that only one caste can chant gayatri, it is wrong. i can

quote holy scriputres with chapter and verse numbers where gayatri

was recommended for chanting by all humans. the purported story by

ramana maharshi does not hold water and any one advocating gayatri

chanting only by one caste and saying that only that caste derives

the benefit and if other castes or those who pronounce it without

initiation does not get benefited, it is incorrect. initiation may

be advised only to know the correct pronounciation but is not



shivbhakts shall not get carried by such ignorant remarks of caste

bias and compulsory initiation for simple mantras.


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun




, " b_jamnadas "

<b_jamna> wrote:


> So even for repeating OM Namaha Sivaya, one needs initiation?


> , ramya_sms

> <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > Om Shivaya Namaha

> >

> > A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> > repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

> > Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

> > initiated in such mantras.h

> > To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following story.

> > A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

> > told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred

> syllables

> > (japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

> > what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest of

> all,

> > Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but the

> > minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore the

> > king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

> > later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was right.

> > The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

> > proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

> > minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take hold

> > of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

> > repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

> > ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

> > immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

> > incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h asked

> > the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

> > the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

> > ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

> > was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h

> >

> > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > Ramya

> >


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Om Nama SHivaya,

Exactly Sir. I also believe in your concepts and accept it blankly.

Any Mantra or slogan or Syllable needs to be repeated only out of

true devotion is required.Even our past Histories about Devotees

proves the same.


But in the Story

A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h


So Ramana Maharishi said about Initiation that is about True

Devotion.Here King just to out through the minister learnt the

mantra and out of proud he is telling the mantra there is no true

love for god.




Om shivaya Namaha,



, " panditarjun2004 "

<panditarjun2004 wrote:


> dear shivbhakts

> om namo bhagawate rudraya


> shivapurana, vayaviya samhita, chapter 12, verse 37 clearly states

> that any person of any caste, fool or even a learnt person chating

> panchakshari will be released from the cage of sins. hence no

> initiation is required for chanting panchakshari or shadakshari.


> similarly gayatri mantra written by king viswamitra was also meant

> for chating by all humans without any caste bias. if someone

> recommends that only one caste can chant gayatri, it is wrong. i


> quote holy scriputres with chapter and verse numbers where gayatri

> was recommended for chanting by all humans. the purported story


> ramana maharshi does not hold water and any one advocating gayatri

> chanting only by one caste and saying that only that caste derives

> the benefit and if other castes or those who pronounce it without

> initiation does not get benefited, it is incorrect. initiation


> be advised only to know the correct pronounciation but is not

> compulsory.


> shivbhakts shall not get carried by such ignorant remarks of caste

> bias and compulsory initiation for simple mantras.


> with best wishes and blessings

> pandit arjun

> www.rudraksharemedy.com



> , " b_jamnadas "

> <b_jamnadas@> wrote:

> >

> > So even for repeating OM Namaha Sivaya, one needs initiation?

> >

> > , ramya_sms

> > <no_reply@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > >

> > > A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> > > repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

> > > Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

> > > initiated in such mantras.h

> > > To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following story.

> > > A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

> > > told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred

> > syllables

> > > (japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

> > > what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest


> > all,

> > > Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but


> > > minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore the

> > > king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

> > > later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was


> > > The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

> > > proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

> > > minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take hold

> > > of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

> > > repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

> > > ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

> > > immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

> > > incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h


> > > the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

> > > the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

> > > ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

> > > was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h

> > >

> > > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > > Ramya

> > >

> >


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Guest guest

No Sir Not at all....

All u required is true love for our lord




, " b_jamnadas "

<b_jamna> wrote:


> So even for repeating OM Namaha Sivaya, one needs initiation?


> , ramya_sms

> <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > Om Shivaya Namaha

> >

> > A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> > repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

> > Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

> > initiated in such mantras.h

> > To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following story.

> > A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

> > told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred

> syllables

> > (japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

> > what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest of

> all,

> > Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but the

> > minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore the

> > king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

> > later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was right.

> > The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

> > proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

> > minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take hold

> > of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

> > repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

> > ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

> > immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

> > incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h asked

> > the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

> > the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

> > ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

> > was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h

> >

> > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > Ramya

> >


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dear shivbhakt

om namo bhagawate rudraya


the shiva in you has spoken the truth and the same shiva dwells in

all humans. this was taught by none other than lord shiva himself in

the form of a chandaal to sankara at kasi. this is the reason why

many shivbhakts in this forum greet one another by saying " i bow to

the shiva in you " .


with best wishes and blessings

pandit arjun




, ramya_sms

<no_reply wrote:


> Om Nama SHivaya,

> Exactly Sir. I also believe in your concepts and accept it blankly.

> Any Mantra or slogan or Syllable needs to be repeated only out of

> true devotion is required.Even our past Histories about Devotees

> proves the same.


> But in the Story

> A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h


> So Ramana Maharishi said about Initiation that is about True

> Devotion.Here King just to out through the minister learnt the

> mantra and out of proud he is telling the mantra there is no true

> love for god.




> Om shivaya Namaha,

> Ramya


> , " panditarjun2004 "

> <panditarjun2004@> wrote:

> >

> > dear shivbhakts

> > om namo bhagawate rudraya

> >

> > shivapurana, vayaviya samhita, chapter 12, verse 37 clearly


> > that any person of any caste, fool or even a learnt person


> > panchakshari will be released from the cage of sins. hence no

> > initiation is required for chanting panchakshari or shadakshari.

> >

> > similarly gayatri mantra written by king viswamitra was also


> > for chating by all humans without any caste bias. if someone

> > recommends that only one caste can chant gayatri, it is wrong. i

> can

> > quote holy scriputres with chapter and verse numbers where


> > was recommended for chanting by all humans. the purported story

> by

> > ramana maharshi does not hold water and any one advocating


> > chanting only by one caste and saying that only that caste


> > the benefit and if other castes or those who pronounce it without

> > initiation does not get benefited, it is incorrect. initiation

> may

> > be advised only to know the correct pronounciation but is not

> > compulsory.

> >

> > shivbhakts shall not get carried by such ignorant remarks of


> > bias and compulsory initiation for simple mantras.

> >

> > with best wishes and blessings

> > pandit arjun

> > www.rudraksharemedy.com

> >

> >

> > , " b_jamnadas "

> > <b_jamnadas@> wrote:

> > >

> > > So even for repeating OM Namaha Sivaya, one needs initiation?

> > >

> > > , ramya_sms

> > > <no_reply@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > > >

> > > > A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> > > > repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

> > > > Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

> > > > initiated in such mantras.h

> > > > To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following


> > > > A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

> > > > told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred

> > > syllables

> > > > (japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

> > > > what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest

> of

> > > all,

> > > > Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister but

> the

> > > > minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore


> > > > king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

> > > > later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was

> right.

> > > > The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

> > > > proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

> > > > minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take


> > > > of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

> > > > repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

> > > > ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

> > > > immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

> > > > incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h

> asked

> > > > the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

> > > > the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

> > > > ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

> > > > was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h

> > > >

> > > > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > > > Ramya

> > > >

> > >

> >


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, ramya_sms

<no_reply wrote:


> Om Nama SHivaya,

> Exactly Sir. I also believe in your concepts and accept it blankly.

> Any Mantra or slogan or Syllable needs to be repeated only out of

> true devotion is required.Even our past Histories about Devotees

> proves the same.


> But in the Story

> A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h


> So Ramana Maharishi said about Initiation that is about True

> Devotion.Here King just to out through the minister learnt the

> mantra and out of proud he is telling the mantra there is no true

> love for god.




> Om shivaya Namaha,

> Ramya


> , " panditarjun2004 "

> <panditarjun2004@> wrote:

> >

> > dear shivbhakts

> > om namo bhagawate rudraya

> >

> > shivapurana, vayaviya samhita, chapter 12, verse 37 clearly


> > that any person of any caste, fool or even a learnt person


> > panchakshari will be released from the cage of sins. hence no

> > initiation is required for chanting panchakshari or shadakshari.

> >

> > similarly gayatri mantra written by king viswamitra was also


> > for chating by all humans without any caste bias. if someone

> > recommends that only one caste can chant gayatri, it is wrong.


> can

> > quote holy scriputres with chapter and verse numbers where


> > was recommended for chanting by all humans. the purported story

> by

> > ramana maharshi does not hold water and any one advocating


> > chanting only by one caste and saying that only that caste


> > the benefit and if other castes or those who pronounce it


> > initiation does not get benefited, it is incorrect. initiation

> may

> > be advised only to know the correct pronounciation but is not

> > compulsory.

> >

> > shivbhakts shall not get carried by such ignorant remarks of


> > bias and compulsory initiation for simple mantras.

> >

> > with best wishes and blessings

> > pandit arjun

> > www.rudraksharemedy.com

> >

> >

> > , " b_jamnadas "

> > <b_jamnadas@> wrote:

> > >

> > > So even for repeating OM Namaha Sivaya, one needs initiation?

> > >

> > > , ramya_sms

> > > <no_reply@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > > >

> > > > A devotee asked, gCan anyone get any benefit by

> > > > repeating sacred syllables (mantras) picked up casually?h

> > > > Sri Bhagavan replied, gNo. He must be competent and

> > > > initiated in such mantras.h

> > > > To illustrate this Ramana Maharishi told the following


> > > > A KING VISITED his minister in his residence. There he was

> > > > told that the minister was engaged in repetition of sacred

> > > syllables

> > > > (japa). The king waited for him and, on meeting him, asked

> > > > what the japa was. The minister said that it was the holiest

> of

> > > all,

> > > > Gayatri. The king desired to be initiated by the minister


> the

> > > > minister confessed his inability to initiate him. Therefore


> > > > king learned it from someone else, and meeting the minister

> > > > later he repeated the Gayatri and wanted to know if it was

> right.

> > > > The minister said that the mantra was correct, but it was not

> > > > proper for him to say it. When pressed for an explanation the

> > > > minister called to a page close by and ordered him to take


> > > > of the king. The order was not obeyed. The order was often

> > > > repeated, and still not obeyed. The king flew into a rage and

> > > > ordered the same man to hold the minister, and it was

> > > > immediately done. The minister laughed and said that the

> > > > incident was the explanation required by the king. gHow?h

> asked

> > > > the king. The minister replied, gThe order was the same and

> > > > the executor also, but the authority was different. When I

> > > > ordered, the effect was nil whereas, when you ordered, there

> > > > was immediate effect. Similarly with mantras.h

> > > >

> > > > Om Shivaya Namaha

> > > > Ramya

> > > >

> > >

> >


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