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Guru Namasivaya

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Om Shivaya Namaha,

Guru Namasivaya --- a Sivate sage.As per His Guru's advice ,Guru

Namasivaya began to walk towards Chidambaram and by the time night

fell he had covered about ten miles. Desiring a place to rest, he

sat down under a tree and spent three hours absorbed in the Self.

Then, becoming aware that he was hungry, he composed a venba verse

that he addressed to Unnamulai, the consort of Siva in the

Arunachaleswara Temple:


You who are the dearest to the heart of Lord Annamalai!


Holy Mother Unnamulai!

Bring forth rice(2) from every household to feed

Your servant whose every thought is in praise of you!




At the moment when Guru Namasivaya was composing this verse,

there was some sweet rice resting on a golden plate in the temple.

It had been offered to Lord Annamalai as naivedyam (food offering),

and the priest who had officiated had inadvertently forgotten to

take the plate home with him when he had locked up the temple for

the night. When Unnamulai heard Guru Namasivaya's prayer, she took

the plate of rice to him and then returned to the temple.


At daybreak the priests opened the temple and looked for the

golden plate. After searching fruitlessly for some time, the priests

and the people of the town became convinced that the plate must have

been stolen by a thief, although they could not understand how he

had got into and out of the temple. No pujas were performed for

eight hours, for everyone was engaged in a search for the missing



At the end of that period a brahmin boy went into a trance,

became possessed by a spirit and announced, 'Guru Namasivaya is

under a banyan tree on his way to Chidambaram. Mother took food for

him. The plate is lying there. Go and fetch it.'


The plate was eventually found there and returned to its

rightful place in the temple.


Our Father will never leave any of His Child to lay in any

difficulty.He is a True Loving Father.By any Means He will surely

relieve us from all our DIFFICULTIES.




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