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Kundalini Tantra -Dev Maharaj

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no problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it was

created. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds to

the gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes to

Oneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use it

wisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.




, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj wrote:


> Namaste Prasanna Kumar

> I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail that

give a link for a video


> with the caption

> For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,

tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying the

doctrine of Ahimsa


> View this !


> http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php




> It is very important that all members view this, because if this

becomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chance

to realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !


> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj



> prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote:

Dear Shiv Bhakt


> As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the

> Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core

> (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has develop.Such

> a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole

> being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of

> separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he

> know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual

> statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is eliminated and

> ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.


> Regards

> Prasanna Kumar

> Group Owner


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NamasteDear Dear Dear EcI don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords, please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat in a meaningful way.I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to the fore.I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the past.I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep seeing

what I have done in some instances over and over again, some of these experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again. In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been performing penance for several lifetimes now. When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive ! Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine. Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharaj ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us wrote: OM NAMAH SIVAYA no problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it was created. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds to the gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes to Oneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use it wisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution. JAI MA , Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote: > > Namaste Prasanna Kumar > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail that give a link for a video > > with the caption > For all those

of you that want to practice the vay of peace, tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying the doctrine of Ahimsa > > View this ! > > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php > > > > It is very important that all members view this, because if this becomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chance to realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before ! > > Namah Sivaya > Best Regards > Pandit Devindra Maharaj > > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote: Dear Shiv Bhakt > > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our

personality has develop.Such > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual > statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is eliminated and > ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness. > > Regards > Prasanna Kumar > Group Owner > > > > > > > > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows. > Answers - Check it out. >

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I suppose I'll chime in here with my two pennies.


we are not the doer. Ego is the doer, ego can not have mukti.

/Dharmo rakshati rakshitaha/ (Dharma protects those who protect it)

Jai Hind.


One does not attain freedom from the bondage of Karma by merely

abstaining from work. No one attains perfection by merely giving up

work, because no one can remain actionless even for a moment. Everything

in the universe is driven to action --- helplessly indeed --- by the

forces of Nature. Gita - (3.04-05)


Om Nama Shivaya



Dev Maharaj wrote:


> Namaste


> Dear Dear Dear Ec


> I don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you

> but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face held

> by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who

> deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious

> beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords,

> please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your

> body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !


> Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent

> is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat

> in a meaningful way.


> I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I

> am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to

> the fore.

> I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the

> past.

> I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep seeing what I

> have done in some instances over and over again, some of these

> experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again.

> In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been

> performing penance for several lifetimes now.


> When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !

> Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something to

> treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to

> inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you

> about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine.


> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj




*/ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us/* wrote:




> no problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it was

> created. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds to

> the gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes to

> Oneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use it

> wisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.





> <%40>, Dev Maharaj

> <dev_maharaj wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Prasanna Kumar

> > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail that

> give a link for a video

> >

> > with the caption

> > For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,

> tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying the

> doctrine of Ahimsa

> >

> > View this !

> >

> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php

> >

> >

> >

> > It is very important that all members view this, because if this

> becomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chance

> to realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !

> >

> > Namah Sivaya

> > Best Regards

> > Pandit Devindra Maharaj

> >

> >

> > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote:

> Dear Shiv Bhakt

> >

> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the

> > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core

> > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has

> develop.Such

> > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole

> > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of

> > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he

> > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual

> > statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is

> eliminated and

> > ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.

> >

> > Regards

> > Prasanna Kumar

> > Group Owner

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who

> knows.

> > Answers - Check it out.

> >



> ------

> Pinpoint customers



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no reason to argue, you can do as you choose. we are all on our own

trips. some are tripping on Love, others on fear and hate. but I

would submit that those propagating fear in the world don't really

need your help as there are many governments already doing a great job

of spreading fear. if others want to live in the hell that is up to

them, but there is no need for me to participate in someone else's

hell. you are blessed to know of your past lives. what has the past

life knowledge and your lifetimes of penance taught you? to me this

should show The Eternal Truth, we were never born and we never die.


my point only is it's your choice to use your pandit-ness to help

others look up and forward, to a higher vibration, seeing the higher

Consciousness of the True Nature of Reality, or down and behind to a

lower frequency. we all contribute to the collective Consciousness in

a way each deems best. And thanks DM for your good wishes I also hope

to express Love if faced with the AK47. it seems better to " die " for

what is Real than live vainly for Unreality. Bottom line, all want to

be happy and any of us could die in the very next moment no One knows.

i only have control over myself, and that's on a good day, so i choose

to work to Be Love and let Love. but to each their own. God Bless.


i read these quotes of Great Masters yesterday that i wanted to share;


It is the conflict in the individual mind that manifests as war. When

individuals change, the society will automatically change. Peace is

not just the absence of war and conflict. It goes beyond that. Peace

must be fostered within the individual, within the family, and within

the society. [The root] is hate and loathing in the human mind. war

will go on as long as this exists. " – Mata Amritanandamayi


A thought of anger or hatred sends arrows from the mental factory

towards the person aimed at. It harms the individual, sets up discord

and disharmony in the thought world and comes back again to the sender

and harms him also. If one can understand the effect and power of

thought, he will be more careful in the manufacture of his thoughts in

his mental laboratory. – Swami Sivananda


The greatest gift of man is Universal Love—that magnet which renders

existence eternal. It attracts realities and diffuses life with

infinite joy. If this Love penetrates the heart of man, all the

forces of the universe will be realized in him, for it is a Divine

power which transports him to a Divine station and he will make

progress until he is illumined thereby. Strive to increase the

Love-power of reality, to make your hearts greater centers of

attraction and to create new ideals and relationships. -`Abdu'l-Bahá,

Bahá'u'lláh's eldest son and appointed successor Bahá'í Faith




, Dev Maharaj

<dev_maharaj wrote:


> Namaste


> Dear Dear Dear Ec


> I don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to

you but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face

held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel

who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious

beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords,

please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your

body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !


> Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The

intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing

threat in a meaningful way.


> I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I

am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to

the fore.

> I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in

the past.

> I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep seeing what I

have done in some instances over and over again, some of these

experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again.

In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been

performing penance for several lifetimes now.


> When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !

> Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something

to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty

to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with

you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine.


> Namah Sivaya

> Best Regards

> Pandit Devindra Maharaj




ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us wrote:



> no problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it was

> created. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds to

> the gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes to

> Oneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use it

> wisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.




> , Dev Maharaj

> <dev_maharaj@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Prasanna Kumar

> > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail that

> give a link for a video

> >

> > with the caption

> > For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,

> tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying the

> doctrine of Ahimsa

> >

> > View this !

> >

> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php

> >

> >

> >

> > It is very important that all members view this, because if this

> becomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chance

> to realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !

> >

> > Namah Sivaya

> > Best Regards

> > Pandit Devindra Maharaj

> >

> >

> > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna@> wrote:

> Dear Shiv Bhakt

> >

> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the

> > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core

> > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has


> > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole

> > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of

> > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he

> > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual

> > statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is

eliminated and

> > ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.

> >

> > Regards

> > Prasanna Kumar

> > Group Owner

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who

> knows.

> > Answers - Check it out.

> >


> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.


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Dear friends,


Can any one help me in getting the classic song " Siva Deekshaaparuraalanuraa " by S.Janaki.




Kameswara Rao


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