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Re-Dev Maharaj

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Dear Dev Maharaj, What you visualise, you attract. You visualise AK 47, you get that. You visualise love you get that. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned right from our childhood to have mistrust in the universe, and so misfortunes keep on coming to us because we keep on thinking of them. The world is caught in a vicious circle. Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality. Worshipping God, with a heart full of hatred, will not take you to God, as the same God has made everybody, including you, me and them. rgds ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote: NamasteDear Dear Dear EcI don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords, please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat in a meaningful way.I want to make you aware of

something personal, when in meditation I am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to the fore.I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the past.I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep seeing what I have done in some instances over and over again, some of these experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again. In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been performing penance for several lifetimes now. When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine. Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharaj ecjensen_us

<ecjensen_us > wrote: OM NAMAH SIVAYAno problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it wascreated. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds tothe gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes toOneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use itwisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.JAI MA , Dev Maharaj<dev_maharaj wrote:>> Namaste Prasanna Kumar > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail thatgive a link for a video> > with the caption> For all those of you that want to practice the vay of

peace,tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying thedoctrine of Ahimsa> > View this !> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php> > > > It is very important that all members view this, because if thisbecomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chanceto realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !> > Namah Sivaya> Best Regards> Pandit Devindra Maharaj> > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote: Dear Shiv Bhakt> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has develop.Such > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the

whole > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual > statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is eliminated and> ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.> > Regards> Prasanna Kumar > Group Owner > > > > > > > > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone whoknows.> Answers - Check it out.> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what

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sarvam sivamayam, Dear friends, I too go with rajeevji, While the darkness of violence and the threat to the holyness is dooming everywhere, the only light with which we could drive out this darkness is the light of love. with the hands full of blood and with a conscience full of krotha, hw could one reach the abode of the karuna moorthy, who himself preached only through love and devotion one could reach him. Our friend shri.Dev Maharaj himself accepts he is taken penance because of his past karmas. May be it is time, he could understand, a true warrier is one who won himself and crowned to shiva's heart. Sivaya namaha, punith_balu

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Namaste "Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality."In theory I agree with this however, please think of the following carefully:Which country has worshiped Shiva and Shakti for millenia ? Which is probably the most religious country on this planet ?Which country has the most religions and religious texts ?Answer = India. Despite this, India has been overrun with disaster for the last thousand years ! An estimated 80-100 million people have been slaughtered/raped and tortured in the name of Islam ! I certainly don't think all had a death wish and kept seeing their death, do you ?In things spiritual you always start with the physical and then move to the esoteric. If you see an active threat, know that to already be a manifest reality.No amount of wishing,

visualizing etc. will remove that unless you are a very advanced soul. The majority of persons aren't.Therefore it is suggested you treat this with the importance it deserves, failureto do this might result in some very unsavory results. Please be guided accordingly.Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajrajeeva ranjan <rajeeva_ranjan2002 wrote: Dear Dev Maharaj, What you visualise, you attract. You visualise AK 47,

you get that. You visualise love you get that. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned right from our childhood to have mistrust in the universe, and so misfortunes keep on coming to us because we keep on thinking of them. The world is caught in a vicious circle. Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality. Worshipping God, with a heart full of hatred, will not take you to God, as the same God has made everybody, including you, me and them. rgds ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: NamasteDear Dear Dear EcI don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you but I truly hope you will

express love with an AK47 in your face held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords, please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat in a meaningful way.I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to the fore.I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the past.I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep seeing what I have done in some instances over and over again, some of these experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it

again. In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been performing penance for several lifetimes now. When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine. Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharaj ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us > wrote: OM NAMAH SIVAYAno problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it wascreated. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds tothe gravity of it. contributes to separateness or

contributes toOneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use itwisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.JAI MA , Dev Maharaj<dev_maharaj wrote:>> Namaste Prasanna Kumar > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail thatgive a link for a video> > with the caption> For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying thedoctrine of Ahimsa> > View this !> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php> > > > It is very important that all members view this, because if thisbecomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get

the chanceto realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !> > Namah Sivaya> Best Regards> Pandit Devindra Maharaj> > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote: Dear Shiv Bhakt> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has develop.Such > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual > statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is eliminated and> ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.> >

Regards> Prasanna Kumar > Group Owner > > > > > > > > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone whoknows.> Answers - Check it out.> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

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Dear Pandit Jee, Do you actyually belive that going to temple and offering flowers is worship and being religious. The same people who go to temples, behave in a completely differrent way, the moment they step out of the temple. All the scriptures and texts are on their lips, and not in their hearts. If it was in their heart, India would not have fared this badly. A country is made of individuals, and unless we individuals not change from inside, external show of religion has no meaning. Just smile at a stranger. First time, he may be taken aback. Next time he will also smile back. We hav emistrusted each other for so many years, things won't improve overnight. But let us not add fuel to the fire. Somewhere this madness should end. I hope you agree with me. rgds and pranam ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj

wrote: Namaste "Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality."In theory I agree with this however, please think of the following carefully:Which country has worshiped Shiva and Shakti for millenia ? Which is probably the most religious country on this planet ?Which country has the most religions and religious texts ?Answer = India. Despite this, India has been overrun

with disaster for the last thousand years ! An estimated 80-100 million people have been slaughtered/raped and tortured in the name of Islam ! I certainly don't think all had a death wish and kept seeing their death, do you ?In things spiritual you always start with the physical and then move to the esoteric. If you see an active threat, know that to already be a manifest reality.No amount of wishing, visualizing etc. will remove that unless you are a very advanced soul. The majority of persons aren't.Therefore it is suggested you treat this with the importance it deserves, failureto do this might result in some very unsavory results. Please be guided accordingly.Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajrajeeva ranjan <rajeeva_ranjan2002 > wrote: Dear Dev Maharaj, What you visualise, you attract. You visualise AK 47, you get that. You visualise love you get that. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned right from our childhood to have mistrust in the universe, and so misfortunes keep on coming to us because we keep on thinking of them. The world is caught in a vicious circle. Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality. Worshipping God, with a heart full of hatred, will not take you to God, as the same God has made everybody, including you, me and them. rgds ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: NamasteDear Dear Dear EcI don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords, please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat in a meaningful way.I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to the fore.I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the past.I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep

seeing what I have done in some instances over and over again, some of these experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again. In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been performing penance for several lifetimes now. When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine. Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharaj ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us > wrote: OM NAMAH SIVAYAno problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it

wascreated. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds tothe gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes toOneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use itwisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.JAI MA , Dev Maharaj<dev_maharaj wrote:>> Namaste Prasanna Kumar > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail thatgive a link for a video> > with the caption> For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying thedoctrine of Ahimsa> > View this !> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php> > > >

It is very important that all members view this, because if thisbecomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chanceto realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !> > Namah Sivaya> Best Regards> Pandit Devindra Maharaj> > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote: Dear Shiv Bhakt> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has develop.Such > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual > statures are removed once for all.All

his worldliness is eliminated and> ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.> > Regards> Prasanna Kumar > Group Owner > > > > > > > > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone whoknows.> Answers - Check it out.> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. Get the free toolbar and rest assured with the added security of spyware protection.

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Namaste RajeevaI would dearly like for this to not exist at all, let alone end. However there is what is reality. As an individual to work for change is admirable however what you are dealing with are people that have been bred to hate you for no reason that you have contributed to. Make no mistake of this, they will kill you !Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajrajeeva ranjan <rajeeva_ranjan2002 wrote: Dear Pandit Jee, Do you actyually belive

that going to temple and offering flowers is worship and being religious. The same people who go to temples, behave in a completely differrent way, the moment they step out of the temple. All the scriptures and texts are on their lips, and not in their hearts. If it was in their heart, India would not have fared this badly. A country is made of individuals, and unless we individuals not change from inside, external show of religion has no meaning. Just smile at a stranger. First time, he may be taken aback. Next time he will also smile back. We hav emistrusted each other for so many years, things won't improve overnight. But let us not add fuel to the fire. Somewhere this madness should end. I hope you agree with me. rgds and pranam ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: Namaste "Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality."In theory I agree with this however, please think of the following carefully:Which country has worshiped Shiva and Shakti for millenia ? Which is probably the most religious country on this planet ?Which country has the most religions and religious texts ?Answer = India. Despite this, India has been overrun with disaster for the last thousand years ! An estimated 80-100 million people have been slaughtered/raped and tortured in the name of Islam ! I certainly don't think all had a death wish and kept seeing their death, do you ?In things spiritual you always start with the physical and then move to the esoteric. If you see an active

threat, know that to already be a manifest reality.No amount of wishing, visualizing etc. will remove that unless you are a very advanced soul. The majority of persons aren't.Therefore it is suggested you treat this with the importance it deserves, failureto do this might result in some very unsavory results. Please be guided accordingly.Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajrajeeva ranjan <rajeeva_ranjan2002 > wrote: Dear Dev Maharaj, What you visualise, you attract. You visualise AK 47, you get that. You visualise love you get that. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned right from our childhood to have mistrust in the universe, and so misfortunes keep on coming to us because we keep

on thinking of them. The world is caught in a vicious circle. Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality. Worshipping God, with a heart full of hatred, will not take you to God, as the same God has made everybody, including you, me and them. rgds ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: NamasteDear Dear Dear EcI don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious beliefs. Further, some of

these have a love of mutilation with swords, please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat in a meaningful way.I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to the fore.I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the past.I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I try. I keep seeing what I have done in some instances over and over again, some of these experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again. In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been performing penance for several lifetimes now. When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !Every one of my senses

began to tell me that this is not something to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine. Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharaj ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us > wrote: OM NAMAH SIVAYAno problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness from which it wascreated. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds tothe gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes toOneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use itwisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.JAI MA , Dev Maharaj<dev_maharaj wrote:>> Namaste Prasanna Kumar > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail thatgive a link for a video> > with the caption> For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying thedoctrine of Ahimsa> > View this !> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php> > > > It is very important that all members view this, because if thisbecomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chanceto realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !> > Namah Sivaya> Best Regards> Pandit Devindra Maharaj> >

> prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote: Dear Shiv Bhakt> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has develop.Such > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual > statures are removed once for all.All his worldliness is eliminated and> ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.> > Regards> Prasanna Kumar > Group Owner > > > > > > > > Be a better

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Dear Rajeeva Ranjan, What you talking about seems nice in theory but difficult to practice. In mahabharata, it is finally Krishna that urges rjun to fight and uproot evil, that is what his dharma at that time was. Arjun was more willing to give up his kingdom and not fight his cousins but Krisna would not let him do it. As oper what you are saying, Kishna was wrong in instisting Arjun to fight. Please clarify is that what you are saying? Regards, bhupendra.rajeeva ranjan <rajeeva_ranjan2002 wrote: Dear Dev Maharaj, What you visualise, you attract. You visualise AK 47, you get that. You visualise love you get that. Unfortunately, we have been conditioned right from our childhood to have mistrust in the universe, and so misfortunes keep on coming to us because we keep on thinking of them. The world is caught in a vicious circle. Keep on thinking of love, which is God, and you will never have a misfortune. we have the power to change our own reality. Worshipping God, with a heart full of hatred, will not take you to God, as the same God has made everybody, including you, me and them. rgds ranjanDev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: NamasteDear Dear Dear EcI don't know if you actually saw the movie clips that were sent to you but I truly hope you will express love with an AK47 in your face held by a person who is brainwashed to believe that you are an infidel who deserves to die because you don't to his/her religious beliefs. Further, some of these have a love of mutilation with swords, please try to express that love when they are digging trenches in your body..... or you could ask them to build bridges instead !Please don't think I am being rude, that is not the intent. The intent is to make you consciously aware of a very serious and growing threat in a meaningful way.I want to make you aware of something personal, when in meditation I am able to recollect a lot of my past lives as the samskaras come to the fore.I was a warrior for many lifetimes and slaughtered many people in the past.I cannot get this out of my mind hard as I

try. I keep seeing what I have done in some instances over and over again, some of these experiences are so intense, it is almost as if I am reliving it again. In my estimation I slaughtered some 10,000 souls and I have been performing penance for several lifetimes now. When I saw this video, the warrior in me came alive !Every one of my senses began to tell me that this is not something to treat lightly ! You may do so if you wish but I have done my duty to inform you. I will listen to your point of view and not argue with you about your perceptions and beliefs, I have already stated mine. Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharaj ecjensen_us <ecjensen_us > wrote: OM NAMAH SIVAYAno problem is ever solved out of the Consciousness

from which it wascreated. every decision and action uplifts Consciousness or adds tothe gravity of it. contributes to separateness or contributes toOneness. you have the power of your perception be sure to use itwisely. build a bridge don't dig a trench. Love is the only solution.JAI MA , Dev Maharaj<dev_maharaj wrote:>> Namaste Prasanna Kumar > I agree with all that you have said here, I posted another mail thatgive a link for a video> > with the caption> For all those of you that want to practice the vay of peace,tolerance and hide your head in the sand techniques. + glorifying thedoctrine of Ahimsa> > View this !> > http://www.obsessio nthemovie. com/trailer- 12min.php> >

> > It is very important that all members view this, because if thisbecomes an active threat I assure you that you may not get the chanceto realize your true nature as you may be wiped out long before !> > Namah Sivaya> Best Regards> Pandit Devindra Maharaj> > > prasanna kumar <groupowner.prasanna wrote: Dear Shiv Bhakt> > As human being, our greatest task is to realize our true nature,the > Divine within.That is the real purpose of life.To realize this core > (call it Atma or God),we have to grow.Our personality has develop.Such > a development occurs when our sense of divinity envelops the whole > being of ours.When a person reaches the stage where his sense of > separateness is wiped out or his ignorance knot is torn asunder,he > know himself as the Divine.Then all doults about own spiritual > statures are removed

once for all.All his worldliness is eliminated and> ehat remains is a being of pure love and unselfishness.> > Regards> Prasanna Kumar > Group Owner > > > > > > > > Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone whoknows.> Answers - Check it out.> Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell.

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