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Namaste JoyOk There are many methods of meditation. Ideally you need to select one that feels right for you. You then need to be trained in it until you develop proficiency .I will attempt to give you a system that should help you in a number of ways(this is a hybrid of authentic techniques) Before you begin to meditate several things you should be aware of, for the purpose of what I will explain.Focus - Ability to hold a single thought to the exclusion of othersConcentration - Ability to think in a focused way upon an idea or connected setMeditation - Allowing your mind to flow spontaneously in a concentrated stateSo firstly to begin to mediate one must learn to concentrate and before you can concentrate you must learn to focus.There are aids to meditation such as tapes etc. These are all nice but

they miss the real point of meditation in many instances. That point is to be able to train your mind so that you can concentrate long enough to contact the divine spirit (your higher self) and have conversation to get guidance.Developing advanced consciousness requires observance of purity of one's environment, personal hygiene, dietary intake, associates etc... This may appear to be extreme and unnecessary to a "normal" person, however what is being sought is not the mundane but a connection to the divine. This is quite challenging as there are many many obstacles that hinder one's progress, therefore these extremes are adopted to minimize and optimize ones efforts in a spiritual vein.How to Purify the Aura ? What are the different techniques for this ? This is essential as it will help you to meditate better. Get up each morning just before dawn at about 4-5 a.m before any traffic is present and

perform these two exercises Firstly as much as you can tense all of your muscles,then stretch as far as you can your legs, arms and back. This not only improves circulation but it also opens up your energy channels which promotes healing. Abdominal Exercise Leaning forward with hands on knees and feet apart, breathe out. Contract abdominal muscles pulling them up and inside, rotate muscles right to left as fast as is possible (increase the speed as you gain proficiency), breathe in after rotation and repeat up to 10 times. This stimulates the nervous system and reduces disorders caused by mucus. Breathing Exercise Scrape tongue clean, and stick out in fresh air for a few minutes then breathe in and out quickly and evenly, stop when strain is felt. This destroys diseases caused by phlegm. Then drink approximately 4-5

glasses of water (Room temperature - not too warm, not too cold. initially you may have a slightly nauseous feeling but this will pass after a few days. If you can get coconut oil (sesame will do also) warm about 3-4 tablespoons and add a half teaspoon cayenne pepper. Gently massage the soles of your feet in a circular downward motion only after bathing in warm water. Things to limit/avoid 1) If you smoke - reduce this as much as you can 2) If you drink - avoid alcohol 3) If you eat meat - limit quantity and quality of meat Red meat (beef and pork) significantly lowers your bodily vibration which in turn inhibits your natural healing and fills you with toxins galore ! None would be ideal. 4) Limit your sugar intake, don't use the artificial stuff either, if possible use honey as a sweetener. 5) Avoid

fried/oily foods 6) To avoid mucus production, avoid diary products temporarily Things to do Take 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder ( if you can get the fresh root even better), boil a small cup of water and let the turmeric draw like a tea. Drink 1-2 cups per day for 7 days, stop for 3 days and then begin the cycle again. ( if you notice increased stomach acidity, reduce the quantity to 1 cup only. Turmeric is an antioxidant with both antiseptic and antibiotic properties, this should work wonders in clearing up your skin and liver toxicity and reduce inflammation. If you can get bitter neem leaves, take

six fresh leaves and chew it up quickly - do this for 5 days only. ( note a neem branch has about 9 pairs of leaves use only 3 pairs at the tip- if you suffer from high blood pressure stop this if you feel any mal effects such as headaches. You will also notice a drop in your libido- this is temporary and everything will be normal after a few days.) Prolonged use of large amounts of neem is known to raise your blood pressure and reduce sperm count (in men). You may notice an uneasy feeling in your stomach or liver, this happens when there is excess toxicity and it is being pushed out, nothing to worry about will pass in a day or so. This cleans your colon which is essential to getting you to absorb nutrients properly as well as ridding yourself of excess toxins which can cause skin problems. If you can get saffron

- mix about 100 mg in some warm milk and drink before going to sleep, this purifies the blood. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and Bak choi (Chinese spinach). Before eating all vegetables soak the vegetable in warm waterfor 5 minutes, this has the effect of diluting pesticides which were sprayed on the vegetable. Drink lots of natural fruit juices ( not with too much acidity though, this may negatively affect your skin) Recommended juices are orange, lime, watermelon, fruit punch Weekly/Monthly Bath Get the following 10 pounds of Salt, 1 pound of turmeric powder ( fresh root is best) and 4 limes Get up early in the morning remove your bedsheets, spread some newspaper on your bed and evenly spread about four pounds of salt on the newspaper. Leave this for the full day. In the

evening, remove both salt and newspaper and spread fresh bedsheets. Do not touch the salt with your hands. Dump the salt in the toilet, flush and rinse before using the toilet. This will remove negative energy from your bed. Then mix the one pound of turmeric with water until it becomes a thick spreadable paste, apply this from the crown of your head going down to your toes (in a downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your chakra points. Leave this on your body for about 30-45 minutes until it dries. Rinse off the paste This removes excessive toxins from your skin. Then mix four pounds of salt with water until it becomes a thick spreadable paste, apply this from the crown of your head going down to your toes (in a downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your chakra

points. Leave this on your body for about 10-15 minutes. Rub your body in a downward motion only. Rinse off the paste. This removes superficial negative energy from your aura, also because salt is an electrolyte it sparks up your energy fields which aids in healing. Cut the four limes and use the halves to rub your body in a downward motion only. This will remove extra yellowness from the Turmeric. Be careful to wash crevices in your body carefully such as underarms as when you sweat this may cause chaffing of your skin. Now you should feel a sense of lightness ( this is because the negative energy/toxins have been reduced. go to sleep, avoid sleeping next to anyone if possible.) If you are married it would be recommended to double the quantities suggested and have your spouse do the same as impurities from his/her aura will be passed on to you when you sleep together ! TECHNIQUE II You can also use water that has been left out in the sun with crystals ( Natural quartz ). This removes the heavy energies and re-energizes the Aura. There is a particular stone called a Tourmaline (Schorl-black) that assists in removing negative energies from your aura and keeping them off of you. Keep this on you and bathe with water that it has been left in. So how to begin meditation - (until you become proficient)Always before practice - Try

to be consistent with the time you meditate every day.1) Have a small meal of light food ( cereal, fruits)2) Have a cool bath/shower, if possible use a sandalwood and turmeric soap and not one that has sodium tallowate ( if you are fasting and meditating )3) While you are bathing try to visualize all tensions in the form of dark energy running off of your body. 4) Inhale water in through your nostrils and expel through your mouth, this clears the sinus and helps to clear excess phlegm and mucus.5) Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue, try to expel as much mucus from your lungs as possible.6) Change into clean clothes that are soft and loose fitting - Naked is the best way but in the event you are in company, you could develop some

social problems and possibly no meditation will ensue...lol7) Sit in a clean place/room on a soft mat.- A personal prayer room is ideal.8) for about fifteen minutes, lie in a South (head) to North (foot) direction9) RELAX, try to think about nothing in particular for a few minutes, forget the office, family, children etc.... be free in your mind.10) Breathe evenly, now imagine a ball of Brilliant Golden light forming at the base of your feet and encircling it,(Even if at first you cannot see it KNOW that it is there, when you feel ready, imagine it relaxing your nerves and muscles. Let it linger a while and then move up to ankles, then calves, then thighs then pelvis, abdomen, then chest, then neck , then head. Now imagine that with each areas as the light moves up it is relaxing

your body and soothing all tensions and fatigue. After you feel comfortable, then let it start moving back down and with each movement down FEEL it is taking away all tension and strains. As it gets back down to your feet, FEEL that you are physically and mentally free of tension, strain, pain or disease in any way. PS. Sometimes as the light is moving up to your pelvis you may encounter feelings of sexual arousal, nothing to be ashamed of or uncomfortable about As your body relaxes you tend to be aware of energy flowing spontaneously in the chakras and nadis ( Subtle body). Let these feelings pass, do not focus on it, just be aware and they will pass in a while. 11) When you feel ready,

now sit up and cross your legs, join your thumb to the tip of your index finger on both hands.Performing Nadi Shodana - Purification of subtle channels12) Breathe in through the right nostril and out through the left - 3 times while reciting Aum13) Breathe in through the left nostril and out through the right - 3 times while reciting Aum14) Breathe in through both the left and right nostril and out through the mouth - 3 times while reciting Aum.15) Now focus on your breath, focus on the space between your in breath and out breath, do not force but let this be natural when you are sufficiently relaxed.16) Focus on the area of your third eye - (between the eyebrows) and think about what you want to meditate upon, Be clear about your

thought/idea Try to impress this upon your subsconscious mind by slowing and carefully reciting the idea in your head.17) Let your mind concentrate on this thought (set of ideas when you are proficient), relax and breathe18) Beware of internal mental chatter, this will slowly cease as you become advanced in practice. When conflicting thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, gentle bring your mind back to the original thought.19) Let your mind flow spontaneously on this thought, Ok this is a bare basic description of meditation technique, unfortunately this is all I have time for now but we can get into more advanced discussions at another time, try to follow this and note your results carefully.Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra

Maharajjoysarahghillie <joysarahghillie wrote: Hi How do I go about meditating? Joy Sarah

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Pranam Dev Maharaj, Your explanation is simply superb.We are fortunate to have a member like you.The inter net is really a boon in this kaliyug.Kindly throw some more light on cleaning of chakras.Young generation should be benifited by people like you.Only SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA clearly told that he is seeing and talking to Mother.Do you come across such a great personality in these days?Kindly share with us such realties. With sahasra namaskarams, V.Raamam.Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj wrote: Namaste JoyOk There are many methods of meditation. Ideally you need to select one that feels right for you. You then need to be trained in it until you develop proficiency .I will attempt to give you a system that should help you in a number of ways(this is a hybrid of authentic techniques) Before you begin to meditate several things you should be aware of, for the purpose of what I will explain.Focus - Ability to hold a single thought to the exclusion of othersConcentration - Ability to think in a focused way upon an idea or connected setMeditation - Allowing your mind to flow spontaneously in a concentrated stateSo firstly to begin to mediate one must learn to concentrate and before you can concentrate you must learn to

focus.There are aids to meditation such as tapes etc. These are all nice but they miss the real point of meditation in many instances. That point is to be able to train your mind so that you can concentrate long enough to contact the divine spirit (your higher self) and have conversation to get guidance.Developing advanced consciousness requires observance of purity of one's environment, personal hygiene, dietary intake, associates etc... This may appear to be extreme and unnecessary to a "normal" person, however what is being sought is not the mundane but a connection to the divine. This is quite challenging as there are many many obstacles that hinder one's progress, therefore these extremes are adopted to minimize and optimize ones efforts in a spiritual vein.How to Purify the Aura ? What are the different techniques for this ?This is essential as it will help you to meditate better.Get up each

morning just before dawn at about 4-5 a.m before any traffic ispresent and perform these two exercisesFirstly as much as you can tense all of your muscles,then stretch as far as youcan your legs, arms and back. This not only improves circulation but it alsoopens up your energy channels which promotes healing.Abdominal ExerciseLeaning forward with hands on knees and feet apart, breathe out.Contract abdominal muscles pulling them up and inside, rotate musclesright to left as fast as is possible (increase the speed as you gain proficiency),breathe in after rotation and repeat up to 10 times. This stimulates the nervoussystem and reduces disorders caused by mucus.Breathing ExerciseScrape tongue clean, and stick out in fresh air for a few minutes then breathe inand out quickly and evenly, stop when strain is felt. This destroys

diseases caused by phlegm.Then drink approximately 4-5 glasses of water (Room temperature - not toowarm, not too cold. initially you may have a slightly nauseous feeling but this will pass after a few days.If you can get coconut oil (sesame will do also) warm about 3-4 tablespoons and add a half teaspoon cayenne pepper. Gently massage the soles of your feetin a circular downward motion only after bathing in warm water.Things to limit/avoid1) If you smoke - reduce this as much as you can2) If you drink - avoid alcohol3) If you eat meat - limit quantity and quality of meat Red meat (beef and pork) significantly lowers your bodily vibration which in turn inhibits your natural healing and fills you with toxins galore ! None would be ideal.4) Limit your sugar intake, don't use the artificial stuff either, if

possible use honey as a sweetener.5) Avoid fried/oily foods 6) To avoid mucus production, avoid diary products temporarilyThings to doTake 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder ( if you can get the fresh root even better), boil a small cup of water and let the turmeric draw like a tea. Drink 1-2 cups per day for 7 days, stop for 3 days and then begin the cycle again. ( if you notice increased stomach acidity, reduce the quantity to 1 cup only. Turmeric is an antioxidant with both antiseptic and antibiotic properties, this should work wonders in clearing up your skin and liver toxicity and reduce inflammation.If you can get bitter neem

leaves, take six fresh leaves and chew it up quickly - do this for 5 days only. ( note a neem branch has about 9 pairs of leaves use only 3 pairs at the tip- if you suffer from high blood pressure stop this if you feel any mal effects such as headaches. You will also notice a drop in your libido- this is temporary and everything will be normal after a few days.) Prolonged use of large amounts of neem is known to raise your blood pressureand reduce sperm count (in men). You may notice an uneasy feeling in yourstomach or liver, this happens when there is excess toxicity and it is being pushed out, nothing to worry about will pass in a day or so.This cleans your colon which is essential to getting you to absorb nutrients properly as well as ridding yourself of excess toxins which can cause skin problems. If you can get saffron - mix about 100 mg in some warm milk and drink before going to sleep, this purifies the blood. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and Bak choi(Chinese spinach). Before eating all vegetables soak the vegetable in warm waterfor 5 minutes, this has the effect of diluting pesticides which were sprayed onthe vegetable. Drink lots of natural fruit juices ( not with too much acidity though, this maynegatively affect your skin)Recommended juices are orange, lime, watermelon, fruit punchWeekly/Monthly BathGet the following10 pounds of Salt, 1 pound of turmeric powder ( fresh root is best) and 4 limesGet up early in the morning remove your bedsheets, spread some newspaper onyour bed and evenly spread about four pounds of salt on the newspaper. Leavethis for the full day. In

the evening, remove both salt and newspaper and spreadfresh bedsheets. Do not touch the salt with your hands. Dump the salt in thetoilet, flush and rinse before using the toilet. This will remove negative energy from your bed. Then mix the one pound of turmeric with water until it becomes a thick spreadable paste, apply this from the crown of your head going down to your toes(in a downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your chakra points. Leave this on your body for about 30-45 minutes until it dries. Rinse off the pasteThis removes excessive toxins from your skin. Then mix four pounds of salt with water until it becomes a thick spreadablepaste, apply this from the crown of your head going down to your toes (in a downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your chakra points. Leave

this on your body for about 10-15 minutes. Rub your body in a downwardmotion only.Rinse off the paste. This removes superficial negative energy from your aura, alsobecause salt is an electrolyte it sparks up your energy fields which aids in healing.Cut the four limes and use the halves to rub your body in a downward motiononly. This will remove extra yellowness from the Turmeric. Be careful to washcrevices in your body carefully such as underarms as when you sweat this maycause chaffing of your skin.Now you should feel a sense of lightness ( this is because the negativeenergy/toxins have been reduced. go to sleep, avoid sleeping next to anyone if possible.)If you are married it would be recommended to double the quantities suggestedand have your spouse do the same as impurities from his/her aura will be passedon to you when you sleep together !TECHNIQUE

IIYou can also use water that has been left out in the sun with crystals ( Naturalquartz ). This removes the heavy energies and re-energizes the Aura.There is a particular stone called a Tourmaline (Schorl-black) that assists inremoving negative energies from your aura and keeping them off of you.Keep this on you and bathe with water that it has been left in.So how to begin meditation - (until you become proficient)Always before practice - Try to be consistent with the time you meditate every day.1) Have a small meal of light food ( cereal,

fruits)2) Have a cool bath/shower, if possible use a sandalwood and turmeric soap and not one that has sodium tallowate ( if you are fasting and meditating )3) While you are bathing try to visualize all tensions in the form of dark energy running off of your body. 4) Inhale water in through your nostrils and expel through your mouth, this clears the sinus and helps to clear excess phlegm and mucus.5) Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue, try to expel as much mucus from your lungs as possible.6) Change into clean clothes that are soft and loose fitting - Naked is the best way but in the event you are in company, you could develop some social problems and possibly no meditation will ensue...lol7) Sit in a clean place/room on a soft mat.- A personal prayer room is ideal.8) for about fifteen minutes, lie in a South (head) to North (foot)

direction9) RELAX, try to think about nothing in particular for a few minutes, forget the office, family, children etc.... be free in your mind.10) Breathe evenly, now imagine a ball of Brilliant Golden light forming at the base of your feet and encircling it,(Even if at first you cannot see it KNOW that it is there, when you feel ready, imagine it relaxing your nerves and muscles. Let it linger a while and then move up to ankles, then calves, then thighs then pelvis, abdomen, then chest, then neck , then head. Now imagine that with each areas as the light moves up it is relaxing your body and soothing all tensions and fatigue. After you feel comfortable, then let it start moving back down and with each movement down FEEL it is taking

away all tension and strains. As it gets back down to your feet, FEEL that you are physically and mentally free of tension, strain, pain or disease in any way. PS. Sometimes as the light is moving up to your pelvis you may encounter feelings of sexual arousal, nothing to be ashamed of or uncomfortable about As your body relaxes you tend to be aware of energy flowing spontaneously in the chakras and nadis ( Subtle body). Let these feelings pass, do not focus on it, just be aware and they will pass in a while. 11) When you feel ready, now sit up and cross your legs, join your thumb to the tip of your index finger on both hands.Performing Nadi Shodana - Purification of subtle channels12)

Breathe in through the right nostril and out through the left - 3 times while reciting Aum13) Breathe in through the left nostril and out through the right - 3 times while reciting Aum14) Breathe in through both the left and right nostril and out through the mouth - 3 times while reciting Aum.15) Now focus on your breath, focus on the space between your in breath and out breath, do not force but let this be natural when you are sufficiently relaxed.16) Focus on the area of your third eye - (between the eyebrows) and think about what you want to meditate upon, Be clear about your thought/idea Try to impress this upon your subsconscious mind by slowing and carefully reciting the idea in your head.17) Let your mind concentrate on this thought (set of ideas when you

are proficient), relax and breathe18) Beware of internal mental chatter, this will slowly cease as you become advanced in practice. When conflicting thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, gentle bring your mind back to the original thought.19) Let your mind flow spontaneously on this thought, Ok this is a bare basic description of meditation technique, unfortunately this is all I have time for now but we can get into more advanced discussions at another time, try to follow this and note your results carefully.Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajjoysarahghillie <joysarahghillie (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote: HiHow do I go about meditating?Joy

Sarah Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more!

Catch up on fall's hot new shows on TV. Watch previews, get listings, and more!

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Well I speak to both MA and Lord Shiva when they want to speak with me, but this is not something I can consciously control. I conversed with Sat Guru Sivayasubramuniam Swami when he was alive and I have also met a number of people who can speak to Ma directly, they are not Hindus though. My best friend is a Spiritual Shouter Baptist - (African ) and he speaks to Kali Ma directly.Truth is everyone has this ability though it is more revealed in some due to the increase of purity and vibration they derive from Severe Tapas.Namah SivayBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajvemuri ramam <rvemurin wrote: Pranam Dev Maharaj, Your explanation is simply superb.We are fortunate to have a member like you.The inter net is really a boon in this kaliyug.Kindly throw some more light on cleaning of chakras.Young generation should be benifited by people like you.Only SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA clearly told that he is seeing and talking to Mother.Do you come across such a great personality in these days?Kindly share with us such realties. With sahasra namaskarams, V.Raamam.Dev Maharaj <dev_maharaj > wrote: Namaste JoyOk There are many methods of meditation. Ideally you need to select one that feels right for you. You then need to be

trained in it until you develop proficiency .I will attempt to give you a system that should help you in a number of ways(this is a hybrid of authentic techniques) Before you begin to meditate several things you should be aware of, for the purpose of what I will explain.Focus - Ability to hold a single thought to the exclusion of othersConcentration - Ability to think in a focused way upon an idea or connected setMeditation - Allowing your mind to flow spontaneously in a concentrated stateSo firstly to begin to mediate one must learn to concentrate and before you can concentrate you must learn to focus.There are aids to meditation such as tapes etc. These are all nice but they miss the real point of meditation in many instances. That point is to be able to train your mind so that you can concentrate long

enough to contact the divine spirit (your higher self) and have conversation to get guidance.Developing advanced consciousness requires observance of purity of one's environment, personal hygiene, dietary intake, associates etc... This may appear to be extreme and unnecessary to a "normal" person, however what is being sought is not the mundane but a connection to the divine. This is quite challenging as there are many many obstacles that hinder one's progress, therefore these extremes are adopted to minimize and optimize ones efforts in a spiritual vein.How to Purify the Aura ? What are the different techniques for this ?This is essential as it will help you to meditate better.Get up each morning just before dawn at about 4-5 a.m before any traffic ispresent and perform these two exercisesFirstly as much as you can tense all of your muscles,then stretch as far as youcan your legs, arms

and back. This not only improves circulation but it alsoopens up your energy channels which promotes healing.Abdominal ExerciseLeaning forward with hands on knees and feet apart, breathe out.Contract abdominal muscles pulling them up and inside, rotate musclesright to left as fast as is possible (increase the speed as you gain proficiency),breathe in after rotation and repeat up to 10 times. This stimulates the nervoussystem and reduces disorders caused by mucus.Breathing ExerciseScrape tongue clean, and stick out in fresh air for a few minutes then breathe inand out quickly and evenly, stop when strain is felt. This destroys diseases caused by phlegm.Then drink approximately 4-5 glasses of water (Room temperature - not toowarm, not too cold. initially you may have a slightly nauseous feeling but this will pass after a few

days.If you can get coconut oil (sesame will do also) warm about 3-4 tablespoons and add a half teaspoon cayenne pepper. Gently massage the soles of your feetin a circular downward motion only after bathing in warm water.Things to limit/avoid1) If you smoke - reduce this as much as you can2) If you drink - avoid alcohol3) If you eat meat - limit quantity and quality of meat Red meat (beef and pork) significantly lowers your bodily vibration which in turn inhibits your natural healing and fills you with toxins galore ! None would be ideal.4) Limit your sugar intake, don't use the artificial stuff either, if possible use honey as a sweetener.5) Avoid fried/oily foods 6) To avoid mucus production, avoid diary products temporarilyThings to doTake 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder ( if you can get the fresh root even better), boil a small cup of water and let the turmeric draw like a tea. Drink 1-2 cups per day for 7 days, stop for 3 days and then begin the cycle again. ( if you notice increased stomach acidity, reduce the quantity to 1 cup only. Turmeric is an antioxidant with both antiseptic and antibiotic properties, this should work wonders in clearing up your skin and liver toxicity and reduce inflammation.If you can get bitter neem leaves, take six fresh leaves and chew it up quickly - do this for 5 days only. ( note a neem branch has about 9 pairs of leaves use only 3 pairs at the tip- if you suffer from high blood

pressure stop this if you feel any mal effects such as headaches. You will also notice a drop in your libido- this is temporary and everything will be normal after a few days.) Prolonged use of large amounts of neem is known to raise your blood pressureand reduce sperm count (in men). You may notice an uneasy feeling in yourstomach or liver, this happens when there is excess toxicity and it is being pushed out, nothing to worry about will pass in a day or so.This cleans your colon which is essential to getting you to absorb nutrients properly as well as ridding yourself of excess toxins which can cause skin problems. If you can get saffron - mix about 100 mg in some warm milk and drink before going to sleep, this purifies the blood. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce and Bak

choi(Chinese spinach). Before eating all vegetables soak the vegetable in warm waterfor 5 minutes, this has the effect of diluting pesticides which were sprayed onthe vegetable. Drink lots of natural fruit juices ( not with too much acidity though, this maynegatively affect your skin)Recommended juices are orange, lime, watermelon, fruit punchWeekly/Monthly BathGet the following10 pounds of Salt, 1 pound of turmeric powder ( fresh root is best) and 4 limesGet up early in the morning remove your bedsheets, spread some newspaper onyour bed and evenly spread about four pounds of salt on the newspaper. Leavethis for the full day. In the evening, remove both salt and newspaper and spreadfresh bedsheets. Do not touch the salt with your hands. Dump the salt in thetoilet, flush and rinse before using the toilet. This will remove negative

energy from your bed. Then mix the one pound of turmeric with water until it becomes a thick spreadable paste, apply this from the crown of your head going down to your toes(in a downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your chakra points. Leave this on your body for about 30-45 minutes until it dries. Rinse off the pasteThis removes excessive toxins from your skin. Then mix four pounds of salt with water until it becomes a thick spreadablepaste, apply this from the crown of your head going down to your toes (in a downward motion only). Apply extra amounts to your chakra points. Leave this on your body for about 10-15 minutes. Rub your body in a downwardmotion only.Rinse off the paste. This removes superficial negative energy from your aura, alsobecause salt is an

electrolyte it sparks up your energy fields which aids in healing.Cut the four limes and use the halves to rub your body in a downward motiononly. This will remove extra yellowness from the Turmeric. Be careful to washcrevices in your body carefully such as underarms as when you sweat this maycause chaffing of your skin.Now you should feel a sense of lightness ( this is because the negativeenergy/toxins have been reduced. go to sleep, avoid sleeping next to anyone if possible.)If you are married it would be recommended to double the quantities suggestedand have your spouse do the same as impurities from his/her aura will be passedon to you when you sleep together !TECHNIQUE IIYou can also use water that has been left out in the sun with crystals ( Naturalquartz ). This removes the heavy energies and re-energizes the Aura.There is a particular stone called a

Tourmaline (Schorl-black) that assists inremoving negative energies from your aura and keeping them off of you.Keep this on you and bathe with water that it has been left in.So how to begin meditation - (until you become proficient)Always before practice - Try to be consistent with the time you meditate every day.1) Have a small meal of light food ( cereal, fruits)2) Have a cool bath/shower, if possible use a sandalwood and turmeric soap and not one that has sodium tallowate ( if you are fasting and meditating )3) While you are

bathing try to visualize all tensions in the form of dark energy running off of your body. 4) Inhale water in through your nostrils and expel through your mouth, this clears the sinus and helps to clear excess phlegm and mucus.5) Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue, try to expel as much mucus from your lungs as possible.6) Change into clean clothes that are soft and loose fitting - Naked is the best way but in the event you are in company, you could develop some social problems and possibly no meditation will ensue...lol7) Sit in a clean place/room on a soft mat.- A personal prayer room is ideal.8) for about fifteen minutes, lie in a South (head) to North (foot) direction9) RELAX, try to think about nothing in particular for a few minutes, forget the office, family, children etc.... be free in your mind.10) Breathe evenly, now

imagine a ball of Brilliant Golden light forming at the base of your feet and encircling it,(Even if at first you cannot see it KNOW that it is there, when you feel ready, imagine it relaxing your nerves and muscles. Let it linger a while and then move up to ankles, then calves, then thighs then pelvis, abdomen, then chest, then neck , then head. Now imagine that with each areas as the light moves up it is relaxing your body and soothing all tensions and fatigue. After you feel comfortable, then let it start moving back down and with each movement down FEEL it is taking away all tension and strains. As it gets back down to your feet, FEEL that you are physically and mentally free of tension, strain, pain or disease in any

way. PS. Sometimes as the light is moving up to your pelvis you may encounter feelings of sexual arousal, nothing to be ashamed of or uncomfortable about As your body relaxes you tend to be aware of energy flowing spontaneously in the chakras and nadis ( Subtle body). Let these feelings pass, do not focus on it, just be aware and they will pass in a while. 11) When you feel ready, now sit up and cross your legs, join your thumb to the tip of your index finger on both hands.Performing Nadi Shodana - Purification of subtle channels12) Breathe in through the right nostril and out through the left - 3 times while reciting Aum13) Breathe in through the left nostril and out through the right - 3

times while reciting Aum14) Breathe in through both the left and right nostril and out through the mouth - 3 times while reciting Aum.15) Now focus on your breath, focus on the space between your in breath and out breath, do not force but let this be natural when you are sufficiently relaxed.16) Focus on the area of your third eye - (between the eyebrows) and think about what you want to meditate upon, Be clear about your thought/idea Try to impress this upon your subsconscious mind by slowing and carefully reciting the idea in your head.17) Let your mind concentrate on this thought (set of ideas when you are proficient), relax and breathe18) Beware of internal mental chatter, this will slowly cease as you become advanced in

practice. When conflicting thoughts arise, do not pay attention to them, gentle bring your mind back to the original thought.19) Let your mind flow spontaneously on this thought, Ok this is a bare basic description of meditation technique, unfortunately this is all I have time for now but we can get into more advanced discussions at another time, try to follow this and note your results carefully.Namah SivayaBest RegardsPandit Devindra Maharajjoysarahghillie <joysarahghillie (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote: HiHow do I go about meditating?Joy Sarah Catch up on fall's

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