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Durga Navaratri 4

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Om Namah Sivaya In this system of Sakti Yoga philosophy: Siva is omnipresent, impersonal and inactive. He is pure consciousness. Sakti is dynamic. Siva and Sakti are related as Prakasa and Vimarsa. Sakti or Vimarsa is the power that is latent in the pure consciousness. Vimarsa gives rise to the world of distinctions. Siva is Chit, Sakti is Chidrupini. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra do their functions of creation, preservation and destruction in obedience to Sakti. Sakti is endowed with Ichha (will), Jnana (knowledge) and Kriya (action). Siva and Sakti are one. Sakti-Tattva and Siva-Tattva are inseparable. Siva is always with Sakti. The creative aspect of the Supreme Siva is called Siva-Tattva. Sakti-Tattva is the will of Siva. It is the seed and womb of the entire world. Siva has two aspects. In one aspect, He is the supreme, changeless One who is Satchidananda. This is Para Samvit. Nishkala Siva is Nirguna Siva. He is not connected with the creative Sakti. In the other aspect, He changes as the world. The cause of the change is Siva-Tattva. Sakti-Tattva is the first dynamic aspect of Brahman. This Siva-Tattva and Sakti-Tattva are inseparable. ---------------- Outwardly, the nine-day worship of Devi is a celebration of triumph. This nine days’ celebration is offered to the Mother for Her successful struggle with the formidable demons led by Mahishasura. But, to the sincere spiritual aspirant, the particular division of the Navaratri into sets

of three days to adore different aspects of the Supreme Goddess has a very sublime, yet thoroughly practical truth to reveal. In its cosmic aspect, it epitomises the stages of the evolution of man into God, from Jivahood (the state of individualisation) to Shivahood (the state of Self-realisation). In its individual import, it shows the course that his spiritual practice should take. Let us, therefore, examine in detail the spiritual significance of Navaratri. The central purpose of existence is to recognise your eternal identity with the supreme Spirit. It is to grow into the image of the Divine. The supreme One embodies the highest perfection. It is spotless purity. To recognise your identity with That, to attain union with That, is verily to grow into the very likeness of the Divine. The aspirant, therefore, as his initial step, has to get rid of all the countless impurities, and the demoniacal elements

that have come to cling to him in his embodied state. Then he has to acquire lofty virtues and auspicious, divine qualities. Thus purified, knowledge flashes upon him like the brilliant rays of the sun upon the crystal waters of a perfectly calm lake. This process demands a resolute will, determined effort, and arduous struggle. In other words, strength and infinite power are the prime necessity. Thus it is the Divine Mother who has to operate through the aspirant. Let us now consider how, on the first three days, the Mother is adored as supreme power and force, as Durga the Terrible. You pray to Mother Durga to destroy all your impurities, your vices, your defects. She is to fight with and annihilate the baser animal qualities in the spiritual aspirant, the lower, diabolical nature in him. Also, She is the power that protects your spiritual practice from its many dangers and pitfalls. Thus

the first three days, which mark the first stage or the destruction of impurity and determined effort and struggle to root out the evil tendencies in your mind, are set apart for the worship of the destructive aspect of the Mother. Once you have accomplished your task on the negative side, that of breaking down the impure propensities and old vicious habits, the next step is to build up a sublime spiritual personality, to acquire positive qualities in place of the eliminated demoniacal qualities. The divine qualities that Lord Krishna enumerates in the Gita, have to be acquired. The aspirant must cultivate and develop all the auspicious qualities. He has to earn immense spiritual wealth to enable him to pay the price for the rare gem of divine wisdom. If this development of the opposite qualities is not undertaken in right earnest, the old demoniacal nature will raise its head again and again. Hence, this stage is as important in an

aspirant’s career as the previous one. The essential difference is: the former is a ruthless, determined annihilation of the filthy egoistic lower self; the latter is an orderly, steady, calm and serene effort to develop purity. This pleasanter side of the aspirant’s Sadhana is depicted by the worship of Mother Lakshmi. She bestows on Her devotees the inexhaustible divine wealth or Deivi Sampath. Lakshmi is the wealth-giving aspect of God. She is purity itself. Thus the worship of Goddess Lakshmi is performed during the second set of three days. Once the aspirant succeeds in routing out the evil propensities, and develops Sattwic or pure, divine qualities, he becomes competent to attain wisdom. He is now ready to receive the light of supreme wisdom. He is fit to receive divine knowledge. At this stage comes the devout worship of Mother Saraswathi, who is divine knowledge personified, the embodiment of knowledge of the Absolute. The sound of

Her celestial veena awakens the notes of the sublime utterances of the Upanishads which reveal the Truth, and the sacred monosyllable, Om. She bestows the knowledge of the supreme, mystic sound and then gives full knowledge of the Self as represented by Her pure, dazzling snow-white apparel. Therefore, to propitiate Saraswathi, the giver of knowledge, is the third stage. The tenth day, Vijaya Dasami, marks the triumphant ovation of the soul at having attained liberation while living in this world, through the descent of knowledge by the Grace of Goddess Saraswathi. The soul rests in his own Supreme Self or Satchidananda Brahman. This day celebrates the victory, the achievement of the goal. The banner of victory flies aloft. Lo! I am He! I am He! This arrangement also has a special significance in the aspirant’s spiritual evolution. It marks the indispensable stages of evolution through which everyone has to

pass. One naturally leads to the other; to short-circuit this would inevitably result in a miserable failure. Nowadays many ignorant seekers aim straight at the cultivation of knowledge without the preliminaries of purification and acquisition of the divine qualities. They then complain that they are not progressing on the path. How can they? Knowledge will not descend until the impurities have been washed out, and purity is developed. How can the pure plant grow in impure soil? Therefore adhere to this arrangement; your efforts will be crowned with sure success. This is your path. As you destroy one evil quality, develop the virtue opposite to it. By this process you will soon bring yourself up to that perfection which will culminate in identity with the Self which is your goal. Then all knowledge will be yours: you will be omniscient, omnipotent and you will feel your omnipresence. You will see

your Self in all. You will have achieved eternal victory over the wheel of births and deaths, over the demon of worldliness. No more pain, no more misery, no more birth, no more death! Victory, victory be yours! Glory to the Divine Mother! Let Her take you, step by step to the top of the spiritual ladder and unite you with the Lord! ----- By Sri Swami Sivananda Sivaya Namah

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dear sir, I think that I am experiencing this what you are

talking about (durga). durga is dragging me down. I am in rahu mahadasha and I feel

the effects of the dragging me down. I have it seems huge spiritual debts for

some reason. the process has been painful. it is mind altering painful. the

extent to which one must suffer is great. hopefully the end result is purity as

you suggest. hopefully the end result is benevolence. but most importantly

hopefully the end result is strengthening of the self as well as everlasting



can you help me more in understanding this. durga is very

much apart of my life right now and she is a very harsh mother to say the






Raja G. Gursahani


(: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA)

,: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)


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Om Namah Sivaya Dear Sri Raja, This could be due to ascending of Mother Kundalini to upper chakras, but please do not worry, just surrender yourself to the Divine Mother and she will look after you. I underwent a lot of physical and metal sufferings when mother kundalini ascended to upper chakras, eventually my body and mind got use to the divine energy. By Her blessing, I now enjoying peace of mind and inner bliss. If you have the

time, please read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, you will learn how to approach the Divine Mother (Durga/Kali) properly and to intensify your devotion towards Her. Useful link: http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/gospel/introduction/introduction_frame.htm Sivaya Namah Raja Gursahani <rajagursahani wrote: dear sir, I think that I am experiencing this what you are talking about (durga). durga is dragging me down. I am in rahu mahadasha and I feel the effects of the dragging me down. I have it seems huge spiritual debts for some reason. the process has been painful. it is mind altering painful. the extent to which one must suffer is great. hopefully the end result is purity as you suggest. hopefully the end result is benevolence. but most importantly hopefully the end result is

strengthening of the self as well as everlasting peace. can you help me more in understanding this. durga is very much apart of my life right now and she is a very harsh mother to say the least. namaskar, __________ Raja G. Gursahani (: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA),: rajagursahani(atgmail.com)

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please advise what suffering comes along? is it that you get possessed?Selvaratnam Selvakumar <selvauk wrote: Om Namah Sivaya Dear Sri Raja, This could be due to ascending of Mother Kundalini to upper chakras, but please do not worry, just surrender yourself to the Divine Mother and she will look after you. I underwent a lot of physical and

metal sufferings when mother kundalini ascended to upper chakras, eventually my body and mind got use to the divine energy. By Her blessing, I now enjoying peace of mind and inner bliss. If you have the time, please read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, you will learn how to approach the Divine Mother (Durga/Kali) properly and to intensify your devotion towards Her. Useful link: http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/gospel/introduction/introduction_frame.htm Sivaya Namah Raja Gursahani <rajagursahani > wrote: dear sir, I think that I am experiencing this what you are talking about (durga). durga is dragging me down. I am in rahu mahadasha and I feel the effects of the dragging me down. I have it seems huge spiritual debts for some reason. the process has been painful. it is mind altering painful. the extent to which one must suffer is great. hopefully the end result is purity as you suggest. hopefully the end result is benevolence. but most importantly hopefully the end result is

strengthening of the self as well as everlasting peace. can you help me more in understanding this. durga is very much apart of my life right now and she is a very harsh mother to say the least. namaskar, __________ Raja G. Gursahani (: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA),: rajagursahani(atgmail.com) For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit For Good this month.


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Om Namah Sivaya, Dear Sri Jay, A sincere devotee will suffer a lot, because he is hurrying up in the spiritual march. Many of his evil Karmas have to be worked out and purged out quickly to hasten his salvation in this very birth. But, God gives him extraordinary power of endurance through His grace. But he rejoices even in sufferings and destitution on account of the descent of the Lord’s grace. He voluntarily welcomes these sufferings! When the mother Kundalini ascends to upper chakras,

one likely to experience a lot of suffering due to the fact that the body and mind not used to the energy, and also most importantly, the divine energy often burn down past karmas. Sivaya Namah Jay Dayal <jai_dayal wrote: please advise what suffering

comes along? is it that you get possessed?Selvaratnam Selvakumar <selvauk (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote: Om Namah Sivaya Dear Sri Raja, This could be due to ascending of Mother Kundalini to upper chakras, but please do not worry, just surrender yourself to the Divine Mother and she will look after you. I underwent a lot of physical and metal sufferings when mother kundalini ascended to upper chakras, eventually my body and mind got use to the divine energy. By Her blessing, I now enjoying peace of mind and inner bliss. If you have the time, please read the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, you will learn how to approach the Divine Mother (Durga/Kali) properly and to intensify your devotion towards Her. Useful link: http://www.ramakrishnavivekananda.info/gospel/introduction/introduction_frame.htm Sivaya Namah Raja Gursahani <rajagursahani > wrote: dear sir, I think that I am experiencing this what you are talking about (durga). durga is dragging me down. I am in rahu mahadasha and I feel the effects of the dragging me down. I have it seems huge spiritual debts for some reason. the process has been painful. it is mind altering painful. the extent to which one must suffer is great. hopefully the end result is purity as you suggest. hopefully the end result is benevolence. but most importantly hopefully the end result is strengthening of the self as well as everlasting peace. can you help me

more in understanding this. durga is very much apart of my life right now and she is a very harsh mother to say the least. namaskar, __________ Raja G. Gursahani (: 314.761.3134 (Clovis, CA),: rajagursahani(atgmail.com) For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit For Good this month. Sick of deleting your inbox? 7 Mail has free unlimited storage. Get it now.

For ideas on reducing your carbon footprint visit For Good this month.

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