Guest guest Posted November 4, 2008 Report Share Posted November 4, 2008 Namaste Basmam and Vibhuthy. BhasmadhAraNa samyuktah pavitrO nivayatAshayahshivAbhidhAvam yatprOktam bhAsanA tbhasitam tathAmahAbhasmEti samchintya mahAdEvam prabhAmayamvartantE yE mahAbhAgA mukhyAstE bhasmadhAraNahsays the sastra. That which illumines the siva tattva is called Bhasita.esa esha bhasmajyOtih, sa esha bhasmajyOtihâ says the Bhasma Jabalopanishad.Siva is contemplated as Bhasma / Jyoti swarupa which is the form of PureConsciousness. And hence Parama Siva is called Mahabhasma.Siva as Chidagni in the form of Mahabhasma is called NirupAdhika Bhasma.shivAgnyAdi samutpannam mantranyAsAdi yOgatahtatsOpAdhika mityAhu rbhasma tantra vishAradahThe Bhasma which is purified with SadyOjAtA iti panchabrahma mantras and thatis kept in Sivagni is the sOpAdhika Bhasma.These are 5 types:vibhUti rbhasitam bhasma kshAram rakshEti bhasmanahetAni panchanAmAni hEtubhih panchabhih rdhruvamThere are 5 types of ashes: 1. Vibhuti 2) Bhasita 3) Bhasma 4) KshAra 5)RakshaAshtabhutis are 8 siddhis starting from Anima, Mahima……Vashitva. Vibhuticonfers these 8 siddhis and hence it is called Vibhuti. That which lits the sivajnana is Bhasita, that which burns the sins is Bhasma, that which protects frommisfortunes and accidents is kshAra, that which protects from evil spirits isRaksha.The origin of Vibhuti is as follows:nandA bhadrA cha surabhih sushIlA sumanastathApanchagAvO vibhOrjAtAh sadyOjAtAdi vaktratahkapilah krishnah dhavaLa dhUmra rakthasthaiva chanandAdInAm gavAm varNah kramENA parikIrtitAhFrom the Siva’s 5 faces ie., from Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha,Ishana came forth Nanda, Bhadra, Surabhi, Susila, Sumana cows respectively. From Nanda, Bhadra, Surabhi, Susila and Sumana came forth Vibhuti, Bhasita,Bhasma, Kshara, Raksha with the colors Kapila, Black, White, Grey and Redrespectively.For Nitya Karmas, Vibhuti ; for naimittika karmas Bhasita, for Kamya KarmasKshara and Raksha are applied on the forehead.The origin of Bhasma is categorized in 4 ways:1. Kalpa Bhasma 2) Anukalpa Bhasma 3) Upakalpa Bhasma 4) Apakalpa BhasmaKalpa Bhasma: The gomaya (cow dung) should be collected and extreme careshould be taken not to drop it on the ground. While collecting this way,Sadyojata mantra should be chanted. Cow dung balls should be made with Vamadevamantra. With tatpurusha mantra, should be dried in the sun with aghora mantra,should be put in sivagni. With Ishana mantra, bilva leaf powder and mulikasshould be added. The bhasma thus prepared is Kalpa BhasmaThe cow dung which is collected from the forest and above procedure should befollowed. This is anukalpa bhasma.The bhasma is procured from shops is taken and cow’s urine (gomutra) isadded and then filtered. Balls should be made and pancha brahma mantras shouldbe chanted with the above procedure. This is Upakalpa BhasmaIf the bhasma is procured from shops and is not purified with the aboveprocedure is called Apakalpa Bhasma.Every sadhaka (at least sivopasakas) should perform the Bhasma Snana (VibhutiSnana) daily without fail.Before performing the Bhasma Snana, one should wash the hands, feet. Take thevibhuti (NOT APAKALPA BHASMA) in one’s left hand. Observing mouna, one purifythe bhasma by uttering Siva Panchakshari Mantra 8 times. Then sprinkle theBhasma on one’s head with Ishana Mantra; sprinkle the bhasma on one’s facewith Tatpurusha Mantra; sprinkle the bhasma on one’s chest with Aghora mantra;sprinkle the bhasma at Guhya sthana with Vamadeva mantra; sprinkle the bhasma ontwo feet with Sadyojata mantra and sprinkle the bhasma on entire body withPranava mantra.The performance of this Bhasma snana destroys the aNava mala says the Sastra.Then uttering the panchakshara mantra “namah sivaya†7 times, one shouldapply the bhasma on the entire body and similar Tripundra.While applying the Tripundra, bhasma should be taken and placed on the lefthand. One should utter “agniriti bhasma, vayuriti bhasma, jalamiti bhasma,sthalamiti bhasma, vyomiti bhasma, bhasmEti bhasma, sarvam havA idam bhasma,mana ityEtAni chakshUmshi bhasmAniâ€. Then with Pancha-brahma mantras, oneshould apply the Tripundra. And later Mrityunjaya Mantra should be chanted.Whoever applies the Tripundra (the 3 lines on the forehead) is equivalent toperforming the Tretagni Upasana everyday says the Upanishad.While performing Siva Puja, one should apply the Bhasma in this way.One should also get initiated in Siva Panchakshari Mantra from a Sadguru andperform the Siva Puja daily. Kanchi Mahaperiyaval said that if time does notpermit, atleast do the Siva Puja Abhisheka with “ApohishtA mayObhuvah …..â€mantra and perform the 16 upacharas with “Namah Sivayaâ€. This puja takeshardly 15 minutes. He said that spare atleast 15 minutes of your time for SivaPuja.My pranam to Sriram with regards dilip Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 9, 2008 Report Share Posted November 9, 2008 Interestingly, the Skanda Purana (Brahma Samhita) or (Brahma Khanda) has a few interesting chapters on Bhasma, its greatness (Bhasma Mahatmyam), the various kinds of Bhasma, its prepration, application usage etc. as expounded by Sage Vamadeva of yore. An extract of this has been expounded by Sri Guru Ananta Sri Narasimha Saraswati Swami (the second avatara of Lord Dattatreya), some five centuries ago and has been recorded in " Srimad Gurucharitra Dvisahasri " , which is one of the canonical works of the Datta Sampradayam. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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