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Siva linga .. 100 types of siva lingas. part 2

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100 types of Siva lingas. Satarudriya as found in Skanda Puranam. At the onset, let me confess that my knowledge is very very limited and I might not be the best person to clarify this matter.This Satarudriya is mentioned in the Skanda Puranam Book 1 Mahesvarakhanda and Section 2 of the Kaumarikhanda. This is found in the chapter 13, verses 144b -194.Now the chapter is called Satarudriya Lingas and perhaps the name stems from this. The Satarudriya and the Satarudriya Linga's is narrated by Sage Bhartrayajna.

This enumarates the names of eminent Gods and persons who worshipped a linga of a particular material etc and Lord Siva's particular name they used for Japa.

If you wish to wash off all the sins, listen to the greatness of Rudra in the following excellent Satarudriya.

1 Brahma Hataka linga Lord with matted hair Jagatpradhana (The chief of the universe) and shines 2. Sanaka 1. Brahma worshipped the Hataka Linga of the Lord with matted hair. He repeats the name Jagatpradhana (The chief of the universe) and shines2. There is Krsna Linga (Black Linga) at ksna-mula. It's name is Arjita. Having worshipped that Linga, Sanaka and others won over (attained) the goal of the universe.3. The seven sages (worship the Linga) in the form of the shoots of the Darba grass (and it's name is) Visvayonika (the source of the origin of the universe)4. (Worshipping it) in the firmament, Narada extols it as Jagadbija (seed of the universe)5. Indra worships an adamantine Linga and the name (he repeats is) is Visvatman (the soul of the universe)6. The Sun worships a copper Linga. The name for his japa is Visvasrj (the creator of the universe)7. The Chandra (moon) worships a pearl Linga repeating the name Jagadpati (Lord of

the World)8. The Agni Fire God worships a Linga of Sapphire. The name he repeats is Visveswara (Controller or Master of the Universe)9. Sukra worships a ruby Linga and the name he repeats is Visvakarman (the maker of the universe)10. Dhanada (Kubera) worships a golden Linga and repeats the name Iswara.

11. Visvedevas worship a silver Linga and the name they repeat is Jagadam-Pati (Protector of the World)12. The Wind worships a Linga of brass and the name is Sambhu (Granter of prosperity)13. Vasus worship a Linga of Bell Metal and the name (they repeat) is Svayambhu (The Self Born God)14. The Mothers worship a Linga made of three metals and the name is Bhutesa

(Lord of Living Beings or goblins)15. The Linga of Rakshasas is made of iron. The name (they repeat) is Bhutabhavyabhavodbhava (The sourse of everything past, present and future)16. Guhyakas worship a Linga made of lead. They repeat the name Yoga17. (Sage) Jaigisavya worships Linga in his Brahmarandhra (i.e the aperture in the crown of the head). The name he repeats is Yogeswara (Master of Yoga)18. Nimi worships the Lingas in his two eyes and repeats the name Sarva19. Dhanvantari worships a Linga made of Gomaya (Full of rays or cow dung). The name (He repeats) is Sarvalokesvaresvara (The Master of all the Lords of the Worlds)20. Gandharvas worship a Linga made of timber and the name is Sarvasreshta (The greatest of all)

21. Raghava worships a Linga of Lapiz Lazuli and the name (he repeats) is Jagajjyeshta (the Most Pre-emintent in the World)22. Bana worships and emerald Linga and the name is Vasisthta (The Most Excellent)23. Varuna worships a crystal Linga and the name (he repeats) is Paramesvara (the Supreme Lord)24. Nagas (serpents) worship a coral Linga and the name is Lokatrayamkara (Creator of the three worlds)25. Bharati (Goddess of Speech) worships a Tara Linga (Linga made of big beautiful pearls) and the name is Lokatrayasrita (Support of the three worlds)26. Sani (the planet Saturn) worships the Linga at the Samvarta (an eddy where the river meets the ocean) and the name is Jagannatha (Lord of the world)27. In the region of Sani at Mahi-sagara-sangama, Ravana (used to) worship a Linga amde of jasmine-plant at midnight repeating the name

Sudurjaya28. Siddhas worship Manasa (mental) Linga. The name they repeat is Kamamrtyujaratiga (the Transcender of Kama, death and old age)29.Bali worships a Linga of gleaned food-grains. The name he repeats is Jnanatman (the Soul of Knowledge)30. Maricipas (imbibers of rays) worship a Linga formed of flowers and the name is Jnanagamya (Approachable through Knowledge)

31. Being sborn of dung worship Sakrt Linga (Linga made of dung) and the name is Jnanajneya (Knowable through Knowledge)32. Phenapas (Inbibers of foam) worship a Linga evolved through foams. The name (they repeat) is Sudurvida (Extremely difficult to know)33. Kapila worships Valukalinga (Linga made of sand) repeating the name Varada (Bestower of boons) of Hara.34. Sarasvata worships the Linga in the speech and the name is Vagisvara (the Controller of speech)35. Ganas worship Linga in the form of a Murti(idol)and the name they repeat is Rudra36. Devas worship a Linga made of Jambunada (a particular variety of gold) and the name is Sitikantha (Black Throated)37. Budha (the planet Mercury) worships a Sankha Linga (Linga made of a conch The name he repeats is Kanistha38. Asvins worship a Linga

made of clay. The name (they repeat) is Suvedhasa (the Excellent Creator).39. Vinayaka worships a Linga made of flour and the name is Kapardin (God with matted hair)40. Kuja (Mars) worships a Linga made of butter. The name he repeats is Karalaka (The Formidable one)

41. Tarksya (Garuda) worships a Linga made of cooked rice and the name he repeats is Haryaksa (Yellow-eyed, a Lion)42. Kama worships a Linga made of jaggery. The name (he repeats) us Ratida (Giver of pleasure)43. Saci worships a Linga made of salt. The name is Babhrukesa (The Brown haired)44. Visvakarman worships a Prasada Linga (Palace Linga?) and the name is Yamya45. Vibhisana worships a Linga made of dust particles. The name is Suhrttama (the Best Friend)46. Sagara worships a Linga made of bamboo shoots. The name is Sangata47. Rahu worships a Linga made of Ramatha (asafoetida). He repeats the name Gamya (Approachable)48. Laksmi worships Lepya Linga (Plastering Linga) and the name is Harinetra (Visnu's eye)49. Yogins worship the Linga stationed in all living beings. The name is Sthanu (Immovable)50. Human

beings worship different kinds (of Lingas). The name is Purusamnaman.

51. The constellations worship Linga of the nature of splendour. The name is Bhaga Basvara (Brilliant Siva)52. Kinnaras worship Dhatu Linga (Linga made of minerals) . The name is Sudipta (Extremely refulgent)53. Brahmaraksasas worshp the Linga and the name is Devadeva (God of Gods)54. Varanas (Elephants) worship the Linga made of tusk (ivory). The name is Ramhasa (Force)55. Saghyas worship Linga of the nature of seven Lokas. The name is Bahurupa (Multi Formed)56. Seasons (Rtus) worship Linga of the nature of Durva shoot. The name is Sarva.57. Celestial damsels worship a Linga of saffron. The name is Sambhopriya (Favourite of Sambhu)58. Urvasi worships a Linga made of red lead. The name is Priyavasana (Favourite perfume?)59. The preceptor worships Brahmacari Linga (Linga in the form of the religious student) and the name

is Usnisin (Turban wearer)60. Yoginis worship a Linga made of Alataka (Red Lac) and the name is Subabhruka (Extremely deep brownish).

61. Siddha Yoginis worship a Linga made of Srikandha (Sandalwood) and the name is Sahasraksa (Thousand Eyed God)62. Dakinis worship Mamsalinga (Linga made of flesh). The name is Midhusa (Most bountiful)63. Manus worship a Linga made of Anna (food). The name is Girisa 64. Agastya worships a Linga made of Vrihi (of rice grains) and the name is Susanta (Extremely quiescent)65. Devala worships a Linga amde of barley and the name is Pati (The Protector)66. Valmiki worships a Linga made of Valmika (ant hill) and the name is Ciravasi (Eternal Dweller)67. Pratardhana worships Bana Linga (Linga found in the Narmada). The name is Hranyabhuja

(Golden Armed One)68. Daityas worship a Linga made of black mustard. The name is glorified as Ugra(The Terrible)69. Danavas worship Nispavaja Linga (Linga made out of the wind caused by winnowing). The name is Dikpati (Lord of Cardinal Points)70. Clouds worship Linga of the nature of Nira (water) and the name is Parjanyapati (The Lord of Rains)

71. Yaksas worship a Linga evolved from pulses. The name is remembered as Bhutapati (The Protector of Bhutas)72. Pitrs worship a Linga made of cooked gingelly seeds. Tha name of the Linga is Vrsapati (Lord of the Bull)73. Gautama worships Linga of the nature of Giraja (dust raised by cows) (? Gorasa - curds, milk products). The name is Gopati (Lord of Cows)74. Vanaprasthas (Forest Dwellers) worship a Linga made of fruits. The name is Vrksavrata (One sorrounded by trees)75. Skanda worships Pasanalinga (Linga made of stone). The name is Senanya (Leader of the army)76. The serpent Asvatara worships a Linga made of food grains and the name is Madhyama

(Central, Impartial)77. Yajvan worships a Linga made of Purodasa (sacrificial offering of ground rice) and the name is Sruvahasta (One with a sacrificial ladle)78. Yama worships a Linga made of black iron. The name He repeats is Dhanvin (Wielder of a bow)79. Jamadagnya worships a Linga made of barley shoot. The name is Bhargodaitya (Lustrous Daitya ?)80. Jamadagnya worships a Linga made of barley shoot. The name is Bahurupa (Many formed).81. Mandhata worships a Linga made of sugar. The name is Bahuyuga (Two armed, a pair of arms)82. Cows worship the Linga in the form of milk. The name is Netrasahsraka (Of Thousand Eyes)83. Sadhyas worship the Linga of the form of Bartrs (lords). The name is Visvapati (The Lord of the Universe)84. (The Twin Sages) Narayana and Nara worship a Linga made of Munja grass and the name is Sahasrasira (Thousand

Headed)85. Pruthu worships Linga in the form of Tarksya (Garuda? also snake horse, bird). The name is Sahasracarana (Thousand Legged)86. Birds worship Vyomalinga (sky Linga) and the name is Sarvatmaka (The Immanent Soul of All)87. The Earth worships Merulinga (Meru in the form of a Linga) and the name is Dvitanu (Twin Bodied, Ardhanarisvara)88. Pasupati worships a Linga made of sacred ash. The name is Mahesvara89. Sages worship Linga of the form of knowledge and the name is Cirasthana (The Eternal Abode)90. Brahmanas worship Brahmalinga. They know the name is Jyeshta (Eldest)

91. Sesa worships a Linga made of gorocana. The name is remembered as Pasupati. (The Lord of Pasus)92. Vasuki worship Visalinga (Linga made of Poison) and the name is Sankara (Giver of Happiness)93. Taksaka worships Kalakutakhya Linga (Linga of the poison name Kalakuta) and the name is Bahurupa (Multi Formed)94. Karkotaka worships a Linga made of the poison Halahala and the name is Ekaksa (One Eyed)95. Padma worships a Linga made of the poison named Srngi and the name is Dhurjati (With heavy matted hair)96. Putra worships Linga of the form of Pitr (father). The name is Visvarupa (of the form of the Universe)97. Goddess Siva worships a Linga made of Parada (mercury) and the name is Tryambaka (Three Eyed God)98. Matsya (fish)and others worship Sastralinga (Linga in the form of Sacred Literature) and the name is Vrsakapi."of what avail is

much talk in this vein? Whatever is in the world possessing magnificience and splendour has been made so by means of the holy rite of propitiaing Siva.If ash can turn out to be a tree by being drenched in water, one devoid of devotion to Siva can said to be successful (in his efforts).If you have an inclination towards the attainment of the Purusarthas - aims of human life, viz., virtue, wealth, love and liberation, Hara should be propitiated. He is considered to be the bestower of all the three worlds.If a person reads this Satarudriya every morning, Lord Siva will be pleased with him and will grant him all the boons.There is nothing more meritorious than this and yielding greater benefit than this. It is the secret of (all) the Vedas. This has been mentioned to me by the Sun God (The sage reciting these verses was Yajnavalkya in his previous birth and the Sun God was the preceptor of Yajnavalkya as he

gave him the Sukla YajurVeda)When Satarudriya is repeated, all the sins are destroyed - the sin that has been committed through words and the sin that has been perpetrated mentally.If he repeatedly reads Satarudriya, he who is distressed with sickness becomes liberated from ailment, he who is bound becomes liberated and he who is under some fear becomes liberated from fear.If a person recites these hundred names and (pours) hundred potfuls (of water on the Linga) and puts hundred flowers on it and bows hundred times to Siva, he is liberated from all sins.These hundred Lingas (mentioned above), the hundred devotees and the hundred names (of Rudra) all these are destructive of all defects.Particularly, he who recites (verses of) (at least) five Lingas of these (hundred Lingas) is liberated from the faults arising from the objects of the five sense organs."(The last

few statements are the phala sruti verses of the satarudriya)

with regards


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