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--- On Fri, 17/4/09, VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyil wrote:

VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyil ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Date: Friday, 17 April, 2009, 3:25 PM











ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH – A PATH TOWARDS WISDOM Whether human beings are, by nature, inclined to accept truth ? Everybody wants that all others, except him, to be truthful. For example, I am an international criminal; I am an international cheat and notorious thief. I am carrying out all sorts of anti-social, anti-national, anti-human activities, My speeches are sufficient enough to instigate people to do atrocities, I instigate everybody for doing all such negative things, Everyday I want to experiment new things including that of my private life. I want to show to the outer world that I am sincere, I am truthful, I am loyal, I am lovable, I am sympathizer, I am genuine etc. I want to hear (or overhear?) people

talking each other this qualities of mine.

Things be like that, I expect from all those who are directly and indirectly related or working with him to be truthful to me, to be truthful to my principles, to be truthful to my thoughts, to accept all my commands in its entirety, carry out all my orders and commands as-it-is without any deviation from my orders. I cannot accept if anybody in my team is speaking against me, if anybody is in collusion with some other group and campaign against me, I expect all to be truthful to me, I expect all not to carry out any theft, they should be loyal to me, I expect my wife to be very sincere and loyal and fully of mine though I can have relations with so many. Finally I want to get approval by all as the leader/teacher/ guru and finally I am the supreme. Let us analyse the above point in another context -

When all my thoughts, words and deeds are against the mankind, against the nature and against the very existence of humanity, I believe that according to me, all my thoughts are correct, my words are correct and my deeds are correct. Thus it comes that determination of right and wrong is according to my perception depending upon the state of my mind and state of affairs prevalent at that time. After few minutes, after few hours, after few days, what I perceived earlier may change also.

Now, in which way I should understand it – I must think that in me and in him, the force that leads ahead is that AKHAND Brahma. The other person is thinking that whatever he does is correct and according to his conviction he is doing it. His belief is that he is correct. Who I am I to question his belief. Suppose if somebody question my belief, what I will feel. So I must understand that whatever he is doing, is correct according to him. If you feel that he is wrong and you are correct, what is the difference between he and you. (Here the doubt or question will arise. Is it that others should not react to such actions? Please, this is the spiritual way and not the social or political attributes) The gist is, if one reacts, it is this ; if one does not react, it is this.

I am just getting out of my house and going to a nearby shop or anywhere. One vehicle came across and it knocks me down. My leg broke into pieces and admitted to hospital. It is a truth that my legs are broken. Now, this truth that my legs are broken, is it acceptable to me. No, not at all.

Instead of accepting the truth, you are now in the search of finding ways to curse that vehicle driver, to curse his acts, to lodge a police complaint, to lodge insurance claim, to become angry on the doctor, become angry on the medical staff, to become angry on the limited resources in the hospital, etc etc Once you start accepting that what ever happened, it is truth and I accept the same. There is no other way than this. Even if you do not accept it, what is going to happen ? Whether there will be any change in that truth ? No, not at all ? That truth will remain as it is. Else, in case you start reacting to it, see how serious it is.

Suppose at the spot of accident, you start abusing that vehicle driver.

One should understand that if I start abusing another person, first I loose my identity and I become the other person. I gather all the dirty words in my mind first and start using it. In the process of gathering, I am making my mind painful first, I feel the pain inside first, I make my mind dirty, ugly and senseless. When I abuse another person, who is hearing that abuses, that words, first. Not the other man indeed, but I am the first person to hear it, at least in two ways. One, firstly I hear it in my mind and secondly I hear from my own mouth. Then only the other person hears it. Sometimes it so happens that even if you utter all abuses in as loud as possible,

may be, that the other person has no reaction at all. He may, very coolly leave that place. At that time, mostly, you become more arrogant, more angry resulting into making your mind more sorrowful, more confusing and you loose your ease and become disease. Acceptance of actions, acceptance of truth is the first step towards sAdhana, wisdom. The four pillars of SanAtana Dharma, that is, four vEdAs are built on one pillar, that is, adwEshtA sarvabhUtAnAm, and that is the Dharma.


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the posting of vijayanji - acceptance of truth - a path towards wisdom - is highly inspiring. On reading it, I felt that why I am keeping grudge on others. Why I hate others. Hating and loving, liking and disliking, good and bad, all are the feelings of my mind. If I try to make my mind understand, the problem ceases.


Very good posting. Well appreciated.

Thank you very muchViji vkn--- On Fri, 17/4/09, VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyil wrote:

VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyil ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Date: Friday, 17 April, 2009, 3:25 PM











ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH – A PATH TOWARDS WISDOM Whether human beings are, by nature, inclined to accept truth ? Everybody wants that all others, except him, to be truthful. For example, I am an international criminal; I am an international cheat and notorious thief. I am carrying out all sorts of anti-social, anti-national, anti-human activities, My speeches are sufficient enough to instigate people to do atrocities, I instigate everybody for doing all such negative things, Everyday I want to experiment new things including that of my private life. I want to show to the outer world that I am sincere, I am truthful, I am loyal, I am lovable, I am sympathizer, I am genuine etc. I want to hear (or overhear?) people

talking each other this qualities of mine.

Things be like that, I expect from all those who are directly and indirectly related or working with him to be truthful to me, to be truthful to my principles, to be truthful to my thoughts, to accept all my commands in its entirety, carry out all my orders and commands as-it-is without any deviation from my orders. I cannot accept if anybody in my team is speaking against me, if anybody is in collusion with some other group and campaign against me, I expect all to be truthful to me, I expect all not to carry out any theft, they should be loyal to me, I expect my wife to be very sincere and loyal and fully of mine though I can have relations with so many. Finally I want to get approval by all as the leader/teacher/ guru and finally I am the supreme. Let us analyse the above point in another context -

When all my thoughts, words and deeds are against the mankind, against the nature and against the very existence of humanity, I believe that according to me, all my thoughts are correct, my words are correct and my deeds are correct. Thus it comes that determination of right and wrong is according to my perception depending upon the state of my mind and state of affairs prevalent at that time. After few minutes, after few hours, after few days, what I perceived earlier may change also.

Now, in which way I should understand it – I must think that in me and in him, the force that leads ahead is that AKHAND Brahma. The other person is thinking that whatever he does is correct and according to his conviction he is doing it. His belief is that he is correct. Who I am I to question his belief. Suppose if somebody question my belief, what I will feel. So I must understand that whatever he is doing, is correct according to him. If you feel that he is wrong and you are correct, what is the difference between he and you. (Here the doubt or question will arise. Is it that others should not react to such actions? Please, this is the spiritual way and not the social or political attributes) The gist is, if one reacts, it is this ; if one does not react, it is this.

I am just getting out of my house and going to a nearby shop or anywhere. One vehicle came across and it knocks me down. My leg broke into pieces and admitted to hospital. It is a truth that my legs are broken. Now, this truth that my legs are broken, is it acceptable to me. No, not at all.

Instead of accepting the truth, you are now in the search of finding ways to curse that vehicle driver, to curse his acts, to lodge a police complaint, to lodge insurance claim, to become angry on the doctor, become angry on the medical staff, to become angry on the limited resources in the hospital, etc etc Once you start accepting that what ever happened, it is truth and I accept the same. There is no other way than this. Even if you do not accept it, what is going to happen ? Whether there will be any change in that truth ? No, not at all ? That truth will remain as it is. Else, in case you start reacting to it, see how serious it is.

Suppose at the spot of accident, you start abusing that vehicle driver.

One should understand that if I start abusing another person, first I loose my identity and I become the other person. I gather all the dirty words in my mind first and start using it. In the process of gathering, I am making my mind painful first, I feel the pain inside first, I make my mind dirty, ugly and senseless. When I abuse another person, who is hearing that abuses, that words, first. Not the other man indeed, but I am the first person to hear it, at least in two ways. One, firstly I hear it in my mind and secondly I hear from my own mouth. Then only the other person hears it. Sometimes it so happens that even if you utter all abuses in as loud as possible,

may be, that the other person has no reaction at all. He may, very coolly leave that place. At that time, mostly, you become more arrogant, more angry resulting into making your mind more sorrowful, more confusing and you loose your ease and become disease. Acceptance of actions, acceptance of truth is the first step towards sAdhana, wisdom. The four pillars of SanAtana Dharma, that is, four vEdAs are built on one pillar, that is, adwEshtA sarvabhUtAnAm, and that is the Dharma.


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Dear Respected Sir,


Thank you for this wonderful post.

In my own words, I will try to formulate what I think you are saying, so that you may kindly correct me if you will.


The world within & without is the same.

We project on the outside, the movie going on in our own minds

but we make the mistake of thinking that the outside is different from the inside.

We separate our projection from ourselves, give it new identities of family members

or office colleagues or friends or neighbors & so on, then we use it to deflect blame

& responsibility from our own actions & thoughts on to them.

Thus maintaining a false self image of one above crime, blame & so on....


The first step, & it is difficult to do in the begining, would be to consciously accept

that the outside & the inside are one & the same. To stop judging & blaming anyone or anything but

rather to take personal responsibility for all that transpires one`s life & begin looking within for solutions

to whatever or whomever we perceive as a problem.


There is one problem for me here. Although I can accept responsibility for me & my world, I cannot always understand

what my projection is trying to tell me. For e.g. If I am in an accident for apparently no fault of mine, I understand that I am solely responsible for being involved in the accident but I cannot understand why I am causing this accident to myself.

What is my projected accident trying to tell me ? How shall I understand this ?


If you will kindly write about this, then it will really help me to take my understanding of your post further.


With Respect & Regard.








17/04/2009 16:15:41

















Whether human beings are, by nature, inclined to accept truth ? Everybody wants that all others, except him, to be truthful. For example, I am an international criminal; I am an international cheat and notorious thief. I am carrying out all sorts of anti-social, anti-national, anti-human activities, My speeches are sufficient enough to instigate people to do atrocities, I instigate everybody for doing all such negative things, Everyday I want to experiment new things including that of my private life. I want to show to the outer world that I am sincere, I am truthful, I am loyal, I am lovable, I am sympathizer, I am genuine etc. I want to hear (or overhear?) people talking each other this qualities of mine.




Things be like that, I expect from all those who are directly and indirectly related or working with him to be truthful to me, to be truthful to my principles, to be truthful to my thoughts, to accept all my commands in its entirety, carry out all my orders and commands as-it-is without any deviation from my orders. I cannot accept if anybody in my team is speaking against me, if anybody is in collusion with some other group and campaign against me, I expect all to be truthful to me, I expect all not to carry out any theft, they should be loyal to me, I expect my wife to be very sincere and loyal and fully of mine though I can have relations with so many. Finally I want to get approval by all as the leader/teacher/guru and finally I am the supreme.




Let us analyse the above point in another context -




When all my thoughts, words and deeds are against the mankind, against the nature and against the very existence of humanity, I believe that according to me, all my thoughts are correct, my words are correct and my deeds are correct. Thus it comes that determination of right and wrong is according to my perception depending upon the state of my mind and state of affairs prevalent at that time. After few minutes, after few hours, after few days, what I perceived earlier may change also.




Now, in which way I should understand it –




I must think that in me and in him, the force that leads ahead is that AKHAND Brahma. The other person is thinking that whatever he does is correct and according to his conviction he is doing it. His belief is that he is correct. Who I am I to question his belief. Suppose if somebody question my belief, what I will feel. So I must understand that whatever he is doing, is correct according to him. If you feel that he is wrong and you are correct, what is the difference between he and you. (Here the doubt or question will arise. Is it that others should not react to such actions? Please, this is the spiritual way and not the social or political attributes) The gist is, if one reacts, it is this ; if one does not react, it is this.




I am just getting out of my house and going to a nearby shop or anywhere. One vehicle came across and it knocks me down. My leg broke into pieces and admitted to hospital. It is a truth that my legs are broken. Now, this truth that my legs are broken, is it acceptable to me. No, not at all.




Instead of accepting the truth, you are now in the search of finding ways to curse that vehicle driver, to curse his acts, to lodge a police complaint, to lodge insurance claim, to become angry on the doctor, become angry on the medical staff, to become angry on the limited resources in the hospital, etc etc




Once you start accepting that what ever happened, it is truth and I accept the same. There is no other way than this. Even if you do not accept it, what is going to happen ? Whether there will be any change in that truth ? No, not at all ? That truth will remain as it is.




Else, in case you start reacting to it, see how serious it is.




Suppose at the spot of accident, you start abusing that vehicle driver.


One should understand that if I start abusing another person, first I loose my identity and I become the other person. I gather all the dirty words in my mind first and start using it. In the process of gathering, I am making my mind painful first, I feel the pain inside first, I make my mind dirty, ugly and senseless. When I abuse another person, who is hearing that abuses, that words, first. Not the other man indeed, but I am the first person to hear it, at least in two ways. One, firstly I hear it in my mind and secondly I hear from my own mouth. Then only the other person hears it. Sometimes it so happens that even if you utter all abuses in as loud as possible, may be, that the other person has no reaction at all. He may, very coolly leave that place. At that time, mostly, you become more arrogant, more angry resulting into making your mind more sorrowful, more confusing and you loose your ease and become disease. Acceptance of actions, acceptance of truth is the first step towards sAdhana, wisdom.




The four pillars of SanAtana Dharma, that is, four vEdAs are built on one pillar, that is, adwEshtA sarvabhUtAnAm, and that is the Dharma.



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Dear Shabnam


It is so simple to understand



Think that you are a mother of two kids. In the early morning, you went to your kitchen. You littered the stove. At that time you noticed that besides the stove, there are thousand of ants gathered on a piece of sweet you inadvertently left yesterday night. You became angry and with a piece of cotton or kerchief you put them on the stove. Or immediately you spread on them 50% BHC powder and within few seconds they died.


After the cooking is over, you dressed your children, wore the shoes, tie etc and took him to the road where the school vehicle is to come. To get into the vehicle, the boy has to go to the other side. The boy saw the vehicle coming and just ran to the other side. But from the opposite side one another vehicle was coming which he did not see. The wheel of the other vehicle jumped over his stomach and it created the sound of small crackers and boy saw his end. It is in front of you.


While the ants were put into the burning stove, there was also small cracker sounds. But hearing of this gave you happiness and you murmured that ‘it should be like that only, why all of you gathered here in my kitchen’


“Now when the wheel of the vehicle went through over the stomach of my son and when the sound came, why I was not able to bear it, why I am not able to bear the loss of my son and why I became happy when I hear the sounds of the ants when I put it to the fire.†Both are jIvAtmA , both are the creation of God.


This means, whatever happens to me, whether good or bad, it is the result of my own acts and deed. I must have done something of this sort for which I am suffering now. Let it come. Is it that I am the first person in the world who is subjected to suffer like this. You will find, no. There were and are, a lot like that. Then what is there as a speciality with me.


This kind of teachings are not there in any of your books and therefore people cannot understand its divinity.


Trust your query has been aptly and abundantly answered. Trust the above gives you little coolness and calmness.


Best wishes


--- On Mon, 20/4/09, infratherm <bioacoustics wrote:

infratherm <bioacousticsRe: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Date: Monday, 20 April, 2009, 3:33 AM







Dear Respected Sir,


Thank you for this wonderful post.

In my own words, I will try to formulate what I think you are saying, so that you may kindly correct me if you will.


The world within & without is the same.

We project on the outside, the movie going on in our own minds

but we make the mistake of thinking that the outside is different from the inside.

We separate our projection from ourselves, give it new identities of family members

or office colleagues or friends or neighbors & so on, then we use it to deflect blame

& responsibility from our own actions & thoughts on to them.

Thus maintaining a false self image of one above crime, blame & so on....


The first step, & it is difficult to do in the begining, would be to consciously accept

that the outside & the inside are one & the same. To stop judging & blaming anyone or anything but

rather to take personal responsibility for all that transpires one`s life & begin looking within for solutions

to whatever or whomever we perceive as a problem.


There is one problem for me here. Although I can accept responsibility for me & my world, I cannot always understand

what my projection is trying to tell me. For e.g. If I am in an accident for apparently no fault of mine, I understand that I am solely responsible for being involved in the accident but I cannot understand why I am causing this accident to myself.

What is my projected accident trying to tell me ? How shall I understand this ?


If you will kindly write about this, then it will really help me to take my understanding of your post further.


With Respect & Regard.








17/04/2009 16:15:41












Whether human beings are, by nature, inclined to accept truth ? Everybody wants that all others, except him, to be truthful. For example, I am an international criminal; I am an international cheat and notorious thief. I am carrying out all sorts of anti-social, anti-national, anti-human activities, My speeches are sufficient enough to instigate people to do atrocities, I instigate everybody for doing all such negative things, Everyday I want to experiment new things including that of my private life. I want to show to the outer world that I am sincere, I am truthful, I am loyal, I am lovable, I am sympathizer, I am genuine etc. I want to hear (or

overhear?) people talking each other this qualities of mine.


Things be like that, I expect from all those who are directly and indirectly related or working with him to be truthful to me, to be truthful to my principles, to be truthful to my thoughts, to accept all my commands in its entirety, carry out all my orders and commands as-it-is without any deviation from my orders. I cannot accept if anybody in my team is speaking against me, if anybody is in collusion with some other group and campaign against me, I expect all to be truthful to me, I expect all not to carry out any theft, they should be loyal to me, I expect my wife to be very sincere and loyal and fully of mine though I can have relations with so many. Finally I want to get approval by all as the leader/teacher/guru and finally I am the supreme.

Let us analyse the above point in another context -


When all my thoughts, words and deeds are against the mankind, against the nature and against the very existence of humanity, I believe that according to me, all my thoughts are correct, my words are correct and my deeds are correct. Thus it comes that determination of right and wrong is according to my perception depending upon the state of my mind and state of affairs prevalent at that time. After few minutes, after few hours, after few days, what I perceived earlier may change also.


Now, in which way I should understand it –

I must think that in me and in him, the force that leads ahead is that AKHAND Brahma. The other person is thinking that whatever he does is correct and according to his conviction he is doing it. His belief is that he is correct. Who I am I to question his belief. Suppose if somebody question my belief, what I will feel. So I must understand that whatever he is doing, is correct according to him. If you feel that he is wrong and you are correct, what is the difference between he and you. (Here the doubt or question will arise. Is it that others should not react to such actions? Please, this is the spiritual way and not the social or political attributes) The gist is, if one reacts, it is this ; if one does not react, it is



I am just getting out of my house and going to a nearby shop or anywhere. One vehicle came across and it knocks me down. My leg broke into pieces and admitted to hospital. It is a truth that my legs are broken. Now, this truth that my legs are broken, is it acceptable to me. No, not at all.


Instead of accepting the truth, you are now in the search of finding ways to curse that vehicle driver, to curse his acts, to lodge a police complaint, to lodge insurance claim, to become angry on the doctor, become angry on the medical staff, to become angry on the limited resources in the hospital, etc etc

Once you start accepting that what ever happened, it is truth and I accept the same. There is no other way than this. Even if you do not accept it, what is going to happen ? Whether there will be any change in that truth ? No, not at all ? That truth will remain as it is.

Else, in case you start reacting to it, see how serious it is.


Suppose at the spot of accident, you start abusing that vehicle driver.


One should understand that if I start abusing another person, first I loose my identity and I become the other person. I gather all the dirty words in my mind first and start using it. In the process of gathering, I am making my mind painful first, I feel the pain inside first, I make my mind dirty, ugly and senseless. When I abuse another person, who is hearing that abuses, that words, first. Not the other man indeed, but I am the first person to hear it, at least in two ways. One, firstly I hear it in my mind and secondly I hear from my own mouth. Then only the other person hears it. Sometimes it so happens that even if you utter all abuses in as loud as

possible, may be, that the other person has no reaction at all. He may, very coolly leave that place. At that time, mostly, you become more arrogant, more angry resulting into making your mind more sorrowful, more confusing and you loose your ease and become disease. Acceptance of actions, acceptance of truth is the first step towards sAdhana, wisdom.

The four pillars of SanAtana Dharma, that is, four vEdAs are built on one pillar, that is, adwEshtA sarvabhUtAnAm, and that is the Dharma.



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In the physical plane we act mostly from lower chakras which is called ego consciousness (agnana and ahamhara) as mentioned by Vijayanji, when we evolve spritually we start acting from higher levels of consciousness or divine consciousness where we see a bigger picture of god's creation, we understand the importance of nature and prana and also we see our connection with others and nature.


Om Naham Shivaya,

Divakar. --- On Tue, 4/21/09, VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyil wrote:

VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyilRe: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Cc: bioacousticsDate: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 4:26 AM






Dear Shabnam It is so simple to understand

Think that you are a mother of two kids. In the early morning, you went to your kitchen. You littered the stove. At that time you noticed that besides the stove, there are thousand of ants gathered on a piece of sweet you inadvertently left yesterday night. You became angry and with a piece of cotton or kerchief you put them on the stove. Or immediately you spread on them 50% BHC powder and within few seconds they died. After the cooking is over, you dressed your children, wore the shoes, tie etc and took him to the road where the school vehicle is to come. To get into the vehicle, the boy has to go to the other side. The boy saw the vehicle coming and just ran to the other side. But from the opposite side one another vehicle was coming which he did not see. The wheel of the other vehicle jumped over his stomach and it created the sound of small crackers and boy saw his end. It is in front of you. While the ants were put into the burning stove, there was also small cracker sounds. But hearing of this gave you happiness and you murmured that ‘it should be like that only, why all of you gathered here in my kitchen’

“Now when the wheel of the vehicle went through over the stomach of my son and when the sound came, why I was not able to bear it, why I am not able to bear the loss of my son and why I became happy when I hear the sounds of the ants when I put it to the fire.†Both are jIvAtmA , both are the creation of God.

This means, whatever happens to me, whether good or bad, it is the result of my own acts and deed. I must have done something of this sort for which I am suffering now. Let it come. Is it that I am the first person in the world who is subjected to suffer like this. You will find, no. There were and are, a lot like that. Then what is there as a speciality with me.

This kind of teachings are not there in any of your books and therefore people cannot understand its divinity.

Trust your query has been aptly and abundantly answered. Trust the above gives you little coolness and calmness.


Best wishes


--- On Mon, 20/4/09, infratherm <bioacoustics wrote:

infratherm <bioacousticsRe: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Date: Monday, 20 April, 2009, 3:33 AM







Dear Respected Sir,


Thank you for this wonderful post.

In my own words, I will try to formulate what I think you are saying, so that you may kindly correct me if you will.


The world within & without is the same.

We project on the outside, the movie going on in our own minds

but we make the mistake of thinking that the outside is different from the inside.

We separate our projection from ourselves, give it new identities of family members

or office colleagues or friends or neighbors & so on, then we use it to deflect blame

& responsibility from our own actions & thoughts on to them.

Thus maintaining a false self image of one above crime, blame & so on....


The first step, & it is difficult to do in the begining, would be to consciously accept

that the outside & the inside are one & the same. To stop judging & blaming anyone or anything but

rather to take personal responsibility for all that transpires one`s life & begin looking within for solutions

to whatever or whomever we perceive as a problem.


There is one problem for me here. Although I can accept responsibility for me & my world, I cannot always understand

what my projection is trying to tell me. For e.g. If I am in an accident for apparently no fault of mine, I understand that I am solely responsible for being involved in the accident but I cannot understand why I am causing this accident to myself.

What is my projected accident trying to tell me ? How shall I understand this ?


If you will kindly write about this, then it will really help me to take my understanding of your post further.


With Respect & Regard.








17/04/2009 16:15:41












Whether human beings are, by nature, inclined to accept truth ? Everybody wants that all others, except him, to be truthful. For example, I am an international criminal; I am an international cheat and notorious thief. I am carrying out all sorts of anti-social, anti-national, anti-human activities, My speeches are sufficient enough to instigate people to do atrocities, I instigate everybody for doing all such negative things, Everyday I want to experiment new things including that of my private life. I want to show to the outer world that I am sincere, I am truthful, I am loyal, I am lovable, I am sympathizer, I am genuine etc. I want to hear (or

overhear?) people talking each other this qualities of mine.


Things be like that, I expect from all those who are directly and indirectly related or working with him to be truthful to me, to be truthful to my principles, to be truthful to my thoughts, to accept all my commands in its entirety, carry out all my orders and commands as-it-is without any deviation from my orders. I cannot accept if anybody in my team is speaking against me, if anybody is in collusion with some other group and campaign against me, I expect all to be truthful to me, I expect all not to carry out any theft, they should be loyal to me, I expect my wife to be very sincere and loyal and fully of mine though I can have relations with so many. Finally I want to get approval by all as the leader/teacher/guru and finally I am the supreme.

Let us analyse the above point in another context -


When all my thoughts, words and deeds are against the mankind, against the nature and against the very existence of humanity, I believe that according to me, all my thoughts are correct, my words are correct and my deeds are correct. Thus it comes that determination of right and wrong is according to my perception depending upon the state of my mind and state of affairs prevalent at that time. After few minutes, after few hours, after few days, what I perceived earlier may change also.


Now, in which way I should understand it –

I must think that in me and in him, the force that leads ahead is that AKHAND Brahma. The other person is thinking that whatever he does is correct and according to his conviction he is doing it. His belief is that he is correct. Who I am I to question his belief. Suppose if somebody question my belief, what I will feel. So I must understand that whatever he is doing, is correct according to him. If you feel that he is wrong and you are correct, what is the difference between he and you. (Here the doubt or question will arise. Is it that others should not react to such actions? Please, this is the spiritual way and not the social or political attributes) The gist is, if one reacts, it is this ; if one does not react, it is



I am just getting out of my house and going to a nearby shop or anywhere. One vehicle came across and it knocks me down. My leg broke into pieces and admitted to hospital. It is a truth that my legs are broken. Now, this truth that my legs are broken, is it acceptable to me. No, not at all.


Instead of accepting the truth, you are now in the search of finding ways to curse that vehicle driver, to curse his acts, to lodge a police complaint, to lodge insurance claim, to become angry on the doctor, become angry on the medical staff, to become angry on the limited resources in the hospital, etc etc

Once you start accepting that what ever happened, it is truth and I accept the same. There is no other way than this. Even if you do not accept it, what is going to happen ? Whether there will be any change in that truth ? No, not at all ? That truth will remain as it is.

Else, in case you start reacting to it, see how serious it is.


Suppose at the spot of accident, you start abusing that vehicle driver.


One should understand that if I start abusing another person, first I loose my identity and I become the other person. I gather all the dirty words in my mind first and start using it. In the process of gathering, I am making my mind painful first, I feel the pain inside first, I make my mind dirty, ugly and senseless. When I abuse another person, who is hearing that abuses, that words, first. Not the other man indeed, but I am the first person to hear it, at least in two ways. One, firstly I hear it in my mind and secondly I hear from my own mouth. Then only the other person hears it. Sometimes it so happens that even if you utter all abuses in as loud as

possible, may be, that the other person has no reaction at all. He may, very coolly leave that place. At that time, mostly, you become more arrogant, more angry resulting into making your mind more sorrowful, more confusing and you loose your ease and become disease. Acceptance of actions, acceptance of truth is the first step towards sAdhana, wisdom.

The four pillars of SanAtana Dharma, that is, four vEdAs are built on one pillar, that is, adwEshtA sarvabhUtAnAm, and that is the Dharma.



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dear sir,

i have read the following examples given by you sir.really i tri to understand about god and his deeds to the mankind.really i feel the sadness and happiness should be get balanced a while.--- On Tue, 21/4/09, Divakara Tanjore <div_tan wrote:

Divakara Tanjore <div_tanRe: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Date: Tuesday, 21 April, 2009, 7:55 PM






In the physical plane we act mostly from lower chakras which is called ego consciousness (agnana and ahamhara) as mentioned by Vijayanji, when we evolve spritually we start acting from higher levels of consciousness or divine consciousness where we see a bigger picture of god's creation, we understand the importance of nature and prana and also we see our connection with others and nature.


Om Naham Shivaya,

Divakar. --- On Tue, 4/21/09, VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyil wrote:

VIJAYANJI <vijayankiliyilRe: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Cc: bioacousticsDate: Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 4:26 AM






Dear Shabnam It is so simple to understand

Think that you are a mother of two kids. In the early morning, you went to your kitchen. You littered the stove. At that time you noticed that besides the stove, there are thousand of ants gathered on a piece of sweet you inadvertently left yesterday night. You became angry and with a piece of cotton or kerchief you put them on the stove. Or immediately you spread on them 50% BHC powder and within few seconds they died. After the cooking is over, you dressed your children, wore the shoes, tie etc and took him to the road where the school vehicle is to come. To get into the vehicle, the boy has to go to the other side. The boy saw the vehicle coming and just ran to the other side. But from the opposite side one another vehicle was coming which he did not see. The wheel of the other vehicle jumped over his stomach and it created the sound of small crackers and boy saw his end. It is in front of you. While the ants were put into the burning stove, there was also small cracker sounds. But hearing of this gave you happiness and you murmured that ‘it should be like that only, why all of you gathered here in my kitchen’

“Now when the wheel of the vehicle went through over the stomach of my son and when the sound came, why I was not able to bear it, why I am not able to bear the loss of my son and why I became happy when I hear the sounds of the ants when I put it to the fire.†Both are jIvAtmA , both are the creation of God.

This means, whatever happens to me, whether good or bad, it is the result of my own acts and deed. I must have done something of this sort for which I am suffering now. Let it come. Is it that I am the first person in the world who is subjected to suffer like this. You will find, no. There were and are, a lot like that. Then what is there as a speciality with me.

This kind of teachings are not there in any of your books and therefore people cannot understand its divinity.

Trust your query has been aptly and abundantly answered. Trust the above gives you little coolness and calmness.


Best wishes


--- On Mon, 20/4/09, infratherm <bioacoustics wrote:

infratherm <bioacousticsRe: ACCEPTANCE OF TRUTH Date: Monday, 20 April, 2009, 3:33 AM







Dear Respected Sir,


Thank you for this wonderful post.

In my own words, I will try to formulate what I think you are saying, so that you may kindly correct me if you will.


The world within & without is the same.

We project on the outside, the movie going on in our own minds

but we make the mistake of thinking that the outside is different from the inside.

We separate our projection from ourselves, give it new identities of family members

or office colleagues or friends or neighbors & so on, then we use it to deflect blame

& responsibility from our own actions & thoughts on to them.

Thus maintaining a false self image of one above crime, blame & so on....


The first step, & it is difficult to do in the begining, would be to consciously accept

that the outside & the inside are one & the same. To stop judging & blaming anyone or anything but

rather to take personal responsibility for all that transpires one`s life & begin looking within for solutions

to whatever or whomever we perceive as a problem.


There is one problem for me here. Although I can accept responsibility for me & my world, I cannot always understand

what my projection is trying to tell me. For e.g. If I am in an accident for apparently no fault of mine, I understand that I am solely responsible for being involved in the accident but I cannot understand why I am causing this accident to myself.

What is my projected accident trying to tell me ? How shall I understand this ?


If you will kindly write about this, then it will really help me to take my understanding of your post further.


With Respect & Regard.








17/04/2009 16:15:41












Whether human beings are, by nature, inclined to accept truth ? Everybody wants that all others, except him, to be truthful. For example, I am an international criminal; I am an international cheat and notorious thief. I am carrying out all sorts of anti-social, anti-national, anti-human activities, My speeches are sufficient enough to instigate people to do atrocities, I instigate everybody for doing all such negative things, Everyday I want to experiment new things including that of my private life. I want to show to the outer world that I am sincere, I am truthful, I am loyal, I am lovable, I am sympathizer, I am genuine etc. I want to hear (or

overhear?) people talking each other this qualities of mine.


Things be like that, I expect from all those who are directly and indirectly related or working with him to be truthful to me, to be truthful to my principles, to be truthful to my thoughts, to accept all my commands in its entirety, carry out all my orders and commands as-it-is without any deviation from my orders. I cannot accept if anybody in my team is speaking against me, if anybody is in collusion with some other group and campaign against me, I expect all to be truthful to me, I expect all not to carry out any theft, they should be loyal to me, I expect my wife to be very sincere and loyal and fully of mine though I can have relations with so many. Finally I want to get approval by all as the leader/teacher/guru and finally I am the supreme.

Let us analyse the above point in another context -


When all my thoughts, words and deeds are against the mankind, against the nature and against the very existence of humanity, I believe that according to me, all my thoughts are correct, my words are correct and my deeds are correct. Thus it comes that determination of right and wrong is according to my perception depending upon the state of my mind and state of affairs prevalent at that time. After few minutes, after few hours, after few days, what I perceived earlier may change also.


Now, in which way I should understand it –

I must think that in me and in him, the force that leads ahead is that AKHAND Brahma. The other person is thinking that whatever he does is correct and according to his conviction he is doing it. His belief is that he is correct. Who I am I to question his belief. Suppose if somebody question my belief, what I will feel. So I must understand that whatever he is doing, is correct according to him. If you feel that he is wrong and you are correct, what is the difference between he and you. (Here the doubt or question will arise. Is it that others should not react to such actions? Please, this is the spiritual way and not the social or political attributes) The gist is, if one reacts, it is this ; if one does not react, it is



I am just getting out of my house and going to a nearby shop or anywhere. One vehicle came across and it knocks me down. My leg broke into pieces and admitted to hospital. It is a truth that my legs are broken. Now, this truth that my legs are broken, is it acceptable to me. No, not at all.


Instead of accepting the truth, you are now in the search of finding ways to curse that vehicle driver, to curse his acts, to lodge a police complaint, to lodge insurance claim, to become angry on the doctor, become angry on the medical staff, to become angry on the limited resources in the hospital, etc etc

Once you start accepting that what ever happened, it is truth and I accept the same. There is no other way than this. Even if you do not accept it, what is going to happen ? Whether there will be any change in that truth ? No, not at all ? That truth will remain as it is.

Else, in case you start reacting to it, see how serious it is.


Suppose at the spot of accident, you start abusing that vehicle driver.


One should understand that if I start abusing another person, first I loose my identity and I become the other person. I gather all the dirty words in my mind first and start using it. In the process of gathering, I am making my mind painful first, I feel the pain inside first, I make my mind dirty, ugly and senseless. When I abuse another person, who is hearing that abuses, that words, first. Not the other man indeed, but I am the first person to hear it, at least in two ways. One, firstly I hear it in my mind and secondly I hear from my own mouth. Then only the other person hears it. Sometimes it so happens that even if you utter all abuses in as loud as

possible, may be, that the other person has no reaction at all. He may, very coolly leave that place. At that time, mostly, you become more arrogant, more angry resulting into making your mind more sorrowful, more confusing and you loose your ease and become disease. Acceptance of actions, acceptance of truth is the first step towards sAdhana, wisdom.

The four pillars of SanAtana Dharma, that is, four vEdAs are built on one pillar, that is, adwEshtA sarvabhUtAnAm, and that is the Dharma.



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