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Dear Friends,"Birth and death revolve together like the two wheels of a cart; if one goes, creation itself will come to a stop. This is the secret of creation on earth ", says Bhagawan Sri Sthyasai Baba. The Bhagawad Gita declares that death is inevitable for everyone who is born and that birth is inevitable for those who dies.( Jatasya hi dhruvormrityuh ........) Only God is without a beginning or end. It has been declared in GITA that one who performs Spiritual actions with

concentration on the Brahman and devotion to the Absolute, if he departs during Uttarayana goes to Suryaloka or kingdom of Sun after death. After reaching the solar region, the person has no rebirth(Puarjanma na vidyate). On the other hand, those who perform austerities(Tapas),sacrifices( yagnas )etc. during Dakshinayana go to the moon and they stay there according to the Punyas earned by them and when the punya is exhausted they come back to earth (Ksheene Punye Mrityulokam visanti. ) In other words , the jiva spends the allotted time in the land of the moon and then is reborn on earth. If one wants to escape rebirth he has to immerse himself in Brahman. " Freedom from Rebirth can be achieved only by completely shedding all desires. It is like removing the husk from the paddy grain. Without the husk the rice grain will not grow. But as long as the husk is there in the paddy seed it can become a plant and continue the process of reproducing itself" , says Bhagawan Baba. The Upanishads proclaim that man

without a desire has no rebirth. As long as the heart is filled with desires(the Mundaka Upanishad terms it as" Hridaya Granthi"), there can be no escape from the chain of birth and death. When the desires in the heart are replaced by the consciouness of Brahman, and the heart is emptied (bidhyate hridayagranthi)of all other thoughts, there will be no rebirth, assert the Upanishads.G.Balasubramanian


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