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Very well argued and concluded. My appeal to the scholars of Vedas, Puranas, Smruties etc. etc. is that they should come together on a common platform in a spirit of Love,understanding, co-operation,abscence of ego etc. etc. and work for resolving the conflicts,if any,between Vedas and Smruties and Puranas.

G.Balasubramanian--- On Mon, 6/22/09, shivashankara rao <shivashankararao wrote:

shivashankara rao <shivashankararao[uSBrahmins] MOST VALUABLE LITERATURE MISUNDERSTOOD."usbrahmins" <usbrahmins >, "USKannada" <uskannada >, "DelHindu" <delhindu >Monday, June 22, 2009, 9:18 PM






Here is the gist of an article which appeared in a local newspaper.


People are of two types.


One group believes that Vedas justify caste system, cruelty to animals and women etc. Since they contain several points which are against a healthy society, Vedas have to be rejected.

The second group asserts that Vedas are words of God, Puranas and shastras reflect what Vedas say, the traditions inherited are as per Vedas only and so, we have to protect them.

Looking from an impartial view, it becomes clear that neither of the groups has read the Vedas properly and hence their knowledge of the Vedas is limited.


For the first group:


Vedas do not prescribe castes, but varnas are mentioned. These do not come by birth, but they are selected. Depending on the characteristics and the profession every one has the liberty to select their varna . There is no one higher or lower among them. (References: RV 5.60.5) All the confusion is here only. These have been reduced as castes and there have been exploitation in their name.

Vedas donot recommend cruelty to animals (see YV 13.42, 13.43, 13.44, 13.49, 13.50, 1.1, 36.18, Atharva 10.1.29,)

Ashva does not mean horse only. Senses, Nation are its other meanings. Prahaara does not mean killing only. It also means sangama- uniting. So, Indriya samyama and uniting the nation are also meant by the term Ashvamedha.

There is no mention of any thing against women in the Vedas. Atharvaveda (10.8.27) clearly mentions that jeevaatma does not have gender and is recognized by the body it occupies. The ones who have understood this are the Rishis and not the ones who simply bear beard and hold danda kamandala etc. (RV 4.5.2). The one who desires and works for all living beings is the Rishi.or Rishika. There are several rishikas who have given Veda mantras. RV 10.85.46, Atharva Veda 14.1.64 mentions the respect given to them. They have liberty to select their husbands (RV10.27.12) . Manusmriti which has undergone several modifications with surreptitious introductions have to be discarded.


For the second group:-


Instead of proving logically in a scientific manner that Vedas are apourusheya (given by god) forcing people to believe that is definitely selfish and bad. Without giving scope for questions telling anything and saying that it is based on Vedas is to be considered as selfish alone. The assertion that Vedas are not to be read by women which is being done even now by matadhipatis etc is an example for this.

When Vedas are simple to understand, on a plea that they are difficult to decipher, giving importance to puranas which are many times totally against the concepts of the Vedas is a step against humanity.

Lalitha sahasranama which is generously permitted for women mentions (vide sloka 29 of the phalashruti) abominable things. The teachings of padma purana for the women are mean. These teachings have no authority of the Vedas. The controversies found in vishnupurana, shivapurana, devi bhagavata etc are not based on Vedas. Atharva Veda mentions clearly (13.4.20) that God is one only. However 3 crore Gods have been created by these pouraniks who call themselves vaidiks! Vedas have asserted that idol worship is not correct (YV 32.3) But the idols are the profession of the pouraniks! Garuda purana is the truth for the

pouraniks when there is no mention of shraddha etc .in the Vedas. Several such examples can be given to show that all the inhuman social practices are based on the puranas, and not found in the Vedas.

Coming to what Basavanna taught, he never opposed Vedas, but those who said wrong things in the name of the Vedas. Many of the vachanas of Basaveswara reflect what Vedas have told.

In conclusion, it has to be impressed that if there is honesty to bring social justice and improvement in the social life of the people, let people think with an open mind in an atmosphere of love.


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