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We are under the impression that we understand the concept of God and Personality of God thoroughly. We need to discover our ignorance and misunderstandings in this regard. What shall we do? Let us look into what Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba says about God.G.Balasubramanian






God equals man minus ego. If God is a flower, you should feel yourself a bee that sucks its honey; If he is a Tree, Be a creeper that clings to it; If he is the sky, be a tiny star that twinkles in it. Above all, be conscious of the Truth that you and He are bound By Supreme Love.


God or devil, good or bad is denizens of one's own heart Where God is there the devil cannot be. God plays pranks and directs. He causes tears and quenches tears. He cures madness and inflicts madness. God rewards according to the manner in which He is conceived or approached. He grants you consolation and courage, once you have cleansed yourself by tears.


God is the Seed;The Universe is the Tree, Impulses and passions are the branches, Intelligence is the flower, Pure Consciousness is the fruit, Love is the sweetness in the fruit. See God in everyone you meet See God in everything you handle; Live together; Revere each other; Let not the seeds of envy and hate grow and choke The clear stream of love. God is The soul of Life; God is The Granter, the Force, The Sustainer. God is worshipped only in pictures, images, idols. He is not recognised in all living beings, In beauty, harmony, melody, truth and goodness. God thinks, plans and resolves in all heads, He sees through all the eyes, He eats through all mouths, Hears through every ear. God will never disown you, for He is your very core, Your basic Reality. God will certainly

be pleased if you give water for the thirsty, bread for the hungry and clothes to the naked. Love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. Love is the form of Brahman (The Supreme Reality) Brahman is love Divine. The merger of human love with Divine love brings about Cosmic Order One who is full of love attains The states of Oneness with Him.

Why fear when I am here? Never be afraid of anything because God is in you, with you, above you, around you. He follows you like a shadow. Never forget him. If you incline towards God the passions that enslave you will be rendered powerless. If you become aware of God's presence within you and also the presence of the same God in all else, There is nothing to equal the peace and joy that you get. God can be addressed by any name that taste sweet to your tongue or pictured in any form that appeal to your sense of wonder and awe. God designed in different faiths adored by different human communities are all limbs of the One God that really is. God does not live in structures of stone or brick. He lives in soft hearts warm with sympathy and fragrant with universal love. God has no forms, no limbs, no qualities, no preferences, no prejudices. God has no beginning and no end. Without God, life is like a

school without a teacher. It is a wire with no current passing through it; it is a body with no soul. "This world is His Play, it is not an empty dream; it has purpose and use. It is the means by which we can discover God; see Him in the beauty, grandeur, the order, the majesty of nature. these are but shadows of His glory and His Splendor. The play is His, the role is his gift, the lines are written by Him; He directs, He decides the dress and decoration, the gesture and the tone, the entrance and the exit. You have to act well the part and receive His approbation, when the curtain falls. Earn, by your efficiency and enthusiasm, the right to play higher and higher roles - that is the meaning and purpose of life. Do not worry about anything. Place yourself fully at His disposal, He knows. He has written the Play and He knows how it will end and how it will go on. Yours is but to act and retire. The Lord alone is aware of the Play, for His is the Plan!

You see only the part of the Play on the stage and so it is all very confused. When the entire story is unfolded, then you will appreciate His plan, not until then; for that, you will have to get behind the screen of Maya and contact the Director Himself. While you are an actor on the stage reciting your role, you cannot grasp the inner meaning of the entire play which has the 'World' as the stage ang 'ages' as the duration. You are only actors on the stage, before the footlights. The Director who knows the Play, who assigns the roles, who gives the cues, who calls you in and puts you on - He is behind the curtain. You're a puppet, He holds the strings. You are only working out His plan. Identification with the adventure in the Play and with its success or failure".Sathya Sai Baba











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