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Hari OM

Let me now share with you some more indicative definitions regarding Atma from the Scriptures. In the earlier submissions, Atma was indicated as "not this,not this". Let us now look into some of the positive indications about Atma. Taken together , they provide the material for contemplation,meditation and realization of Self (Atma).



Atma , as already seen is eternal (Nitya). Frequent repetition of this and other terms will help a sadhak to maintain a constant reflection of these ideas till a firm impression of the Truth is established in his or her mind. Atma is said to be immaculate,perfect, spotless, stainless, unblemished,untainted etc.

( Suddha and Nirmala). Atma is the core of human personality. It enables the five material layers (Kosas) to perform their respective functions. But none of theses functions affect the Ama,which remains ever immaculate ,uncontaminated (

Nirlipta, Na lipyate etc.) by the functions of the material equipment. Atma is liberated and free( Vimuktah, Nityamuktah etc.). We are bound by the activities of our physical, body, mind and intellect. But when we are asleep, we are free from this bondage. But such a freedom from the limitations imposed by the material equipment during deep sleep is temporary. No sooner we wake up we fall back into our limited

existence. On realization of the Self, however, we get totally liberated from the thraldom of material entanglements. We then enjoy supreme everlasting freedom. Vedanta holds freedom is the essential nature of man. Whichever thing or being is conditioned is mortal; to be conditioned is to be bound by space,time and cause. To be unconditioned is to be free from all these bonds. Whatever, therefore, is free,in the sense of being unconditioned,is immortal. The Atma alone is unconditioned and free.


Atma is one(Ekam). Once we gain liberation from the entanglements of the matter vestures, we merge with Reality. The pluralistic phenomenon hitherto experienced vanishes and thereafter we will experience nothing but the One Reality. The Isa Upanishad calls Atma as Anejatekam. It means the Self is one. The Upanishads proclaim in the above and in many other passages that the ultimate reality in man is One, not two-----Ekameva Advitheeyam--one without a second. The Rig Veda says,

"Ekam Sat Vipraah Bahudaa vadanti". It means that which exists is one, the sages speak of it by various names. Swamy Vivekananda considers this as the MAGNA CARTA of our religion. There is unity in diversity in our religion endless varieties of forms and features, the various names given to one God and the methods of worship. Atma is the reality behind all beings, big and small. A big wave and a small bubble of water have their basic oneness as ocean. Vedanta wants us to see the 'One' behind the many.


(to be continued)


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Dear Sir,Many thanks for having read my posting and also for having raised a query. I would like to restate that Atma does not move, as pronounced by Upanishads. Vedanta holds that Atma alone exists and nothing other than Atma exists. Since Atma is everywhere(Sarvagatah), I am unable to persuade myself to think that Atma enters another body. The Vedantic view is that only the subtle body (Sookshma Sarira) that takes a new body suitable to exhaust the accumulated vasanas or karmas.G.Balasubramaniandmm rao <dyfacons Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:55:09 AMRe: SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA



Dear Sir,

If atma is motionless how it is entering into another body?

D.M.M.RAO--- मंगल, 21/7/09 को, G Balasubramanian <gbsub > ने लिखा:

दà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¤¾: G Balasubramanian <gbsub >विषय: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMAUSBrahmins@gro ups.comCc: om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.com, viprasamhitha@ googl. com, brahmin_world@ . co.in, mukti_marg@gro ups.co.inदिनांक: मंगलवार, 21 जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ, 2009, 5:37 PM





Hari Om

The scriptures talk about Atma as unattached (Nissangha). The self is that which enables the body to perceive and act but itself remains unaffected by the body and its perceptions and actions. It is a silent witness of the body and its functioning. LIkewise, it is adetached witness of the mind and its emotions, the intellect and its thoughts. Atma is called Asakta ie., unattached in 13th chapter of the Gita.

Hari Om

Atma is motionless (Achalah). An object can move from a place where it exists to a place where it does not exist. The all-pervading Reality exists everywhere, at all times. There is no place where it is not for it to move into and occupy. Hence no movement is possible for Atma. It is motionless. Atma is talked about as immoving in second chapter of Gita( Sthanuh Achalah). ACHALAH signifies that which is not capable of motion and vibration both.


Atma has been compared to Space in the scriptures. Both Atma and space are all-pervading. Space allows things to exist in it without itself being conditioned by them. So too, Atma is the medium in which perceptions ,emotions and thoughts take place but none of these contaminate or limit the Atma in any way. A subtle object can not be limited or conditioned by a grosser object. There is a saying,"Stone walls do not make a prison nor iron bars a cage". The gross walls of a prison can confine only our physical body but not our subtle emotions and thoughts. Atma in us is the subtlest of all. That being so, neither the world nor our matter vestures can limit or condition Atma. When we try to define space, we face difficulties. It implies vastness, immensity. We can not give space any kind of location. In fact, space is the very basis of the concept of location. Space is here as well as

there; it is inside as well as outside. Space or AKASA is taken as the nearest symbol of the Infinite and the Absolute Atma precisely because of its unlimited , ever pure and indestructable character.

(to be continued)



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Dear DMN Rao,


Atma is God or Divine life force it exists everywhere but this divine life force also temporarly takes form or manifest as different life forms like humans etc, this individual life form which is also called Jeevatma is driven by ego,


There is no confusion if we understand this, with out this context if we interpret the scriptutes then we get this confusion.


Om Namah Shivaya,



--- On Wed, 7/22/09, dmm rao <dyfacons wrote:

dmm rao <dyfaconsRe: SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA Date: Wednesday, July 22, 2009, 2:55 AM






Dear Sir,

If atma is motionless how it is entering into another body?

D.M.M.RAO--- मंगल, 21/7/09 को, G Balasubramanian <gbsub > ने लिखा:

दà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¤¾: G Balasubramanian <gbsub >विषय: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMAUSBrahmins@gro ups.comCc: om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.com, viprasamhitha@ googl. com, brahmin_world@ . co.in, mukti_marg@gro ups.co.inदिनांक: मंगलवार, 21 जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ, 2009, 5:37 PM





Hari Om

The scriptures talk about Atma as unattached (Nissangha). The self is that which enables the body to perceive and act but itself remains unaffected by the body and its perceptions and actions. It is a silent witness of the body and its functioning. LIkewise, it is adetached witness of the mind and its emotions, the intellect and its thoughts. Atma is called Asakta ie., unattached in 13th chapter of the Gita.

Hari Om

Atma is motionless (Achalah). An object can move from a place where it exists to a place where it does not exist. The all-pervading Reality exists everywhere, at all times. There is no place where it is not for it to move into and occupy. Hence no movement is possible for Atma. It is motionless. Atma is talked about as immoving in second chapter of Gita( Sthanuh Achalah). ACHALAH signifies that which is not capable of motion and vibration both.


Atma has been compared to Space in the scriptures. Both Atma and space are all-pervading. Space allows things to exist in it without itself being conditioned by them. So too, Atma is the medium in which perceptions ,emotions and thoughts take place but none of these contaminate or limit the Atma in any way. A subtle object can not be limited or conditioned by a grosser object. There is a saying,"Stone walls do not make a prison nor iron bars a cage". The gross walls of a prison can confine only our physical body but not our subtle emotions and thoughts. Atma in us is the subtlest of all. That being so, neither the world nor our matter vestures can limit or condition Atma. When we try to define space, we face difficulties. It implies vastness, immensity. We can not give space any kind of location. In fact, space is the very basis of the concept of location. Space is here as well as

there; it is inside as well as outside. Space or AKASA is taken as the nearest symbol of the Infinite and the Absolute Atma precisely because of its unlimited , ever pure and indestructable character.

(to be continued)




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Excellent explanation, Sir. My Pranams.





G Balasubramanian <gbsub Cc: USBrahmins ; brahmin_world; -Vedic-Dharma ; mukti_margSent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:33:11 AMRe: SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA



Dear Sir,Many thanks for having read my posting and also for having raised a query. I would like to restate that Atma does not move, as pronounced by Upanishads. Vedanta holds that Atma alone exists and nothing other than Atma exists. Since Atma is everywhere(Sarvagatah), I am unable to persuade myself to think that Atma enters another body. The Vedantic view is that only the subtle body (Sookshma Sarira) that takes a new body suitable to exhaust the accumulated vasanas or karmas.G.Balasubramanian




dmm rao <dyfacons (AT) (DOT) co.in>om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.comWednesday, July 22, 2009 2:55:09 AMRe: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA






Dear Sir,

If atma is motionless how it is entering into another body?

D.M.M.RAO--- मंगल, 21/7/09 को, G Balasubramanian <gbsub > ने लिखा:

दà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¤¾: G Balasubramanian <gbsub >विषय: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMAUSBrahmins@gro ups.comCc: om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.com, viprasamhitha@ googl. com, brahmin_world@ . co.in, mukti_marg@gro ups.co.inदिनांक: मंगलवार, 21 जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ, 2009, 5:37 PM





Hari Om

The scriptures talk about Atma as unattached (Nissangha). The self is that which enables the body to perceive and act but itself remains unaffected by the body and its perceptions and actions. It is a silent witness of the body and its functioning. LIkewise, it is adetached witness of the mind and its emotions, the intellect and its thoughts. Atma is called Asakta ie., unattached in 13th chapter of the Gita.

Hari Om

Atma is motionless (Achalah). An object can move from a place where it exists to a place where it does not exist. The all-pervading Reality exists everywhere, at all times. There is no place where it is not for it to move into and occupy. Hence no movement is possible for Atma. It is motionless. Atma is talked about as immoving in second chapter of Gita( Sthanuh Achalah). ACHALAH signifies that which is not capable of motion and vibration both.


Atma has been compared to Space in the scriptures. Both Atma and space are all-pervading. Space allows things to exist in it without itself being conditioned by them. So too, Atma is the medium in which perceptions ,emotions and thoughts take place but none of these contaminate or limit the Atma in any way. A subtle object can not be limited or conditioned by a grosser object. There is a saying,"Stone walls do not make a prison nor iron bars a cage". The gross walls of a prison can confine only our physical body but not our subtle emotions and thoughts. Atma in us is the subtlest of all. That being so, neither the world nor our matter vestures can limit or condition Atma. When we try to define space, we face difficulties. It implies vastness, immensity. We can not give space any kind of location. In fact, space is the very basis of the concept of location. Space is here as well as

there; it is inside as well as outside. Space or AKASA is taken as the nearest symbol of the Infinite and the Absolute Atma precisely because of its unlimited , ever pure and indestructable character.

(to be continued)




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dear Sir,When the atma has not attachment whatsoever, and the body also gets vanished after death, the vasans which you are refferring how get attached to enter into another body.this is puzzling me for a long time. regards KAILAS DHARSHAN RATHNA V.I.SUNDARAM " OMKAILAS"8/1 NEW 17/1 RAMA RAO ROAD,THIRUMYLAI, CHENNAI 600 004PHONE NO. +91-44-24661345 MOBILE:9444926629 கைலாஸ௠தரà¯à®·à®©à¯ ரதà¯à®©à®¾ வைதà¯à®¯à®¨à®¾à®¤ அயà¯à®¯à®°à¯ சà¯à®¨à¯à®¤à®°à®®à¯ ஓமà¯à®•à¯ˆà®²à®¾à®¸à¯, 8/1 பà¯à®¤à®¿à®¯à®Žà®©à¯17/1 ராம ராவ௠ரோட௠மைலாபூர௠செனà¯à®©à¯ˆ 600004 From: prasadaraomDate: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:15:13 -0700Re: SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA Excellent explanation, Sir. My Pranams.MBPrasadaRaoG Balasubramanian <gbsub > Cc: USBrahmins ; brahmin_world (AT) (DOT) co.in; -Vedic-Dharma ; mukti_marg (AT) (DOT) co.inSent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:33:11 AMRe: SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA Dear Sir,Many thanks for having read my posting and also for having raised a query. I would like to restate that Atma does not move, as pronounced by Upanishads. Vedanta holds that Atma alone exists and nothing other than Atma exists. Since Atma is everywhere(Sarvagatah), I am unable to persuade myself to think that Atma enters another body. The Vedantic view is that only the subtle body (Sookshma Sarira) that takes a new body suitable to exhaust the accumulated vasanas or karmas.G.Balasubramaniandmm rao <dyfacons (AT) (DOT) co.in>om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.comWednesday, July 22, 2009 2:55:09 AMRe: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA Dear Sir,If atma is motionless how it is entering into another body?D.M.M.RAO--- मंगल, 21/7/09 को, G Balasubramanian <gbsub > ने लिखा:दà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¤¾: G Balasubramanian <gbsub >विषय: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMAUSBrahmins@gro ups.comCc: om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.com, viprasamhitha@ googl. com, brahmin_world@ . co.in, mukti_marg@gro ups.co.inदिनांक: मंगलवार, 21 जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ, 2009, 5:37 PM Hari Om The scriptures talk about Atma as unattached (Nissangha). The self is that which enables the body to perceive and act but itself remains unaffected by the body and its perceptions and actions. It is a silent witness of the body and its functioning. LIkewise, it is adetached witness of the mind and its emotions, the intellect and its thoughts. Atma is called Asakta ie., unattached in 13th chapter of the Gita.Hari Om Atma is motionless (Achalah). An object can move from a place where it exists to a place where it does not exist. The all-pervading Reality exists everywhere, at all times. There is no place where it is not for it to move into and occupy. Hence no movement is possible for Atma. It is motionless. Atma is talked about as immoving in second chapter of Gita( Sthanuh Achalah). ACHALAH signifies that which is not capable of motion and vibration both. Atma has been compared to Space in the scriptures. Both Atma and space are all-pervading. Space allows things to exist in it without itself being conditioned by them. So too, Atma is the medium in which perceptions ,emotions and thoughts take place but none of these contaminate or limit the Atma in any way. A subtle object can not be limited or conditioned by a grosser object. There is a saying,"Stone walls do not make a prison nor iron bars a cage". The gross walls of a prison can confine only our physical body but not our subtle emotions and thoughts. Atma in us is the subtlest of all. That being so, neither the world nor our matter vestures can limit or condition Atma. When we try to define space, we face difficulties. It implies vastness, immensity. We can not give space any kind of location. In fact, space is the very basis of the concept of location. Space is here as well as there; it is inside as well as outside. Space or AKASA is taken as the nearest symbol of the Infinite and the Absolute Atma precisely because of its unlimited , ever pure and indestructable character. (to be continued)G.Balasubramanian See the Web's breaking stories, chosen by people like you. Check out Buzz. With Windows Live, you can organize, edit, and share your photos.

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Dear SundaramVasanas have nothing to do with the Atma. They can not bind Atma. There are thre kinds of body----the Gross Body which perishes after death of a Jiva. The other tow viz., subtle body and and causal body do not perish on death of a jiva. They transmigrate to another body either in the same Loka or in another Loka. In this regard pl. see my earlier postings on Reincarnation, Rebirth,death etc. no. 5. We are a combination of aspects which have the qualities of birth and death called the body mind complex and the aspect which is known as soul or Consciousness. We continue our journey even after death in the same manner we give up worn out clothes to new dress. Our activities are propelled by the aspect deep in our memory which is created in Udana as the Prasnopanishad puts it. This aspect of Prana does not finish with the body but at the time of death we carry this memory with us(the soul) and we create another body suitable to fulfill these unfulfilled desires. Vasanas are like what we store in our memory. This memory goes with us whether we have a body or not. If body is there then we can give expression to what we have. If the memory(Vasana) is good we give expression to good or in other words, we do good things in this life and if our vasana was bad we do bad

things in this life. What we do in this life is the investment for the next life. The sage in Prasnopanishad says punyaloka and papaloka are not any where outside but they are what we create around us.G.Balasubramaniankailas dharshan rathna sundaram vaidyanatha Iyer <visundaram Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 6:58:33 PMRE: SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON





dear Sir,

When the atma has not attachment whatsoever, and the body also gets vanished after death, the vasans which you are refferring how get attached to enter into another body.

this is puzzling me for a long time. regards










KAILAS DHARSHAN RATHNA V.I.SUNDARAM " OMKAILAS"8/1 NEW 17/1 RAMA RAO ROAD,THIRUMYLAI, CHENNAI 600 004PHONE NO. +91-44-24661345 MOBILE:9444926629 கைலாஸ௠தரà¯à®·à®©à¯ ரதà¯à®©à®¾ வைதà¯à®¯à®¨à®¾à®¤ அயà¯à®¯à®°à¯ சà¯à®¨à¯à®¤à®°à®®à¯ ஓமà¯à®•à¯ˆà®²à®¾à®¸à¯, 8/1 பà¯à®¤à®¿à®¯à®Žà®©à¯17/1 ராம ராவ௠ரோட௠மைலாபூர௠செனà¯à®©à¯ˆ 600004








om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.comprasadaraom@ Wed, 22 Jul 2009 15:15:13 -0700Re: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA




Excellent explanation, Sir. My Pranams.





G Balasubramanian <gbsub >om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.comCc: USBrahmins@gro ups.com; brahmin_world@ . co.in; -Vedic-Dharma; mukti_marg@gro ups.co.inWednesday, July 22, 2009 9:33:11 AMRe: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA



Dear Sir,Many thanks for having read my posting and also for having raised a query. I would like to restate that Atma does not move, as pronounced by Upanishads. Vedanta holds that Atma alone exists and nothing other than Atma exists. Since Atma is everywhere(Sarvagatah), I am unable to persuade myself to think that Atma enters another body. The Vedantic view is that only the subtle body (Sookshma Sarira) that takes a new body suitable to exhaust the accumulated vasanas or karmas.G.Balasubramanian




dmm rao <dyfacons (AT) (DOT) co.in>om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.comWednesday, July 22, 2009 2:55:09 AMRe: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMA






Dear Sir,

If atma is motionless how it is entering into another body?

D.M.M.RAO--- मंगल, 21/7/09 को, G Balasubramanian <gbsub > ने लिखा:

दà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤°à¤¾: G Balasubramanian <gbsub >विषय: [om_namah_shivaya_ group] SOME MORE THOUGHTS ON ATMAUSBrahmins@gro ups.comCc: om_namah_shivaya_ group@ s.com, viprasamhitha@ googl. com, brahmin_world@ . co.in, mukti_marg@gro ups.co.inदिनांक: मंगलवार, 21 जà¥à¤²à¤¾à¤ˆ, 2009, 5:37 PM





Hari Om

The scriptures talk about Atma as unattached (Nissangha). The self is that which enables the body to perceive and act but itself remains unaffected by the body and its perceptions and actions. It is a silent witness of the body and its functioning. LIkewise, it is adetached witness of the mind and its emotions, the intellect and its thoughts. Atma is called Asakta ie., unattached in 13th chapter of the Gita.

Hari Om

Atma is motionless (Achalah). An object can move from a place where it exists to a place where it does not exist. The all-pervading Reality exists everywhere, at all times. There is no place where it is not for it to move into and occupy. Hence no movement is possible for Atma. It is motionless. Atma is talked about as immoving in second chapter of Gita( Sthanuh Achalah). ACHALAH signifies that which is not capable of motion and vibration both.


Atma has been compared to Space in the scriptures. Both Atma and space are all-pervading. Space allows things to exist in it without itself being conditioned by them. So too, Atma is the medium in which perceptions ,emotions and thoughts take place but none of these contaminate or limit the Atma in any way. A subtle object can not be limited or conditioned by a grosser object. There is a saying,"Stone walls do not make a prison nor iron bars a cage". The gross walls of a prison can confine only our physical body but not our subtle emotions and thoughts. Atma in us is the subtlest of all. That being so, neither the world nor our matter vestures can limit or condition Atma. When we try to define space, we face difficulties. It implies vastness, immensity. We can not give space any kind of location. In fact, space is the very basis of the concept of location. Space is here as well as

there; it is inside as well as outside. Space or AKASA is taken as the nearest symbol of the Infinite and the Absolute Atma precisely because of its unlimited , ever pure and indestructable character.

(to be continued)




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