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How Is Our Soul Identical With Siva?

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Om Namah Sivaya









One gift of spiritual awakening is to see oneself in all things, animate and inanimate. A bhakta experiences this Satchidananda, realizing his soul's essence as the core of existence, witnessing the truth that he is, and always was, That--God within all.




The essence of our soul, which was never created, is immanent love and transcendent reality and is identical and eternally one with God Siva. At the core of our being, we already are That--perfect at this very moment. Aum.


At the core of the subtle soul body is ParaShakti, or Satchidananda, immanent love; and at the core of that is ParaSiva, transcendent reality. At this depth of our being there exists no separate identity or difference--all are One. Thus, deep within our soul we are identical with God now and forever.


These two divine perfections are not aspects of the evolving soul, but the nucleus of the soul which does not change or evolve. From an absolute perspective, our soul is already in nondual union with God, but to be realized to be known. We are That. We do not become That.


Deep within this physical body, with its turbulent emotions and getting-educated mind, is pure perfection identical to Siva's own perfections of ParaShakti and ParaSiva. In this sacred mystery we find the paradoxes of oneness and twoness, of being and becoming, of created and uncreated existence subtly delineated. Yea, in the depth of our being, we are as He is.


The Vedas explain, "The one controller, the inner Self of all things, who makes His one form manifold, to the wise who perceive Him as abiding in the soul, to them is eternal bliss--to no others." Aum Namah Sivaya.



-----Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami




Sivaya Namah



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