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Urgent prayers needed

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Om Namah Sivaya,


A fellow devotee's 3 teenage nephews are lost in the snow near

Yosemite. They were snowboarding and apparently wandered off the

beaten track yesterday. They have spent one night out in T-shirts and

snow pants already. Search and Rescue is out looking.


Please send any energy you can in their direction.


In Mother's Arms,


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ONS Mike Wonderful! Jai Ma !


Mike Montoya <dustygain wrote: Om Namah

Sivaya all,


Thank you so much for the help that was sent. The boys were found

about an hour ago and their condition is reported as " responsive "









Semira E. Rose A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. " Just as

food nourishes our body, selfless actions nourish our soul " - Sri Mata

Amritanandamayi (Amma) " The optimist sees the rose and not it's thorns, the

pessimist stares at the thorns , oblivious of the rose " - Kahlil Gibran







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Namah Sivaya all,


Details are still sketchy. They (3 of them, Sean & Maggie Jones'

nephews) were snowboarding in a place where they could ride down a

mile or so, then catch a lift or walk back up to the top. On the last

run of the day, with all their really warm clothing sitting in a pile

at the top, they somehow wandered off the trail and ended up getting

further and further down the ridge. When their ride came to get them

at 4:30, and they weren't there, search & rescue was contacted and

they began looking for them. At this point tracking was fairly easy

in the new snow from the day before and they tracked them further down

and down the canyon until about midnight, when they called it off due

to darkness and danger to the searchers.


They resumed in the morning with about 65 searchers and a helicopter.

The helicopter spotted them down by the river at the bottom of the

canyon about 2 pm and they were able to walk to the helicopter to get

lifted out.


The amazing thing to me is that Maggie called Mahesh and Misha in

Amritapuri, and they called us, asking for prayers. An

around-the-world call for help.


You may know Maggie and her three babies, Sahara, M'so & Lilly from

San Ramon when Amma is around. The kids love Amma and call her

MyAmma. Maggie's husband Sean and my son Ben were just mounting up

the " We're not coming in until we find them " version, in case the

conventional searcher called it off again in the dark, when they got

word that the boys had been found. My son had driven in from Berkeley

that morning. I don't know if any of you are big-wall climbing fans,

but Sean and Ben were featured on the cover of Rock and Ice Magazine

in January for their exploits around Yosemite.


So all is well, and once more we are shown that Amma watches her





Ammachi , S Rose <enchantedserose wrote:


> ONS Mike Wonderful! Jai Ma !


> Mike Montoya <dustygain wrote: Om

Namah Sivaya all,


> Thank you so much for the help that was sent. The boys were found

> about an hour ago and their condition is reported as " responsive "


> Mike




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