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The Journey of Healing

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The mind will never comprehend the miracle of healing, for this process of

healing arises from the Primordial Heart, the Heart of Infinite Compassion in

which everything is whole and complete. The need for healing arises from the

mind's perception that we are separate from our own divinity. This one basic

thought form is mother of all pain, sorrow and illness. There has never been,

nor will there ever be separation. The separation exists only in the fractured

mind, and how can this fractured mind (ego) ever comprehend wholeness from it's

fractured state?


Therefore, one must go beyond the analysis of the mind, and sink into the wisdom

of the Divine Heart in order to really flow with the healing process. There is

no right or wrong in this process. It can not be analyzed. It simply is. Like

waves on the ocean. Sometimes small, gentle waves. Sometimes tsunamis. Yet,

the process goes on without the analysis and constant chewing and grinding of

the mind. The mind is it's greatest opponent. To the heart, every breath is a

healer; every ray of sun is healing. Healing is an attitude as well as an

action. Yet, it is pregnant within every silent moment, urging us to give birth

to the Void.


Life is a backward journey; Grace is the ship we ride upon and faith is the

ore. It is the journey back to wholeness. It can not be measured by such a

vessel as the fractured mind/ego. Healing is an act of surrender to every

moment..the Great Undoing, and it is possible within every moment of our lives.

She is the Grand Conductor of the Healing Symphony. She delivers every note in

the key of Love, with octaves that soar higher and higher. One does not listen

to great works of music with one's mind, one listens with one's heart; and only

then can it become an experience capable of carrying us into the realms of bliss

and transcendence. Thus, healing can not be measured or understood by the mind.

It is the work of the heart's wisdom alone. Our Heart is the Instrument of

Healing, and we must shift into it's softness. Only then can the opportunity to

heal become a ripe fruit, juicy with potential. The Divine Cosmic Heart seeks

only to heal the fractures and remove the sourc

e of all pain by dissolving separation. The Divine Mother is the consummate

Heart of Compassion, the bearer of all auspiciousness and momentum. She is the

Source of all that brings Healing and Union, and She showers us with those

opportunities at every moment. Our job is to set the fractured mind aside and

with great joy and gratitude, rush head long into healing, whatever that may be

for you, and say Yes. Yes. YES!!


Jai Ma!!!!!

With Much Love,



" Grace is always falling like rain; we just have to be open to receiving it. "









-------------- Original message ----------------------

" amarnath " <anatol_zinc

> Ammachi , Stacee Kramer <stacee.kramer wrote:

> > ....

> > Yogananda came up in my thoughts on this topic as

> > well. I recall him mentioning certain Saints who had

> > health problems themselves, but this did not interfere

> > in their state of peace and happiness.

> >

> > Many very sensitive souls feel the ills and karmas of

> > the world.

> >

> > Irina Tweedie's Sadguru was always sick and he said

> > that this was how his father (who was a Sadguru

> > himself) and his Rev. Master were as well.

> >

> > We can heal ourselves through meditation and by

> > repeating the names of God. I know of two individuals

> > who follow a different path, and say the names of God

> > all of the time in Hebrew as part of their lives,

> > spiritual mission and teaching in the world.

> >

> > Both, after many years noticed incredible healing to

> > their bodies which had been plagued by polio and other

> > disease.

> >

> > ***Maybe**** if it happens easily and you are truly

> > lead to an individual who can help you, but that it

> > should not be one's main focus. Service and sadhana

> > should come first.

> >

> > Also, maybe it is important to go through all of the

> > life lesson's that come up when dealing with various

> > health issues.

> >

> > Wouldn't the disease be cleared if the lesson's were

> > learned and or if it had burned all of one's karma? Or

> > if one's Sadguru chose to intervene having seen that

> > one had grown sufficiently from the experience?

> >

> > We do not truly know it is OK for us to be healed,

> > even if Amma says it is OK to see a healer, she may be

> > testing your faith in Her or yourself.

> >

> > S

> > >>>

> excellent points, namaste,

> i appreciate your very thoughtful posts on this


> i have contemplated these points on my own

> for many years now,

> and have depended and still do very much

> on meditation(25 years TM), prayer(37 years), Amma(12 years),

> etc etc and this has kept me going

> some beautiful experiences, miracles(?), etc


> and especially agree with you on this one:

> > Service and sadhana should come first.

> my add:*** especially Service***

> this is why besides Amma,

> Peace Pilgrim, John of God, Mother Theresa, etc

> were/are my role models; perhaps I have not been

> the best of followers in this respect; but I tried


> and still, Amma sometimes says

> to go see a doctor to her closest devotees

> and many of Amma devotees have good results

> with the many Alternative approaches

> some of which are ads in Immortal Bliss


> so, every situation is different and I don't

> feel Amma is against us doing anything that

> might help us become healthier and stronger

> to do more seva and sadhana


> unless, it's time, as Amma says

> where everything begins to leave us,

> our health, wealth, strenght,

> and even all of our sadhana

> and there is no option other then to

> " surrender " completely

> of course,

> genuine surrender is the ultimate sadhana


> my two current considerations are:

> 1)what if ill health is an obstacle to Service and Sadhana ?

> in spite of one's best attempts in all suggestions you mentioned?

> 2)in advaita and Amma also says this sometimes

> " to accept everything as it comes to us;

> rather than struggle to try and change things;

> rather than try to fix things for the better "

> I'm close to this in some ways;

> except, I still have a responsibility

> toward my partner's health situation.


> as far as your last point is; again a good one;

> and only Amma really knows what Her " tests " are

> and whether we are failing them or passing them


> I sometimes feel I don't know what exactly

> Amma want us to do; I have asked Dayamritaji

> to ask Amma to guide me from within;

> he did and said Amma would


> Amma Bless,

> amarnath









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let us all be so greatful that we are even healed enough in the heart to recieve

such beautiful words.so many are alive that would not even comprehend this ,or

be receptive to this because of their deep sufferings.i am greatful that AMMAs

grace has allowed this heart to recieve this.now in order to keep this grace,it

must be shared.we are all sharers.givers ,not takers.to give is to live and it

is our true nature.in having AMMA we are eternally needless.sometimes the

universe humbles me and reminds me of how blessed i am to have AMMA in my life

as my life.i don't appreciatte HER like i should.without HER ,none us would no

each other.without AMMA ,this would not exist.it is HER LOVE that

holds it all together.just take a second to reflect and you will discover that




mantra for an AMMA devotee..i am healed in my rememberence of who i belong to.it

is HER LOVE that saves me.keeps me.frees me.enslaves me.it is indeed AMMAS LOVE

that destroys me.i long to be destroyed by HER LOVE.crushed by HER

LOVE.etc.etc.etc.it use to be just intellectual jargon for me to say that i am

nothing,but each day i live,i realize more and more that i live because SHE

LIVES..my healing comes from,remembering who i am in HER.I AM HERS. in hell,or

in heaven.i am HERS.enlightened ,or ingnorant.i AM HERS.whole,or maimed.i AM

HERS.......love you beloved family.




Ammachi: urbansaints: Tue, 12 Feb 2008

01:42:56 +0000 The Journey of Healing





The mind will never comprehend the miracle of healing, for this process of

healing arises from the Primordial Heart, the Heart of Infinite Compassion in

which everything is whole and complete. The need for healing arises from the

mind's perception that we are separate from our own divinity. This one basic

thought form is mother of all pain, sorrow and illness. There has never been,

nor will there ever be separation. The separation exists only in the fractured

mind, and how can this fractured mind (ego) ever comprehend wholeness from it's

fractured state? Therefore, one must go beyond the analysis of the mind, and

sink into the wisdom of the Divine Heart in order to really flow with the

healing process. There is no right or wrong in this process. It can not be

analyzed. It simply is. Like waves on the ocean. Sometimes small, gentle waves.

Sometimes tsunamis. Yet, the process goes on without the analysis and constant

chewing and grinding of the mind. The mind is it's greatest opponent. To the

heart, every breath is a healer; every ray of sun is healing. Healing is an

attitude as well as an action. Yet, it is pregnant within every silent moment,

urging us to give birth to the Void. Life is a backward journey; Grace is the

ship we ride upon and faith is the ore. It is the journey back to wholeness. It

can not be measured by such a vessel as the fractured mind/ego. Healing is an

act of surrender to every moment..the Great Undoing, and it is possible within

every moment of our lives. She is the Grand Conductor of the Healing Symphony.

She delivers every note in the key of Love, with octaves that soar higher and

higher. One does not listen to great works of music with one's mind, one listens

with one's heart; and only then can it become an experience capable of carrying

us into the realms of bliss and transcendence. Thus, healing can not be measured

or understood by the mind. It is the work of the heart's wisdom alone. Our Heart

is the Instrument of Healing, and we must shift into it's softness. Only then

can the opportunity to heal become a ripe fruit, juicy with potential. The

Divine Cosmic Heart seeks only to heal the fractures and remove the source of

all pain by dissolving separation. The Divine Mother is the consummate Heart of

Compassion, the bearer of all auspiciousness and momentum. She is the Source of

all that brings Healing and Union, and She showers us with those opportunities

at every moment. Our job is to set the fractured mind aside and with great joy

and gratitude, rush head long into healing, whatever that may be for you, and

say Yes. Yes. YES!! Jai Ma!!!!!With Much Love,Sanatani " Grace is always falling

like rain; we just have to be open to receiving it. " Amma-------------- Original

message ---------------------- " amarnath " <anatol_zinc> --- In

Ammachi , Stacee Kramer <stacee.kramer wrote:> > .... > >

Yogananda came up in my thoughts on this topic as> > well. I recall him

mentioning certain Saints who had> > health problems themselves, but this did

not interfere> > in their state of peace and happiness.> > > > Many very

sensitive souls feel the ills and karmas of> > the world.> > > > Irina Tweedie's

Sadguru was always sick and he said> > that this was how his father (who was a

Sadguru> > himself) and his Rev. Master were as well.> > > > We can heal

ourselves through meditation and by> > repeating the names of God. I know of two

individuals> > who follow a different path, and say the names of God> > all of

the time in Hebrew as part of their lives,> > spiritual mission and teaching in

the world.> > > > Both, after many years noticed incredible healing to> > their

bodies which had been plagued by polio and other> > disease.> > > > ***Maybe****

if it happens easily and you are truly> > lead to an individual who can help

you, but that it> > should not be one's main focus. Service and sadhana> >

should come first.> > > > Also, maybe it is important to go through all of the>

> life lesson's that come up when dealing with various> > health issues.> > > >

Wouldn't the disease be cleared if the lesson's were> > learned and or if it had

burned all of one's karma? Or> > if one's Sadguru chose to intervene having seen

that> > one had grown sufficiently from the experience?> > > > We do not truly

know it is OK for us to be healed,> > even if Amma says it is OK to see a

healer, she may be> > testing your faith in Her or yourself.> > > > S> > >>>>

excellent points, namaste,> i appreciate your very thoughtful posts on this> > i

have contemplated these points on my own> for many years now,> and have depended

and still do very much > on meditation(25 years TM), prayer(37 years), Amma(12

years), > etc etc and this has kept me going> some beautiful experiences,

miracles(?), etc> > and especially agree with you on this one:> > Service and

sadhana should come first.> my add:*** especially Service*** > this is why

besides Amma, > Peace Pilgrim, John of God, Mother Theresa, etc> were/are my

role models; perhaps I have not been > the best of followers in this respect;

but I tried> > and still, Amma sometimes says > to go see a doctor to her

closest devotees> and many of Amma devotees have good results> with the many

Alternative approaches> some of which are ads in Immortal Bliss> > so, every

situation is different and I don't> feel Amma is against us doing anything that

> might help us become healthier and stronger> to do more seva and sadhana> >

unless, it's time, as Amma says> where everything begins to leave us,> our

health, wealth, strenght, > and even all of our sadhana> and there is no option

other then to> " surrender " completely> of course, > genuine surrender is the

ultimate sadhana> > my two current considerations are:> 1)what if ill health is

an obstacle to Service and Sadhana ?> in spite of one's best attempts in all

suggestions you mentioned? > 2)in advaita and Amma also says this sometimes> " to

accept everything as it comes to us;> rather than struggle to try and change

things; > rather than try to fix things for the better " > I'm close to this in

some ways; > except, I still have a responsibility> toward my partner's health

situation.> > as far as your last point is; again a good one;> and only Amma

really knows what Her " tests " are> and whether we are failing them or passing

them> > I sometimes feel I don't know what exactly> Amma want us to do; I have

asked Dayamritaji> to ask Amma to guide me from within;> he did and said Amma

would> > Amma Bless,> amarnath> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been









Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get your

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Ammachi , temba spirits <tembaspirits wrote:

>....it used to be just intellectual jargon for me to say that


> but each day i live,i realize more and more

> that i live because SHE LIVES..

> my healing comes from, remembering who i am in HER.I AM HERS.

> in hell,or in heaven.i am HERS.enlightened ,or ingnorant.

> i AM HERS.whole,or maimed.i AM HERS...



good teaching Temba !


thank you very much


shows affirmations work


and especially " I am nothing( no-thing ) "

seems to connect bhakti and advaita paths

which ultimately are same


Amma Bless All,


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