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Seattle Retreat Q&A

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Namah Shivaya,

Did anyone attend the Seattle retreat? I am asking becasue I am

hearing rumors that Amma mentioned in the Q & A that in 3-4 years (2012)

the earth is going to go through many cataclysmic changes due to

global warming. The rumors also go on to say that Amma said our

current financial system is going to completely collapse and that life

as we now know it will completely cease to exist and soon after there

are going to be food wars. I have alos heard that Amma is advising

long term devotees to take their money out the markets and sell

businesses so they can prepare for the upcoming changes. Can anyone

who attended the Seattle retreat confirm or deny these rumors? If you

attended the retreat and took notes could you please post those notes

so those of us who didn't attend can take advantage of this info.


I'm not much for doom and gloom but if Amma is talking about a

complete collapse of civilization I am going to listen to Her and take

the necessary precautions. I really, really hope these are only just

rumors and what She said is being completely blown out of proportion

as these rumors are totally freaking me out. So I am asking those that

attended the retreat to do their best to post what she said about



I do remember when asked if the tsunami was teh dark cloud Amma said

she saw on the horizon She replied that it wasn't, tsunami was only

the lion that roars at the begining of a movie. It is not my intent to

stir up controversy with this post I just feel it is critical for this

to be addressed and for us all to know excatly what Amma is saying.


At Her Feet


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DEAR BELOVED DEVOTEES,PLEASE GO TO www.calearth.org and learn about earth dome

homes,which are disaster proof and have also been brought to AMMAs attention.

we are working on getting this tech. exsposed through AMRITA t.v and i am in the

process of learning this..love you,temba




Mon, 9 Jun 2008 14:59:42 +0000

Seattle Retreat Q & A





















Namah Shivaya,


Did anyone attend the Seattle retreat? I am asking becasue I am


hearing rumors that Amma mentioned in the Q & A that in 3-4 years (2012)


the earth is going to go through many cataclysmic changes due to


global warming. The rumors also go on to say that Amma said our


current financial system is going to completely collapse and that life


as we now know it will completely cease to exist and soon after there


are going to be food wars. I have alos heard that Amma is advising


long term devotees to take their money out the markets and sell


businesses so they can prepare for the upcoming changes. Can anyone


who attended the Seattle retreat confirm or deny these rumors? If you


attended the retreat and took notes could you please post those notes


so those of us who didn't attend can take advantage of this info.




I'm not much for doom and gloom but if Amma is talking about a


complete collapse of civilization I am going to listen to Her and take


the necessary precautions. I really, really hope these are only just


rumors and what She said is being completely blown out of proportion


as these rumors are totally freaking me out. So I am asking those that


attended the retreat to do their best to post what she said about






I do remember when asked if the tsunami was teh dark cloud Amma said


she saw on the horizon She replied that it wasn't, tsunami was only


the lion that roars at the begining of a movie. It is not my intent to


stir up controversy with this post I just feel it is critical for this


to be addressed and for us all to know excatly what Amma is saying.




At Her Feet




























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Don't worry, unless you see alot of

animals running in one direction.

Then you should try to catch up

with them... LOL




Ammachi , " jmohr108 " <jmohr108 wrote:


> Namah Shivaya,

> Did anyone attend the Seattle retreat? I am asking becasue I am

> hearing rumors that Amma mentioned in the Q & A that in 3-4 years (2012)

> the earth is going to go through many cataclysmic changes due to

> global warming. (snipped)

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Prabhakara Siddha Yogi of Kerala predicted the same things many years

ago that the financial systems of the west would collapse around 2010.


He was very close to Amma. From where is she getting such

predictions? They have already been made and posted online before?




Google cache:


batti+2010 & hl=en & ct=clnk & cd=1 & gl=us


Thiruvakku / Prophecies of Logaguru

Siddhars are altruistic. Magicians are self-centered.


The reason for the theft of icons of Gods is that they are not

properly installed.


Not only do people run away after committing acts of sin, but the

spirits too.


The quintessence of Sri Pambatti Siddhar's Grantha Sastra is proper

regulation of breath. When breath is regulated in various ways,

different angels get controlled.


Spirituality is the stage of preparing man for the vision of God;

Gnana is the result of God realization.


'Winning over God' means mastery of three levels. 1. Winning over

God, 2. Changing ones fate and 3. Controlling life principles in

one's own self.


Pranava is an interminable, resplendent glow of fire.


Sufferings occur effortlessly; Prosperity is earned hard.


Good deeds are immeasurable; Debt is precisely calculable.


Religious unrest is in the offing.


Energy is that which exists; attainment requires demonstration.


It is certain: Where there are performances of miracles, destruction

is bound to occur.


All forms of energy have two states, genuine and false. In the case

of a Gnani, one merges into the other.


Eclipse is a combination of light and darkness.


Man's witness lasts till his lifetime; divine witness is eternal.


One of the six abodes of Lord Muruga remains embedded in the Indian

Ocean .


I have created no weapons for destruction, but letters.


The present election process in India shall cease; instead the

presidential form of government shall come into force.


Within 2010, the sun cannot be seen in the west. All the oil wells

shall be set ablaze as a result of which there shall be perpetual



In 2010, a seven-minute earthquake shall rock all parts of the world.

Then the African continent shall get split up into two, brine filling

in between. At that time the history of a great yogi shall be brought

forth, through which it will become clear who the genuine yogis are.


In 2010, 50% of America shall perish.


The capital of Tamil Nadu shall soon be shifted.


The level of oceans shall rise, submerging vast land areas.


By 2010, economic stratifications of the world will change.






Ammachi , " jmohr108 " <jmohr108 wrote:


> Namah Shivaya,

> Did anyone attend the Seattle retreat? I am asking becasue I am

> hearing rumors that Amma mentioned in the Q & A that in 3-4 years


> the earth is going to go through many cataclysmic changes due to

> global warming. The rumors also go on to say that Amma said our

> current financial system is going to completely collapse and that


> as we now know it will completely cease to exist and soon after


> are going to be food wars. I have alos heard that Amma is advising

> long term devotees to take their money out the markets and sell

> businesses so they can prepare for the upcoming changes. Can anyone

> who attended the Seattle retreat confirm or deny these rumors? If


> attended the retreat and took notes could you please post those


> so those of us who didn't attend can take advantage of this info.


> I'm not much for doom and gloom but if Amma is talking about a

> complete collapse of civilization I am going to listen to Her and


> the necessary precautions. I really, really hope these are only


> rumors and what She said is being completely blown out of


> as these rumors are totally freaking me out. So I am asking those


> attended the retreat to do their best to post what she said about

> this.


> I do remember when asked if the tsunami was teh dark cloud Amma


> she saw on the horizon She replied that it wasn't, tsunami was only

> the lion that roars at the begining of a movie. It is not my intent


> stir up controversy with this post I just feel it is critical for


> to be addressed and for us all to know excatly what Amma is saying.


> At Her Feet

> Sachin


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Ammachi , " tom " <tomgull wrote:


> Don't worry, unless you see alot of

> animals running in one direction.

> Then you should try to catch up

> with them... LOL


> tom


> Ammachi , " jmohr108 " <jmohr108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namah Shivaya,

> > Did anyone attend the Seattle retreat? I am asking becasue I am

> > hearing rumors that Amma mentioned in the Q & A that in 3-4 years


> > the earth is going to go through many cataclysmic changes due to

> > global warming. (snipped)


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Om Namah Shivaya,


Wasn't there, but will ask around.  In San Ramon Amma mentioned Her concern for

the future of those who are now young & She encouraged us to plant vegetable

gardens.  She said we wouldn't be here in another million years.  Seems She's

given us hints before, saying we could go the way of the dinosaurs.


There's a booklet with info. credited to Yogananda, wherein he alluded to the

same info. you said were rumors of the Seattle Q & A.   He talked of a severe

economic collapse & starvation in the U.S.  But, the end result would be a

spiritual awakening.


I will share a related lucid dream I had of Amma in a private e-mail with you. 

Was told that last fall Amma said it was very important at this time for us to

do our spiritual practices.  Thank you for the reminder of Amma's lion at the

beginning of the movie comment.


You know, these bodies won't last forever anyway.  And, Amma is caring for us. 

Needs seem to be almost magically provided since meeting Amma. 


For example, today I reviewed this years' job history & was amazed to see Amma's

compassionate help.  Last summer a temp job fell in my lap, after feeling

traumatized from a work incident.  After giving notice my start date was

delayed, & my replacement stalled the same # of days I still needed to work. 

This spring my mgr said he was amazed when he gave me notice, I almost found a

job, but then it wasn't quite right, after which more work came in so he asked

me to stay 2 more months.  While Amma was in San Ramon I had an interview on

6/9.  Talked to the interviewer later who said " saint " twice in one

conversation, (sign?) The perm job starts the day after the temp job ends!  Amma

really is taking care of us & hears our prayers.  All is well.


Om Amriteshwaryai Namah



--- On Mon, 6/9/08, jmohr108 <jmohr108 wrote:

jmohr108 <jmohr108

Seattle Retreat Q & A


Monday, June 9, 2008, 7:59 AM












Namah Shivaya,


Did anyone attend the Seattle retreat? I am asking becasue I am


hearing rumors that Amma mentioned in the Q & A that in 3-4 years (2012)


the earth is going to go through many cataclysmic changes due to


global warming. The rumors also go on to say that Amma said our


current financial system is going to completely collapse and that life


as we now know it will completely cease to exist and soon after there


are going to be food wars. I have alos heard that Amma is advising


long term devotees to take their money out the markets and sell


businesses so they can prepare for the upcoming changes. Can anyone


who attended the Seattle retreat confirm or deny these rumors? If you


attended the retreat and took notes could you please post those notes


so those of us who didn't attend can take advantage of this info.




I'm not much for doom and gloom but if Amma is talking about a


complete collapse of civilization I am going to listen to Her and take


the necessary precautions. I really, really hope these are only just


rumors and what She said is being completely blown out of proportion


as these rumors are totally freaking me out. So I am asking those that


attended the retreat to do their best to post what she said about






I do remember when asked if the tsunami was teh dark cloud Amma said


she saw on the horizon She replied that it wasn't, tsunami was only


the lion that roars at the begining of a movie. It is not my intent to


stir up controversy with this post I just feel it is critical for this


to be addressed and for us all to know excatly what Amma is saying.




At Her Feet

































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Sorry that I can't really say the same about jobs. Last August, I

started working as a temp for a state agency that I used to be

permanent at years ago, but now at a different location. Same old

sh**. Being intimidated, assaulted and threatened, and having it

covered up by the management. Zero tolerance for violence? I think not.


Last Monday, oh Ketu and Mars, I had an incident with the usual

suspect, and planned on calling the temp-agency for re-assignment when

I got home, since nothing was getting done. But on the way home, just

around the corner from work, the guy got out of his car at the red

light and came up to me on my motorcycle and cussed me out and

threatened me in colorful ways. Then turned the corner and waved me

on to go ahead (no way in hell I was going to go in front of him,

since he'd tail-gated me before when I've used my car).


So I turned around and reported it to my boss (who didn't care and

said to call the police). So I called the police and went to the

station to file a report. Called the temp company from the station to

tell them about it and ask to be assigned somewhere else.


Showed up next day and reported it to another boss with the case

number, who agreed to let me meet with his boss, and after much

(documented) deception, was told I wasn't needed anymore at the end of

the day, having not been able to meet with that 3rd level manager.

Blah, blah, blah.


The suckiest part was that I would've beat the thunderstorm had the

incident not occured, but by the time I had left the station that one

afternoon, I was riding through the rain to get home. At least it

gave me some time to move some of my aunt's stuff out of the

retirement home since she'll be moving into some sort of assisted-care

place. And more time to have fun with Ubuntu Linux!




Ammachi , Sweta Mitzel <swetabc wrote:


> For example, today I reviewed this years' job history & was amazed

to see Amma's compassionate help. Last summer a temp job fell in my

lap, after feeling traumatized from a work incident. After giving

notice my start date was delayed, & my replacement stalled the same #

of days I still needed to work. This spring my mgr said he was amazed

when he gave me notice, I almost found a job, but then it wasn't quite

right, after which more work came in so he asked me to stay 2 more

months. While Amma was in San Ramon I had an interview on 6/9.

Talked to the interviewer later who said " saint " twice in one

conversation, (sign?) The perm job starts the day after the temp job

ends! Amma really is taking care of us & hears our prayers. All is well.


> Om Amriteshwaryai Namah

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