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Dr C S Shah < drcsshah >

Dear friends,

Every joy, pleasure, happiness, or feeling of well being is an

incomplete expression of the Absolute Bliss.

The point, however, is that one should not remain caught up at one

level, otherwise the person loses the golden opportunity of tasting

higher level of bliss.

'It is good to be born in the Church, but tragic to die there'.

The same is the case with our worldly enjoyments.

There are many levels of bliss or joy. These we call relative pleasures.

For instance, some people are interested in sense enjoyment alone

–bodily pleasure. For such people material and bodily comforts are very

important for enjoyment in life.

Many others do not care about this, but are involved or engaged in

pursuit of excellence in science, art, or literature, etc. Such persons

enjoy mental or intellectual pleasure and strive to excel in the pursuit

of intellectual achievements. For them intellectual development is

truth, which scores over body comforts. They seem to have renounced

sense enjoyment in favour of intellectual pleasure after discrimination.

Sri Ramakrishna advocates us to rise above these relative enjoyments

and try to seek still higher bliss — spiritual pleasure of reaching the

superconscious state.

For this it is essential to renounce the first two pleasures with due

discrimination. The first two pleasures are taken as false, illusory or

transient because they are born out of ignorance, and come in way of

attaining the highest bliss of Self (God)- realization.

All these pleasures are functions of mind. By regular sadhana, one can

control the mind and transcend each level to get established in higher

realm of bliss. Ultimately one may realize the most blissful nature of

superconscious state, the Atman.

Dr. C. S. Shah


Maria Esther wrote:


> " Maria Esther " <ebordoy


> Hi, friends of the Ramakrishna Mailing List.


> I received a kind invitation from Jay to share some of my views on 'bliss':


> I once attended a lecture by an Indian swami (monk) and in the Q & A session

> people kept asking him what reality would feel like after reaching

> enlightenment. He answered sort of tongue-in-cheek: " Go get enlightened

> first and then we'll talk " .


> It made me think that he could be partly right, first go get it and then

> worry about it - yet it is only so human to want to know about the place

> where one intends to go, or there wouldn't be a use for tourism brochures,

> right?


> Bliss. Talking about this I have found that everyone has their own concept

> of what bliss is. It would follow then that in order for it to be *real*,

> bliss needs to be absolute, unrelated to any one cause or incentive.


> The sage Patanjali wrote that bliss produced by someone or something

> carries in itself the seed of its own sorrow, either for loss of the

> coveted object or person, or merely by *fear* of losing it. So perhaps the

> trick is to do what Vivekananda advises in his usual concise style:

> " Become the object of your Meditation "

> because the mind can only go around and around what is familiar to it, and

> for this same reason cannot transcend conditioned knowledge.


> I once stayed in a hotel in Acapulco Beach, where one of the pools is

> always filled by ocean water. Watching from outside, it is plain and very

> beautiful to see this effect of a little ocean and a large ocean. However,

> when one is in the pool, the ocean cannot be seen. You would have every

> right to doubt that there even exists such a thing as the open sea, right?


> However, if by mere chance you tasted a little of the salty pool water, a

> window of doubt, an opportunity to enlarge your knowledge, would flash in

> your mind and lead you to want to know more about what is outside.


> This takes us to half-awareness. The Bhagavad Gita says something worth

> checking: " Mukti (liberation or enlightenment) is easy of attainment only

> to the hero -- but not to the cowards. "


> Now, going back to the original question, is this bliss a dynamic process

> or a static mode? Do we need to know?


> ~ Om Shanti ~

> Maria Esther


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The answer to the last question, as far as I am concerned is " NO "


Swami Vivekananda when he said become the object of meditation is very truth.

Infact it is the Truth.


I enjoyed your post. Blessings Nagy

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Hari Ohm tat-sat


I read the nice discussion related to Bliss and I felt like puting

down my feeling about it. I have not any perception of My absolute

nature but I have a faith in the words of Great saints who proclaims

that each particle is absolute existance.

With that faith I say that if we are existance absolute, knowledge

absolute then ofcource Bliss absolute too. Now since Bliss is our very

nature, it is not something we are going to feel but we are finally

going to be. Thus my extrapolation says that if duality does not exist

then that state of bliss is not be reached but It manisfest by itself

when our ignorance ceases. We dont feel Bilss but it is our very nature.

If We say, we feel then we are perciving something which is out and

away from us. This may cause the sense of gaining something as well as

loosing something.

May we all reach to our very Absolute nature so that our ignorance

remains no more and we can be That Absolute.


With regards to All who is pooling their thoughts through this mailing

list and helping their brothers and sisters to ascend from lower truth

to higher Truth.

Anand Kumar




> om


>The answer to the last question, as far as I am concerned is " NO "


>Swami Vivekananda when he said become the object of meditation is very


>Infact it is the Truth.


>I enjoyed your post. Blessings Nagy



>To from this mailing list, or to change your subscription

>to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at and

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>Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

>Vivekananda Centre London




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Very nice write-up from Sri Anand. Yes, we must be the Bliss Absolute, if

not, why are we seeking happiness. As we can see from our daily lives, that

we are constantly seeking happiness from that which cannot bring us absolute

or eternal happiness. But yet we seek those transient things. This seeking

is natural because our minds are basically the closest thing to the Atman.

Like the Upanishadic story about the 2 birds where one watches the other;

the mind watches the Atman and emulates it not knowing its finitude. It

reflects the Atman which is Satchitananda-rupa (Exists-knowledge-bliss), as

it is the closest thing to the Atman. Therefore, we can observe that our

minds naturally seek Immortality (Sat), Knowledge (Chit) & happiness



You are what you seek!


Om Shanti



> Anand Kumar [sMTP:anand_kumar]

> Monday, March 22, 1999 4:45 AM

> ramakrishna

> [ramakrishna] Re: Bliss


> " Anand Kumar " <anand_kumar


> Hari Ohm tat-sat


> I read the nice discussion related to Bliss and I felt like puting

> down my feeling about it. I have not any perception of My absolute

> nature but I have a faith in the words of Great saints who proclaims

> that each particle is absolute existance.

> With that faith I say that if we are existance absolute, knowledge

> absolute then ofcource Bliss absolute too. Now since Bliss is our very

> nature, it is not something we are going to feel but we are finally

> going to be. Thus my extrapolation says that if duality does not exist

> then that state of bliss is not be reached but It manisfest by itself

> when our ignorance ceases. We dont feel Bilss but it is our very nature.

> If We say, we feel then we are perciving something which is out and

> away from us. This may cause the sense of gaining something as well as

> loosing something.

> May we all reach to our very Absolute nature so that our ignorance

> remains no more and we can be That Absolute.


> With regards to All who is pooling their thoughts through this mailing

> list and helping their brothers and sisters to ascend from lower truth

> to higher Truth.

> Anand Kumar




> > om

> >

> >The answer to the last question, as far as I am concerned is " NO "

> >

> >Swami Vivekananda when he said become the object of meditation is very

> truth.

> >Infact it is the Truth.

> >

> >I enjoyed your post. Blessings Nagy

> >

> >------

> >To from this mailing list, or to change your subscription

> >to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at and

> >select the Member Center link from the menu bar on the left.

> >------

> >Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> >Vivekananda Centre London

> >http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

> >


> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

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Hi Kathi,


At 02:52 PM 3/22/99 +0800, you wrote:

>Very nice write-up from Sri Anand. Yes, we must be the Bliss Absolute, if

>not, why are we seeking happiness. As we can see from our daily lives, that

>we are constantly seeking happiness from that which cannot bring us absolute

>or eternal happiness.


Seeking happiness rarely even brings temporary happiness. Any seeking

sooner or later brings misery.


>But yet we seek those transient things.


'I' don't :-)


>This seeking

>is natural because our minds are basically the closest thing to the Atman.


The seeking is a result of our ignorance that we already possess that which

is sought. Seek for your head or feet or hands in vain, you will not find

them if you look elsewhere than where they are!


>You are what you seek!


Then I am nothing <grin>...


With Love,






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Namaste Tim


> Seeking happiness rarely even brings temporary happiness. Any seeking

> sooner or later brings misery.


Kathi: I agree with you, brother.


> >But yet we seek those transient things.


> 'I' don't :-)


Kathi: Pardon me for making such an unforgivable assumption. :-(

Thanks for teaching me this lesson.


> >This seeking

> >is natural because our minds are basically the closest thing to the

> Atman.


> The seeking is a result of our ignorance that we already possess that

> which

> is sought. Seek for your head or feet or hands in vain, you will not find

> them if you look elsewhere than where they are!


Kathi: Isn't it true to say that all that we seeking is within us?

Which is none other than the self?


> >You are what you seek!


> Then I am nothing <grin>...


Kathi: Oh no....Sorry again. :-)






> -----

> The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

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> Poetry, Writings, Live Chat on spiritual topics.


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> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/

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At 09:42 AM 3/24/99 +0800, you wrote:

>> >You are what you seek!


>> Then I am nothing <grin>...


> Kathi: Oh no....Sorry again. :-)


It's ok - it's true! I am nothing. See, when this body was born, its

parents placed a label on it ( " Tim Gerchmez " ). Then the parents of the

body, in their own ignorance, forced the body's mind to identify this label

with both itself and the body. So the 'me' was born, and the 'me'

connected to body/mind. An artificial construct was built.


Now, the mind seeks to deny this label, and rightly, for it never chose

such a label in the first place, and feels it is unfair to have to squeeze

*All Of Eternity* (Atman) into two words ( " Tim Gerchmez " ).


I am nothing, and happy to be so ;-)


With Love,






The CORE of Reality awaits you at:

http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html -

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  • 9 years later...

The sun rises –

Comforting warmth permeates,

A hushed silence,

I break apart,

Floating - floating,

Vibrating into life,

Deep awe and wonder,

Radiance arises,

I burst - I burst,

Serenity, tranquility,

Cresting, transcending,

Silence takes over,All that’s left – bliss – bliss






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