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why would someone take something so beautiful and say such things as tom has

said,but as MOTHER TERESA reminds you and i below,it is between me and AMMA

ANYWAY.... love,AMMAs sun temba

Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem


People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;Be kind


If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true

enemies;Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;Give the world the

best you've got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;It was never

between you and them anyway.[Reportedly inscribed on the wall of Mother Teresa's

children's home in Calcutta, and attributed to


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dear Temba. . .truly this poem you posted says it all. . .and we have

all gone through this for a couple of years now with Tom being Tom. .

..for a couple of years i read the post but never participated because it

seemed to have so much toxicity and negativity. . . like you i have

felt sad and confused by the ongoing hatefulness that has been directed

at Amma and those that serve Her. . .but please step back and look at it

Temba. . .you are in " really good company " to be on Tom's hit list. . .


we are dealing with the dynamics of the 'school yard bully', and Tom

knows the buttons to push. . .we can react at his level and reflect back

his aggression. . . or we can just use it for practice. . . " and this

too " . . .


there are some of us that do not have satsang. . . and it would be so

nice to have a safe space to be in connection with other Amma devotees.

.. . but that has been sabatogued so many times. . .have you noticed that

each time just as the group starts to share the postive and interact

with one anther. . .there comes an attack on Amma or one the Swamis. . .

..Also there is a pattern that a couple of weeks before Amma comes to

America something gets stirred up and each time just when Amma leaves

America there will be another flare up. . . .perhaps we are witnessing

someone's abandoment issues here. . .Temba what i do trust is that Amma

is directing Tom's path just as She is directing ours. . . Maybe Tom's

path is photographic in that the negative is used for development . .

..there is an ongoing script that plays over and over again which goes

something like this-- " for Tom to be BIG he must make everyone else

small. . . whatever it is . . .it is ours to accept. . .Tom is one of

Amma's devotees. . .and it is not for us to change him. . .even if we

could. . .but what we can do. . .is not allow the continuing toxicity to

determine the energy of this group. . .we can clean up the toxicity. .

..by being true to our Selves and the teachings Amma would have us

practice. . . So my intent and prayer is may we continue to bring that

which is good. . .that which allows us to bring forth the best in one

anther . . . ourselves. . . and within the world that we live. . . like

Gandhi said. . . " be the change you want to see " . . .


Temba so agree with what Max shared. . .i really respect your

committment of Heart and Hand to serve Amma. . .this is a story from Sri

Ramakrishna. . .and like Max said. . . nothing Tom can say can really

hurt Amma. . .but perhaps Tom has figured out that he can express his

anger and hurt at whatever he has projected on to Amma and Her children

by striking the left side of Amma. . .and when we react. . .he gets to

hear the clack. . .




God As Mother by Sri Ramakrishna



There are some temples where God is worshipped as Mother. In one of

these, in the state of Bengal, She is represented by a large stone

image. The sculptor has carved in stone his idea of the Mother of the

Universe, and many pious people, finding it attractive and inspiring, go

there to pay their respects or make offerings.


One day an old monk who used a cane came into the temple. Approaching

the altar he said, speaking aloud to God, " Mother, you are said to be

God; tell me the truth: are you solid like stone — this image? Or

are you formless, indescribable and impossible to touch? "


" Take your cane, " the monk heard a soft voice saying, " and strike my

body on the left side. " He did, and the cane hit the stone with a clack.

" Now strike me from the other side, " She said. When the cane reached the

sculpture it passed right through it as if it were air.


Aum Amriteswaryai Namaha


May we all be blessed with Amma's grace and love to be in healthy

relationship as brothers and sisters in AMMA






Ammachi , temba spirits <tembaspirits wrote:



> why would someone take something so beautiful and say such things as

tom has said,but as MOTHER TERESA reminds you and i below,it is between

me and AMMA ANYWAY.... love,AMMAs sun temba

> Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem


> People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;Forgive

them anyway.

> If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;Be

kind anyway.

> If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true

enemies;Succeed anyway.

> If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;Be honest and frank


> What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;Build


> If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;Be happy


> The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;Do good


> Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;Give the

world the best you've got anyway.

> You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;It was

never between you and them anyway.[Reportedly inscribed on the wall of

Mother Teresa's children's home in Calcutta, and attributed to

> _______________

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dear beloved sister.there is no confusion here.this has been happening for

thousands of years.JESUS said, " blessed are those that are persecuted for

rightous name sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. " our brother may be on

the path ,but he has never made a claim to be a AMMA devotee ,so why are you

declaring this for him?He is ofcourse loved by HER unconditonally,but devotion

to HER is another thing entirely beloved sister.a true devotee would never make

comments about AMMA like this.please dont be in denial about what is right in

our faces.spirituality faces reality fearlessly!it doesnt deny what is.devotion

to something means to love ,adore and surrender to it.i myself admit that i am

not yet a true devotee,but i am determined to be one,that is why i still declare

that tom is love.you are love.the essence of us all is love,but to not speak up

against injustice is to be a coward!

we throw around that title AMMA devotee ,but all that say it are not,just

as every Guru is not.dear sister,you all must have not read temba's post

correctly.i am not upset,reacting,nor unconsciuos in what i am saying.my post

have been between AMMA and my very own heart.and also darling daughter of

AMMA,you have your dharma and i have mine.if the motive is love then we will

meet in the center of the heart.all darmic paths are the path of love,even if it

doesnt seem that way.


you may have missed the point about disrespecting AMMA.ofcourse no one can

harm AMMA.that is not the essence of what i saying.it is not right to allow

someone to taint the view of someone new on the path.would you allow this to

happen to your chlild if you could prevent it?there are people reading these

post that dont post and are influenced by all we say.someone has to be willing

to fearlessly stand and point out that some of the behaviors expresssed here

are not aligned with spiritual principles.AMMA SAYS TO NOT SPEAK,OR TO JUST



there is nothing spiritual about hiding behind spiritual love quots when

something is just out right not cool.Lord krisna told arjuna to fight and not be

a coward.bully's only bully, as long as the person afraid of him lets them.this

is AMMAs forum.tom is not running(bullying)anything!

temba has been slandered many times by AMMA's beloved children .our beloved

brother is not the only one and there will be many more.there have been people

that AMMAs temba have worked with very closely that have expressed there

jealousy's and anger over the so-called attention that temba gets.what does this

mean in the BIGGER picture?.it is meaningless beloved sister!iright now ,there

are children starving!children freezing!children scared!children being stolen

and sold into prostitution!children homeless!etc.etc.etc.LETS ALL unite under

this one banner of LOVE AND SERVICE to serve the poor and suffering in this

country.now that would be devotion!not one person has contacted me about how

they can help with the services.there were one ,or two, three years ago.if you

all have time to post e-mails to me about staying in the love for tom,why can't

you contact about us working together on a service project?is this not what our

beloved AMMA wants?


what does persucution mean when it is compared to this?absolutely nothing!JESUS

said that unless we were willing to carry the

cross ,we were not worthy to be called his disciples.AMMAs sun willingly carry's

his cross,however, it is not heavy ,because HER strength is always with




through HER GRACE ALONE, we will be building homes for AMMAs children right

here in n.america this march or sometime close to that!who cares who slanders

AMMAs temba when is comes to this? the persecution helps this stuff occur.when

i am slandered and my heart remains in the love for the person ,HER GRACE takes

me deeper and SHE gives me more service to do.that is why i beg you to look

deeper into what i am saying.AMMA only has about three or four services

happening in the U.S and SHE has blessed this heart to help start three of

them.HER grace is with me always ,no one can taint this heart.i am crazy enough

to believe this so it becomes my reality.as long as there is good in this

world,the opposing force will always be there lurking.this is just how it

is.love you....





Ammachi: Mmrivertalk: Wed, 8 Oct 2008

05:18:07 +0000 Re: MOTHER TERESA POEM





dear Temba. . .truly this poem you posted says it all. . .and we haveall gone

through this for a couple of years now with Tom being Tom. ..for a couple of

years i read the post but never participated because itseemed to have so much

toxicity and negativity. . . like you i havefelt sad and confused by the ongoing

hatefulness that has been directedat Amma and those that serve Her. . .but

please step back and look at itTemba. . .you are in " really good company " to be

on Tom's hit list. . .we are dealing with the dynamics of the 'school yard

bully', and Tomknows the buttons to push. . .we can react at his level and

reflect backhis aggression. . . or we can just use it for practice. . . " and

thistoo " . . .there are some of us that do not have satsang. . . and it would be

sonice to have a safe space to be in connection with other Amma devotees.. . but

that has been sabatogued so many times. . .have you noticed thateach time just

as the group starts to share the postive and interactwith one anther. . .there

comes an attack on Amma or one the Swamis. . ..Also there is a pattern that a

couple of weeks before Amma comes toAmerica something gets stirred up and each

time just when Amma leavesAmerica there will be another flare up. . . .perhaps

we are witnessing someone's abandoment issues here. . .Temba what i do trust is

that Ammais directing Tom's path just as She is directing ours. . . Maybe

Tom'spath is photographic in that the negative is used for development . ..there

is an ongoing script that plays over and over again which goessomething like

this-- " for Tom to be BIG he must make everyone elsesmall. . . whatever it is . .

..it is ours to accept. . .Tom is one ofAmma's devotees. . .and it is not for us

to change him. . .even if wecould. . .but what we can do. . .is not allow the

continuing toxicity todetermine the energy of this group. . .we can clean up the

toxicity. ..by being true to our Selves and the teachings Amma would have

uspractice. . . So my intent and prayer is may we continue to bring thatwhich is

good. . .that which allows us to bring forth the best in oneanther . . .

ourselves. . . and within the world that we live. . . likeGandhi said. . . " be

the change you want to see " . . .Temba so agree with what Max shared. . .i really

respect yourcommittment of Heart and Hand to serve Amma. . .this is a story from

SriRamakrishna. . .and like Max said. . . nothing Tom can say can reallyhurt

Amma. . .but perhaps Tom has figured out that he can express hisanger and hurt

at whatever he has projected on to Amma and Her childrenby striking the left

side of Amma. . .and when we react. . .he gets tohear the clack. . .God As

Mother by Sri RamakrishnaThere are some temples where God is worshipped as

Mother. In one ofthese, in the state of Bengal, She is represented by a large

stoneimage. The sculptor has carved in stone his idea of the Mother of

theUniverse, and many pious people, finding it attractive and inspiring, gothere

to pay their respects or make offerings.One day an old monk who used a cane came

into the temple. Approachingthe altar he said, speaking aloud to God, " Mother,

you are said to beGod; tell me the truth: are you solid like stone — this image?

Orare you formless, indescribable and impossible to touch? " " Take your cane, " the

monk heard a soft voice saying, " and strike mybody on the left side. " He did,

and the cane hit the stone with a clack. " Now strike me from the other side, " She

said. When the cane reached thesculpture it passed right through it as if it

were air.Aum Amriteswaryai NamahaMay we all be blessed with Amma's grace and

love to be in healthyrelationship as brothers and sisters in AMMAmarci--- In

Ammachi , temba spirits <tembaspirits wrote:>>> why would

someone take something so beautiful and say such things astom has said,but as

MOTHER TERESA reminds you and i below,it is betweenme and AMMA ANYWAY....

love,AMMAs sun temba> Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem>> People are often

unreasonable, illogical and self centered;Forgivethem anyway.> If you are kind,

people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;Bekind anyway.> If you are

successful, you will win some false friends and some trueenemies;Succeed

anyway.> If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;Be honest and

frankanyway.> What you spend years building, someone could destroy

overnight;Buildanyway.> If you find serenity and happiness, they may be

jealous;Be happyanyway.> The good you do today, people will often forget

tomorrow;Do goodanyway.> Give the world the best you have, and it may never be

enough;Give theworld the best you've got anyway.> You see, in the final

analysis, it is between you and your God;It wasnever between you and them

anyway.[Reportedly inscribed on the wall ofMother Teresa's children's home in

Calcutta, and attributed to>

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!550F681DAD532637!5295.entry?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_domore_092008>> [Non-text

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