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RE: BELOVED FAMLIY!please look closer.

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dear max,i am not defending AMMA.that is not the point dear friend.we have

been enabling this behavior on this forum for 3 years by just allowing it to

happen.that is not love at all.that is to feed a sickness not to love the

person.look deeper into what i am saying.it is not about tom,or me.it is the

principle.if we really love our good brother,we would not keep enabling

this.that is not to love him at all.i know he is in pain and i know that that

has nothing to do with me.if we keep acting like this is okay then we are doing

more hurting then helping.so in other words,we say " keep poising yourself and the

community,it is okay we love you " .I dont think so beloved brother.that is not

love at all.

AMMA says to not stand up for what is right and to not say something about

injustices is to contribute to the evil(negative energy)...Martin Luther King

said the same thing..i repeat,AMMA says to not courageously say something when

injustices are taking place is to feed the injustice!this is about principles

not personalitys.AMMAs sun will not contribute to the evil,by not standing up

for principles any longer.


in the bible it says that JESUS came to his own and they recieved him not.the

self rightous jewish people of that time did not want to hear what JESUS had to

say so HE went to the poor in spirit(the humble).it is not that HE stopped

loving anyone.AMMA also says that SHE surrenders to the supreme principle in us

,not our egos.do you think JESUS had to defend HIS HEAVENLY FATHER,when HE

turned over the tables in the temple,because of the disrespect.no HE did not.HE

was standing on principles.was HE loving the people any less in the temple

?ofcourse not.






Ammachi: maxdashu: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 14:41:49






Dear Temba,I know these negative comments have been upsetting and clearly meant

to provoke you. But Amma doesn't need anyone to defend her honor, as you know,

and your service speaks for itself.It may not be possible to change the heart of

a person who believes in his own superiority and spends so much time comparing

who is advanced and who is not. Especially if he enjoys the attention. Better

not to feed it. Let him say what he likes -- that only proves the saying,

Aversion is attraction to pain.If the light is there it will be known.Thanks

Amarnath for the quotes.Max







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Temba, go tell Amma on me, then you

release yourself from any bad karma.

Act hastily, assuming oneself to be

righteous, and you bear the karma yourself.


Others in her org that act hastily towards

others already earn bad karma by taking

adharmic actions against people " on their own " ,

wrongly assuming their position gives them



Go tell Amma, and if you're right, you'll

be done with me. But if you're wrong...

You'll be thanking me more than with

superficial words on the internet.




Ammachi , temba spirits <tembaspirits wrote:


> dear max,i am not defending AMMA.that is not the point dear

friend.we have been enabling this behavior on this forum for 3 years

by just allowing it to happen.that is not love at all.that is to feed

a sickness not to love the person.look deeper into what i am saying.it

is not about tom,or me.it is the principle.if we really love our good

brother,we would not keep enabling this.that is not to love him at

all.i know he is in pain and i know that that has nothing to do with

me.if we keep acting like this is okay then we are doing more hurting

then helping.(snip)

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>dear max,i am not defending AMMA.that is not the point dear

>friend.we have been enabling this behavior on this forum for 3 years

>by just allowing it to happen.that is not love at all.that is to

>feed a sickness not to love the person.


I don't disagree with that. What I am saying is that continuing

attempts to dialogue is not productive in this case, and would like

this list to go back to spiritual inspiration.


>in the bible it says that JESUS came to his own and they recieved

>him not.the self rightous jewish people of that time did not want to

>hear what JESUS had to say so HE went to the poor in spirit(the



His following _was_ the Jewish people, who were mostly poor and

oppressed by the Romans. Even his family who were alarmed by his

teaching at first came around. His original movement was a Jewish

movement led by a Jewish teacher. It was quite popular and after his

crucifixion was led by his brother Jacob ( " James " in the Christian

Bible) who was well-respected among the Jews, who called him Jacob

the Righteous. There's a whole story to how the crucifixion was

blamed on the Jews, but in reality many thousands of Jews were

crucified by Rome, including the Jewish sage Yeshua of Nazareth who

Rome saw as a potential leader of rebellion.


Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives



New: Women's Power DVD


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why dont we all unite and creating a service project together under the name

of AMMAs love?with the time that we post to each other,we could serve the world

together.this would unite us and inspire us in a much deeper way.it is funny to

me that people are giving me feed back about this,but not one person has offered

assistance when i have asked for help in serving the less fortunate.why is this

beloved?why can you spend energy on explaining to me about the ancient jews,but

not explain to me how we can work together to serve this world right now?

i am humbly asking this.there is no such thing as talking

inspiration.inspiration is put into action,other wise it is just getting high

,which will wear off.people commend the services that i do,but that is not why i

share what is going on.my service to AMMA devotees is to give them a oppurtunity

to help.this is to offer them AMMAs bliss.

AMMAs sun is currently raising money to help a Lakota family not have to

freeze and live without lights again this year.i need help with this.who will

respond?AMMA will respond,and sometimes AMMA within the hearts of HER devotees.

AMMAs grace blessed me to write one letter three years ago and go on one

prison visit and now there are 100 outreach people.this is because i opened my

mouth and humbly asked for help.AMMAs grace blessed me to bring a group of

homeless people to HER ARMS and now there have been over 100 brought to HER

arms.all the opinions about love mean nothing until we put them into living


the ancient hebrew word for divine love is AHAV.it means to love in

action.it is a verb.so dear brother it is your call.lets get busy.love you.




Ammachi: maxdashu: Tue, 7 Oct 2008 21:42:26

-0700RE: BELOVED FAMLIY!please look closer.





>dear max,i am not defending AMMA.that is not the point dear >friend.we have

been enabling this behavior on this forum for 3 years >by just allowing it to

happen.that is not love at all.that is to >feed a sickness not to love the

person.I don't disagree with that. What I am saying is that continuing attempts

to dialogue is not productive in this case, and would like this list to go back

to spiritual inspiration.>in the bible it says that JESUS came to his own and

they recieved >him not.the self rightous jewish people of that time did not want

to >hear what JESUS had to say so HE went to the poor in spirit(the >humble).His

following _was_ the Jewish people, who were mostly poor and oppressed by the

Romans. Even his family who were alarmed by his teaching at first came around.

His original movement was a Jewish movement led by a Jewish teacher. It was

quite popular and after his crucifixion was led by his brother Jacob ( " James " in

the Christian Bible) who was well-respected among the Jews, who called him Jacob

the Righteous. There's a whole story to how the crucifixion was blamed on the

Jews, but in reality many thousands of Jews were crucified by Rome, including

the Jewish sage Yeshua of Nazareth who Rome saw as a potential leader of

rebellion.-- Max DashuSuppressed Histories

Archiveshttp://www.suppressedhistories.netNew: Women's Power








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>why can you spend energy on explaining to me about the ancient

>jews,but not explain to me how we can work together to serve this

>world right now?


Dear Temba,


I did not mean to offend you, as we are all seekers of truth. The

reason I spent that energy is because many millions of Jewish people

have died because of the way the gospel writers tried to separate

Jesus from his people and blamed the Jews for his crucifixion. So i

see it as important to make sure people look at these ideas, which

have poisoned many people against Jewish people, and caused a lot of

pain. Just as it is important to undo the negative conceptions about

Muslims, or pagans, or any other group who have been and still are on

the receiving end of violence. This is my dharma work as a historian,

and I see looking at the cultural samskaras at the root of hatred and

violence as service, too. There's a very good book Rabbi Jesus that

explains more about the Jewish nature of the original Jesus movement,

or Yeshua as he was called by his people.


I'm a sister, by the way. Right now I can't contribute any money to

your very worthy cause, living from month to month to make my rent

check. When i was able to earlier this year i contributed to a Lakota

project to assist and advocate for rape victims, called Sacred

Circle. They are doing great work dealing with the highest sexual

assault rate in North America, on Indian women. I think what you are

doing is also important, especially because people on the

reservations suffer off the radar screens of the rest of the US.


>who will respond?AMMA will respond,and sometimes AMMA within the

>hearts of HER devotees.


So may it be.




Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives



New: Women's Power DVD


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dear SISTER,you have not offended temba.and i was not asking you for any

money.i was simply inviting you to us entertaining discussion about intiating a

service project.thankyou for your insight.

if you want to read about the most powerful untold ancient hebrew story

told,then click below.

http://www.africanhebrewisraelitesofjerusalem.com/ make sure you read the

entire page on our philosophy.it is mind blowing!




Ammachi: maxdashu: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:10:32

-0700RE: BELOVED FAMLIY!please look closer.





>why can you spend energy on explaining to me about the ancient >jews,but not

explain to me how we can work together to serve this >world right now?Dear

Temba,I did not mean to offend you, as we are all seekers of truth. The reason I

spent that energy is because many millions of Jewish people have died because of

the way the gospel writers tried to separate Jesus from his people and blamed

the Jews for his crucifixion. So i see it as important to make sure people look

at these ideas, which have poisoned many people against Jewish people, and

caused a lot of pain. Just as it is important to undo the negative conceptions

about Muslims, or pagans, or any other group who have been and still are on the

receiving end of violence. This is my dharma work as a historian, and I see

looking at the cultural samskaras at the root of hatred and violence as service,

too. There's a very good book Rabbi Jesus that explains more about the Jewish

nature of the original Jesus movement, or Yeshua as he was called by his

people.I'm a sister, by the way. Right now I can't contribute any money to your

very worthy cause, living from month to month to make my rent check. When i was

able to earlier this year i contributed to a Lakota project to assist and

advocate for rape victims, called Sacred Circle. They are doing great work

dealing with the highest sexual assault rate in North America, on Indian women.

I think what you are doing is also important, especially because people on the

reservations suffer off the radar screens of the rest of the US.>who will

respond?AMMA will respond,and sometimes AMMA within the >hearts of HER

devotees.So may it be.Max-- Max DashuSuppressed Histories

Archiveshttp://www.suppressedhistories.netNew: Women's Power








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