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" What Obama presidency means for India

Indo-Asian News Service

Wednesday, November 05, 2008 12:25 PM (New Delhi)

With Democrat Barack Obama winning the White House, India is hopeful

that its multi-faceted ties with the US, revolutionised by a landmark

nuclear deal during the Bush tenure, will acquire new force.


" The real strategic partnership between India and the US will begin with

a new government in Washington and New Delhi next year, " Lalit Mansingh,

former ambassador of India to the US, said soon after it became clear

that Obama had rewritten American history by becoming the first African

American to win the White House.


Trade and investment


=NEWEN20080071398 & #> , defence and agriculture - all those areas which

were sidetracked by nuclear deal would now come to the fore, said



" Indians should celebrate change in the political structure of the US.

Obama's presidency begins a new chapter in America's political history,

a new chapter in America's engagement


=NEWEN20080071398 & #> with the world and a great opportunity for India

to combat terrorism in its region, " said Chintamani Mahapatra, professor

of American studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University.


" I visualise a very bright future for India-US relations. He would be

the first Democratic president in the White House after Bill Clinton who

began the path-breaking turnaround in India-US ties during his visit to

India in 2000. He will build upon that legacy, " Mahapatra said.


Less than a fortnight ago, 47-year-old Obama had promised to make strong

strategic partnership with India a " top priority " of his presidency and

described New Delhi as " a natural strategic partner " for Washington in

the 21st century. Obama, who liked to keep Mahatma Gandhi's portrait in

his Senate office, is also known among Indian Americans for his fondness

for Indian dal.


Experts and diplomats see Obama's promise to restore America's moral

standing in the world, especially in the Muslim world, that was damaged

by military intervention in Iraq and his more nuanced policy on

combating terrorism working


=NEWEN20080071398 & #> to the advantage of India in the region. This will

deflect some of the hostility the US attracts among India's 140 million



" Bush was more muscular in his approach to what he called the global war

on terror. Obama is likely to broaden the alliance against terror and

use a combination of diplomacy and force that may be better suited for

India's interests in the region, " said Mahapatra.


" Obama believes in exercising smart power. Obama will be less inclined

to use military force, " said Mansigh.


The 94-page Democratic Party document entitled " Renewing America's

Promise " adopted at its convention


=NEWEN20080071398 & #> in Denver eschews using the phrase " Global War on

Terror " and focuses on ending the war in Iraq, stablising Afghanistan

and " combating violent extremism " .


Obama has, in fact, accused Pakistan of misusing funds for the war

against terror and allegedly using it to fund militancy against India -

remarks which were hailed in India's diplomatic and strategic circles.


With the global financial crisis affecting emerging economies like

India, Obama's advocacy of a stricter oversight on the financial

institutions and greater state interventionism also inspires greater

confidence in this country, said Mahapatra.


Not all are so enthusiastic about the Obama presidency in India though.

The diplomatic establishment and strategic circles are treading

cautiously, especially after Obama's recent remarks on Kashmir, which

they see as a throwback to American postures 10 years ago.


In an interview last week, Obama had said: " We should probably try to

facilitate a better understanding between Pakistan and India and try to

resolve the Kashmir crisis so that they can stay focused not on India,

but on the situation with those militants. "


" It is ill-advised and outdated and reflects his advisers have not kept

up with the times, " said Arundhati Ghose, a former Indian diplomat who

represented India in the UN, while advising a wait and watch policy

towards the Obama administration


=NEWEN20080071398 & #> .


K Subrahmanyam, however, counseled that India should not overreact.

" Obama is a flexible intellectual. Let's wait and watch " .


Another issue that is causing concern in India is Obama's incentives to

American companies who don't outsource


=NEWEN20080071398 & #> jobs. " This is certainly going to affect us if

Obama's policies turn protectionist. Given the financial meltdown, there

is a greater likelihood of protectionism, " Ghosh said.


Mansingh also sees a potential pitfall in Obama's strong views on

non-proliferation and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. " India will be

under enormous pressure to sign the CTBT, " pointed out Mansingh. Ghose,

however, thinks India need not worry much on this count as the nuclear

deal has been sealed and New Delhi will not mind coming on board after

the US and China does so.





Aum Amriteswaryai Namaha








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