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truth shall set us free !

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Caution: to those of you who want to follow the spiritual aphorism

" leave the world alone " may want to skip reading the rest of this.


dr phil says " you cannot change what you do not acknowledge "


in spirituality, this is also pointed out, that we cannot make

spiritual progress toward the light or awaken to who we are, without

facing the darkness in us which is also projected into the world;


i feel that there are still racism and all sort of bigoted ideologies

based on fear and hatred and a lot of greed in America all of which

have to be acknowledged, have to be exposed, have to be faced and

handled in some very delicate manner; perhaps more delicate than the

way Gandhi and ML King had to do; i don't know how, but it seems that

maybe Obama is being guided; in any case, i hope so, and we should all

pray for Obama and also for ourselves and for everyone and play our

part without selfishness


i think Amma has said that selfishness is the main cause of all our



Amma also says that God's Grace is the deciding factor in all human



in spirituality, our goal is the absolute truth of who we are as the

ONE-GOD-SELF-AWARENESS and sometimes the advice is given " leave the

world alone "


but, on the level of this world play illusion, here is a window into

some relative truths that resonate with me :








here are a few excerpts about Hope and Warnings about being Vigilant :


This is our wake up call!

Wed, 11/05/2008 - 14:44 — AML (not verified)

This is our wake up call! This is our chance to be heard! This is our

chance to roll up our sleeves and do something good for our country!

This election signals the demand for participation. There is no room

for complacency. We elected Barack, now let's get behind him and make

this great nation great once more, from the ground up, like he taught us!


Eternal vigilance is the

Wed, 11/05/2008 - 13:45 — granny (not verified)

Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Let's celebrate our

President-Elect and let's keep his feet to the fire - along with the

feet of Pelosi and Reid and their House and Senate colleagues. The

work is only beginning to be begun, and they need to hear from the

people, early and often - about economy, education, environment,

health, and above all the high crimes & misdemeanors of the outgoing

gang. The latter cannot be swept under the rug. Those who do not pay

attention to the crimes of the recent past are likely to see them



Neo-cons, liberals,

Thu, 11/06/2008 - 05:21 — Mary (not verified)

Neo-cons, liberals, religious right.....the task before President

elect Barack Obama is to eliminate the opportunity men who operate

within the ranks of both parties and all ideologies to take America

back. The outsourcing of our intelligence to organized crime, foreign

intelligence services, and the incompetent and unsupervised military

industrial complex has allowed the erosion of our Constitution and

democracy. If Americans take a hard look at the way we have been

subverted, it was done in the same way syndicated organized crime

takes over a city: from law enforcement services on up, and UP is

where these guys have risen. The CIA and FBI, once agencies of

integrity are corrupted to the point of being totally ineffective if

not incompetent: one need look no further than 911 for confirmation of

that fact. Congress has allowed the " intelligence community's " to

operate with no oversight, which has allowed and expanded corrupt

relationships among opportunity peddlers to thrive - to the detriment

of our national security, but not to worry, the same who caused the

problem will head the investigations and information will be withheld

from the people so they are not embarrassed or held accountable. The

CIA needs to get out of our states, get out of the drug business, get

out of the business of overthrowing regimes that displease one

particular man at one particular point in time only to replace him

with someone even worse and get back into the business of intelligence

gathering. Our courts need to get back to the business of

administering justice, even when it is unpleasant and politically

inconvenient because the truth does matter. Until we have leaders who

are not so beholden to the " Safari Club " type intelligence apparatus's

of the world, nothing will change for the better. The President cannot

effect this on his own, but needs Congress and needs the people. If we

do not remain engaged in the process but continue to allow our

Congressional leaders to lie, cheat, steal, and cover up for their

pals who lie, cheat, steal.... we'll lose everything. It takes several

generations to build a democracy, but only one generation to destroy

one. We're at a crossroads here and democracy is in the crosshairs.

The question is not what President Obama will do, but is " What will

you/we do? "


I am admiring your new

Thu, 11/06/2008 - 02:56 — C. U. Soon! (not verified)

I am admiring your new leader. He seems correct for the times and

obviously for the people. I once drove route 66, and have always known

Americans as a kind, trusting, happy and gregarious people full of

spirit, heart and compassion, whom love their freedom, peace,

prosperity and good government (Whom among us does not?). I was

dismayed upon witnessing the dupe played out which brought America

into another dirty war, this time, in Persia. The example set invoked

a terrified response world wide, as the arms of America reached out to

grapple with her new found foes, (I still wish I could have taken

delivery of all that French wine and cheese that was tossed and

flushed!). It has been nothing less than surreal to view a country

that has historically ensconced the rights and personal freedoms of

it's citizens become degraded and dejected; broke($) but not broken.

Enter the new leader! Sure and living out his higher self through his

powers of intellect and oration (Refreshing would be an

understatement). Now is the time for everyone to live in our higher

selves because... yes we can manifest a higher destiny. That is how it

is done, simply manifest a higher destiny, as all those whom have

entered the fray since the beginning of the struggle between good and

evil. Congratulations America!

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greetings beloved sibling and whoever wrote this.it takes true courage to be

willing to write words such as this.


i hope with all my heart that this compliments what has aleady been said.


if you owe a medical bill,or any bill for that matter,they will send you that

bill as long as it takes for it to get paid.people have bills sent to them until

they die.this is reality.this country is beautiful and all that,however, in the

name of its greatness ,it has robbed,rapped,stolen,etc.from others in order for

it to thrive.for example,the black slaves who were brought to this country were

promised 40 acres and a mule,(which was really an insult)once they were



the native americans are still owed BIG TIME!the federal government will not

only charge you send you mail until you die in order to claim debts, they will

also charge you late fees and screw up your credit.this is being done to the

same people who are owed money,land and property,from this very beautiful

country.this to me is sad reality.I AM AWARE and not in denial.


we dont need to return to the way things were in this country.this country

was founded on the blood,sweat and tears of the weak and open-hearted.the

natives welcomed the pilgrims here and taught them how to survive and the same

people's great-great grand children starve to death,freeze to death,suffer from

alcoholism,use drugs that have been pumped into the US by the CIA and have just

about had there cultures destroyed.the economy is always discussed,but they

never mention the prison system.did you know that the prison system in this

country is the LARGEST in the world?and they are building new ones all the

time.did u know that it is one of the BIGGEST BUSINESSES in the country?most of

the offenders are in their from drug charges.selling them or drug related

crimes.where did these drugs come from.well beloved,not one in my neighborhood

ever went to COLUMBIA and brought any cocaine back from there.this sytem allows

this crap to happen.and then these people who did not bring this corruption into

this country end up in prison and BOB BARKER(of the PRICE is right)gets paid BIG

TIME.do a research on all the investors of the prison system,it will amaze

you!Bob Barker is one of them.dont believe me,check it out for yourself.this is

the deeper stuff that no one wants to look at until it effects them.


this is how this country began.if you research how New York was founded ,you

will be ashamed to call yourself an american.on the other hand there have been

many in this country that have totally faught against this madness and made me

proud to call myself an american.the quakers helped to create the UNDER-GROUND

railroad that freed thousands of slaves .JOHN BROWN,was HARRIET TUBMANS right

hand man and him and his sons were hung in the name of abolishing slavery.


there were thousands of WHITE AMERICANS that have always stood for justice and

the true AMERICAN WAY!having said this,the reality is that America has a HUGE

debt to pay!this country will not be this country that we are claiming it to be,

unless as the previous writer said ,these things are COURAGOUSLY FACED.


the beautiful thing is that i am not angry at all. I AM JUST AWARE AND I

REFUSE TO LIVE IN DENIAL.this country's greatness to me has nothing to do with

the government.this country's greatness has everything to do with the hearts and

selfless life giving service of people that " had enough and acted on behalf of

JUSTICE and COMPASSION for all.these are principles that will out live this

government or any government.


they think i will pledge loyalty to something that is fleeting like a man made

government when history proves that all world sytems eventually FALL!.my hearts

loyalty is to the principles that GOVERN this UNIVERSE! LOVE,COMPASSION,SELFLESS



i love Barack Obama ,but i am not in denial.i am a black man by the worlds

standards, so its not about that.i love him.we are both from chicago and

experienced racism in this country.it is not about that.we both know the pain of

the people oppressed in this country and throughout the world.it is not about

that.here is the reality.


Barack Obama is the US president, he must defend American soil at any cost.if

some country decides to bomb us from some grudge it has against america.guess

what?Barack Obama has to defend this country which means that he has to possibly

contribute the killing of human lives.this is reality!

this is why my loyaltys are to the PRINCIPLES THAT GOVERN THE UNIVERSE ,not any

fleeting system.


i will not pledge loyalty to a system that conitually allows DRUGS and GUNS to

be pumped into this country.how could i and live with a clear conscious?how

could i pledge loyaly to a system,that allows the indiginous people of this land

to starve and freeze death after it destoyed close to 50,000,000 of those same

people in the name of THE AMERICAN WAY!should i do this ,just because we have a

BLACK PRESIDENT?should i do this just because this country embraces diversity?my

integrity to the PRINCIPLES OF THE UNIVERSE are much stronger then that!


150,000,000 million people were killed or died in middle passage from africa

to america in the trans atlantic slave trade.in all this beloved family,there

has never been one APOLOGY!but yet we say we are the greatest country on the

planet!the hearts of this country ,not only need HOPE.they need to be broken.GOD







different?Is it because we now have a black president that has a beautiful



i am saying all of that to say, that it is a SPIRITUAL SYSTEM,A SYSTEM


LONG RUN.if we all want this thing to work,we better get off our BUTTS and make

it work!we better end all the selfishness.we better all begin to sacrifice even



what this world needs now is LOVE SWEET LOVE!LIVE IN A STATE OF VICTORY BY










MOST IMPORTANTLY,STAY AWOKE AS AMMA has been telling is for years.






Ammachi: anatol_zinc: Sun, 9 Nov 2008

09:43:50 +0000 truth shall set us free !




Caution: to those of you who want to follow the spiritual aphorism " leave the

world alone " may want to skip reading the rest of this.dr phil says " you cannot

change what you do not acknowledge " in spirituality, this is also pointed out,

that we cannot makespiritual progress toward the light or awaken to who we are,

withoutfacing the darkness in us which is also projected into the world; i feel

that there are still racism and all sort of bigoted ideologiesbased on fear and

hatred and a lot of greed in America all of whichhave to be acknowledged, have

to be exposed, have to be faced andhandled in some very delicate manner; perhaps

more delicate than theway Gandhi and ML King had to do; i don't know how, but it

seems thatmaybe Obama is being guided; in any case, i hope so, and we should

allpray for Obama and also for ourselves and for everyone and play ourpart

without selfishnessi think Amma has said that selfishness is the main cause of

all ourproblemsAmma also says that God's Grace is the deciding factor in all

humanendeavors in spirituality, our goal is the absolute truth of who we are as

theONE-GOD-SELF-AWARENESS and sometimes the advice is given " leave theworld

alone " but, on the level of this world play illusion, here is a window intosome

relative truths that resonate with me




are a few excerpts about Hope and Warnings about being Vigilant :This is our

wake up call!Wed, 11/05/2008 - 14:44 — AML (not verified) This is our wake up

call! This is our chance to be heard! This is ourchance to roll up our sleeves

and do something good for our country!This election signals the demand for

participation. There is no roomfor complacency. We elected Barack, now let's get

behind him and makethis great nation great once more, from the ground up, like

he taught us! Eternal vigilance is theWed, 11/05/2008 - 13:45 — granny (not

verified) Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Let's celebrate

ourPresident-Elect and let's keep his feet to the fire - along with thefeet of

Pelosi and Reid and their House and Senate colleagues. Thework is only beginning

to be begun, and they need to hear from thepeople, early and often - about

economy, education, environment,health, and above all the high crimes &

misdemeanors of the outgoinggang. The latter cannot be swept under the rug.

Those who do not payattention to the crimes of the recent past are likely to see

themrepeated.Neo-cons, liberals,Thu, 11/06/2008 - 05:21 — Mary (not verified)

Neo-cons, liberals, religious right.....the task before Presidentelect Barack

Obama is to eliminate the opportunity men who operatewithin the ranks of both

parties and all ideologies to take Americaback. The outsourcing of our

intelligence to organized crime, foreignintelligence services, and the

incompetent and unsupervised militaryindustrial complex has allowed the erosion

of our Constitution anddemocracy. If Americans take a hard look at the way we

have beensubverted, it was done in the same way syndicated organized crimetakes

over a city: from law enforcement services on up, and UP iswhere these guys have

risen. The CIA and FBI, once agencies ofintegrity are corrupted to the point of

being totally ineffective ifnot incompetent: one need look no further than 911

for confirmation ofthat fact. Congress has allowed the " intelligence

community's " tooperate with no oversight, which has allowed and expanded

corruptrelationships among opportunity peddlers to thrive - to the detrimentof

our national security, but not to worry, the same who caused theproblem will

head the investigations and information will be withheldfrom the people so they

are not embarrassed or held accountable. TheCIA needs to get out of our states,

get out of the drug business, getout of the business of overthrowing regimes

that displease oneparticular man at one particular point in time only to replace

himwith someone even worse and get back into the business of

intelligencegathering. Our courts need to get back to the business

ofadministering justice, even when it is unpleasant and politicallyinconvenient

because the truth does matter. Until we have leaders whoare not so beholden to

the " Safari Club " type intelligence apparatus'sof the world, nothing will change

for the better. The President cannoteffect this on his own, but needs Congress

and needs the people. If wedo not remain engaged in the process but continue to

allow ourCongressional leaders to lie, cheat, steal, and cover up for theirpals

who lie, cheat, steal.... we'll lose everything. It takes severalgenerations to

build a democracy, but only one generation to destroyone. We're at a crossroads

here and democracy is in the crosshairs.The question is not what President Obama

will do, but is " What willyou/we do? " I am admiring your newThu, 11/06/2008 -

02:56 — C. U. Soon! (not verified) I am admiring your new leader. He seems

correct for the times andobviously for the people. I once drove route 66, and

have always knownAmericans as a kind, trusting, happy and gregarious people full

ofspirit, heart and compassion, whom love their freedom, peace,prosperity and

good government (Whom among us does not?). I wasdismayed upon witnessing the

dupe played out which brought Americainto another dirty war, this time, in

Persia. The example set invokeda terrified response world wide, as the arms of

America reached out tograpple with her new found foes, (I still wish I could

have takendelivery of all that French wine and cheese that was tossed

andflushed!). It has been nothing less than surreal to view a countrythat has

historically ensconced the rights and personal freedoms ofit's citizens become

degraded and dejected; broke($) but not broken.Enter the new leader! Sure and

living out his higher self through hispowers of intellect and oration

(Refreshing would be anunderstatement). Now is the time for everyone to live in

our higherselves because... yes we can manifest a higher destiny. That is how

itis done, simply manifest a higher destiny, as all those whom haveentered the

fray since the beginning of the struggle between good andevil. Congratulations








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