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to Amarnath about turning inward, turning outward

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Dear Amarnath ~ when I was perusing the MA Center website this morning, I

found one example after another of ways that Amma has provided for us to be

involved in positive change. Where I hear Her saying not to mind the world is

when something upsetting to our ego intrudes. Of all the holy people currently

walking the earth, Amma is paramount among them for exhorting us to selfless

service and to being Herself a living example. I know this is obvious to all

who know Amma ... guess I just needed to think it through in writing. It is a

subtle difference because we must turn inwardly to know who we truly are. I

think the thing is that turn inward to find the Self, and during and, after

the exploration and the finding, remember all those who are suffering. Jai Jai

Mata Ma ~ Linda

P.S. thank you Amarnath for bringing this forward to think about.



Amarnath wrote:


....in spirituality, our goal is the absolute truth of who we are as the

ONE-GOD-SELF-AWARENESS and sometimes the advice is given " leave the

world alone "


but, on the level of this world play illusion, here is a window into

some relative truths that resonate with me...


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Yashua also know as JESUS,told us two thousands years ago, " told us to be

in the world ,but not of the world " the world like the mind will fluctuate.to

trust it is to be a fool.it is like trusting being able to catch air with your

hand.it will never happen.once your attention clings to something external,it is

control by that very thing.that is why AMMA says to cling to GOD alone.CLING TO

HER.SHE is the SUSTAINER OF ALL WORLDS.the world is the reflection,not the




going within is the wisest advice that someone could give you in this day and

time.we must tap the SOURCE.this is what will sustain us through this hard

period.this is the root that sutains the TREE OF LIFE.do do within is to serve

all LIFE in such a beautiful way.it is ony after going within,that i have ever

been given a vision of how to serve .it is always after i CRY to HER that SHE

compells me to move into action.








Ammachi: nierika: Sun, 9 Nov 2008 11:45:20

-0500 Re: to Amarnath about turning inward, turning outward




Dear Amarnath ~ when I was perusing the MA Center website this morning, I found

one example after another of ways that Amma has provided for us to be involved

in positive change. Where I hear Her saying not to mind the world is when

something upsetting to our ego intrudes. Of all the holy people currently

walking the earth, Amma is paramount among them for exhorting us to selfless

service and to being Herself a living example. I know this is obvious to all who

know Amma ... guess I just needed to think it through in writing. It is a subtle

difference because we must turn inwardly to know who we truly are. I think the

thing is that turn inward to find the Self, and during and, after the

exploration and the finding, remember all those who are suffering. Jai Jai Mata

Ma ~ LindaP.S. thank you Amarnath for bringing this forward to think

about.Amarnath wrote:...in spirituality, our goal is the absolute truth of who

we are as theONE-GOD-SELF-AWARENESS and sometimes the advice is given " leave

theworld alone " but, on the level of this world play illusion, here is a window

intosome relative truths that resonate with me... **************AOL Search: Your

one stop for directions, recipes and all other Holiday needs. Search Now.




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dear Linda and Amarnath. . .have been following this conversation. . .and

remember something that Swamiji wrote in the second Awaken Children book

introduction. . . He spoke of how when Amma answers questions. . . She is

able to discern exactly the question and the questioner. . .He said it is

not unusual for Amma to give different responses to the same question from

different individuals based on Her ability to discern what is in the mind,

heart, and path of the one asking the question. . .


This morning was reading a bit from C. Jung and thought of Amma and was

pondering the words about " leave the world alone " . . . Jung hints at this

mysterious idea when he says, " It is quite possible that we contain whole

peoples in our souls, worlds where we can be as infinitely great as we are

infinitely small---so great that the history of redemption of a whole nation

or whole universe might take place within us. " . . . (that sounds like Amma

don't you think?)


I have heard Amma answer this question of changing the world and the

response i have heard is she encourages the questioner to first change

themselves. . . perhaps through meditation and moving inward. . . and the

discipline of selfless service. . . one slowly comes to realize the place

one comes from. . . (the stillness and infinite emptiness) is actually the

Mother-Father principle and their union is the whole vast Universe. . .

Everything is there. . . .inner and outer become the one. . . From Amma we

learn everything is flowing. . .separation is just illussion . . . One's

personal, intimate, inner place of stillness, is actually the same emptiness

that exists in the atom and between the stars. It is the birthplace of all.

.. .you, me, friends, all creatures, the planet, the sun, our galaxy and

everything. One realizes there is a center which is the emptiness and

stillness that is EVERYWHERE ...


perhaps one begins to grow into the understanding that the center of

stillness that is inside yourself, is the same center that is inside me. It

is a center of stillness that is common to everyone. . .and how can one not

be in the world?. . .Because if we follow Amma's teachings we are guided to

a place where we find the whole darn world is inside of each of us! . . .

And maybe that is where change is lasting for it comes from the Absolute?.

.. . just my two cents worth while pondering on where Mother is leading us. .



i trust and believe. . .the elevation in consciousness we are glimpsing

just this week are from many years of Amma and the richness of Eastern

thought into our Western world. . . this week thought about all the

shoulders that Obama has stood upon that has brought about this momentious

occassion. . . even before the civil rights movement we had the early

teachers from the East for thirty plus years?. . . There was Gandhi and his

influnece on Martin Luther King Jr. . . may it be that Obama is the

embodiment of a precious change in consciousness. . . and for me. . . i see

him standing on shoulders of Amma and the East as well as so many that lived

and died to bring forth the better angels in so many of us. . .around the

world. . . I remember Amma saying something like this; " change by the world

is often revolutionary and it is not permanent. . .where as ture spiritual

change is much slower for it is evolutionary which is a slow process but is

lasting. . . It has taken years for this occassion to come forth. . .may it

be a lasting spiritual evolutionary change, i pray and hope. . .


Aum Amriteswaryai Namaha





On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 10:45 AM, <nierika wrote:


> Dear Amarnath ~ when I was perusing the MA Center website this morning,

> I

> found one example after another of ways that Amma has provided for us to be


> involved in positive change. Where I hear Her saying not to mind the world

> is

> when something upsetting to our ego intrudes. Of all the holy people

> currently

> walking the earth, Amma is paramount among them for exhorting us to

> selfless

> service and to being Herself a living example. I know this is obvious to

> all

> who know Amma ... guess I just needed to think it through in writing. It is

> a

> subtle difference because we must turn inwardly to know who we truly are. I


> think the thing is that turn inward to find the Self, and during and, after


> the exploration and the finding, remember all those who are suffering. Jai

> Jai

> Mata Ma ~ Linda

> P.S. thank you Amarnath for bringing this forward to think about.



> Amarnath wrote:


> ...in spirituality, our goal is the absolute truth of who we are as the

> ONE-GOD-SELF-AWARENESS and sometimes the advice is given " leave the

> world alone "


> but, on the level of this world play illusion, here is a window into

> some relative truths that resonate with me...


> **************AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all

> other

> Holiday needs. Search Now.

> (




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