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Hard to understand how some Christians can be AGAINST " spreading the

wealth, " make abortion a big PRO-LIFE political issue, and being

PRO-WAR( against-life ) all at the same time?


In the Old Testament it seems it was OK to hate your enemies and kill

them. " An eye for an eye " was the mentality in the Old Testament. Then

Jesus came and said " Love your enemies, do not hate them, do not kill

them, do good to them. " Also, in the OT it was OK to stone people to

death and again Jesus set an example that this was not His Way.


I was talking to lady who was pro-life( meaning against abortion ). I

asked her " how about extending pro-life to all other areas of life ~

for example what about war, torture, etc. " She said there was always

war in the bible. I said that was in the Old Testament which Jesus

refuted. She said that Jesus came to fulfill the OT not to refute it.

From this conversation and many others like it, it seems to me that

many Christians do not really understand what the real basic teaching

of Christ was all about and that they listen to politicians instead

of their preachers who obviously are not doing their job either.

Actually some preachers( TV, etc) are preaching the DIVISIVENESS of

HATE instead of Christ's UNITY of LOVE .


Some Catholic theologians and Nuns have finally stepped up to the

plate and did extend PRO-LIFE beyond just the abortion issue; and not

a moment too soon. So, my feelings are that Obama will need a lot of

help from us and that someone like a Gandhi or a ML King or Peace

Pilgrim is needed. Dennis Kucinich has proposed a US Department of

Peace, but his message is not getting out to the people. Perhaps, we

need a crusading media person with right attitude to spread the word

without anger. I don't know? Of course, Amma is already doing her

part; my feeling is we need to do ours as best we can.


To me, it seems, " spreading the wealth " is perhaps most major part of

being " PRO-LIFE " and totally in line with Christ's teachings. Of

course, " wealth " has to be understood not only in dollars but in a

holistic way as including education, opportunities, health, sharing

and caring, etc, ~ all of life, all of LOVE.


So it seems any label we take, if we make it narrow, it becomes

divisive and a problem. I hope the solution is obvious.


BTW, I am aware of some of the very profound teachings in the Old

Testament. But these are mixed in with a lot of other stuff. Best

follow Amma's advice " extract the essence and leave the rest. " I like

to say " extract the essence and run. "

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