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Love Your Ego and Awaken !

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from eternalbliss/


love your ego( self ) and awaken to Self !


What is the best way to deal with obstacles that appear on the way to

ending the ego and awakening?


Love your ego. Love your thoughts, feelings, desires and physical

body. Loving your ego, thoughts, feelings, desires and physical body

does not mean that you are your thoughts, feelings, desires and

physical body.


Loving your ego does not mean that you forget how tricky the ego is.


Most people identify with the ego, thoughts, feelings, desires and the

physical body even if they have read that they are not their ego,

thoughts, feelings, desires and the physical body. Thus most people

are considering their ego, thoughts, feelings, desires and the

physical body to be their self.


Be loving and gentle with what you are imagining to be your self. Be

loving and gentle with your ego, thoughts, feelings, desires and

physical body.


Obstacles come in many forms. Negative emotions are an example of one

form of obstacle. Drop all negative emotions. Say to all obstacles,

(negative emotions included) that they do not have enough power to

stop you from achieving your goal.


Your view towards all obstacles should be: Even if you had a trillion

times the power you now have that would not be enough power to deter

me from bringing the ego to its final end and remaining eternally in

my true nature.


Even if you had the power of a trillion suns that would not be enough

power to deter me from bringing the ego to its final end and remaining

eternally in my true nature.


I am infinite eternal awareness love bliss. There are no obstacles

powerful enough to prevent me from bringing the ego to its final end.


There is nothing in the universe that is powerful enough to prevent me

from bringing the ego to its final end and remaining eternally in

infinite awareness love bliss.


To negative emotion or other obstacles say: It is time now for this

negative emotion (or you can name the obstacle) to leave. It is time

now for the emotion to go higher. I can feel the emotion going higher

and higher.


I am made of Love. I am Love. I can feel the Love that I am.


If the mind tries to drag you into some trivial activity or thought

say to yourself over and over: Only the highest. Only the highest.

Only the highest. Only the highest possibility for a human life will do.


You are the supreme beauty. You are a beauty that has no bounds or

limits. You are infinite love.


When you wake up from the negative dream, the negative dream

disappears. Wake up now. Devote everything to your awakening. You are

bliss that has never known sorrow. You are joy that has no bounds or

limits. You are love that has no bounds or limits. You are awareness

that has never known sorrow and that can never know suffering.


Dedicate yourself now to knowing your true Self. Center your entire

life on knowing your true Self. Don't make a problem out of obstacles.

Just drop them! Drop all obstacles now. Let go of the human nightmare now.

Let go of the human past now. Feel your true nature now. Feel infinite

love now. Feel the supreme perfect beauty now.


Only Love exists. Only perfect love exists. All else is an illusion.


You are perfect Love. You are perfect joy. You are eternal.


Don't settle for anything less than what you truly are. Don't believe

in any thought that tries to drag you down. Don't believe in any

thought that says you can't bring the ego to its final end and remain

eternally in your true Self.


Of course you can remain in your true Self! Your true Self is the All

Mighty power! Of course you can succeed in your spiritual goal.


If some negative thought comes, banish that shadow! Say to all

obstacles: You must be kidding thinking that a trivial illusion such

as you could possibly deter this determination.


I am infinite awareness; there is no thought or obstacle that can

stand in the way of ending this illusion.


I am infinite joy, I am infinite love, I am far more wonderful than

the light of a trillion suns. Nothing can possibly stop this journey

towards truth and away from illusion.


Your are, (your true Self is): You are greater than the light of a

trillion suns.


You are perfect integrity. You are perfect honesty. You are boundless



You are supremely intense beauty. You have been perfect for all

eternity. You will be perfect for all eternity. You are eternal life.


When a thought, feeling or desire pretends to be you, you have a

choice. You can identify with it or you can identify with what you

truly are,

and what you truly are is:


All mighty, all powerful, perfect eternal infinite awareness love bliss.


Don't settle for anything less. Don't settle for just the words.

However, the words can help along the way.


When something tries to drag you down, maybe a negative thought,

feeling or desire, say to yourself over and over again:


Only the highest, only the highest, only the highest. What does only

the highest mean? It means awaken from the human dream, bring the ego

to its final end and remain eternally in your true Self.


What is your true Self? Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss that has

never had any suffering.


You are the highest. You are absolute beauty. You are absolute love.

You are absolute joy.

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