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negativity and Pine Ridge

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Aum Namah Shivaya

Dear Linda,

I am so sorry. You are so correct. I did not help anything at all. I

know better than to feed trolls but guess I wanted to defend Temba

since I felt so strongly about this mission at Pine Ridge.


Temba we love you and what you are doing for Pine Ridge. My own mother

has donated to Pine Ridge for almost 10 yrs now. She got me very

interested as well so I have also been trying to organize on a

national and local level to help this very desparate call.


And Temba, you are SO RIGHT, it is NOT MY DOING! In fact, it was upon

returning from the retreat with Amma!! Once I got back I suddenly had

this incredible desire to get moving on Pine Ridge and QUICKLY!

Within a short amount of time, I just put the word out and people

across the country began calling wtih donations that they were sending

to Pine Ridge. One woman alone sent 30 coats. Others had boxes of

clothing and shoes from all over.


I found so much in my own home. I had coats and clothing and boots

and shipped off 8 boxes of items. AMMA shined the light and the rest

just became a snowball with Her incredible divine grace. I hope that I

will not rest nor stop until we know that Pine Ridge has boots and

coats for all in need. Heaters and wood to keep them warm are also needed.


Temba, I respect all you are doing. If we all pitch in, we can change

the world for the better. If you can take some of the stuff we have,

that would be great as we have a lot more to send.


Jai ma, Jai ma, jai jai ma.....



in Her service,




> and I knew that it would just add additional fodder for this person

to fan

> the flames. So I didn't write, however much I wanted to. Do you

think it's

> worth a try?



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beloved sister.temba has seen that it is just one vision that we all have

tapped into .and also just for the record for anyone concerned.months ago, i

spoke to sw.dayamrita myself and we did get his approval for us to send a modest

amount of needed items and ship a packages off to Pine Ridge.


we were told to keep track of things and only to raise so much money.this has

been happening for some time,but not at this level.as you have said,AMMA has

blown this thing up!


and also beloved siblings,AMMA is very aware of what is happening.not just in

HER infinite wisdom,but i also send e-mails to India with a report of

" EVERYTHING " that is being done.


lastly ,AMMA HERSELF gave permission for the MA center to sponsor the trip we

did for the native's in honor for HER birthday.this is all on record.


this is for all those conerned.everything i do,MA center,or not,i send an

e-mail to sw.dayamrita,and India.love you all.




Ammachi: a1driane: Sun, 28 Dec 2008

19:55:09 +0000 Re: negativity and Pine Ridge




Aum Namah ShivayaDear Linda,I am so sorry. You are so correct. I did not help

anything at all. Iknow better than to feed trolls but guess I wanted to defend

Tembasince I felt so strongly about this mission at Pine Ridge.Temba we love you

and what you are doing for Pine Ridge. My own motherhas donated to Pine Ridge

for almost 10 yrs now. She got me veryinterested as well so I have also been

trying to organize on anational and local level to help this very desparate

call. And Temba, you are SO RIGHT, it is NOT MY DOING! In fact, it was

uponreturning from the retreat with Amma!! Once I got back I suddenly hadthis

incredible desire to get moving on Pine Ridge and QUICKLY!Within a short amount

of time, I just put the word out and peopleacross the country began calling wtih

donations that they were sendingto Pine Ridge. One woman alone sent 30 coats.

Others had boxes ofclothing and shoes from all over. I found so much in my own

home. I had coats and clothing and bootsand shipped off 8 boxes of items. AMMA

shined the light and the restjust became a snowball with Her incredible divine

grace. I hope that Iwill not rest nor stop until we know that Pine Ridge has

boots andcoats for all in need. Heaters and wood to keep them warm are also

needed.Temba, I respect all you are doing. If we all pitch in, we can changethe

world for the better. If you can take some of the stuff we have,that would be

great as we have a lot more to send. Jai ma, Jai ma, jai jai ma.....in Her

service,adriane> and I knew that it would just add additional fodder for this

personto fan > the flames. So I didn't write, however much I wanted to. Do

youthink it's > worth a try? > >







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