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24 Gurus of the Avadhuta #1

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Matruvani presented the descriptions of the 24 Gurus of the Avadhuta,

which appears in the

Srimad Bhagavatam. . . .





The Avadhuta accepted all of nature as his spiritual guide and

discovered a spiritual lesson in all that he encountered. He deduced

spiritual truths and maxims from all the animals, birds, people and

situations that he came across in the course of his wanderings.

Therefore, his entire attitude was the humble attitude of a student. It

was due to this unassuming yet deeply inquiring and contemplative

attitude that he could find such spiritual gems from everyday life and

make Gurus out of ordinary people and incidents.


1. He learnt his first lesson from the Earth. The earth is called

" Mother Earth " due to her endless patience. All living creatures tread

upon her and defile her in many ways but she lovingly forgives them for

the ill they do her and instead bestows upon them her most precious

treasures. She gives them food to eat, herbs and medicines, many

different precious stones and metals, etc. From the earth, he learnt the

quality of forgiveness that is the hallmark of a spiritual aspirant. A

spiritual seeker with his mind firmly fixed on the goal is extremely

grateful to God when people abuse or criticize him. He accepts their

behavior towards him with this attitude of forgiveness and in return

gives the world the benefit of his spiritual power, Realization and

knowledge. He bestows upon the world a powerful blessing for its

spiritual upliftment.





Aum Amriteswaryai Namaha










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