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Babaji ~ Take good care of your health

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9 JANUARY 1984

(Babaji Speaking)


It is my request that the Health Department (of Hairakhan) should look after all

the people here, so no one loses his good health. Considering the health of all

the people, the Health Minister should take strong measures for their health.

Everyone must accept this rule and go to the hospital when they are sick; and

the doctors must also go and check and visit people.


You must all advance by taking good care of your health. The fact is, only by

taking good care of your health can you gain success. The fact is, if your

health is not good, how can you do your service? Taking care of your health is

as important as any of the other duties of your life. It is your duty toward

your body. If your body does not work, how will you function and advance?



Teachings of Babaji--read more at www.babaji.net in the TEACHINGS section!

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I have an old book by this Babaji that somehow I acquired where he talks about a

couple of diseases that were supposed to manifest in the early '80's that never

came to pass. They were very specific in time and nature, so I'd like to say

that he wasn't infallable, to say the least. If you're interested, when I get

home I'll look these quotes up and post them here. I think one had to do with an

incurable disease of bleeding to death (originating in America) and the other

re: a strain of malaria that would be in newspapers very soon. Anyway, I've

forgotten, but I'll look them up and print them here.


Making predictions, even by saints and prophets, is a complex business. Meher

Baba made tons of predictions that never happenned and left even his closest

disciples baffled. Sri Aurobindo, when asked to comment on this by a disciple

said it wasn't that MB was a fraud. People just don't understand the nature of

prophecy. There is a plane of possibilites...all the possible events that may

take place, but it's not absolute. It's a rather occult issue that's difficult

for the average person to understand. It's not that every prediction made by a

saint must come true, as it's coming from a certain plane of possibliites.


Ammachi , " amarnath " <anatol_zinc wrote:



> 9 JANUARY 1984

> (Babaji Speaking)


> It is my request that the Health Department (of Hairakhan) should look after

all the people here, so no one loses his good health. Considering the health of

all the people, the Health Minister should take strong measures for their

health. Everyone must accept this rule and go to the hospital when they are

sick; and the doctors must also go and check and visit people.


> You must all advance by taking good care of your health. The fact is, only by

taking good care of your health can you gain success. The fact is, if your

health is not good, how can you do your service? Taking care of your health is

as important as any of the other duties of your life. It is your duty toward

your body. If your body does not work, how will you function and advance?



> Teachings of Babaji--read more at www.babaji.net in the TEACHINGS section!


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I did a google search and found what I was looking for. You can read it below.

Also, ironically I found a post of mine on the Audarya fellowship blog from a

couple of years ago where I talked about this very thing and posted a little

something about Sri Aurobindo and prophecy. I shall post it here as well. I hope

this makes everyone think a little that we should consider the complex nature of

prediction, prophecy, etc and not accept everything as set in stone so readily:


7 JANUARY 1983


During Evening Darshan


In the evening during darshan, Shree Babaji told that soon in America people

will get a form of disease which they will be unable to stop and which will

cause death. Some will vomit themselves to death, still others will bleed to

death from cuts which will not stop bleeding. There is no sure prevention and

there will be no cure. He recommends fasting as the best means of avoidance.


These diseases will spread from America to all parts of the world.


Later that evening Shree Babaji called another devotee and told him that he

should tell people in the area around Haldwani and elsewhere in India, that soon

there would be an epidemic of deadly malaria, impossible to cure. To prevent

this malaria, people should take anti malaria pills every week. He directed that

this announcement should be published in the Haldwani newspapers and also in the



Sri Aurobindo and Prophecy:

So why the predictions that haven't yet materialized? I was recently

re-reading Paul Brunton's " A Search in Secret India " ...written in

the 1930's it created a great sensation. His visits to Meher Baba

were full of doubt, as Baba was extremely erratic in behavior and

even his disciples said that his predictions never came true. Then I

happened upon " Talks with Sri Aurobindo " where he and his inner

circle were discussing Meher Baba, sometimes under name and

sometimes under the guise of X. Here's a part:


S: To go back to X: his action is, as I have said, very erratic,

saying one thing just now, contradicting it the next moment,

prophesying so many things that don't come true.

Sri Aurobindo: That means he is living and acting from the Cosmic

Consciousness. I don't know what realisation he has reached. Perhaps

it is in the vital plane. That is a plane of possibilities. If any

possibility or an idea or suggestion comes to him with some force,

he accepts it. The nature of the vital formations is to present them

with a force. And when another possibility comes with the same

force, X accepts that too so that his prophecies go wrong, become

contradictory and his planning and behavior erratic. This sort of

thing I have known by experience. But the European mind can't

understand it. It calls it all fraud.



Ammachi , " amarnath " <anatol_zinc wrote:



> 9 JANUARY 1984

> (Babaji Speaking)


> It is my request that the Health Department (of Hairakhan) should look after

all the people here, so no one loses his good health. Considering the health of

all the people, the Health Minister should take strong measures for their

health. Everyone must accept this rule and go to the hospital when they are

sick; and the doctors must also go and check and visit people.


> You must all advance by taking good care of your health. The fact is, only by

taking good care of your health can you gain success. The fact is, if your

health is not good, how can you do your service? Taking care of your health is

as important as any of the other duties of your life. It is your duty toward

your body. If your body does not work, how will you function and advance?



> Teachings of Babaji--read more at www.babaji.net in the TEACHINGS section!


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